Are You Waiting For Permission?

Press Forward

Why You Should Boldly Press Forward

One of the differences between being a child and being an adult is the idea of “permission.”

When we are very young, we need to ask permission for pretty much everything.

In school, we need permission to speak, to ask questions, sometimes even to go to the bathroom.

The older we get, the more we need to just take action without waiting for approval.

Sometimes, though, we don’t really need permission, but we pretend we do.

We’d like to do something, like walk over there and talk to that interesting person, or start a business, or make a suggestion to our boss.

But we hold back, and tell ourselves it’s because we need “permission.” We say things like, “Oh, they wouldn’t like that.”

Even though we’re fully functioning adults, often times we feel we need prior approval before taking any action that we’re not “supposed” to take.

But as I’m sure you know, those that succeed BIG don’t wait around for permission, or approval, or even validation.

They lead, knowing eventually others will follow.

In pretty much all areas of life, there have been pioneers who have created new products, inventions, types of music and art, medical techniques, and on and on, simply by acting on their own inspiration.

Now, most people are content to be followers. To wait around on the sidelines and watch the leaders and creators take all the risks, and get all the rewards.

They’re content to stay safely in the middle of the pack, where it’s “OK” to follow the herd.

What about you?

What about your ideas? 

Will you wait until you get full permission and approval before you try something new? 

Or will you just boldly go where no one has gone before?

It’s not easy, it’s not guaranteed, and it’s not always safe.

But it’s a LOT more fun that hiding in the middle of a crowd, waiting to be told what to do.

If you’re ready to get started, check this out:

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