Category Archives: Luck

How Do You See The World?

Stop Playing The Victim Card

Stop Playing The Victim Card

It’s easy to feel like a victim.

In fact, it’s so easy that everybody does it.

Only when we do it ourselves, we don’t feel like we’re playing the victim card.

It’s one of those things that’s really easy to spot in others, but very hard to see in ourselves.

Kind of like being in a dysfunctional relationship vs. having a friend in a dysfunctional relationship.

From the outside in, it’s pretty obvious to see that it’s not going to end well.

But from the inside out, it feels like we just need to fix that one “thing” and everything will be swell.

Here’s a quick self-check to see if you’re playing the victim card:

Think of something you want, right now, but have some trouble getting.

Got it?

Now, why don’t you have it?

If you come up with ANY reason OTHER than your own behaviors, you’re playing the victim card.

Harsh, I know. Especially when it REALLY IS something “out there” that’s holding you back.

But even when that’s true, pointing the finger will NEVER do you any good.

None of the superstars of history, the great artists, inventors, creators, builders ever got where they did by pointing their fingers long enough and hard enough.

They all accepted where they were, what they had, and did something with it.

Clearly, some people have a head start. Some a HUGE one. Great genes, a great bank account, a nice house from which to operate and learn about the world as they grow up.

But so what? 

Plenty of people started with absolutely NOTHING. No money, no family, not even native English skills, and they built fortunes. Empires. Huge, multi-generational businesses.

Well, that’s not really true. They DID have something.

Vision. Belief. Resilience.

That’s all you really need.

When you look out into the world, what do you see? A harsh environment that will slap you down and prove your limitations?

Or a huge collection of untapped opportunities upon which to operate?

It all starts on the inside. 

When you play the victim card, you might get some help, but that’s only to get you to be quiet and go away.

But when you play the HERO card, when you establish your true place on this Earth, the opposite will happen.

People will WANT to help you. To follow you. To just be around you.

Are you ready?

Learn how:

Frame Control

How To Accelerate Your Success Tipping Point

Jump Over Obstacles To Success

Push Past The Point Of No Return

What’s the difference between people that succeed and people that don’t?

Chances are, you aren’t going to like this.

Sure, things like luck, connections, genetics, all have a part. Sometimes a big part.

There’s always a famous actor that was “discovered” while unloading furniture, or somebody who was born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

But that’s only the first step. The truth is that even people that have connections, great genes and are incredibly lucky will ONLY succeed if they know what to do, and aren’t afraid to do it when opportunity comes knocking.

And more often than not, they’ve figured out that the best way to find an opportunity is to CREATE IT.

The bottom line is you’ll never really be a hundred percent sure that what you’re doing is the right thing.

And unless you are fully ready to embrace “failure” you will never succeed.

Like I said, this is harsh. Most people hate to hear things like this.

A lot of people out there imagine they’ve “put in the work” and now they are ready to sit back and reap the benefits.

Unfortunately, it rarely works like this.

If you want to continue to get benefits, whatever they may be, you’re going to have to continue to get out there and get busy.

Now, I have no idea what that means to you, but I suspect that YOU do.

If you want an ideal relationships, you’re going to have to go out and introduce yourself to people in a friendly way, if only for practice.

If you want a huge income from part time work, you’re going to have to try a lot of different things before you hit that “sweet spot.”

But the flip side of this coin is that once you get a tiny bit of positive feedback, you’ll be hooked.

For life.

Risk Can Be Fun

Learn To Enjoy Risk

Pretty soon you’ll embrace uncertainty and “risk” because instead of seeing potential failure around every corner, you’ll start to see potential success.

And this is REALLY when things kick it into high gear.

Before long, what used to seem like “scary effort” now seems to be “enjoyable action.”

From a third party, it may look like you’re doing the same thing.

But to you, everything will seem different. Easier. More natural. You will have opened that all important “flow” where everything is possible.

One of the things you’ll learn from the Mental Alchemy course is how to set your mind right, so that wonderful tipping point will come a lot quicker.

A combination of mental exercises, guided meditations, and some powerful affirmations will set you on the right track.

How To Get Lucky

How To Get Lucky

What Is Luck, Anyway?

A couple of buddies and I used to go to Vegas a few times a year.

Most of the time, we’d come back with our pockets a little lighter, but a few times we came out ahead.

One particular time we somehow made the decision to “think positive” while we were there.

Meaning that no matter WHAT happened, we HAD to put a positive “spin” on it.

And strangely enough, we ALL were on a winning streak the entire time.

Another time I had a really bad case of tendonitis in my Achilles. I was on crutches, as well as on some pretty cool drugs. They put me in a REALLY good mood.

And for some strange reason, I was ON FIRE. For about an hour I sat at the roulette table, and because of my messed up leg, I couldn’t really lean over to place my bets. So I just kind of “tossed” the chips out onto the table. Luckily, the dealer was pretty sympathetic, and just pushed my chips to the closest number.

It was INSANE how I just kept winning.

When the “universe” seemingly conspires to help you, it feels pretty good.

Science And Luck

Scientific Or Chance?

But as much as it felt AWESOME to be in the flow, my scientific, lab rat mind HAS to acknowledge that those two events were just dumb luck.

Stuff like that is GREAT when it happens, and you should ALWAYS be open and ready to embrace situations like when they DO come up (otherwise you might miss them) it’s not a good idea for these to be your main strategy.

Sadly, many people wait their ENTIRE LIVES for something to “just happen.” They see the whole world through “luck” and think other people are “lucky” and they are “unlucky.”

But as I’m sure you know, the BEST definition of “luck” is when “preparation” meets “opportunity.”

And what is opportunity? It’s something that is WAITING FOR YOU to take action. It’s NOT a sack of gold left on your door step during the night.

The universe is always giving you the raw materials, in the form of people, situations and circumstances, but it’s YOUR JOB to take those raw materials and turn them into something wonderful.

The cool thing is that the MORE you TAKE ACTION, successful or not, the MORE opportunities you’ll get.

Think about it from the universe’s standpoint. Why would it keep giving you opportunities if you never take advantage of them?

Simply by TAKING ACTION, you’ll start the process.

Learn How: