Category Archives: Congruence

How To Get Lucky With Ladies

How To Get Lucky Baby

How To Engineer Luck

Most people think of luck as something that falls from the heavens. A gift from God. Or some leprechaun, or some unicorn that’s giving out skittles. Or whatever.

But luck is something that can be engineered. How? Keep reading.

First, figure out what you want. Most guys don’t really know. They just know they’d like some female companionship, but that’s about it. Which means they wander through life, unsure, and when they see a hottie, they are in “reactive” mode rather than “active” mode.

Which means they are mentally off balance. Taking risks when you’re off balance is difficult, to say the least.

True luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Just walking down the street you’re going to be presented with plenty of opportunities. But without any preparation, you’ll never get lucky.

How do you prepare?

First, choose the kind of girl or girls you are looking for. Age, height, body style, etc., as much as you can. This will narrow down the list.

Then come up with some positive personality and emotional traits that are good, and some that are bad.

Most guys never come close to doing this.

This makes it easier for a couple of reasons. One is that it will take a little pressure off. Right now, without any criteria, any hot girl is going to seem like your heavenly princess.

But with some personality based criteria, having good looks is only enough to get her foot in your door.

So when you approach her, you’re still in “investigating mode.” Meaning you need to find out more about her. You’ll be more confident, and less needy. Both will make you more attractive.

That’s one element of “preparation.”

The next is to simply practice talking to strangers whenever you can. Girls, guys, young people, old people. Whomever you see.

This will build the experience in your mind that “talking to strangers is normal, safe, and ordinary. Sometimes boring, and sometimes exciting.”

As an aside, this is one thing most people are surprised to find out when they start talking to strangers in social settings. Before they can do this, they imagine all kinds of uncomfortable and terrible things.

But when they start doing this, they find out that most people are pretty boring.

Which means it’s pretty safe.

Anyhow, once you’ve got some practice, and some criteria, you’ve got the preparation taken care of.

Then it’s just a matter of bringing your preparation to all the opportunities you find.

And you’ll get lucky.

Just like that.

Essential Mind Tools:

How To Become A Super Confident Seducer

Always See The Big Picture

See The Big Picture

Most guys are conning themselves when they imagine getting with the perfect girl.

When we imagine getting a girl, we imagine it as something that’s given to us, or something that’s earned.

Make no mistake, everybody likes getting rewards or free gifts, especially when there’s a heavenly honey and some fun between the sheets involved.

But in reality, this mindset puts you at a HUGE disadvantage. And truth be told, most men NEVER leave this mindset. That’s why most men, even grown professional men making tons of cash and holding huge positions of importance, still look at their wife as some kind of authority figure.

Especially if they met when they were young, like in their twenties or earlier.

Why is this? Men take a lot longer to “grow up” than women. Even in ancient societies, boys had to be forced into ceremonies where they were transformed from boys into men. If they didn’t go through the ceremony, they’d stay boys their whole lives and be a danger to the tribe.

Why didn’t they do this for girls? Why no ceremonies for turning girls into women?

Because back then, it happened naturally. Having a baby does that to a girl. When you’ve got a little kid who is absolutely desperate for you to keep them alive, it’s kind of hard NOT to “grow up.”

Of course, this isn’t so true any more. But there’s still a lingering “gap” between the maturity level of boys and girls.

Just ask any school teacher.

And when you walk up to a girl in a club with that attitude that she’s got all the goods, and you “hope” that she decides to “give you” some, you’re not doing yourself any favors.

Ideally, you should have such a good life that girls are trying to convince YOU to let THEM in.

Now, this may seem impossible with so many people just barely able to pay the bills.

But the good news is that this comes from the INSIDE, not the money in your bank account.

On a deep psychological level, attraction is triggered by your BELIEF of your own life, and your own potential.

If you need her to be happy, you’re not worth too much to her.

But if you DON’T need her to be happy, she’ll be much more into you. 

Now, most guys are pretty good at pretending or faking this. But they quickly slip back into the beta-male role after a month or two of a relationship.

Which is why girls lose interest a lot in the first few weeks or months. You’ve lost that quality. Or she finds out that quality was fake.

How do you get that quality, on a real and lasting level?

Always see the big picture. If you don’t have huge dreams in your life, get some. It doesn’t matter if they seem a million miles away. Just BELIEVE they will come to you some day, and do things to make that happen. Even small things. Remember, you only need to convince yourself.

So next time you talk to a cutie, or are about to, ask yourself something like this:

“Does the achievement of my life’s dreams depend on this girl? Can she help me achieve them? Or is she just looking for entertainment? Let me go and talk to her and find out if she qualifies.”

Then go and talk to her.

Essential Mind Tools:

Do You Like Driving On Dirt Roads Of The Brain?

Super Highways Of The Brain

Take The Easy Way To Happiness

If you were driving across a few hundred kilometers of land, which routes would you take?

Huge, wide, super highways, or small back roads?

Unless you had plenty of time to kill, and wanted to experience local culture, you’d take the highway.

Generally speaking, when we decide to do anything, we take the shortest route possible. This doesn’t have to involve physical movement.

The idea of “killing two birds with one stone” is embedded deep into our psychology for economic reasons. Every calorie we burn must be accounted for on a microbiological level, so our subconscious minds quickly calculate the least amount of energy needed to get what we want.

Sometimes, though, this doesn’t help us.

Just like real roads, our brains are a collection of superhighways and back roads. Whenever thoughts move around our brains, they take the easiest route.

Unfortunately, the routes that lead to fear are HUGE. This is so we stay safe, no matter where we are, and what we are doing.

Long time ago, our brains decided the most important rule, in all cases, was to not get injured.

This worked great in primitive cultures and environments, but not so much anymore.

Now we get tons of “false positives” when our brains think there’s something to be afraid of when there really isn’t.

This is why so many things that SHOULD be easy aren’t. We know what to do, but for some reason we think it’s hard, or we keep putting it off, or we imagine there’s somebody “out there” that is stopping us.

But here’s the deal. When we build up those back roads, in our brains, so that they are BIGGER than those factory programmed, fear-based super highways, taking action, ANY action will seem easy.

The false images of fear will be removed, and getting what we want will be as easy as baking a cake. (At least if you know how to bake a cake!)

How do you do that? How do you build up those positive, “good feeling” paths in the brain so they are the go-to path for your thoughts?

A combination of mental exercises and hypnosis.

These the basic elements of Belief Change.

When you change those back roads into super highways, you’ll truly believe, on a deep level, that getting whatever you want is easy.

Learn More:

Belief Change

How To Slowly Build Your Own Harem

How To Get Tons Of Girls - No Colored Feathers Required

How To Surround Yourself With Gorgeous Girls

If you want to get a girl to notice you, it’s pretty easy.

Now some guys will go to great lengths to make this happen.

They’ll spend hours a week in the gym. Deprive themselves of their favorite foods so they can get that six pack that allegedly attracts women in droves.

They’ll drop half their paycheck on clothes to hopefully get one or two ladies to turn their heads when they walk in the place.

Some will even wear big goofy hats that you can’t help but notice.

Of course, if you’re a peacock, this works pretty well. But in the world of peacocks the dude just shows up with all the other dudes, and the ladies pick the guy with the brightest feathers.

If this is the way it worked for humans, all those billboards and magazine ads you see wouldn’t be for women’s clothes, they’d be for men’s clothes.

And men would be the ones paying twice as much for dry cleaning, and worrying about what shoes to go with what outfit. 

Luckily, we’re not peacocks. We can do more than change our appearance, and then sit on the bar stool hoping we get noticed.

So, what’s the secret?

Well, you already know this, so it’s not much of a secret.

Walk over there and talk to her!

See, as much as guys pound their chests about how they’re super hero alphas who slay the ladies at every turn, most guys are TERRIFIED of talking to girls. Especially girls they are interested in.

Sure, they do a good job of covering this up, even to themselves.

Some guys even choose entire CAREERS based on the women they think it will get them.

But if you can talk a good game, NONE of that other stuff matters.

And what’s the best way to get good at talking to girls?

Well, this isn’t a trick question. 

Talk to more girls!

Here’s a mind experiment. Really think about this one.

What if you made a commitment right here, right now, to NEVER try and “pick up” a girl.

You NEVER asked for a phone number. You NEVER made any kind of suggestions about getting together.

From now on, no matter what, all you wanted to do was talk to girls and enjoy the conversation, ANY WAY you could.

Now think about this for a minute.

If you were really serious, and decided to NEVER close a girl in any way shape or form, what would happen?

Well, you’d talk to a lot more girls since there would be no pressure, only fun.

Which means you’d get more relaxed.

Which means you’d enjoy their company, and they yours.

And your subconsciously driven, natural feedback loop would kick in. Just like a little kid learns to walk based on natural feedback, your ability to make her laugh, smile and feel good would naturally and consistently improve.

And pretty soon, girls would start closing you. Remember, the ONLY RULE of this “mind experiment” is that you can’t close them. If they close you, and you’re into her, then let her have you.

What would your life be like in six months?

All the girls in your life would be TOTALLY INTO YOU.

You’d never worry about flakes, never worry about how long to wait until she called you back etc.

All the nonsense would take care of itself.

Now ask yourself this honest question:

How much action have you gotten in the last six months?

Would you be willing to do this experiment for the next six months?

Try and see what happens.

Girl Getting Mind Tools:

Three Rules For Creating Attraction

Step By Step Rules To Attraction

How To Create Female Interest

Most guys think too much when thinking about girls.

There’s a lot going on to be sure, but if you over think anything, you can get yourself into trouble.

What very common mistake is to assume that attraction happens on a conscious level.

We’ve all heard that “attraction isn’t a choice” over and over, but many guys still behave like it is.

What do I mean?

They do something, and expect a girl to give them something back. Like doing a business deal, or even buying something at the store.

They buy her a drink, and think she “should” do something, like at least talk to them.

They bring her flowers, and think she “should” let him kiss her.

They have a decent income, and think that girls “should” be attracted to them.

But girls NEVER do anything attraction based because they WANT to, or they CHOOSE to.

Any kind of attraction based behavior is subconscious.

This is hard for guys to understand, because we see girls and we AUTOMATICALLY become attracted to them in a few seconds. If she’s put together, is cute, and is dressed nice, it doesn’t take long.

Girls, on the other hand, take a while to “feel attraction” for a buy.

But just because it takes a while, doesn’t mean it’s a conscious process. It is STILL just as unconscious as a guy’s attraction for a girl.

Which means no matter WHAT you do, she’s NOT going to think, “Hmm, he did this so I should start to like him, and give him some of my feminine energy.”

Nope. Ain’t gonna happen.

No matter WHAT you do, it HAS to be an unconscious response.

If she doesn’t give you any signs of attraction, SHE’S NOT ATTRACTED.

How do you create attraction?

Luckily, there ARE some basic “rules” for guys to create attraction in girls, just like most guys tend to agree what sexually attractive girls look like.

But make no mistake, just like guys have different types, so do girls.

So the first rule is to BE THE SAME throughout your entire interaction.

If you do something that gets her attracted to you, and then change your behavior, she’ll lose that feeling.

The second rule is to take your time. Let her respond to you. 

The third rule is to be able to MEASURE her attraction. Girls may feel really attracted to you, but consciously hold back, for whatever reason.

How can you tell?

Her pupils, how she responds when you touch her, how she responds when you lean into her personal space, if you ask her to come with you (across the room) and she follows right away.

If you’re waiting for her to TELL YOU she’s attracted, you’ll be waiting a long time.

But if you learn to SEE the “symptoms” of attraction, you’ll be surprised.

Essential Mind Tools:

Are You Waiting For Permission?

Press Forward

Why You Should Boldly Press Forward

One of the differences between being a child and being an adult is the idea of “permission.”

When we are very young, we need to ask permission for pretty much everything.

In school, we need permission to speak, to ask questions, sometimes even to go to the bathroom.

The older we get, the more we need to just take action without waiting for approval.

Sometimes, though, we don’t really need permission, but we pretend we do.

We’d like to do something, like walk over there and talk to that interesting person, or start a business, or make a suggestion to our boss.

But we hold back, and tell ourselves it’s because we need “permission.” We say things like, “Oh, they wouldn’t like that.”

Even though we’re fully functioning adults, often times we feel we need prior approval before taking any action that we’re not “supposed” to take.

But as I’m sure you know, those that succeed BIG don’t wait around for permission, or approval, or even validation.

They lead, knowing eventually others will follow.

In pretty much all areas of life, there have been pioneers who have created new products, inventions, types of music and art, medical techniques, and on and on, simply by acting on their own inspiration.

Now, most people are content to be followers. To wait around on the sidelines and watch the leaders and creators take all the risks, and get all the rewards.

They’re content to stay safely in the middle of the pack, where it’s “OK” to follow the herd.

What about you?

What about your ideas? 

Will you wait until you get full permission and approval before you try something new? 

Or will you just boldly go where no one has gone before?

It’s not easy, it’s not guaranteed, and it’s not always safe.

But it’s a LOT more fun that hiding in the middle of a crowd, waiting to be told what to do.

If you’re ready to get started, check this out:

Frame Control

Beware Of Seduction Patterns

Does Paint By Numbers Seduction Really Exist?

Paint By Numbers Pick Up?

There’s a lot of patterns out there that allegedly will help you get laid.

You memorize them, say them in the right order, and suddenly she’ll turn into your willing sex slave.

Now, just for a minute, imagine what the world would be like if this were actually true. First of all, everybody would be getting laid all the time.

It would be like in the movie, “Bruce Almighty,” when Bruce became God, and started answering “Yes!” to everybody’s prayers.

Good news? Everybody won the lottery.

Bad news? Their winnings were only about $1, since everybody won.

If there WAS some kind of magic string of words that would turn girls into raving sex maniacs, no girl would ever leave her house.

She’d be too terrified.

What if you knew that there was a magic set of words that would transfer ALL the money in your bank account into the person who said these magic words?

AND that anybody could learn these magic words on the internet, for free?

You’d keep all your cash in your house, that’s what. 

Simply because girls go out and talk to random guys is proof that magic words simply don’t exist.

Nor do convoluted language patterns and pick up techniques.

Don’t mean to burst your bubble, but if any “paint by numbers” technique existed, it wouldn’t last very long.

So stop looking for what to say, or what to do, and how exactly to use kino.

The secret of success, in ANY AREA, including getting girls, is simple.

Try something.

See what happens.

Did it work? Good. Do more.

No? No sweat. Try something different.

So, why don’t more guys understand this, and use this simple step by step “procedure” to getting laid (or getting whatever?)

It’s in the “try something” phase.

This part requires doing something WITHOUT KNOWING how it will turn out. Most people (let alone guys who want to pick up girls) are absolutely and utterly TERRIFIED of doing this.

So we “pretend” that we just  need to “learn more” or “study more” or whatever other lie we tell ourselves to keep us from getting rejected. Usually this involves us sitting around waiting for somebody to “tell us” what to do.

Milton Erickson, one of the most famous Hypnotherapists of all time (and upon whom most of NLP is based) had this genius “homework session” for one of his clients.

Guy comes in, and says he’s terrified of rejection. He’d like a girlfriend, but he’s terrified of talking to girls. 

What should I do, doc? 

Does Erickson talk about his childhood? His deep feelings about his mom? Does he make him memorize a bunch of language patterns?


Erickson (who had a HUGE success rate only after one or two sessions) merely said this:

“OK, Mr. Client. I promise I can cure you. Do what I say, and you’ll have a girlfriend in no time.”

“Great doc! Thanks! I’ll do anything. What do I do?”

Doc says, “Go out and get rejected ten times, and then come see me next week.”

Client swallows and says OK. He comes back the next week.

“Well,” Doc says, “Did you get rejected ten times?”

“Nope.” Client says, smiling.

“Well, what happened?”

“Well, I got rejected six times, but girl number seven is now my girlfriend.”

See how that works?

Get in the game.

Do You Reference The Right Memories?

How To Control Your Brain

How To Gain Control Of Your Brain

I remember going to my first junior high school dance.

All the guys were on one side, and all the girls were on another.

Both groups went there to meet each other, but both were too scared to make the first move.

Then later on, in high school, I learned that most girls would say “yes” when asked to dance.

After all, it WAS a dance, right?

Of course, sometimes it’s not so easy. People go to clubs, bookstores, coffee shops etc, and don’t exactly want to be approached by strangers, for any reason.

Many people join Network Marketing with hopes of making a lot of cash, but end up not making squat when they realize the name of the game is approaching enough strangers to make a decent living.

To be sure, walking up cold to somebody, for any reason, is not something most of us do naturally.

But not because of what happens, but what we IMAGINE is going to happen.

There was an old movie with Steve Martin called “The Lonely Guy,” and he would imagine going into a restaurant, or other social place, and everybody would stop what they were doing, and all stare at him.

That’s what most of us imagine when we push ourselves out of our social comfort zone.

But most, if not all, of our social fears are false. 

We’re scared of what we think might happen, rather than what really does happen.

One of the reasons is that we’re referencing the wrong memories.

If you don’t take the time to reprogram how you think when going into social situations, your brain will always be in “protection” mode, meaning any uncertainly will be met with anxiety.

That’s just your brain thinking that it’s keeping you safe.

But when you flip the switch, so to speak, so you automatically reference positive memories when you enter into social uncertainty, you’ll feel a lot differently.

Not only that, but you’ll project a much different type of energy.

After all, people that are ultra confident and dynamic in public are only that way because they’ve learned to reference the right memories, either on purpose or by accident. (Usually by accident.)

But when you do a little bit of programming, (5-10 minutes a day) you’ll soon reference those positive memories that are ALREADY THERE.

To learn how, check this out:

Frame Control

Your Inherently Programmed Recipe For Greatness

Build Your Life Any Way You Want

How To Build Any Life You Want

Being able to reverse engineer something is a great talent.

Companies, restaurants, writers, artists, even governments do this all the time.

In fact, copying others and improving on what they are doing is the cornerstone of human advancement.

Ever since the first caveman saw another caveman throw a rock, and thought to himself, “Hmm, great idea, but I think I could do it better…” humans were off to the races.

Of course, some things are easier to copy or “reverse engineer” than others. Some of them are more conscious and some are unconscious.

When you were a kid, before you could walk, learning was simply of watching the adults and trying until you could reproduce what they were doing. Talking was the same. And to an extent, so was writing.

However, if you were an engineer for an electronics company, and they wanted you to reverse engineer your competition’s smart phone, it would be completely conscious.

We can also reverse engineer behavior, but it can be tricky. Often times we copy the external behavior, when it’s the internal state we should be focused on.

For example, if you wanted to copy a world class pianist, it would be foolish to only focus on the clothes they wore, or their posture or even facial expressions as they sat down at the piano.

You’d need to get inside their brain and copy their beliefs, and more importantly, their experiences and memories of practice, which likely is a large factor in their confidence.

Because playing the piano is not a natural human trait, it requires years and years of practice.

But other things, that sometimes seem difficult, ARE natural human traits, and therefore DON’T require years and years of practice.

Anything involving human interaction, communication and persuasion is hard wired into our brains.

Often times all you need is a strong inner state, and you can learn the rest by trial and error, just like you did when you learned to walk.

Because of your strong confidence and self belief, you’ll naturally interact with others in a way that will help you get exactly what you not.

Not only that, but it will seem to others like it was THEIR idea to give it to you.

This is what happens when you demonstrate that strong inner frame. That frame where you tell yourself (just like when you were a kid), “I can do this,” no matter what.

How do you get this frame?

By doing a set of mental activities (much like mental exercise) and switching how you view yourself, and the world.

To learn how, click this:

Frame Control

Do You Underestimate Your Instincts?

The Ancient Power Within

Ancient Powers Lie Within

Most of us overestimate the power of our conscious minds.

Not only that, but we underestimate the power of our instincts.

This isn’t easy for a lot people to hear, but it can be very useful to understand.

For example, if you’ve ever “cheated” on a diet, you know EXACTLY how powerful your instincts are.

After all they have been part of us for millions of years, and they deal with real world survival on a very real level.

When our instincts are telling us to eat, “they” really believe we are in danger if we don’t.

Which is why dieting by willpower alone is virtually impossible.

Fear of heights is another example. This is a natural born fear that exists deep in our programming. Try leaning over the edge of a high balcony and using your conscious mind to remove the fear.

These are a couple of instincts (fear and food) that we know and feel. Others are much more hidden beneath the surface.

Think about the last time you “cheated” on a diet, or promised yourself you weren’t going to eat or drink something, but you did anyway. Just before you ate it, you likely told yourself some “story” that sounded “logical” at the time.

But since you saw clear evidence of what you were doing, it’s easy to see this was just a rationalization.

But when we rationalize other instincts that we don’t acknowledge, we really tend to believe the rationalization as if it’s the real reason driving our behavior, and not the underlying instinct.

Which can get us into a lot of trouble. We end up saying, “Well, it sounded like a good idea at the time.”

What this really means is our instincts were driving our behavior, and our rationalizations for that behavior seemed logical enough.

Because we are deeply social creatures, two of the most powerful instincts that tend to operate outside of our conscious awareness are social proof and authority.

People that are in positions of authority can say the craziest things, and people will believe them as if they’re self-evident logic.

The strange thing about authority is that it’s not something that can be given to you. It has to be something that you simply assume to be true.

And since 99.99% of the people would be TERRIFIED of taking any kind of leadership role, assuming that position is pretty easy.

Naturally, this is like any other tool. You can use it for good, or you can use it for evil.

You can lead people to happiness, pleasure and wealth, or doom and despair. It’s completely up to you.

Where will you lead them?

Learn more:

Frame Control