Category Archives: Luck

How To Hack Reality

How To Find Luck

Find Things Others Can’t

When I was a kid, we would go down to the corner ice cream shop and play video games.

They were the old kind. Very simple graphics, like Space Invaders, Asteroids, and Pac Man.

One kid had figured out some kind of “cheat.” Meaning if you moved your character around in a specific way, you would easily move from level to level without being eaten.

At first, we thought he was just “lucky,” but later we learned what was up.

I used to have this job where we would use company cars when visiting clients.

Often times, these clients would all be in the same office building, working for different departments in this large company.

We would leave at the same time, but one of my colleagues would ALWAYS get there about five minutes ahead of me.

I’d always thought he was “lucky” and got green lights while I got red lights. But he’d just figured out a faster way, through many side streets, where there were NO lights.

Often times being “lucky” just means knowing how to work the system the most efficiently to get what you want.

Once a scientist even did a study to find out the difference between “lucky” people and “unlucky” people.

He put them both through the exact same environment, but the “lucky” people did MUCH BETTER than the unlucky people.

So much that it was statistically significant. Meaning it wasn’t really “luck” that was making the “lucky people” so much better. It was something else.

He later determined it was how they view the world. They expect to see opportunities, so they do. When they see them, they aren’t afraid to take action.

They look at the world with an attitude of a child, wondering what cool thing is going to happen next.

It’s been said that what the thinker thinks, the prover proves. Meaning if you think you’re unlucky, you will be.

But if you believe you are lucky, you will be.

Now, some of this goes WAY BEYOND what rational human science can understand.

However, when you realize that your subconscious mind sees WAY MORE stuff than you’ll ever know, it kind of makes sense.

Imagine reaching into a box, filled with ping pong balls. There’s a hundred white balls, and one red ball.

Ten people reach in a grab a ball. If anybody is “lucky” they’ll put out the red ball and win a stack of cash.

Being “lucky” really means fine tuning your mind-body system, and opening up to the intuition of the subconscious, so luck just happens to you naturally.

As within, so without.

Are You Waiting For Proof?

Get In The Game

Get In The Game

The difference between subconscious and conscious perception is astounding.

Some studies indicate there’s about a 25,000:1 ratio.

Meaning for every one “thing” our conscious minds are aware of, there’s 25,000 “things” our subconscious is aware of.

The basic theory is like this. We are always being bombarded by massive amounts of information hitting our eyes, ears, skin, nose, and tongue.

But from all of that “noise” our subconscious has to figure out what’s important, and what’s not.

Think of the last time you saw something out of the corner of your eye, spun your head around and saw something good. Maybe an attractive person, maybe some money lying on the ground, maybe an interesting advertisement about something you’ve been thinking about.

Think about it this way. While your conscious mind is busy trying to keep those few things in mind, your subconscious is ALWAYS on the lookout. And when you “see” something out of the corner of your eye, it’s like your subconscious is saying, “DUDE! Over here!”

How does your subconscious know what’s important and what’s not? If you don’t do anything, it will rely on it’s factory programming. Money. Sexy people. Snakes. 

Or if you’ve been keen on anything lately, like you’ve been shopping for a new phone or something, you’ll start noticing phones every where.

But there’s a cool way to go “meta.”

This can take some practice, but it’s pretty powerful.

Normally, you see what you’ve been thinking about. Phones, red cars, cruise advertisements if you’ve been thinking about a vacation.

But when you go “meta” you’ll start noticing things that can LEAD TO what you’re after. 

Now, this is when it gets weird. You won’t see any clear conscious proof, but you’ll get a “feeling.” And if you follow that “feeling,” you’ll end up with what you want.

Some people naturally listen to those “feelings” when they get them. Most of us don’t. Most of us need to see proof, or see some step by step, easy to understand path from where we are to what we want.

But if you learn to trust your intuition, you’ll see many, many more opportunities to get what you want.

You can kick start this process by assuming that those “things that lead to other things” are out there.

Meaning you’ll follow your intuition with an ASSUMPTION that you’ll eventually find something good.

This will fire up your senses to be hypersensitive to many, many more potential opportunities than most people realize even exist.

To an outside observer, you’ll seem incredibly “lucky.” 

But you’ll know the difference.

The Most Powerful Part Of Your Brain

Sort The World For What You Want

The Sorter

I’ve always been fascinated by those people who work on assembly lines.

The people who watch the finished product go by, and make sure they all meet quality standards.

Whatever it is, cans of beans or chocolate covered cherries, they go zooming by, and they are somehow supposed to make a visual inspection of what’s OK and what’s not OK.

Clearly, not the most exciting job, but still important. If any company starts to be known for producing less than quality goods, their reputation and sales will plummet.

Certain companies are so worried about brand image that they make significant efforts to destroy all products with even the slightest defect. Otherwise, some worker might take it home, people might see it. A world famous brand, with some kind of flaw.

In all levels of production, from receiving the raw materials to the finished goods, sorting is crucial.

Without sorting you’d have junk mixed in with the good stuff.

On a personal level, sorting is also one of the most important skills to learn. The quicker you can do it, the better. 

It’s so important that part of your brain’s function is to sort. The FASTEST part of your brain is the sorter.

Think of it this way. Your conscious brain can perceive up to 40 bits per second, according to scientific research.

Your subconscious can perceive up to 1,000,000 bits per second, according to the same research.

Your SORTER (technically called your preconscious processor) has to sift through the MILLION bits of information hitting your senses every single second, and then decide what’s important, and what’s not.

How does it know?

If you don’t do ANYTHING, it will be stuff that’s hard wired into the system. Scary things, sexy things, anything that represents money. Anything that’s been on your mind lately.

Like if you’ve got a speech coming up, you may see or hear PLENTY of things that remind you of public speaking.

If you’re in love, you’ll see plenty of things that remind you of your crush.

Your sorter can also find opportunities as well. Things that will lead to the things you want.

Since your brain is hard wired to be more aware of danger than pleasure (since danger can end you), it’s naturally easier to notice scary stuff.

But if you learn to “train” your sorter to find opportunities, it will find them.

Instead of relying on ancient programming, you’ll start seeing things in a completely new way.

Your friends will all think you’ve just started getting lucky.

But YOU’LL understand what’s REALLY happening.

There Is Treasure Everywhere

Dig For Treasure

Start Digging

There’s two ways to look at “luck.”

The “real” way, and the “magic” way.

Of course, these are two extremes and any event that can be considered “lucky” has elements of both.

One standard definition of “luck” is when preparation meets opportunity.

Which sounds pretty good, but it’s also pretty vague. For example, luck usually happens when you aren’t really expecting it. And if you aren’t expecting it, how exactly can you prepare?

One way is to develop some “meta” skills. Like learning the piano is a specific skill. But learning how to learn is a “meta” skill.

Walking over to a particular person is a specific skill, while being comfortable around people is a “meta” skill.

Doing a particular job for the first time is a specific skill, while feeling comfortable in unknown situations, knowing you’ll eventually figure it out is a “meta” skill.

What about opportunities?

It’s easy to get caught in the “short term” thinking trap. Like if you were hungry, and you were expecting to see a big flashing sign that said “Food Here!” that would certainly be an opportunity.

But if you were walking down a main street, and you came across a side street that “looked like” it “might” have a few interesting restaurants to try out, that would be an opportunity as well.

And if you recall some of the greatest experiences of your life, they probably weren’t delivered gift wrapped, with you only needing to stick your hands out to receive them.

They likely took action, a little bit of uncertainty, and whole bunch of things that happened in ways you NEVER could have predicted.

Most people, when they think about getting “lucky” they imagine winning the lottery, or “being discovered” by some Hollywood producer.

In reality, lucky people have a certain mindset. A certain attitude. They don’t wait around to be given stuff, they have the self confidence and an open mind to realize that things are meant to be DISCOVERED.

After all, if it wasn’t “hidden” it wouldn’t be treasure!

But with a slight shift in mind, and an willingness to go down those side streets that “might” have something interesting, something AMAZING will happen.

You’ll notice that there is TREASURE.


Why Failure Is Fantastic

Embrace Failure

How To Double Your Success Rate

One of the hardest things to do is accept negative feedback.

Now, most people will refer to this as “failure.” If you’re a normal person, who’s been through normal school, then it’s been drilled into your brain that failure is bad, and should be avoided at all costs.

Or maybe you played sports and got yelled at when you made a mistake.

One of my favorite commercials of all time is with Michael Jordan. Now like him or hate him, he and Nike (and whatever marketing company they used) made some pretty good ones.

The one I’m talking about is when he slowly talked about all his “failures.”

Like taking the last shot at the buzzer, and missing.

Like all the games he’s lost.

Like all the times he choked during the playoffs when his teammates were depending on him. Then he listed all the shots he missed (in the thousands) all the games he’s lost (at least in the hundreds).

Then he said, “I’ve failed again, and again and again and again.”

Then he looked at the camera and said:

“That, is why I succeed.”

The CEO of Sony, who took their company from when “made in Japan” meant junk to a global leader in electronics was asked, “How do we double our success rate?”

“That’s easy,” he responded.

“Double your failure rate.”

Even Babe Ruth struck out more than most people realize.

What is failure, anyway? It’s the natural feedback mechanism that’s built deep into your brain.

It’s what helped you walk, talk, read, write, and everything else you know to do.

If failure didn’t happen, learning would be impossible.

If learning was impossible, we’d all be monkeys throwing poo at each other!

So why is “failure” so scary?

Maybe because we associated it somehow with negative social pressure. Maybe we forgot that there’s ALWAYS a next time.

To be sure, if something really important is on the line, like a job promotion, or a championship game, not getting what you want really, really sucks.

But what’s the alternative? Not play? Not try? That sucks even more!

Your entire life is the sum total of your day to day behaviors and accomplishments. Your day to day behaviors and accomplishments are based on how you view the world, and how you view yourself.

Change one, and you’ll change the other.

Change the cause, and you’ll necessarily change the effect.

YOU are the cause. Your world is the effect.

When you embrace ALL feedback, both good and “bad,” then you’ll know the real secret of achieving anything.

That ANYTHING is possible.

This course will teach you how. Step by step.

Are You Selling Out Or Starving?

The Food Truck Of Love

Find The Magic Middle

I watched a pretty good movie on Netflix the other night.

It was a good metaphor for the difference between “selling out” and “following your dreams.”

Many people abhor the idea of “selling out,” meaning ONLY doing something to make a buck.

Anyhow, the main character in the movie was a chef (also the name of the movie.)

He had a job in a pretty popular, high-end restaurant. But he felt he was “selling out” as the owner wouldn’t allow him to “experiment” with different dishes. They had a fight, he quit, and bought a food truck.

Even though he was selling stuff on the side of the road for 4 or 5 dollars a pop, they were HIS creations, and he didn’t have a boss telling him to only follow the money.

Naturally, since it was a movie, everything worked out. He made a ton of cash, got his gorgeous ex-wife back, and reconnected with his kid.

Life, however, is far from a movie. If you follow your dreams, there’s a chance you won’t make a lot of money. (Starving artist.) At least at first.

On the other hand, if you ONLY “follow the money” you might get rich, but you’ll feel empty inside.

Are these the only two options?

Luckily, whenever we’re presented with two complete opposite scenarios, they are really extremes on either side of a continuum.

Which means if you put some effort into it, you’ll find a some good middle ground.

Where you can follow your dreams, AND make a ton of money in the process.

Problem is many people aren’t so patient. It’s easy to “sell out” and get a job you hate, and figure “that’s the way it is.”

It’s also pretty easy to just give up and become a “starving artist” with the attitude that the world just doesn’t “get it.”

It takes real effort to take your passions, and cultivate them into real skills that people will pay real money for.

It’s not easy, which is why you’ll find most people in the “starving artist” category or the “sell-out” category.

You look up the personal history of ANYBODY who made it big, in ANY field, and you’ll find that it didn’t come easy.

In fact, many great creators went through plenty of struggle, in the beginning.

You might consider that to be the very purpose of your life.

To first identify your passions, and then do whatever it takes to cultivate them into something magnificent.

Something people will appreciate.

And something that will generate real wealth.

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator

Get Your Ego On Your Side

Embrace Your Inner Monkey

Trust Your Inner Caveman

There’s a lot of ways our ego can get in the way.

Even coming to an agreement on what the ego is can be difficult.

From a purely biological standpoint, it can be considered a leftover set of instincts from our days as hunters/gatherers.

Back in those days, we lived with the same group of people our entire lives, so their opinions of us were VERY important.

If they were talking trash about us behind our back, we could be in serious trouble. Life threatening, kicked out of the tribe trouble.

On the other hand, if everybody thought you were the bees knees, then you got a better looking mate, first dibs on all the big kills, and all the best spots to live whenever the tribe found a living spot.

So it became advantageous for those primitive humans to be super-hyper-sensitive to the opinions of others.

But like most other instincts, what worked well back then can only get in the way today.

For example, you could make a LOT of money in sales. It’s not that complicated, you’d just have to memorize a “pitch,” and call enough people, and you’d be making some serious cash.

Only problem is after getting yelled at by people who don’t like being called at home, you’d quit in a hurry.

Most sales that are based on commissions have a HUGE turnover rate. People are lured in by the potential big money, then run away in terror after getting their ego’s beat up.

Unfortunately, those instincts are pretty hard to ignore. For example, another instinct is to stuff our pie holes with food whenever it’s available. Worked back then, but not so much now.

But just understanding it doesn’t really help much. (Those burgers fries and ice cream sure do taste good!)

The trick isn’t to ignore or suppress your ego. 

The trick is to accept it, appreciate it, and manage it.

Think of it as your ally, rather than your enemy.

The easiest way is to have an overarching goal that is MORE IMPORTANT than the short term gratification of your ego.

One of the most important skills to develop, regardless of what you’d like to create in life, is to step back and see the big picture.

See your current situation in the context of your entire life.

Many people think of what they’d like to create, but then get stuck when their fear-driven ego (and all that other baggage) shows up.

But when you train your ego think long term, rather than short term, it’s a lot easier.

This will show you how:

Prosperity Generator

Do You Wish Instead of Choose?

You May Be Waiting A Long Time For The Birthday Fairy

Strong Choices Are Like Magic

What’s the difference between a wish and a choice?

Way back when I was in college, I had this foolish notion that as soon as I got my degree, employers would start banging down my door begging to hire me.

This does happen in the movies, and when you’ve got the right degree and the economy is red hot, this can happen.

But not usually.

Shortly after college I started sending out resumes by the dozens, and had to work a couple of crap jobs before I settled into the beginnings of what would be a pretty decent career.

But even then it didn’t just “happen.” I had to actively participate.

Now, this may sound obvious, but often times we kind of neglect the “actively participate” part.

We “wish,” meaning we imagine that somebody is just going to show up and take care of things.

Nathaniel Brandon, a famous psychologist who’s written tons of self-help books, had this big sign in his office back when he did therapy.

“Nobody Is Coming.”

This, of course, was to remind his clients that the only person who was going to make things happen was them.

Sure, people win the lottery every day. People get discovered on the street by movie producers. People bump into their dream lovers at the supermarket and the pieces just kind of automatically fit together.

But if your main strategy is to simply “get lucky,” you may be waiting a while.

The main difference between a wish and choice is one of responsibility. When we wish, we’re really waiting for somebody (or the world in general) to give us something.

When we choose, we know that it’s up to us.

Now, many people are scared to choose. Because if we choose something and we can’t get it, that means we pretty much suck, and we’d better get our cardboard box ready, right?


Simply the act of choosing fires up different brain circuits than wishing.

Wishing lives in the childhood part of our brains, when we expect to simply “receive.”

But choosing is for grownups. Grownups who know that ever action is beneficial.

Every action yields some kind of result. Every result gives us more information.

And the more information and experience we gain, the better and more effectively we can “operate” on the world to create our choices.

In the Prosperity Program, you’ll get a dual induction hypnosis session designed to take any wish, no matter how big, and how matter how vague, and turn it into a choice.

A powerful choice that will inspire you to action.

The natural action that will manifest your desires.

How To Leverage The Paradox Of Success

Step By Step To Riches

Believe It To Achieve It

There’s a startling discovery you’ll notice when you start to achieve significant success.

I mean success that’s bigger and better than anything you’ve already accomplished.

One thing that is common to all humans is how we “overestimate” our future.

They say this is only common in Americans, but it’s present in ALL people. This “entrepreneurial” mindset.

The kind where you look out into the future, and see things much brighter than they really are.

The reason for this is to simply keep us moving forward. Sure, it feels great to achieve stuff, but that feeling doesn’t very long. Pretty soon we’ve got our sights set on something else.

Even world championship teams know that can’t bask in glory forever. It’s only a matter of time before the next season starts and they’ve got to defend their title.

This plays out in any kind of forward movement. Take jogging, for example.

At the beginning, the goal is to run for a mile without stopping. Once that happens, then it’s two miles, then three.

When you get up to three or four per day, then the focus shifts to decreasing times for the same distance.

I’m sure you’ll notice the same thing, in any of your previous accomplishments.

Which means you’ve already noticed that “startling discovery” that I alluded to earlier.

Before we achieve something, we kind of put it up on a pedestal. But when we achieve, it comes back down to Earth. It seems normal. Sometimes you may even have wondered what the big deal was.

The secret is that ANYTHING you can think of, no matter how BIG and FAR OUT it may seem, can one day seem as normal as tying your shoes.

All you’ve got to do is get from where you are now, to where you want to be.

It may take a while, and it SHOULD take a while if you’ve got big goals that are worth pursuing.

But it shouldn’t be scary, or difficult, or frustrating.

All you’ve got to do is shift your mind, so that you believe you can achieve it, and you will.

But be warned, though. When you DO achieve it, the heavens won’t open, you won’t be invited for a ticker tape parade, you won’t feel like a super hero.

Because you will have learned a very under appreciated secret of life.

That you can get ANYTHING you want in life, so long as you believe you can. 

Because when you do, getting THAT (whatever THAT is) will be as normal as baking a cake.

Learn how:

Belief Change

How To Get Lucky With Ladies

How To Get Lucky Baby

How To Engineer Luck

Most people think of luck as something that falls from the heavens. A gift from God. Or some leprechaun, or some unicorn that’s giving out skittles. Or whatever.

But luck is something that can be engineered. How? Keep reading.

First, figure out what you want. Most guys don’t really know. They just know they’d like some female companionship, but that’s about it. Which means they wander through life, unsure, and when they see a hottie, they are in “reactive” mode rather than “active” mode.

Which means they are mentally off balance. Taking risks when you’re off balance is difficult, to say the least.

True luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Just walking down the street you’re going to be presented with plenty of opportunities. But without any preparation, you’ll never get lucky.

How do you prepare?

First, choose the kind of girl or girls you are looking for. Age, height, body style, etc., as much as you can. This will narrow down the list.

Then come up with some positive personality and emotional traits that are good, and some that are bad.

Most guys never come close to doing this.

This makes it easier for a couple of reasons. One is that it will take a little pressure off. Right now, without any criteria, any hot girl is going to seem like your heavenly princess.

But with some personality based criteria, having good looks is only enough to get her foot in your door.

So when you approach her, you’re still in “investigating mode.” Meaning you need to find out more about her. You’ll be more confident, and less needy. Both will make you more attractive.

That’s one element of “preparation.”

The next is to simply practice talking to strangers whenever you can. Girls, guys, young people, old people. Whomever you see.

This will build the experience in your mind that “talking to strangers is normal, safe, and ordinary. Sometimes boring, and sometimes exciting.”

As an aside, this is one thing most people are surprised to find out when they start talking to strangers in social settings. Before they can do this, they imagine all kinds of uncomfortable and terrible things.

But when they start doing this, they find out that most people are pretty boring.

Which means it’s pretty safe.

Anyhow, once you’ve got some practice, and some criteria, you’ve got the preparation taken care of.

Then it’s just a matter of bringing your preparation to all the opportunities you find.

And you’ll get lucky.

Just like that.

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