Category Archives: Law Of Attraction

Are You Terrified Of Risk?

Embrace Risk

The Danger Of Playing It Safe

I had this roommate once that was studying hard for his Actuary test.

It was actually about fifteen tests, and he was doing it by home-correspondence.

They’d send him the materials, he’d study them at his own pace, and then go to some approved testing center to pass whatever level he was at.

After going through about fifteen levels, he would finally be a licensed actuary, and start making the big cash.

Beware The Skeptic

He was a very smart, but also very skeptical. Unless something could be statistically proven or demonstrated through several articles in accepted scientific journals, he figured it was all nonsense.

Now, I can understand the need for skepticism. With skepticism, we’d all be easy marks and we’d believe anything anybody would tell us.

I Won’t Unless You Prove It!

But if you are too much of a skeptic, you may be just terrified of taking action. For example, many guys are afraid to talk to girls unless they have absolute video proof that some technique will work.

However, unless you can predict the future, you will HAVE to take risks on a daily basis.


When you get up off your chair to go and do something, are you one hundred percent SURE what will happen? Of course not. Sure, some things (like going to the toilet) have a much higher probability of success (like 99.999%) than talking to some random stranger in a bar, but there is always a LITTLE bit of uncertainty in the outcome.

Of course, as you well know, many people are so terrified of any amount of uncertainty they ONLY do what they’re comfortable with, and they KNOW will most likely work out.

I’ll Have The Usual

These are the people that are settled into their lives, always go the same restaurants, always order the same thing.

Now this is perfectly fine. Everybody has different values. Some people value safety and comfort over everything else.

But if you want to achieve more than what you’ve got, you’ve got to do different things than you’ve been doing.

Which means you need to EMBRACE uncertainty.

One of the key traits of ultra successful people in ANY field is they have NO PROBEM acting in the face of uncertainty.

Always Be Exploring

Because they KNOW, that no matter what happens, they’ll learn something. They’ll learn more about themselves, their skills, and their reality.

And because they keep doing this, their entire lives, they achieve MASSIVE results.

And so can YOU. When you learn how:

Check It Out:

The Paradox Of Seduction Outcome

Seduction Gold

This Side – That Side

If you remember all of your experiences with girls, you can separate them into two different categories.

Those that went really well, and those that didn’t.

And if you study the situations that turned out pretty good, and compare them to the ones that didn’t, you might find a familiar pattern among both of them.

Usually the ones that didn’t work out have something in common. Namely that you were trying to hard. Too much in your head, too worried about what she said, and how you should or shouldn’t respond.

But if you look at all the situations that turned out pretty good, you’ll also find some common ground. You were in the moment. You didn’t worry so much about outcome, you just spit out whatever was on your mind, and it worked.

Dual Induction Feelings

You felt it, and she felt it. You were in the moment, naturally riffing off each other’s energy and attraction for one another. That magical connection where you both just “clicked” with each other.

It’s hard to “manufacture” this feeling, this situation. The trouble with trying to pick up girls, is it’s like shining a spotlight on something that should better be left unnoticed.

One of the hallmarks of attraction (which you no is NEVER a choice) is that it just “happens.”

Hit And Stay Emotions

It’s like getting hungry or feeling like watching a certain movie. You can’t make yourself hungry. And it’s pretty hard to make a girl like you, especially if you’re operating from a conscious level of communication.

It’s like staring at a pot of water and trying to force it, through sheer willpower, to boil.

But when you simply turn on a little heat, and forget about it, it will boil all on it’s own.

Guys are naturally attracted to girls, and girls are naturally attracted to guys. The prime directive for EVERY guy on earth is to find the right girl. The prime directive for every girl is to find the right guy.

Just Like That Cooker On TV

This means that once you’ve got your sights set on a girl, and you’ve got a good idea in mind of what you want (her name, her number, a roll in the hay, whatever), the BEST strategy is to set that intention, and then forget about it.

Just walk over her, relax, and enjoy her, and let her enjoy you. Let nature take it’s course.

Allow that magical border between conscious and unconscious to show itself, and create for you a magical outcome of seduction and attraction.

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The Magic of Thought

Thoughts Are Magic

Thinking To Things

I used to play a lot of racquetball.

When I was in college, I lived in some dorms that were next to the sports center, which had the racquetball courts.

Me and my buddy would always play, and he would almost always beat me. It was fun, but frustrating.

The only few times I beat him I was completely “out of my head.” I didn’t really think about each individual shot. I didn’t consciously hold the score in mind and “count” how many more points I needed.

I was absolutely UNCONSCIOUS. Meaning I had vague thoughts, and my body obeyed. The ball went exactly where I wanted it to go, completely confounding my friend. He would always look at me funny after games like this, as if I were possessed or something.

No Barriers

Musicians frequently have experiences like this. They don’t consciously think of each note, or where they are in the particular piece they are playing. They just have vague thoughts or feelings, and express it as beautiful music.

There’s a famous line from the movie, “The Color of Money,” with Paul Newman, about a pool hustler. He never made the big time, but when he played pool, he was always in that magical “zone.”

All through the movie he questioned himself. He never really knew if he was a “winner” or a “loser.”

Genius Explained

But one day he was having a picnic with his girl, and he explained the feeling. “It’s like my arm the pool cue are one. I just imagine the shot and it happens, and when it does, it’s beautiful. Like something nobody’s ever seen before.”

Those moments of “flow,” of being in the “zone” are what life is all about.

When there is no second guessing, no worries about the outcome, no inner arguments or silly voices in your head telling you what you can’t do.

Just a pure connection between thought, and outcome.

What if your entire life was like that?

What if you could create relationships, build income, manifest your dreams, through this same process?

Well, you can.

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How To Become A Social Jedi

Jedi Skills Of Social Behavior

Energy Manipulation

I have a friend who is a high level black belt in Aikido.

Aikido is not like other martial arts. I’m no expert by any means, but it’s my understanding that most martial arts are offensive and defensive. True fighting skills.

But Aikido is mostly defensive. It uses the opponents energy against him. Meaning somebody comes at you, you simply adjust and deflect. There’s not a lot of “attack” strategies.

Now, when most people study martial arts, it’s so they can avoid conflict. It boosts your confidence, and it helps to keep control of your anger whenever you get into tense situations.

Fight Or Flight?

If you don’t have any training, and you are in fear of your safety, your instinctive programming takes over, and you may say or do things without much conscious thought.

On the other hand, if you know deep in your bones that you can defend yourself, you’ll likely be in much more conscious control. Allowing for calm and relaxed dialogue which can keep fights from starting.

But as my friend tells me, Aikido is a much different level. He says that while Karate will keep you out of fights, Aikido will get you out of the bar an hour before the fight even starts.

Read Social Cues Like A Genius

You get this massive insight into social crowds and behavior, and instead of waiting until things are about to boil over, you simply exit when the temperature rises slightly.

Of course, this is only a secondary effect of practicing Aikido.

Clearly, having such levels of social intelligence can help you out in plenty of situations.

Being able to “feel” the energy of the room can give you a HUGE advantage.

Even in a one on one situations, feeling the energy of the person you’re talking to is like having X ray vision.

Not only to you know what their words really mean, but you’ll get a sense of what they’re really trying to say. What they’re really afraid, and what their deepest desires are.

If you can be the one to give that to them, while covertly respecting their fears, they’ll see you like they see no other.

Your Own Mental Dojo

And you don’t need to spend years inside the Aikido Dojo to get this level of social intelligence.

All you need is a few minutes a day of mental practice (the RIGHT mental practice) and you’ll see the world like few people do.

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The Magic Of Feedback For Consistent Improvement

Consistent Feedback

Embrace All Results

One of the most important things for success is feedback.

Only as we become adults, feedback turns into something we call “success” or “failure.”

Learning anything, based on how we are hard wired to learn, absolutely requires feedback.

For some things, this still makes sense, only we don’t really call it “feedback.” We’re more likely to call it something like “try, try and you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

Learning Is A Process

For example, let’s say you’re learning a new song on the piano. You can read music, and you can play other songs, but now you’ve got a new one that’s a little bit more “difficult” than the rest.

You try it the first time, and it sounds a little “off.” Did you succeed? Did you fail? Or do you recognize this as a required step on the path to ultimate mastery?

It’s easy to imagine that you are “learning” a new song, and as such, you don’t expect to be “perfect” the first time.

The feedback is the sounds coming from the piano. Based on the feedback, you adjust your actions, and keep moving forward.

Cut Off Feedback At Your Peril

Imagine trying to play that new song if you had headphones, and were listening to loud heavy metal or something. No feedback. You’d have NO idea if you were getting closer or not, and it would likely take you a lot longer to reach your goal.

Sadly, for many of us, we do the same thing. We purposely AVOID feedback, afraid to see anything short of success.

In many areas, we act as if we’ve ONLY got one chance, and if we “fail” we are doomed to live a life of poverty, lack and loneliness.

Embrace ALL Feedback

Luckily, life is NOT like that, even if we imagine it is.

No matter WHAT we try, the more you OPEN yourself to feedback, the more you ACCEPT and embrace feedback, the more quickly you’ll learn, and the more of the good stuff you’ll eventually get.

No matter WHAT that is for you.

If you want to turn on your inner learner, so you can more naturally learn anything, do anything, and get anything, check this out:

Are You Fully Awake Yet?

Become Fully Awake

What Are You After?

Many people feel as if there is one more “thing” they need to accomplish.

Like there’s something just of reach, and as soon as we “get it,” everything in life will suddenly “click” and fall into place.

Doesn’t matter if this is a relationship, a 10% raise, another child, or just five more pounds, it seems that we’re always in a state of “almost there.”

Just one more thing, one more achievement, and we’ll FINALLY be done.

Well, here’s a secret most people don’t want to hear.

We’re NEVER done.

We Are Nomad

Humans are hard wired, on a very deep and ancient level, to ALWAYS feel as if we need just a little bit more.

It doesn’t matter how much you’ve already achieved, you will ALLWAYS want just a little bit more.

This is completely normal, natural and expected.

Now, you may think the ideal life is NOT having any desires, and being completely happy with what you have. But that is pretty boring. I mean REALLY boring.

If you’ve ever achieved a really, really big goal that you’ve been going after for a while, you know this.

When you finally achieve it, it feels pretty good.

OK, Now What?

But then the excitement starts to fade. Then you might feel that inevitable “let down” feeling. That energy and motivation that kept pushing and pulling you forward is now gone, and there’s nothing to fill the gap.

Pretty soon the let down turns to boredom, and if you’re like any other normal human, you soon set your sights on something BIGGER.

Only when you fully commit to going after THAT, do you feel alive again.

Back On Track!

This is what it means to “live on purpose.” This is what it means to be “awake.” This is what it means to live consciously, instead of sleepwalking through life.

The PURSUIT of goals is where it’s at, NOT in the achieving them.

Learning, growing, pursuing.

Live on purpose. Set your mind on fire. Fully utilize your skills.

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How To Discover Your Inner Magic

How To Become Magic

Unconscious Love

The border between the conscious and unconscious is where it’s at.

When you’re (or your body is) doing something unconsciously, like walking, breathing (most of the time) pulsing your blood through your veins, and processing the billions of bits of information hitting your sense, you never know.

When you’re doing something consciously, like writing (most of the time), speaking about some kind of topic that’s crucial to your livelihood (like talking to your boss or your kids) then it’s all above board, and you know what’s going on.

But the magic happens when it’s right there on the border. When it could easily go either way.

Getting lost in conversation with a friend or loved one, and then forgetting what you were talking about.

In The Flow

Playing a well rehearsed piece on an instrument, and both listening and playing at the same time.

Losing yourself in physical activity, getting that often sought after “flow.”

This is when we humans are at our best.

That perfect combination of automatic instinctive, and subconsciously programmed behaviors coupled with consciously chosen direction.

This is pure magic. When we choose where we want to go, with our conscious, and then turn over the reigns to our unconscious to get us there.

With our full trust and appreciation.

Expand The Interface

The bigger this “border” is, and the more often we experience it, the richer our lives become.

Consciously looking out into a world filled with wonderful opportunities, while digging deep below the surface to pull up our vast resources.

Combining conscious vision and unconscious skills to achieve greatness.

When people fully begin to realize the vast reaches and depths of their minds, they usually come to one stunning conclusion:

“There is MAGIC here!”

Have you discovered yours yet?

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How Many Magical Wishes?

What’s Your Favorite Super Power?

What’s the best skill you can acquire?

If you’ve ever seen those movies where somebody gets three wishes, there’s usually a rule that you can’t wish for more wishes.

Even if you only had one wish, and could wish for more wishes, then you could get anything you want.

Lisa Simpson Destroys The World

There’s been plenty of movies (serious, horror and comedy) about somebody who gets three wishes, and then something unexpected happens. Like on the Simpson’s, when Lisa got a wish, and she wished for “World Peace.” Everybody got rid of their weapons, and then aliens invaded, and took over the Earth armed with sling shots.

But in the real world, the only “rules” are what you can imagine.

So, back to the original question, what’s the best skill you can acquire?

Fluency in languages? Epic programming skills? A master chef? Ninja stock market skills?

One Skill To Rule Them All

But what about a skill that is the base of ALL skills?

The ability to LEARN other skills?

After all, if you could learn anything, it would be like being able to wish for more wishes.

You could learn many languages, learn epic programming skills, and learn to trade stocks and commodities like a natural.

But it takes a long time to learn things, right?

It’s hard to learn things, right? It’s frustrating, tiresome, and extremely boring?

It can be. But it doesn’t have to be.

You’ve Already Got What It Takes

Humans are natural learners. We learn new things all the time. But just a fish swimming in water, we don’t notice it because it’s who we are.

Only when it DOESN’T work out, does it stick out in our mind.

That’s one reason why so many of us associate “learning” with “school.” Not because we learned anything, but it was anything other than fun, natural and exciting.

All the other things you’ve learned, and continue to learn, you don’t notice, because learning is who you are.

When you can leverage the natural learner within, to achieve a specific goal, skill, or talent, that’s when life becomes magic.

Think about this: If you could learn anything, what would you want to learn?

If you knew it would be fun, easy and natural, what would that be?

Once you fire up that natural learner with, you’ll soon realize there’s NOTHING you can’t do.

Do You Have A Beautiful Excuse That Keeps You Safe?

It’s Not My Fault!

When it comes to self improvement and self development, there’s three general areas.

Much like Goldilocks, two are too this or too that, but one is just right.

On the one side, you’ve got these ideas that there’s some kind of magic.

A magic set of words, a magic sound, a magic kind of idea. Once you “get it” then everything will be easy. No effort or risk required. Not even a lot of thinking. Just say the magic affirmation once or twice, and gold will show up in your pocket.

It Will Never Work!

On the other side of the spectrum, are the skeptics. Before they even move a muscle, they need verifiable proof that it’s going to work.

They don’t like to hold any uncomfortable thoughts in their mind, let alone take any action. So at the first sign of trouble, they spit out that comfortable, “Yea, but is there any evidence? Is there any proof?”

Both sides are really the same. Just two different self deceptions to stay safe.

See, the ONLY WAY to get the really good stuff in life is to take action. And all action requires risk.

No Crystal Balls

Nobody ever knows the future, not even five minutes into the future. That means that EVERY SINGLE ACTION you take will have a bit of uncertainty.

Hiding in your mind waiting for the perfect incantation, or waiting for verifiable proof to be published in all the scientific journals is just to protect the ego.

If you take action, and it doesn’t work out, it’s VERY PAINFUL to the ego.

After all, what will people say? What will people think? What about our reputation?

Go Big Or Go Home

The harsh truth about life is you’ll never get anywhere playing it safe. You’ll never get anywhere without putting it on the line from time to time.

You’ll never get anywhere unless you spend some time thinking, learning, acting, and accepting the feedback. Some feedback will be great. Other feedback will be horrible. Both are invaluable.

Most people are too terrified to understand this.

Your life is a work in progress. It’s up to YOU and YOU ONLY how it comes out. Nobody is going to give it to you.

Unlock your genius and accelerate your progress:

What Do Rich People Have?

Do You Have Rich People Qualities?

How’d They Get There?

What’s the difference between the rich and the poor?

I mean besides a stack of money vs. a stack of bills?

An interesting study was done recently, in which they interviewed a bunch of rich people, and a bunch of poor people, to find any differences in their daily habits.

You Could See This Coming

The differences were clear, and what you would expect.

Rich people ate healthy food, poor people ate fast food or junk food.

Rich people watched less than an hour of TV day, while poor people watched 4 hours or more.

Rich people read at least two non-fiction books a month, poor people rarely read.

Rich people spent part of their income, AND part of their time on charitable activities, poor people didn’t.

Rich people spent a great deal of time doing and learning things that would improve themselves, while poor people didn’t.

Rich people took responsibility, poor people blamed others.

But My Situation Is Different!

Now, there’s plenty of poor people who are poor through absolutely NO fault of their own. Born into the wrong family, or the wrong part of the world, or under the wrong government or economic system would be enough to keep ANYBODY poor.

But even if you’re in a bad situation, taking responsibility is ALWAYS much more useful than blaming others, EVEN IF it’s THEIR FAULT.


You Are All You’ve Got!

Because NOBODY cares about YOU like YOU care about YOU. Meaning even IF you blame others, and it IS their fault, they won’t likely do much.

On the other hand, if you look at your own situation, and forget about trying to shun responsibility and give yourself a good, long, hard look in the mirror, and ask yourself, “Well, what am I going to do about this?”

You have a much, much better chance of succeeding than somebody who’s ALWAYS pointing fingers.

Continuous Improvement

One CRUCIAL part of that study (at least for me) was that wealthy folks KNOW they’ve ALWAYS got to improve themselves. Even after they’ve made their millions, (or billions, as the case may be) they KNOW it’s crucial to ALWAYS learn more.

Here’s another part of the study that struck me. Sixty Percent of millionaires and billionaires are SELF MADE.

Not From Daddy

They started broke, and through sheer willpower, and relentless forward momentum, they made themselves rich.

They can do it, YOU can do it.

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