How To Kill Desperation

End This Attraction Killing Curse

Easy Daily Practice

Many people talk about the scarcity mindset, when it comes to meeting girls.

In general terms, when you don’t have a lot of options, you’re going to place a lot of value on the options you do have. If you’ve been out of work for a while, you’ll take any job, no matter how horrible, so long as you start earning some cash that will keep you off the streets.

If you’re starving, and all you’ve got is a box of crackers, those crackers are going to be the most delicious thing you’ve ever eaten.

With girls, it works the same way. If you haven’t been involved for a while, any interaction you get from a girl is going to make it seem like she’s your only chance for romantic and sexual happiness.

To make it worse, since humans spent a long time living in small groups, your inner caveman is programmed to really believe she may be your only chance.

So speaking in terms of scarcity mindset or abundance mindset is pretty useless unless it’s actually true.

Meaning if you really haven’t had much luck recently, no matter how much you build up your confidence in your mind, she’s going to seem WAY more important to you that she really is. Which means you’ll overanalyze everything, be terrified of upsetting her, and pretty much do anything to please her. None of which are very attractive.

Clearly, this can set up a huge negative feedback loop. The more desperate you act, the less attractive you’ll be, which means you’ll be even LESS likely to find somebody.

What’s the answer? Repeat “sex and romance are abundant” a million times every night?


The simple, easy and straightforward answer is to simply get into the habit of talking to every single cute girl you see.

Or at least making eye contact and smiling at them.

Sure, it may seem hard at first. But if you suck it up and make this a habit, that feeling of desperation will slowly fade.

Pretty soon you will believe, in a deep psychological and instinctive level, that pretty girls really ARE in abundance.

Now, some guys will do this, and then stop when they start dating somebody.

Don’t make this mistake. This isn’t the greatest metaphor, but it’s helpful.

Think of a martial artist. He trains every single day, to prepare for the rare tournament. If he does well in a tournament, does he stop training? Nope. Never.

Think of any relationship you end up in as an ongoing tournament. Not that you’ll be fighting, but that you need to maintain that “abundance mindset” to keep you relaxed, confident and real. Keep away that desperation.

Always be social. Always be outgoing. Make that who you REALLY are, not who you pretend to be.

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