Category Archives: Law Of Attraction

How To Blast Away Social Fears

Most of our fears are never realized.

Meaning we go through life with all kinds of things we are terrified of what might happen, but they never happen.

I remember once a long time ago, I made this HUGE mistake where I used to work. Based on the results of an experiment I was running (I worked in lab many years ago) the company made some big decisions.

Only I found out, after the money was spent, that I’d made a mistake, and the results were not even close to what I thought they were.

I was TERRIFIED of telling my boss. As soon as I did, he suggested we both talk to HIS boss, which was even scarier.

But something funny happened. I explained what happened, and she just said, “OK, so you’ve got something in place now so this won’t happen again?” To which I said of course. She said, “OK,” and started talking about something else.

I thought I was going to be fired, or worse, but the reality was much more plain.

No matter WHAT you’re afraid of, it won’t likely happen, even if you tried.

I used to play this game in college with my buddies. I would stand at a strategic location at some party, and my friend would whisper the most obscene and corny pick up lines ever, and I’d spit them out at the first girl who walked by.

At first, I was pretty sure I was going to get slapped, or arrested. But most of the time, they just giggled, and kept on walking.

No matter WHAT your fears are, if you take some small, simple steps forward, you’ll likely be very surprised.

Especially if your fears involve interacting with others.

But consider this. EVERYBODY has pretty much the same fears when it comes to interacting with others.

Rejection. Being told we’re idiots, or silly. Embarrassment.

Which is why when YOU make the first move, they’ll almost always open you with open arms.

Doesn’t matter if you’re making friends, looking for new clients, or just enjoying people.

To make things even easier, when you start off talking about THEM instead of throwing your ideas in their face (like most people do) they’ll be even more glad to meet you.

Misunderstood Secrets of the Law of Attraction 

Many people have had not so great results with the Law of Attraction.

Meaning they do the  meditations, do the visualizations, and wonder why it isn’t working.

Don’t get me wrong, the Law of Attraction is a powerful universal force, but it’s most often misunderstood.

Firstly, it’s a metaphor for how things work. We humans have brains that are hard wired to only understand the most simple things. Anything beyond a simple “cause and effect” relationship between objects is beyond our comprehension.

Think of chess masters. They need to think several moves ahead, meaning they need to be able to predict the potential movements of each of their movements in the future. Say they have three potential moves. Each one of these three potential moves can be met by three from the opponent. That’s NINE potential changes in the chess board from three moves.

Two moves out, and he’s got to imagine 27 moves. Three moves out, and he’s got to imagine 81 moves. At only three moves out, he’s stretching the limits of conscious thought.

This is in a system (chess) where the moves are very well defined, and constricted.

In real life, there’s about a billion more outcomes from each move. Even if we tried to think two or three moves ahead, it’s WAY beyond our conscious comprehension.

This is the first stumbling block to the Law of Attraction. We think we need to “understand” how it’s going to work.

Clearly, unless you’re doing something simple like buying an ice cream cone, there’s NECESSARILY going to be about a BILLION potential things between where you are and where you want to be.

So TRUSTING  your unconscious is crucial. Expecting immediate and easy to understand results will only make you frustrated.

The second thing people have trouble understanding is this thing called “The Universe.”

As the LOA goes, if you “put out” a certain kind of energy, you’ll “get back” like energy.

But what exactly IS “The Universe?”

All the stars and planets out there spinning around? Some kind of metaphysical dust that nobody can see?


“The Universe,” as it’s metaphorically used in the LOA, is always and only OTHER PEOPLE.

Everything that exists that’s NOT HERE NATURALLY ( I mean things other than trees or rocks or dirt) was made by OTHER PEOPLE.

And chances are, whatever it is you want, is going to made by OTHER PEOPLE.

Or at the very least, OTHER PEOPLE are going to be involved.

And since EVERY SINGLE PERSON who ever lived has something called “Free Will,” in order to get the cooperation of OTHER PEOPLE,  you’re going to need to talk to them in a way that will make them WANT to help you GET WHAT YOU WANT.