She Burst Her Own Appendix

Be Careful What You Ask For

Danger Danger Danger

This is a warning of how powerful your subconscious is.

When you tell your subconscious you want something, it will figure out a way to get it.

Naturally, there’s about a billion factors involved. The laws of physics and biology for one. If you want to manifest something that’s going to take some real physical effort and energy, it may take a while.

For example, if you were a few hundred pounds overweight, and wanted to manifest a six pack, it may take a while. There IS a limit on how fast the body can metabolize body fat.

Be Careful What You Ask For

But sometimes, things happen a lot quicker than we imagine. Because the constraints are really in our head. Many times some of the “magical” results people get when manifesting is simply because all the obstacles were in their head. Once they did some visualizations, meditations, etc., and those “imaginary obstacles” vanished, what they wanted was right in front of them. Or pretty easy to get.

Anyhow, here’s the story. Once I had this roommate who had a job she hated. She really, really wanted to take a month off work. So she planned for about a month (all the time worrying and stressing and losing sleep) about how she was going to ask her boss for a month off.

She concocted some story about having to visit some relatives in another country. She finally got up the nerve to ask, and he said no.

Then about a week later, me, her and some other friends were at a party. Suddenly she started feeling ill. Pretty soon she had a sharp pain in her stomach. We took her to the emergency room, and they said her appendix had burst. After the surgery, they told her she’d need to recover at home for one month.

Yep. She wanted a month off from work, and she got it. How did this happen?

She had a specific goal. She thought about if often when plenty of energy. And then her subconscious made it happen as quickly as it could.

Your subconscious is VERY powerful. But it can’t control other people. It can’t change the laws of physics.

Focus On Good Things

But instead of getting yourself sick or injured, why not program your subconscious to be able to interact with others so they WANT to help you get what you want. Or just GIVE it to you, for THEIR reasons.

This is the magic of manifesting when done right. Right thinking, right acting will ALWAYS yield the results you want.

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