Are You Terrified Of Risk?

Embrace Risk

The Danger Of Playing It Safe

I had this roommate once that was studying hard for his Actuary test.

It was actually about fifteen tests, and he was doing it by home-correspondence.

They’d send him the materials, he’d study them at his own pace, and then go to some approved testing center to pass whatever level he was at.

After going through about fifteen levels, he would finally be a licensed actuary, and start making the big cash.

Beware The Skeptic

He was a very smart, but also very skeptical. Unless something could be statistically proven or demonstrated through several articles in accepted scientific journals, he figured it was all nonsense.

Now, I can understand the need for skepticism. With skepticism, we’d all be easy marks and we’d believe anything anybody would tell us.

I Won’t Unless You Prove It!

But if you are too much of a skeptic, you may be just terrified of taking action. For example, many guys are afraid to talk to girls unless they have absolute video proof that some technique will work.

However, unless you can predict the future, you will HAVE to take risks on a daily basis.


When you get up off your chair to go and do something, are you one hundred percent SURE what will happen? Of course not. Sure, some things (like going to the toilet) have a much higher probability of success (like 99.999%) than talking to some random stranger in a bar, but there is always a LITTLE bit of uncertainty in the outcome.

Of course, as you well know, many people are so terrified of any amount of uncertainty they ONLY do what they’re comfortable with, and they KNOW will most likely work out.

I’ll Have The Usual

These are the people that are settled into their lives, always go the same restaurants, always order the same thing.

Now this is perfectly fine. Everybody has different values. Some people value safety and comfort over everything else.

But if you want to achieve more than what you’ve got, you’ve got to do different things than you’ve been doing.

Which means you need to EMBRACE uncertainty.

One of the key traits of ultra successful people in ANY field is they have NO PROBEM acting in the face of uncertainty.

Always Be Exploring

Because they KNOW, that no matter what happens, they’ll learn something. They’ll learn more about themselves, their skills, and their reality.

And because they keep doing this, their entire lives, they achieve MASSIVE results.

And so can YOU. When you learn how:

Check It Out:

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