Category Archives: Congruence

How To Get Her To Follow You Anywhere

Create Massive Attraction

Be A Leader First

How you deal with frame tests will make or break your game.

Most guys are terrible at this. At the first sign of trouble, they eject, run home, write some post on their favorite forum about how girls are evil, and they shouldn’t behave the way they do, and get all kinds of positive support and feedback from a world filled with keyboard jockeys.

Now, think about this from a female perspective. Most guys never do this. Most guys think of “women” in the abstract, and expect them to behave in a certain way, and then they get all butt hurt when they don’t.

Don’t Expect A Pushover

Imagine a woman moving through the world. She wants a strong leader. She wants somebody who will make her feel safe. She wants somebody who will “softly” overpower her frame, with respect and kindness.

She DOESN’T want some guy who’s going to expect her to behave in a certain way, they get emotionally wounded when she doesn’t.

She is hard wired to shake your frame any way she can, just to make sure you’re the real deal. The STRONGER your frame, the STRONGER her attraction for you. The ONLY way she will know if your frame is strong is if she tests it.

Crude Example

Think of a blind guy going to a bar. He only likes girls with big boobs, so he’s got to cop a feel whenever possible to qualify of disqualify girls. Now, he won’t just reach out and grab them, that would get him slapped. So he’ll talk to her, touch her shoulder, and eventually rub up against her boobs with his arm or something.

When a girl talks to a guy, she’s got the same disadvantage. She’s got to “feel out” your frame. She can’t tell by looking, and she can’t tell by surface structure conversation. She’s got to rattle you a bit, and see how you respond.

How do you prepare for this? Practice verbal flexibility. Practice choosing an outcome, an intention for the conversation, and gently steer it back to that intention no matter WHERE the conversation goes.

Language Ninja

That way, no matter WHAT she says, you’ll just see it is a short detour, and then get back on track.

Every time you steer the conversation back on track, she’ll follow you, and any time a girl follows a guy, physically, conversationally, or metaphorically, that spells attraction.

How do you learn how to do this?

Here’s How:

How To Talk Your Way To Attraction

How To Create Attraction

Words Are All You Need

The secret of attraction is keeping her interested, and slightly unsure.

If she’s not interested, she’s just being polite until you leave her alone.

If she’s not unsure, meaning if she knows what you’re all about, there’s no mystery, and she can pretty much predict what you’re going to say next, then she may be interested, but most likely you’ll end up in the friend zone.

Do Both At Once

Luckily, there’s a great way to kill two birds with one stone. Keeping her interested AND on the edge of her seat.

That way, she will be paying full attention to what you’re saying, and she won’t want you to leave.

How do you do this?

Step By Step

First, think of some stories of things that happened to you. Real things. The content, or topic of the stories isn’t important. What IS important is the underlying emotions of the story. Choose three or four, and choose ones that have different emotional “themes.”

Excitement, surprise, discovery, sadness, etc.

When you tell them, make sure YOU are animated. Use wide ranging facial expressions, gestures, etc.

Again, it does not matter what the content of the story is. If you FEEL the emotions and EXPRESS the emotions while you’re telling the story, so will she.

Keep Her Guessing

The second piece is to always change stories, before you finish the one you’re talking about. DON’T tell stories in a linear fashion. Start a story, build up some tension, and then switch to another story like nothing happened.

This will spin her mind in all kinds of directions. She will be filled with swirling emotions, and since you’ll leave her hanging with each and every transition, she won’t be able to get her mind off you.

The great thing is this same technique works in person, on the phone, and even in texts.

Texting Secrets

In texts, you’ve got to make the “stories” much, much shorter, but the technique is the same. Half finished, emotionally charged ideas to leave her hanging and wondering.

And ANYTIME a girl is wondering about YOU when you’re not around, that spells MASSIVE ATTRACTION in her mind.

There’s a whole collection of language and covert hypnosis techniques you can use to send her desire for YOU through the roof.

Doesn’t matter who you are, what your experience, or how much money you’ve got.

Even if you don’t have a job, with these techniques, you can easily talk you way into almost any girls pants.

Learn More:

Your Emotional Power For Consistent Attraction Generation

Moving Emotions Are The Fastest Way To Attraction

Moving Emotions Is Essential

No matter HOW you create attraction, being able to create emotions is absolutely necessary.

They can either be HER emotions, YOUR emotions (that she’ll naturally mirror) or the emotions of your location (which you’ll both naturally mirror), but emotions are absolutely necessary.

Now, emotions get a bad rap, especially among guys who are trying really hard to appear “alpha.”

Don’t Be James Bond

After all, the stereotypical “alpha” in the movies is the cold hearted tough guy who never shows any emotions, never lets his guard down, and never allows himself to get close.

It’s crucial to understand that all these “movie alpha’s” are characters dreamed up by writers. And if you’ve met a guy who writes for a living, these guys don’t have that much experience with picking up girls.

All THEY know is what they in the movies, or read in books. It’s more of a marketing thing than anything else.

Avoid Hollywood Alpha Stereotypes

Most guys aren’t alpha, so most guys are drawn to the tough, “beat ’em up” type guy in the movie, since it’s easy to imagine themselves in their place.

Imagine killing a whole army of enemies with a pocket knife is somehow easier to imagine being emotionally present which is absolutely necessary if you want to create REAL attraction.

Sure, you’ve got to be strong, have a dominant frame, but you still need to be a human, and be able to tell stories that make her laugh and get those funny feelings in her tummy.

Touchy Feely

The simplest way to do that is simply embrace your own emotions. Now, this may sound pretty lame, as the term “emo” is a derogatory term for guys who are too “in touch” with their emotions.

But in reality, guys that are stereotypically “emo” are only in touch with SOME of their emotions. Usually neediness, victimhood, and other “dark” emotions.

But when you fully embrace ALL your emotions, including FANTASTIC emotions like happiness, excitement, adventure, curiosity, leadership, connection (not just with her but with all people) then you will become INCREDIBLY attractive.

Storytelling With Emotions

Just learn to tell stories and talk about things that move through all these emotions, and she’ll willingly go along for the BEST ride of her life.

To make it even MORE powerful, learn to embed your emotional stories and conversations with powerfully persuasive language patterns, which will make you more charismatic and magnetic than EVER.

Learn More:

How To Easily Leverage Social Proof For Massive Attraction

Massive Social Proof

Want To Make It Easier To Approach?

Here’s one frame that can help approaching seem a lot easier.

One way to increase your attractiveness when talking to girls is to covertly refer to previous success with girls.

On the one hand, no girl really likes a hard core, pump-n-dump, “player,” but no girl really likes a guy who has ZERO experience.

For one thing, if a guy has ZERO experience, and he’s older than 13, there’s usually a reason. Kind of like people are kind of leery of going into a restaurant at dinner time when there are NO other customers.

We need a certain degree of social proof before we do anything.

So, how do you leverage whatever social proof you’ve got?

Use The Past

One way is to refer to previous conversations you’ve had with other girls.

But make sure do so in kind of a vague way, so she’ll have to fill in the blanks.

For example, if you say something like this:

“That’s funny. That reminds me of this girl I tried to pick up yesterday but totally shut me down, and before she shut me down she said she like spaghetti too!”

Obviously, this won’t work so well. But you can use this SAME conversation (the one where you got shut down) like this:

“That’s funny, Stacey said she likes spaghetti, too! What’s your favorite kind of sauce?”

See the difference?

Leave Them Guessing

The first example, everything’s laid out, and she knows EXACTLY what went down.

However, in the second example, she will have to imagine you and “Stacey” and she’ll usually imagine something a lot better than what really happened.

If she asks, “Who’s Stacey?”

Just say something equally vague:

“Oh, just this girl I know.”

Vague Truth Is The Best

Which is absolutely true, and she’ll be imagining all kinds of stuff between you and “Stacey,” giving you all kinds of social proof.

So next time you’re out and about, and you see some girl, no matter WHAT happens, so long as you get her name, you can use her to boost your social proof.

If you get more than her name, then that’s a bonus!

To learn more powerfully effective techniques from covert hypnosis to get all the girls you want, check this out:

Are You Fully Awake Yet?

Become Fully Awake

What Are You After?

Many people feel as if there is one more “thing” they need to accomplish.

Like there’s something just of reach, and as soon as we “get it,” everything in life will suddenly “click” and fall into place.

Doesn’t matter if this is a relationship, a 10% raise, another child, or just five more pounds, it seems that we’re always in a state of “almost there.”

Just one more thing, one more achievement, and we’ll FINALLY be done.

Well, here’s a secret most people don’t want to hear.

We’re NEVER done.

We Are Nomad

Humans are hard wired, on a very deep and ancient level, to ALWAYS feel as if we need just a little bit more.

It doesn’t matter how much you’ve already achieved, you will ALLWAYS want just a little bit more.

This is completely normal, natural and expected.

Now, you may think the ideal life is NOT having any desires, and being completely happy with what you have. But that is pretty boring. I mean REALLY boring.

If you’ve ever achieved a really, really big goal that you’ve been going after for a while, you know this.

When you finally achieve it, it feels pretty good.

OK, Now What?

But then the excitement starts to fade. Then you might feel that inevitable “let down” feeling. That energy and motivation that kept pushing and pulling you forward is now gone, and there’s nothing to fill the gap.

Pretty soon the let down turns to boredom, and if you’re like any other normal human, you soon set your sights on something BIGGER.

Only when you fully commit to going after THAT, do you feel alive again.

Back On Track!

This is what it means to “live on purpose.” This is what it means to be “awake.” This is what it means to live consciously, instead of sleepwalking through life.

The PURSUIT of goals is where it’s at, NOT in the achieving them.

Learning, growing, pursuing.

Live on purpose. Set your mind on fire. Fully utilize your skills.

Learn More:

Discover Your Natural Game For Easy Attraction

Easy Attraction Confidence

Have Some Fun

Do you enjoy girls?

I know, silly question. But is it?

Most guys don’t really enjoy girls. Or they do, but only in certain situations. Like their bedrooms.

They look out into the sea of feminine beauty and see nothing but obstacles and barriers to their success.

You Mad Bro?

Some guys look at girls and actually get angry, as they imagine all their “failures” from the past, and project that into the future.

They’ve already “rejected” themselves before they even approach.

On the other hand, there are naturals. Are they naturals because of their success rate? Or is it something deeper.

Consider this.

When a natural looks out into the sea of girls, he sees massive potential for massive pleasure.

But this pleasure doesn’t just come in the bedroom.

Happiness On Every Level

This pleasure comes from flirting with them, talking to them, touching them, and sometimes even seducing them.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the concept, “detach from outcome,” right?

Some guys, (a lot of guys) misinterpret this. They see this as some kind of self-deceptive con to help them get to the prize, which is up in between her legs.

They see that as the ONLY desired outcome, and the “detach from outcome” is only a mind trick to keep them from getting nervous.

This is absolutely the wrong way to look at it.

What’s a better way?

Relax And Enjoy Yourself

Actually detach from outcome. Not as a mind trick, but as a way of life (at least when talking to girls).

The easiest way to “detach” from outcome is to simply not have an outcome.

Just see girls as a group of people, or an individual, to simply be enjoyed, no matter WHAT happens.

Here’s another one I’m sure you’ve heard: “The road is better than the inn.”

Which of course means that traveling to a destination is usually better than the destination, either metaphorically or real.

So forget about trying to get laid. Forget about getting her phone number. Forget about even getting her name.

All that WILL happen naturally, when you approach the situation naturally.

Just enjoy her. Let nature take it’s course.

One thing that will REALLY help is the mindset of a natural learner. Not only with girls, but with life.

Learn More:

The Secret Girl Laboratory

Science of Seduction

It’s Always A Numbers Game

You can beat the race, but you can’t beat the races.

My dad used to say that about the racetrack. Meaning you might get an inside “angle” on any particular race, where you know something that nobody else does, giving you a clear advantage, but over the long haul, the racetrack will ALWAYS come out ahead.

It’s based on statistics, human behavior, and the “juice” so the owners will ALWAYS have an income stream.

With girls, it’s the complete opposite.

More Girls Than You Imagine

Meaning you might get rejected by the girl, but it’s impossible to get rejected by GIRLS.

Sure, that one hottie may tell you to take a hike when you try your latest and greatest pick up line, but so what?

Hold Off On The Chanting

At last count, there were more than 7 BILLION people on Earth. It’s not like if she (whoever SHE is) shuts you down, you have to join a monastery.

The secret to getting plenty of action, just the way you want it, is to see it ALL as a learning process.

You don’t have to go balls to the wall, and ask every girl who makes eye contact with you to marry you.

Just do whatever you’re comfortable with, and go just a little bit further.

If you’re comfortable making quick eye contact, and that’s it, that’s perfectly fine.

Slightly Push The Boundaries

Just practice holding it for a bit longer, and see what happens. Some girls will look down and away (good) while others will look away sideways (not so good).

When that gets easy, start smiling. Some girls will smile back, some won’t. So what? Next, just start saying “hi” to the girls that smile. Some will say “hi” back, some won’t. So what?

Just keep going. See yourself as a mad scientist experimenting on the female population.

See your bedroom as the ultimate laboratory, and every social interaction is part of your own vast selection and screening process.

See the world filled with girls as a HUGE opportunity to become a lifetime learner of seduction.

Eyes On The Prize

Even if you’re only looking for ONE special girl, this is still valid. Once you’re in THAT relationship, just use THAT as your laboratory.

So long as you’re learning with an eye on always improving, you CANNOT FAIL.

If you want to accelerate your process by unleashing the natural learner within, check this out:

How To Generate Irresistible Passion In Her

Generate Unlimited Passion and Desire

Power Of Language

Girls love a guy who can talk a good game.

Not seductively, or using any kind of secret language patterns designed to get her out of her panties, but somebody who can speak in a certain way.

What way?

There’s two crucial elements. One is that you speak with passion. Now, that sounds like of vague, so let me explain. What it means is simply to really care about what you’re passionate about. (Just never actually use the word “passion,” or “passionate,” OK?)

Like What You’re Talking About

If she sees that you are into what you’re talking about, she’ll be into it to. This means don’t be shy about letting your emotions show through your language.

Stress certain syllables, stretch out certain vowels, and use a lot of clear facial expressions.

(Hint: Don’t talk like a robot).

The second thing is to describe things in vivid detail. Colors, shapes, smells, use as many sense words as you can.

Structure vs. Content

Remember, girls aren’t attracted to you BECAUSE of what you’re talking about, they’re attracted to you by HOW you’re talking about it.

ESPECIALLY if you’re talking about regular stuff. Not stuff like skydiving, or going spelunking in Russia.


Because most girls have average self esteem. Not high, not low, average. (Just like most guys are of average height, etc.) And if you’re talking about how you fought off two grizzly bears in the Klondike with a banana, she’s going to feel like she can’t compete.

But if you’re talking about how a cricket woke you up and you went on a ninja seek and destroy mission to find it and assassinate it, she’ll be into you.

Go Easy On The Crickets

NOT because you’re a cricket killer. But because you get excited about mundane things, and make them interesting.

Life is filled with mundane things. If YOU can make mundane things sound exciting, she’ll want to tag along.

But it’s much deeper than that.

Most girls think THEY THEMSELVES are mundane things. (As do most guys).

Which means if you can get jazzed up about every day stuff, she’ll assume, on an unconscious level, that you can get jazzed up about her.

It’s All Unconscious

Understand this will ALL happen on an unconscious level. She won’t know WHY she’s suddenly feeling that funny feeling in her tummy, but she will be.

So forget about trying to impress her with heroic stories of dragon slaying. Let loose your emotions and learn to share them with passion and descriptive language.

You can learn more by studying this program that will teach you how to reach into your brain and make life come alive in new and exciting ways.

Learn More:

The Problems Of Underestimating Intelligence

Intelligence Is More

Random TV Wisdom

The other night I was flipping through Netflix looking for something to watch, and I came across “Lost.”

If you’ve never seen it, it’s about a group of people stuck in an island after a plane crash, but the island has got all kinds of messed up magical stuff about it.

Anyhow, when it first came out, I watched the first season or so, and then lost interest. And then for some reason I watched the very last five or six episodes (the whole show ran for six years) just to see how they’d resolve it.

This Will NEVER Work!

So being a bit curious, I looked up the show’s info online. As it turned out, it almost never got off the ground. The studio exec who thought up the idea was told, again, and again, that it was too “dense.”

Meaning it was too complicated, too cerebral, too many overlapping stories intersecting in too many places.

But it turned out to be a HUGE success. A show they thought people weren’t intelligent enough to “get” or enjoy.

People Are Smarter Than You Think

I had a girlfriend once that would always do that with her friends when they went to see movies. My girlfriend felt she needed to “explain” all the seemingly complicated plot twists while they were happening.

She didn’t think her friends would “get them” otherwise.

Bottom line is that people are MUCH smarter than we give them credit for. I know it’s pretty popular (and easy), especially online to think that only “we” get it, or see things they way they REALLY are, and everybody is a drooling, mouth breathing idiot, but the truth is that people are pretty smart.

Including YOU.

Now it’s one thing to underestimate the intelligence of others. It may keep you from getting your ideas fully out there (because you may think nobody will understand them) or you may annoy your friends at the movies, but one of the BIGGEST mistakes you can make in life is to underestimate YOUR OWN intelligence.

You’re So Money And You Don’t Even Know It!

Because the simple truth is that YOU are capable of MUCH MORE than you think you are.

Even if you spend you entire life creating massive accomplishment after massive accomplish, you still haven’t even scratched the surface of your real potential.

Isn’t it time to find out what you can really do?

Learn More:

How To Shop For Her Emotions

Talk Your Way Into Her Heart

Feelings Are Everything

No matter how you get a girl interested in you, you’ve got to get her emotions fired up.

You can either plan to do this, or hope to do this.

Most guys hope. Meaning they do things that they hope will inspire the “right” combination of emotions in her, which she’ll “hopefully” interpret as “attraction.”


If you’re super old school, you may go on a “date,” and buy her dinner, give her flowers, shower her with compliments. These are all designed to trigger those emotions in her, that she’ll interpret subconsciously attraction.

One way you will SURELY fail is if you think she’s going to make some CONSCIOUS decision, based on what you’ve done.

Like if you show up with flowers, and you expect her to suddenly “like you” as if she could choose to like you.


This would be the same as having a three year old kid, and spending an hour cooking him or her a broccoli and cabbage pie. You think that BECAUSE you put in the effort, that your kid should suddenly think that broccoli and cabbage pie is delicious.

Trust me, the only reason they’ll eat it is to stop you from screaming at them.

Girls (and guys) are NO different. Attraction ISN’T a choice, but even though most guys KNOW this, they act like it’s not true.

Feeling Come From The Subconscious

But the harsh, bottom line truth is if she’s NOT feeling you, she’s NOT feeling you.

Nobody is going to eat broccoli because you CONVINCED THEM to like it. They are ONLY going to eat it if they already like it.

Back on point.

If you want to create attraction, you can only do so by creating the right combination of emotions.

Not only that, but you’ve got to create them on the sly. Most of the time, this happens by accident. A girl just “feels” a guy, and a guy just “feels” a girl.

But you CAN engineer these emotions.


Just move her through several positive emotions (happiness, excitement, discovery, surprise) and a couple of negative ones (fear, shock, anxiety) over the course of twenty or thirty minutes.

Keep It On The Down Low

Just DON’T EVER tell her you’re doing this.

Now, it can be hard to keep track of all these emotions, but they are plenty of mental tricks that can help.

You can literally see an imaginary checklist behind her if you train your mind right.

Then as you’re talking to her, and you see her move through those emotions, you simply check one off your list, and move on to the next.

Just like going shopping.

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