Category Archives: Law Of Attraction

Common Law of Attraction Myths

Law of Attraction

Is The Law Of Attraction A Big Con?

Most people have got the wrong idea about the “Law of Attraction.”

In fact, while the name is a good approximation for what’s really going on, it’s largely misunderstood.

To begin with, anything we use to describe not only the vastly complex reality that surrounds us but also the incredibly complicated thought processes within our own minds, is going to be limited.

Any kind of simple metaphor to describe our existence is necessarily going to leave a LOT out.

Everything Is Only An Approximation

As they say in NLP, “the map is not the territory.” Meaning any map or description you’ve got (like the Law of Attraction) is NOT what it is describing.

For example, every single thought you have is dependent on most thoughts you’ve already had. And every thought you’ve had in the past is based on your interpretation of what was happening around you.

Something happens, you give some meaning to it, file it away, and merrily go on your way.

Every time something happens again, your brain will sort through your memory and come up with similar experiences. And those similar experiences will include all of the meanings you’ve given to situations in your past.

Meaning Is Always In Flux

Which means every time you gain a new understanding of what’s going on, you’ll automatically update all your past experiences.

This sounds very confusing, and it is. Your mind is WAY more complicated than ANY scientist has been able to explain.

Yet we latch on to ideas like, “If you vibrate at a certain frequency, you’ll attract things with that same frequency.”

On one hand, that’s true. But on the other hand, it’s MUCH more complicated.

The example that’s often given is two pianos in a large room. You bang on one middle C, and the other middle C will start vibrating.

However, pianos don’t have memories, opinions, desires, or internal conflicts. They follow a pretty simple set of rules from physics.

AND they just sit there and vibrate. They don’t get up and start walking towards each other.

What if your desire was the same way? What if when you vibrated at a certain frequency, and you caused what you wanted to vibrate at that same frequency, you AND that which you desired just sat there, like those two pianos?

You might come to the false conclusion that the “Law of Attraction” was some kind of myth.

Action is Everything

But what happens when you understand that it requires ACTION on your part?

Getting everything vibrating is just the beginning. You’ve still got to get out into the world and make it happen.

Luckily, when you combine “Right Thinking,” (the thinking that creates the vibration) and “Right Action” (the easy steps to meet your desire out in the world) anything’s possible.

Learn More:

The Often Missed Secret Of Manifesting


Is Your Law of Attraction Not Working Yet?

One of the most crucial, and the most overlooked qualities is congruence.

It’s one of those words that is hard to define, yet everybody seems to have an idea of what it means.

However you define it, the more congruent you are, the easier it will be to get whatever you want. What’s even better is that congruence is often times more important that actual skill.

Long time ago, I used to live in Taiwan. I was at a friends house watching this really weird high school competition.

It was in this big stadium, filled with people. But the only event was a race from one end of the end zone to the other. 100 meters.

Perfect Congruence

They raced with all the kids lined up, standing next to each other. Except each person’s legs were tied to the person on either side of them.

Meaning when they ran across the field, they had to run in perfect synchronicity. If one guy fell, they all fell. If one guy tried to run faster than everybody else, they all fell.

So the team that won wasn’t the fastest team, but the team that was the most congruent. The team that ran across the field in perfect lock step with each other.

Individual humans are exactly the same way. We’ve got all these parts that are usually trying to go in all kinds of different directions. If those kids tried that, they’d be in a huge pile of arm and legs flailing about.

Is it any wonder that things that seem so easy turn out to be much harder?

Congruence Is Key To Everything

But if you’re internally congruent, and you’ve got ALL your parts on board, you can really achieve pretty much anything.

This is the part of manifesting that trips many of us up. Part of us is trying to attract something, but another part is actually pushing it away.

Which is why when you get all your parts on board, it suddenly seems so easy (both to you and everybody watching you) that it really DOES seem like magic.

To achieve more congruence and manifest your desires, check this out:

The Building Blocks Of Your Desire

How To Trust Your Instincts

LOA Myths Are Abundant

There’s a lot of misconceptions about the Law of Attraction.

As it goes, you vibrate a certain frequency, and you will resonate along with that which you desire.

Now, some people interpret this (since it’s called the law of “Attraction”) that things will suddenly start showing up in your life.

Often times, the example is given of red cars (if you’re focusing on red cars) or something similar.

However, in order to this to happen, that which you are visualizing must already exist, in it’s finished form, out there in the world.

In this case, what you’re doing is changing the filters in your mind so you see what’s already there.

A Flying Car?

But what if you are visualizing something that hasn’t been created yet? Something complicated like a new job, or a relationship, or a specific house?

In this case, it WILL require your effort.

Most people have NO IDEA how incredibly brilliant their subconscious minds are. Sure, if think about a red car, you’re going to start seeing red cars.

But if you are visualizing something much more complicated, your subconscious won’t be able to point out the finished product, because it doesn’t exist yet.

But what it WILL point out to you are the building blocks TO that finished product (or relationship or whatever).

Open To Potential

But since you don’t really know HOW those building blocks will fit to together, you might miss them.

Your conscious mind can only play checkers. But your subconscious is ALWAYS playing chess. Always thinking a billion moves head. Always looking way out in the future, rather than right in front of you.

And when your subconscious points out those “building blocks” they’ll come across as a feeling, or an intuition.

Trust Your Feelings

Which means in order to manifest those big, complicated things, you HAVE to trust your intuition and feelings. Which means you HAVE to take action when ALL YOU HAVE is your gut instinct.

Most people are terrified of doing this. Which is why most people are stuck manifesting red cars, that they don’t own. Or sometimes parking spaces (which are already there).

What about you?

Are you satisfied with short term, “proof” that the Law of Attraction exists, or are you serious about actually creating something BIG?

If you are, get started:

She Burst Her Own Appendix

Be Careful What You Ask For

Danger Danger Danger

This is a warning of how powerful your subconscious is.

When you tell your subconscious you want something, it will figure out a way to get it.

Naturally, there’s about a billion factors involved. The laws of physics and biology for one. If you want to manifest something that’s going to take some real physical effort and energy, it may take a while.

For example, if you were a few hundred pounds overweight, and wanted to manifest a six pack, it may take a while. There IS a limit on how fast the body can metabolize body fat.

Be Careful What You Ask For

But sometimes, things happen a lot quicker than we imagine. Because the constraints are really in our head. Many times some of the “magical” results people get when manifesting is simply because all the obstacles were in their head. Once they did some visualizations, meditations, etc., and those “imaginary obstacles” vanished, what they wanted was right in front of them. Or pretty easy to get.

Anyhow, here’s the story. Once I had this roommate who had a job she hated. She really, really wanted to take a month off work. So she planned for about a month (all the time worrying and stressing and losing sleep) about how she was going to ask her boss for a month off.

She concocted some story about having to visit some relatives in another country. She finally got up the nerve to ask, and he said no.

Then about a week later, me, her and some other friends were at a party. Suddenly she started feeling ill. Pretty soon she had a sharp pain in her stomach. We took her to the emergency room, and they said her appendix had burst. After the surgery, they told her she’d need to recover at home for one month.

Yep. She wanted a month off from work, and she got it. How did this happen?

She had a specific goal. She thought about if often when plenty of energy. And then her subconscious made it happen as quickly as it could.

Your subconscious is VERY powerful. But it can’t control other people. It can’t change the laws of physics.

Focus On Good Things

But instead of getting yourself sick or injured, why not program your subconscious to be able to interact with others so they WANT to help you get what you want. Or just GIVE it to you, for THEIR reasons.

This is the magic of manifesting when done right. Right thinking, right acting will ALWAYS yield the results you want.

Learn More:

Understand The Structure Of Life

Thoughts Into Things

Brain Bending Magic

In NLP there’s a crucial distinction between “structure” and “content.”

For example, consider the following sentence:

“Yesterday, I walked to 7-11 and bought a peanut butter burrito.”

The content is the actual stuff (yesterday, 7-11, peanut butter, burrito). v The structure, however, is the basic “category” of the particular stuff. The following sentence has the SAME STRUCTURE, but no content:

“Two days ago I rode my bicycle to the grocery store and bought an apple.”

The next sentence has the same structure, but NO content:

“Previously, I traveled to a building and purchased some food.”

Pay Attention?

Why is this important? (The structure vs. content thing, not me filling my pie hole!)

Because our brains are hard wired to see ONLY content, and NOT structure.

For example, consider these two sentences:

1) He threw a baseball.

2) He made a million dollars.

Now, are these different or the same? At first glance, they seem to be totally different, both in structure AND in content. (Unless we’re talking about a major league pitcher.)

But sometimes the structure is not grammatical, as in the food buying example.

Sometimes it’s actually biological. Or even metaphysical.


Go Meta Baby

Both of the two sentences are really describing the same process.

What process?

This one:

He pictured his outcome in mind, and then he made it happen in the real world.


He started with a thought, and then turned that thought into a thing.

A guy standing there with a baseball in his hand imagines a completely different situation. He imagines the ball somewhere else, and he imagines how it’s going to get there. Then he makes it happen.

Now, because we’ve all thrown balls, this seems so simple it’s almost nonsensical.

But is it?

Pure Magic

Because that’s EXACTLY what the second guy did.

He had a picture in his mind, and he made it happen in the real world.

Sure, the second situation probably took longer, and involved a lot more people, and he had to hold that idea in mind a lot longer, but the STRUCTURE is the same.

Thought leads to action, and action leads to outcome.

Understanding the structure of creation will make it much, much easier to create. Because you’ve been creating ALL YOUR LIFE.

All you’ve got to do is take a conscious look at the process, improve it, drop it back down into your subconscious, and then sit back and wait for the magic.

Learn More:

How To Conjure Female Desire

Get Her Interested In You

Magical Attraction

The filters you carry in your mind will shape the world you see.

Most people have an idea of “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

But in reality, it’s the opposite. You’ll see it when you believe it.

Naturally, this isn’t magic. This is based on biology, and physical reality. However, there are, according to neural scientists, about 200,000 TIMES as many things going on around us at all times than our conscious minds can pick out.

It’s All Science

Now, these aren’t things like alien lizards hanging out behind us. These are things like girls checking us out. All of the micro body language, eye contact, breathing patterns, facial expressions and eye dilations are there. We just don’t notice them.

In fact, if you had some super human brain that actually COULD see everything, you’d be able to see the attraction level of every single girl within 50 feet.

Because attraction isn’t a choice, the natural physiological response to attraction aren’t a choice either.

Rude Language Ahead

Here’s a VERY CRUDE example. If a super hot porn star showed up to where you are RIGHT NOW and started rubbing your crotch, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to NOT get an erection.

Similarly, when girls are out and about, it is IMPOSSIBLE for their bodies not to respond to guys they find interesting.

I’m talking about body language, facial expressions, and all those micro IOI’s that most people don’t even know exist.

But What About Metaphysics?

So back to that metaphysical statement. If you believe you suck with women, and women aren’t into you, you’re basically telling your subconscious to IGNORE all the signs that women ARE into you.

However, if you TRULY BELIEVE that all girls want to jump on your johnson, you WILL start seeing signs of attraction.

Now, here’s the BEST PART. Simply believing that girls are into you will change YOUR body language, facial expressions, how long you hold eye contact, and the very way you move through the world.

And THIS will actually INCREASE the amount of attraction for you out there.

Get In The Mix

The truth about human nature, human interaction and especially SEXUAL interaction is that it’s all based on feedback loops and endless interdependent variables.

But if you try to get a handle on all of that stuff consciously, you’ll go crazy.

A better way is to simply trust your unconscious. Go with the glow. Merge with reality around you to create and take what you want.

Learn More:

What Is The Collective Unconscious?

Leverage The Collective Unconscious

To Be Or Not To Be

A few years ago, I was in the habit of taking acting classes.

They’re a great way to meet interesting and outgoing people. You get to practice all kinds of “expression games” that blow public speaking out of the water when it comes to getting rid of fears and anxiety.

You get to stretch your limits of imagination, and what you think is possible.

One of the classes I took was an improv class. It was recommended by one of my teachers. At the time, the only thing I knew about improv was stand up comedy. Boy was I wrong.

Making Stuff Up

Improv was really all about coming up with ideas and behaviors “on the spot.” Regular acting class is geared toward learning lines from plays, and then practicing them and getting into character.

Improve is all about just getting up on stage with a bunch of people you don’t know, and basically just making stuff up as you go along, and making it seem like it’s all some kind of a congruent story.

In a sense, it’s very much like life.

I remember when we did this one exercise, with about twenty people, and the synergy was absolutely amazing. We used our bodies and motions to create all these shapes. The teacher took the opportunity to throw out various structure names, and then all twenty of us would automatically get into position.

All without speaking, and all very quickly.

And the structures were complicated things like buildings, ships, bicycles, etc.


Being part of a large group of people, with zero conscious communication, yet acting together quickly and effectively to create things was a wonderful experience.

So is life. Because life is the same.

There really is no rules. Sure, there are people who try their hardest to be “in charge” and tell everybody else what to do, but those types are much less important than we realize.

When you can juts let go, trust your unconscious, and more importantly trust the unconscious of others, you really can create some absolutely amazing things with your life.

Relationships, situations, families, huge piles of wealth. Anything you want.

Only instead of waiting for some professor telling you what shape to make, you get to choose on your own.

Are you ready?

Get Started:

How I Blew A Threesome

Three Girls

So Close!

I remember once I had a three-way in college.

Hang on there, it’s not what you think!

I have no idea how or why it started, but it ended quickly, and it was all my fault.

I was at this party, hanging out with my boys, drinking, smoking etc.

And I found myself sitting in a chair, up against the wall, kind of facing the main room.

And there were two girls on either side of me.

Out Of Nowhere

I don’t remember how it started, but I was in the PERFECT mood for pick up. I was enjoying myself, I was enjoying the company of the girls and I didn’t really care what happened.

So the two girls started getting ULTRA playful. I’m talking MAJOR kino. Tickling me, whispering in my ears, breathing on my neck, running their fingernails up my legs.

Wait, What?

I was flabbergasted. Since I wasn’t paying much attention, it was like it came out of nowhere.

So what did I do? Enjoy it? Allow them to keep doing what they were doing?

Nope. I wrecked the frame, and ruined everything.


In my nervousness, instead of just accepting what was happening, and going with it as congruently as possible, I let my ego take over. I suddenly looked out over the party, and took on a huge fake alpha stance, and tried to “show off” my new found “game.”

Ego Killer

My attitude quickly went to “Hey everybody! Look at me! I’m so cool! I’ve got two girls on me!”

The girls quickly picked up on this, and left.


As soon as it started, it was over.

Now, could I actually have gotten both these girls into bed? Who knows. Maybe. Probably. They were in a frisky mood, the alcohol was flowing. Finals had just ended. It was a one of time opportunity, but I blew it.

Instead of just pacing the situation, pacing the frame, pacing the energy, I tried to exploit it.

Moral of the story?

Don’t Use Girls To Prove Your Alpha-Ness

If you’re picking up girls to show off what an alpha dog you are to your buddies, your success will be very limited. In order to pull this off, you REALLY have to be that ultra alpha jerk that SOME girls go for.

But if you’re picking up girls because you want to enjoy their company, enjoy their energy, and enjoy their sexuality, you’ve got to learn to pace the energy, pace the frame, and then slightly lead them to where you want to go.

If you try and do this consciously, it’s easy to mess it up. But when you trust your unconscious, trust your instincts, it will be like magic.

And THIS is the stuff that girls FANTASIZE about.

Learn More:

What Kind of a Boss Are You?

Like A Boss

Micromanagement Disaster

I used to have this boss that was a little too “hands on.”

Now, it’s one thing to have a boss that really understands what you’re doing, so when they offer their input it’s usually pretty valuable. Anytime you can take advice from somebody who’s been there, done that, and already made all the mistakes, it’s pretty useful advice.

But this boss I had wasn’t like that. This guy was not only an egomaniac, but he was pretty clueless to me and my team’s functions. He would try to “pretend” to understand what we were doing, but he ALWAYS got in the way.

Fake Obedience

So much that when he showed up to our work area, we got that crappy feeling that we were going to have to answer a bunch of ridiculous questions, while at the same time pretending to respect him.

He wasn’t above giving out a few covert threats here and there about our future at the company.

On the other hand, I had this boss that really, really knew what I was doing. He knew all the problems I was likely going to face, and he completely understood when I’d messed up.

Since he’d been in my shoes many times, he knew the trouble spots.

Good Boss Bad Boss

Unfortunately, the “Good Boss” was only my boss for a few short months, while the “Bad Boss” was my boss for a few long (very long lol) years.

So what’s this got to do with anything?

The human mind / body connection is incredible. So much that even the top brain scientists of the world are only starting to understand it.

But one thing is certain. Most of the amazing breakthroughs, achievements and accomplishments people have in their lives don’t come through micro-managing their daily actions.

If you’re conscious mind is always showing up, always trying to micro-manage the day to day behaviors, thoughts and instincts of your subconscious, it’s going to be slow going.

Best Boss Ever

Now, there’s one more boss I had that was actually better than all the rest. He was ultra powerful, ultra clueless about our day to day operations, but also VERY ultra hands on.

He would tell me what he wanted, he would ask me what I needed, then he would remove himself from the picture.

And then my team and I would get it done.

Sure, if we needed help, we’d ask. And he’d give it. No questions. Often times he’d just hand me the company credit card and tell me to “get whatever you need.”

What’s your relationship with your subconscious? What of boss are you?

Do you trust your subconscious to get it done, and give it whatever it needs, whenever it needs, without question?

Or do you try and micro-manage and second guess yourself?

One way works a LOT better than the rest.

Learn Why:

Opening Her Treasure Chest

Secrets Of Her Treasure

Scared Of Rejection?

One of the biggest stumbling blocks to success with women is the fear of rejection.

Whether or not you can admit this to yourself, (some guys can’t) it’s always there.

Of course, it might not always be easily labeled as “rejection.” You can walk over, talk to her, and anything OTHER than not getting what you want is going to feel pretty lousy.

It’s that “other-than-success” feeling that keeps a lot of us stuck.

Become The Sorter

Think about it this way. Let’s say you’ve got a deck of cards. Your job is to find all the Aces.

Every Ace you find gets you ten hours of mind blowing sex with the girl of your dreams.

Easy job, right? Just flip through the cards until you find them.

When you flip over a card, and it’s not an Ace, do you wince? Do you feel ashamed, do you wish you stayed at home? Nope. You spend about ten nano-seconds saying “next” to yourself.

You can go through the whole deck in less than a minute.

Same Strategy With People

Now imagine another scenario. There’s some guy standing behind you with a club. You’ve got to turn ALL the cards into Aces. Meaning if you turn over a three, you have to use some kind of magic to transform it into an Ace. If you don’t, the guy with the club is going to smash you over the head.

Now how do you feel? Nobody in his right mind would go NEAR a deck of cards under those situations.

Yet that’s the reality a lot of us IMAGINE when we’re out talking to girls. We think we need to take each girl we fancy, and “turn her into” our dream girl.

However, in reality, the world around (including girls, money and whatever else you want) is much, much more like the first scenario than the second.

Your Mind Is In Control

You need to simply be an open minded SORTER, rather that somebody trying to use some laws of magic that don’t really exist.

But here’s the thing.

When you relax your mind away from the second scenario, and into the first, it will SEEM like magic.

All those girls you used to be terrified of talking to will now seem as friendly as an old lady in the post office.

Not only that, but you’ll realize that there are A LOT of dream girls out there, just waiting to be found.

So, what’s it going to be? Are you a magical conjurer, trying in vain to turn girls into people they’re not, or are you a treasure hunter? Easily sorting for the girls that WANT YOU to find them?

Become a treasure hunter.

Your Treasure Is Waiting: