Why You Should Love Rejection

Rejection Is Your Fastest Path To Success

Rejection Is Essential To Success

A lot of guys have a common problem with women.

And that is that they are waiting for some kind of obvious “green light” that tells them it’s OK.

This is normal. Nobody likes taking risks. We’d all love some perfect step by step method that is guaranteed to work. Some paint by the numbers system that gets us whatever we want, especially affection from gorgeous girls, without every having to put it on the line.

The trouble is that NOTHING is certain. All action requires risk. Sure, some actions are so LOW in risk they seem risk free. Things like ordering a pizza, going to the toilet in the middle of the night, or anything else simple and routine that we do over and over again.

But the simple truth of reality is that we absolutely cannot predict the future. 

It’s very common to be sitting there on the couch or in the bar talking to the girl of your dreams, and wondering whether or not you should make a move. And many guys DON’T make a move, and later claim that it was because they weren’t getting the right signals.

This is utter nonsense.

Let’s take a step back and see this from a scientific and biological perspective.

If a guy makes a move, and gets shot down, he’s going to feel like crap. BUT it won’t likely affect his social standing.  Think about one of your buddies right now. Now imagine him making a move (not an obscene or illegal move) and getting shot down. Politely shot down, not some girl screaming bloody murder.

Now, how do you feel about him after imagining that he tried and got shot down? Is he a social outcast? Is he some pariah to be avoided? Are the guys going to suddenly stop talking when he comes around, and look around in an uncomfortable silence?

Nope. If anything, he’ll get more props for trying.

Now imagine if a girl gave clear and obvious signs that she wants to be kissed. And SHE gets shot down.

What would happen to her reputation? What would her friends say? What would happen if she were known as the girl who throws herself at guys?

You know what would happen. Every girl who knew her (and every guy) would suddenly use different adjectives to describe her. (Easy, for example.)

So if you are waiting for a girl to make it obvious she wants you to kiss her, or touch her, or ask for her number, you’re going to be waiting a long time.

Not fair? Maybe not. But so what?

If you want success, you’re going to have to make a move. A risky move.

As the great founder of Sony once said, “If you want to double your success rate, simply double your failure rate!”

Now go out there and get shot down!

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