Category Archives: Intention

How To Define Your Life

Choose Your Destiny Of Your Life

Become Master Of Your Destiny

What is the secret of life?

That all depends.

In order to understand the secret of anything, we’ve got to first understand what that “thing” is, and what it means.

For example, what’s the secret of cake?

It all depends on what you’re doing with the cake. Are you making it? Eating it? Baking it? Decorating it? Smashing it into somebody’s face?

All actions regarding cake would have different secrets. If you’re eating it, the secret might be to use a spoon, and not let it touch the ice cream.

But different cake eaters would have different secrets. Some folks might like to mix it with the ice cream in a bowl, and eat it with their fingers.

Obviously, since we can’t really come to a widespread agreement of the secret of eating cake, how the heck are we supposed to uncover the secret of life?

While there’s certainly no secret that will apply to everybody, there IS a secret that will apply to you.

Again, this requires that you come up with what “life” means to you.

What do you want out of it?

How will you know when you get it?

What are the constraints? (e.g. “I want to make a lot of money without cheating or stealing or deceiving anybody”).

The better you define “your life” the more likely you’ll find the secret to making it happen.

Unfortunately, most people don’t even know they have this power.

They are content to let others do their thinking for them. To tell them what’s important, and what’s not. To tell them when they’re doing a good job, and when they aren’t. To tell them when they’re successful, and when they aren’t.

How about you?

Are you content to take what you’ve been given? Or do you want something more?

Do you want to not only define life on your terms, but also define when you’re successful?

Are you willing to take ownership of your life, and everything in it?

Most people are too terrified to even contemplate this.

The truth is that the world will respond to your own definition of our own life.

If you are content to let others handle it for you, the world will comply.

If you demand you create your own life, on your terms, the world will comply.

This is the one secret most people will never know.

It all starts with your inner mind.

How you see yourself, how you see the world, and how you define your place in it.

This will help:

Belief Change

How To Get Science On Your Side

Science Can Solve Anything

Back Off Man, I’m A Scientist!

There’s a lot of new-agey type stuff that sounds pretty good, but also can be pretty useless.

I used to love the TV show, “X-Files,” primarily because in almost every episode, there was always both a scientific explanation, and a parapsychology explanation for what had happened.

One guy was chasing UFO’s and was always explaining things in terms of alien conspiracies.

His partner was an M.D. and was always explaining everything in terms of medical science.

Whenever it comes to things like law of attraction, personal achievement, or anything  similar, we MUST hold these ideas to the same standards.

Of course, EVERYTHING must be explained by science. Not necessarily science we can understand, but some kind of repeatable, scientific principles.

If we don’t believe in science, then we’re pretty much at the mercy of the gods of randomness.

And since the laws of physics, chemistry and biology appear to be pretty consistent, relying on randomness might not be a good idea.

On the other hand, sometimes science is so confusing that the best we can do is rely on over simplified metaphors to help us understand the underlying structure.

Unfortunately, if we get the metaphor “wrong” we may end up looking in the wrong place.

Sometimes we get stuck with a metaphor not because we think it will work, but because it sounds good, makes us feel special, and makes it seem like we don’t have to take any risks, or face any potential failure.

But as Dale Carnegie famously said, “The sure thing boat never gets too far from shore.”

This, of course, is a metaphor that describes life. If you insist in any proof or guarantee, you aren’t going to accomplish much.

Another famous “Carnegie-ism” is that “If you want the sweet fruit, you’ve got to go out on a limb.” Meaning if you are safely hugging the trunk of the tree, you won’t be able to reach very far.

Since most people are too terrified to go out on the thin branches, there’s not much within an arms reach of safety.

One of these metaphysical type statements is “When You Believe It, You’ll See It.”

What does this mean?

Now, most people think the opposite. They wait for proof, or a guarantee, and won’t believe anything unless they see it written up in the latest scientific journals.

But humans are very, very good at conning ourselves.

We see things that aren’t there, and we don’t see things that are right in front of us.

Cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias are just a couple of scientific examples that show this is true.

But think of what this means.

All those things you WISH were true CAN be true. All you’ve got to do is believe they are, THEN you will see the evidence.

Allowing YOU to get whatever you want.

Learn How:

Belief Change

Do You Depend On Imaginary Forces?

Stop Doing This

Take Responsibility

Most of us have common fears and desires.

We’d like more money than we’ve got, and we’d like our relationships to be a little bit better.

Most of us would like to lose a few pounds, and maybe move to a nicer place.

It’s also pretty common to think of these as “out of our control.”

I remember a long time ago I was watching a post game interview of a baseball player whose team had just been eliminated from the playoffs.

What struck me was the lack of responsibility in his language. The words and phrases he was using suggested there was some larger force that kept them from winning.

Now, most professional players don’t talk like this. When they give post game interviews after big losses, they say things like, “WE couldn’t get any hits,” or “WE had trouble getting on the board,” or “OUR defense just fell apart.”

One of the things you’ll learn if you study hypnosis is the things people are hiding underneath their speech. 

Even simple things, like meeting people, can be made to sound out of our control.

For example, when heading out socially, we say things like, “I hope I meet somebody tonight.”

But when you think about it, meeting somebody is TOTALLY under your control. You see somebody interesting, you walk up, you introduce yourself, and you exchange names.

Think about if you talked about eating like this.

“I hope I can find some food.”

Maybe if you live in a cave and you’re going out with your bow and arrow, but not if you live in a modern (or even semi-modern) world with fast food and convenience stores everywhere.

Why are some things easy, and some things hard?

Is meeting people (or getting a better job or making more money) really any different than buying some food?

You want something, and you’ve got to interact with others to get it.

The only real difference is the meaning we put on things.

It’s our perceptions that make them seem difficult, not the things themselves.

Once you change your inner filters and windows through which you interpret the world, it will seem a lot easier.

Learn How:


How To Become A Mesmerizing Leader

Become A King Of The World

Jack Up Your Social Status

Every morning I go for a walk, very early.

There’s a park a pass through, and it’s always filled with “dog people.”

These are also people that walk early with their dogs.

They meet up in the park and socialize in the wee morning hours. It’s funny how the dogs interact when they meet each other, especially if it’s the first time.

They approach carefully, sniff each other, walk around each other in careful circles.

There’s a common phrase called “The Pecking Order,” which refers to somebody’s place in their social group.

It comes from chickens. These scientists noticed that a group of chickens would always eat in the same order whenever they dumped a bunch food in their cage. Other animals would fight every single time, but these chickens would always eat in the same order. This is why they called it the “Pecking Order.”

Whenever they did introduce somebody into the mix, they would mix it up a bit, to find where that new member fit into the pecking order. But once they had it figured out, it was business as usual. Food would come, and they would eat in their own self-determined order.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that humans behave in EXACTLY the same way. This makes perfect sense since we are social creatures.

And as social creatures, we will ALWAYS organize ourselves into hierarchies.

Funny thing is we do this quickly, and pretty much subconsciously. Anytime you walk into a room, you add yourself to the mix. Everybody quickly senses where they stand, and it’s back to work.

Any time there’s a change in group structure, this happens, whether we like it or not.

Eat or Be Eaten

Eat Or Be Eaten

And if you’re NOT projecting strong confidence and social presence, you ARE going to get discounted. People will check you out, assume  you’re not a threat, and then see you as another faceless member of the group.

This is what they mean by “First Impressions.” They often happen quickly, subconsciously, and before anybody ever says a word.

If you are in any kind of business where you need to approach people, or if you’re ever in situations where you’d like to approach strangers and build good relationships, it’s crucial that you get a handle on this skill.

The harsh truth about being humans is that because we ARE social animals, no matter where you go, there will be followers, and there will be a leader.

Now if you are content to be a follower, that’s fine. Most people are. Most people are terrified to step up and claim the leadership position. It’s scary, and there’s a lot of pressure.

But there are also ENORMOUS benefits.

If you want some, check this out:

Frame Control

The Mystery and Myth of Intention

Do You Set And Forget Your Dreams?

Do You Set It And Forget It?

Everybody knows about “intention,” right?

It’s one of those things you need to do to get whatever you want.

Set an intention, as they say, and all your dreams will come true.

Some even treat this mysterious thing as some kind of magic gumball machine. You “think” of an “intention,” set it, and forget it.

Like all you need to do is put your intention “out there” and some kind of universal wish-fulfillment center will deliver it right into your hands.

As you can guess, when many people “set an intention” all they’re really doing is putting voice to a wish.

Here’s the thing. Setting an intention is hard wired into every human. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to take any action, even going to the toilet in the middle of the night, if you weren’t able to “set an intention.”

Before your body gets up and starts moving, it needs to know where it’s going, and what it wants. Which means the whole time your stumbling to the bathroom in the dark in the middle of the night, your brain is measuring your current “state” and comparing that to your “intention.”

Grab and HOLD Your Power

How You Hold It Is Crucial

So saying that you need to “set an intention” to achieve anything is pretty self-evident. It’s like saying in order to breathe, you need to take air in and out of your lungs. No kidding.

What’s NOT so clear is specifically HOW to set an intention. And even more importantly, how to HOLD an intention.

You may have an intention that’s strong enough to get started, but you suddenly lose all willpower when you run into trouble.

Everybody and their sister has an intention to lose weight. Some even get started. But very few follow through.

Plenty of guys have intentions of going over there and talking to that pretty girl. But what happens when she has the intention of getting rid of you as quickly as possible?

Just like Newton’s Second Law of Mechanics, some intentions are met with an equal and opposite intention.

You may have an intention of knocking on some strangers door to sell them a vacuum cleaner, but they’ve got an even stronger intention of watching their favorite TV show. And they’ve got home field advantage.

Obviously, having an intention is not enough. If you want to get anywhere in life, you’ve got to set a clear intention. You’ve got to set a strong intention. And you’ve got to HOLD your intention no matter what.

Learn How:

Frame Control