Opening Her Treasure Chest

Secrets Of Her Treasure

Scared Of Rejection?

One of the biggest stumbling blocks to success with women is the fear of rejection.

Whether or not you can admit this to yourself, (some guys can’t) it’s always there.

Of course, it might not always be easily labeled as “rejection.” You can walk over, talk to her, and anything OTHER than not getting what you want is going to feel pretty lousy.

It’s that “other-than-success” feeling that keeps a lot of us stuck.

Become The Sorter

Think about it this way. Let’s say you’ve got a deck of cards. Your job is to find all the Aces.

Every Ace you find gets you ten hours of mind blowing sex with the girl of your dreams.

Easy job, right? Just flip through the cards until you find them.

When you flip over a card, and it’s not an Ace, do you wince? Do you feel ashamed, do you wish you stayed at home? Nope. You spend about ten nano-seconds saying “next” to yourself.

You can go through the whole deck in less than a minute.

Same Strategy With People

Now imagine another scenario. There’s some guy standing behind you with a club. You’ve got to turn ALL the cards into Aces. Meaning if you turn over a three, you have to use some kind of magic to transform it into an Ace. If you don’t, the guy with the club is going to smash you over the head.

Now how do you feel? Nobody in his right mind would go NEAR a deck of cards under those situations.

Yet that’s the reality a lot of us IMAGINE when we’re out talking to girls. We think we need to take each girl we fancy, and “turn her into” our dream girl.

However, in reality, the world around (including girls, money and whatever else you want) is much, much more like the first scenario than the second.

Your Mind Is In Control

You need to simply be an open minded SORTER, rather that somebody trying to use some laws of magic that don’t really exist.

But here’s the thing.

When you relax your mind away from the second scenario, and into the first, it will SEEM like magic.

All those girls you used to be terrified of talking to will now seem as friendly as an old lady in the post office.

Not only that, but you’ll realize that there are A LOT of dream girls out there, just waiting to be found.

So, what’s it going to be? Are you a magical conjurer, trying in vain to turn girls into people they’re not, or are you a treasure hunter? Easily sorting for the girls that WANT YOU to find them?

Become a treasure hunter.

Your Treasure Is Waiting:

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