Category Archives: Kundalini

Are You Resisting The Flow of Life?

Open To The Flow Of Life

Open Up

In physics, there’re many different kinds of equilibrium.

The term equilibrium itself can mean many different things in many different instances.

But it basically means “balance.”

When I was in high school, I was on the track team as a pole-vaulter. Me and the other pole vaulters would goof around and see if we could balance the poles on our chins.

Interestingly enough, the longer the pole, the easier it is to balance, up to a certain point.

For example, take a pencil, and try to balance it in your hand. Not so easy.

But take a broom, and it’s a lot easier.

But if you took a piece of wood that was fifty meters long, it would be pretty impossible.

No matter what you’re doing in life, balance is always a key component.

Playing music, for example, requires you balance the time with musical notes and the silence in between.

Working a job requires you balance doing the part you like doing, with the part you need to do.

In the beginning of a relationship, you’ve got to balance the time you spend with your partner with the time you spend alone.

In any case, too much of one thing, at the expense of something else is pretty dangerous. Things get out of whack, and nature will eventually correct itself, with or without your permission.

In physics, there are two broad types of equilibrium, or balance. Stable and unstable.

Stable equilibrium is when you’ve got a small ball, for example, resting comfortably in the bottom of a big round glass. All the forces are equal, and unless you apply some pretty concentrated force, that ball’s not going anywhere.

On the other hand, you could have a ball balanced on the top of a seal’s nose. The slightest push, or even shift in wind (or the seal’s attitude) will send the ball to another location.

Many of us wish that life would be filled with “stable equilibrium” situations. Where everything’s set and we don’t have to do much.

Unfortunately, the world around us doesn’t always cooperate. Situations are always changing, people are always changing.

They may change slowly, but they change.

This is precisely what they mean when they say, “Stay on top of things.” There you are, balanced right on the tip (like a ball on a seal’s nose) and everything keeps shifting. So you’ve literally and metaphorically got to “stay on top of things.”

Life is one big flowing and unfolding of situations, events, mysteries and secrets.

Just like a river, you could fight the current, hang on to something and hope you don’t drown, or simply embrace the ever changing nature of reality.

Because when you swim with the current, you can get going pretty fast, and get to some pretty interesting places.

Release resistance, and embrace the flow of life.

How To Communicate With Super Conscious Mind

Tap Into The Global Brain

The Deep Connection Within

What’s the difference between the conscious mind, the unconscious and the super conscious?

It’s a common question, and there really isn’t a specific answer.

It’s not like a math equation, where there is only one answer that everybody pretty much accepts.

The conscious and unconscious is pretty straightforward.

Your conscious mind is the part of you that is aware of what is going on right here, right now.

The thoughts in your mind as you read this sentence. The feelings in your body as you feel the surface you are now resting on. The memories of what you ate last.

The unconscious is everything else.

A good comparison between the size of the two is a field about ten miles on each side. That’s one hundred square miles. That’s everything that’s in your brain.

If your brain is a field of one hundred square miles, then your conscious mind, the part that you are aware of at any given moment, the size of a beam of light coming from a small flashlight.

Imagine you were stumbling around in the dark, on that large field, with a flashlight, looking for something.

Luckily, the subconscious, or unconscious doesn’t just sit there and wait for our conscious to finally come across what we’re looking for.

There’s plenty of interaction between the two. The more relaxed and open you are, the more quickly your subconscious can present you with the information you need.

It’s kind of like you’re wearing a magic harness, and when you think of what you need, you suddenly move just over the spot on this metaphorical field where the information is.

So, what’s the super conscious?

If  your conscious is a flashlight, and your unconscious is a one hundred square mile field, think of the super conscious as the entire Earth.

And on top of which, is everybody else’s field, all laid out.

The super conscious can be thought of as the collective of all the minds that exist, not just now, but in the past, and the future.

Think of several Earth’s all representing different points in time, all with people with their own plot of “mind.” 

Not only are all the fields connected (through the deep Earth below) but all the different Earth’s are connected as well.

Now, this is a metaphor, not reality. As they say in NLP, The “Map” is Not The Territory. The metaphor is not that which it describes, only a way to understand it.

So, in the metaphor, how do you connect to the super conscious?

Just like you connect to the subconscious, only more so.

The more relaxed and calm you are, the easier you’ll drift just over the spot of mind you need to find.

And in the case of the super conscious, it’s not only about finding the right spot of mind (or the specific information from your unconscious) but how to interpret that.

If you are quiet enough, and patient enough, you’ll find not only deep wisdom within yourself, but ultimate truth as well.

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Secrets Of Your Desires

Listen On The Inside

Listen To Your Inner Silence

I’ve been watching this pretty interesting TV show on Netflix lately.

They are all different episodes with different characters, and all have to do with the future, technology, and some dark side of human nature.

One was pretty frightening.

It was these guys who had to “power” the city by riding these stationary bikes all day long, watching these big TV screens.

They’d get “credits” which they could use to buy food, or entertainment.

They lived in these tiny cubicles, and the walls were pure TV.

Here’s the horrible part. Whenever they played a commercial, the sensors would sound an alarm and charge them credits if they closed their eyes.

Meaning they were forced to watch what the rulers wanted to show them.

Now, this may seem like some horrible future that will never happen, right?

But many of us are TERRIFIED of being left alone with our own thoughts.

Just this morning I saw several joggers, all with mp3 players stuck in their ears.

Are our thoughts so frightening that we need to drown out ANY silence with anything we can find?

It’s been said the problems of humanity can be traced back to our inability to sit alone with our thoughts.

When I was younger I used to do a lot of backpacking. One of my favorite parts was lying awake at night, just listening to the sounds.

Often times we look outside ourselves for solutions, when the answers are within us.

They HAVE to be. Because the only thing outside of us are other people, or the things those other people have created.

Are you willing to let other people, most of whom you’ve never met, and never will, control the flow of thoughts through your mind?

Now, you don’t have to pitch everything and go live in a cave. But it is useful to spend just a few minutes a day with your own thoughts.

Either thinking them or writing them down.

There is so much more to you than you realize now, or will ever realize, or are even capable of realizing.

Life is meant to be one long journey of self discovery, that ONLY gets better.

But ONLY if you decide to take the journey. Nobody is going to take you by the hand and lead you.

Within you lies the secret of everything you desire.

Are you willing to listen?

How To Get Better At Anything

All Skills Can Be Mastered

How To Master Any Skill

The best way to get better at any skill is to simply practice.

This is pretty obvious for things like sports, music, or even cooking.

But we tend to overlook this simple rule when talking about thinking and other behaviors.

Consider feeling confident in certain situations.

It’s long been known that in the mind-body system, not only does form follow function, but function also follows form.

Wait, what?

If you ARE confident, then you’ll ACT confident. Meaning you’ll walk more upright, look people in the eye more often, speak a little bit more slowly and clearly.

However, if you AREN’T confident, you can ACT confident and the REAL confidence will follow.

Now, this is probably old news to you. In fact, this may be pretty obvious and self-evident.

Which is precisely WHY most people FORGET how powerful this is.

We tend to think that life changing behaviors and ideas must come with angelic trumpets blasting and the parting of the heavens.

But most of the MAJOR success you’ll achieve will be through LOTS of small, consistent steps.

Baby steps even.

Consider the confidence angle. If you spent TEN MINUTES, every single day, pretending to be confident, it would add up pretty quickly.

You don’t even have to talk to anybody. Just walk around where there’re other people like YOU are the King or Queen of the Earth.

The more you practice feeling confident, the more you WILL feel confident.

It’s like learning the scales on the piano. At first it’s tedious, takes all your brainpower, and is pretty boring.

But once you get it down, you can do it literally without thinking. 

ALL SKILLS, internal, external, or halfway in between are the same way.

At first practicing them is uncomfortable, takes lots of brain power, and feels weird. But so long as you don’t push yourself too hard, and give yourself plenty of time, there’s literally NO LIMIT to what you can do.

Getting in touch with your higher self is no different. Some people imagine some bolt of energy coming straight from Zeus and opening up your deep mind. 

But it’s really more like developing any other skill.

Spend a few minutes in quite introspection, and simply listen.

Listen for your inner wisdom and guidance. It’s there. It may be very quite, but it’s there.

And the more you PRACTICE listening, the stronger it will get.

If you started today, imagine where you’d be in six months.

Imagine if you started six months ago, where you’d be today.

Ready To Get Started?

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How To Be A Social Magnet

Everything Points To You

Energy and Focus

I’ve had some pretty charismatic friends in my time.

One thing that separates them from “non-charismatic” people is the way they use their language.

Not the words themselves, but how they use them.

Consider somebody who’s shy, reserved, not sure of themselves.

Whenever they speak, they’re worried about getting rejected. Maybe other people pick up on this, and they become “easy targets” for those who are belligerent (which is of course another way to hide fear).

When they speak, they refrain from eye contact, you have to lean in to listen to them, sometimes asking them to repeat themselves.

Certainly, most of us speak like this in certain situations. Talking to super attractive people, our bosses, the cops, etc.

However, those that are naturally charismatic say every single word like it feels good just to say it.

Each and every word that passes their lips gets their full attention. Accompanied with strong, positive eye contact, a rich resonant voice, and open and confident body language.

Of course, you can over do this, and if it’s not “natural” you’ll come across as some kind of comic caricature.

But if it’s honest, people will LOVE to listen to you speak. They’ll LOVE to be around you.

If you’ve got young children, or you are ever around young children, you’ve seen this. Whenever you are doing something, and really enjoying it, the kids want to copy you. Even if they don’t know what’s going on.

Those that are charismatic speak and act with a natural energy that says, “I love life, I love me, and I love whatever’s happening right here, right now!”

This makes people want to hang around you. Anything you suggest sounds fantastic. Anything you want to do they’ll want to do.

On the other hand, non-charismatic shy types (or otherwise normal types that are in intimidating situations) speak with a “I’m not sure about life, myself, OR this situation.”

This tends to have the opposite effect.

How do you move from the shy side of the spectrum to the charismatic side?

Remember, all that outside stuff, the behavior, the speech, etc, is first on the inside.

From somebody who genuinely BELIEVES everything’s really groovy.

It’s not a matter of doing something, it’s a matter of NOT doing something.

Those fears, worries, anxieties, just let them go.

That natural charismatic person is already there. Inside you.

When you were a kid, just learning to walk, did you hold anything back? Or did you scream with delight every time something cool happened?

That naturally charismatic person is still there. All you’ve got to do is remove all the fake gunk hiding your brilliance.


Here’s How:

Kundalini Generator

The Boundaries Of Science

The Boundary Between Physics and Metaphysics

Peer Over The Edge

When I was a kid, I loved Quantum Physics.

I read a bunch of books on the subject (that had all the math taken out).

Then later on, in university, when the math got involved, it got even stranger.

(At least as much as I could understand it).

It’s NOTHING like “regular” physics.

But still science, not magic.

It’s just that our eyes, ears, brains, senses, etc, are tuned to intuitively understand things on large scale.

Rocks, trees, animals chasing us, etc.

Stuff on an atomic level is completely different. Completely outside of our intuitive understanding.

Neils Bohr (one of the original Quantum Physics guys) said, “If you understand Quantum Physics, you don’t understand Quantum Physics.”

To be sure, a lot of elements are “borrowed” and used in the metaphysical sense, metaphorically, to describe things we don’t really understand.

Now, to be honest, a lot of these terms are used kind of liberally, and incorrectly, to make the underlying discussion sound a lot more “woo-woo” than it really is.

But in a sense, they are sort of correct.

They are terms we use to describe things we understand, to approximate things we don’t understand.

One things humans HATE is confusion and uncertainty.

This is why letting go (at least temporarily) of the need to classify and categorize everything can be so liberating.

Sure, there are some VERY STRANGE things going on just below the surface. And it WOULD be very cool if some alien could come and explain everything to us in great detail.

But since that’s not likely going to happen, it might be a good idea to simply accept the vast mysteries of life. Appreciate them, embrace them.

Obviously, you need to balance between the real world and the “metaphysical” world.

As the expression goes, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood carry water.”

Part of enlightenment (whatever that means to you) is simply accepting that which can’t be controlled or explained.

Open yourself to it, embrace it, let it flow through you.

Awaken yourself to your deeper power. Your higher self.

Do you really need to understand the physics of a rainbow to appreciate its beauty?

There is great wonder within you. Amazing potential. Unlimited energy. Ancient life force.

Are you willing to embrace and appreciate it?

Accept And Ride The Flow Of Life

You Are The Channel Of Universal Energy

Be Open To Your Own Energy

Where does energy come from?

Hard question to answer, since it shows up in many different ways.

On a very basic, fundamental physics level, there’s the energy that moves matter. And since Einstein proved that energy IS matter, it’s pretty safe to safe that the ENTIRE UNIVERSE is made of the same “stuff.”

What is that stuff? What is the nature of that stuff? How does that stuff make two people that look very similar behave very differently?

Even the same person in two different situations?

On some days, we’re “on.” Everything we do works. Lights are green, doors are opened, ALL of our jokes are funny, and people seem to genuinely enjoy being with us and talking to us.

Other days, it’s like the entire universe is like an impatient parent. “Not now! Please leave me alone!”

Nobody laughs at your jokes, every single light is red, there’s NEVER any parking spaces.

What gives?

Is it random chance? It can’t be random. Since the laws of physics, chemistry and biology seem to keep working.

Our arms suddenly don’t detach from our bodies and float out in space. The tires on our cars suddenly don’t start sliding all over the road as if the laws of friction have taken the day off.

The answer may lie with our own ACCEPTANCE of our energy. Whether we let it flow through us, or whether we fight it, consciously or unconsciously.

Many of the things we’d like to do in life don’t require we do MORE stuff, but they require we do LESS stuff.

For example, if you see an interesting person, for business or romance, you may want to talk to them.

You don’t need to learn how to talk. You don’t need to learn how to walk over there. You don’t need to take whatever they say, and riff on it to build a mutually enjoyable conversation.

All of these things are natural human skills. Hard wired into our brains.

However, you DO need to get out of your own way. Stop fighting with your natural energy and enthusiasm. STOP spinning those stories in your mind of what MIGHT go wrong.

Humans are social creatures, after all. We are also creators, builders, inventors, and explorers.

It’s just a matter of ACCEPTING your energy, and let it flow uninhibited.

THAT’S what it means to be fully human.

Are You Ready?

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Open Ancient Energies Of Life

Science Or Magic?

Science Or Magic?

It’s been said that science that is beyond the current level of understanding will seem like magic.

It’s also been said that all things MUST be explained by science.

One of Einstein’s famous quotes is “God does not play dice with the universe.”

Which means the entire universe is governed by laws, not by some kind of random chance.

However, it’s also pretty clear that science can only explain so much. Beyond that, it’s pretty much guesswork.

Things like the origins of the universe, the nature of space-time, and the strange “missing matter” of the universe.

All these things make the smartest scientist on Earth utterly confused.

Science can be fun, but it can also be a roadblock.

If you need to understand everything about everything, you’d never leave your house.

Imagine forcing yourself to understand the entire mechanics of your car before driving anywhere.

Of course, understanding it to a certain point is necessary. Otherwise you’d run out of gas, wear your tires bald, or let the engine seize up from not changing the oil.

But beyond that, just get in the thing and drive.

There are a lot of useful metaphors to describe things that would be beyond human understanding if we tried to describe them accurately.

The famous saying from NLP, “The map is not the territory,” is true. But often times, the map is all we’ve got.

If you’re going from point A to point B, it’d be kind of silly to travel all the different routes just to find the quickest. Having a map would be MUCH easier.

And because the map can ONLY approximate the territory, it’s much like metaphors we use to describe reality.

So long as they work, and get us what we want, they’re plenty good enough.

Often times when scientists are trying to figure something out, they’ll go through  many “models.”

They’ll come up with a theory of what they think is going on, test it out, and see how well their model holds up.

Us non-scientist humans have been doing that since the dawn of time.

Trying to describe the vast mysteries of the universe in easy to understand metaphors, or “maps” of the territory.

So long as these maps get us to where we want to go, they’re perfect.

Once such “map” is the idea Kundalini Energy. The life force that, when present, makes everything smooth, natural and easy. Fully awake, open and actualized. 

When closed off, it’s common to feel lack, fear and frustration.

How exactly does it work? What are the equations that describe it?

Nobody really knows.

But it’s been working for thousands of years, and it can work for you.

Open Yours:

Kundalini Activator

Develop Magnetic Congruence

Line Up Your Parts

Align Thyself

One of the most powerful things a person can do is be congruent.

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, so it may not sound like anything new.

But one thing about any kind of self-development is it’s easy to get trapped in a world of vague words that don’t really mean anything.

One thing you learn if you study NLP is something called the “Meta Model.”

This is a set of language patterns designed to turn the vague into the specific.

As you can probably guess, they don’t work very well in polite conversation. Whenever we’re talking to others we are going to be necessarily vague.

If we show up and start asking “How specifically? Who specifically? Why specifically?” people are going to get pretty annoyed.

But when understanding ideas that can help us more easily get what we want, getting specific is necessary.

So back to that cool but vague word, “congruent.”

What EXACTLY does it mean?

In mathematics, it’s when two angles are the same.

But what does it mean in a social setting?

When somebody is behaving or communicating “congruently” what are they doing, specifically?

Think of the “parts” theory. We all have different parts. When we’re thinking about what to do on a Friday night, for example, part of us may want to go out, while another part of us wants to stay in.

If we are ever conflicted, in any behavior or communication, we are NOT congruent.

One way to tell when people are lying, for example, (certainly not foolproof) is when they break off eye contact, or become closed off physically.

They may not even know they’re doing it. They may even believe what they are saying, on one level.

But on another level, it feels “wrong.” 

If you’re in a relationship (and you’re paying attention) you can usually tell when somebody is not being congruent. They may do a good job of faking it, but it’s still pretty obvious.

(“Do you love me?” “Uh, yea, sure!”)

One of the most common ways we all display incongruence is when part of us wants something, but another part of us is afraid.

We ask our boss for a raise, for example. We are one hundred percent sure we WANT the raise, but when we ask, it’s tough to speak confidently. Part of us is afraid to ask, because we might get rejected.

Same with talking to attractive people, speaking up in meetings or in groups, or any other time we want to express ourselves.

As you can guess, one the biggest killers of congruence is fear. Fear of rejection, fear of dismissal, fear of being left behind.

The good news is that unless we’re facing down an angry tiger, our fears of false.

How do we get rid of them?

By getting in touch with our higher selves.

Get Started:

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The Wisdom Of Silence

Listen To Your Friend

Listen To Your Friend

There are many popular myths and stories that are metaphors for self discovery.

A young explorer leaves his home, searching the world for riches.

After his many adventures, he comes home, only to find the riches were there all along. Buried in the last place he’d think to look.

Dorothy was in Oz trying to get home. Battling villains, flying monkeys, and discovering the man behind the curtain (whom she thought held the key) was a fraud. Then she found the power return was with her the entire time.

Long ago, before humans were created, the gods had a problem. In the world was a great power, but they feared humans would misuse it.

No matter where they thought to hide it, they knew humans would find it. On top of the highest mountains, in the bottom of the deepest oceans.

All places men have been to.

Then they found the place we’d never look.

Within ourselves.

Many of us spend our entire lives looking “out there” for the answers. Relationship after relationship. Job after job. Hobby after hobby. City after city.

But the answer lies within.

It always has.

it’s been said that our biggest obstacle to discovering this is lies in our inability to sit with ourselves.

No TV, no smart phone, no music, no friends. Just sitting and listening to the quiet, inner silence.

A silence filled with infinite wisdom, compassion, and understanding.

Consider making it habit of sitting quietly, if only for a few moments, at least once a day.

Quiet your environment. Quiet your mind. Listen for the guidance of your inner sage.

That ancient energy that exists before thought, before awareness.

Before you.

If you make it a habit of cultivating this inner awareness, you may notice some wonderful surprises showing up in your life.

But then again, maybe they’re already there.

Find Them:

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