Always Leave On A High Note
They will always ask if he got the number. Or they’ll ask what the outcome of the conversation was.
And if they don’t get the number, everybody assumes that the guy failed.
This is natural, but it’s also pretty dangerous. Why? Imagine if your number one goal when talking to girls was to close her as high as you could. Number close, kino close, kiss close, whatever.
Even if you have a specific level you’re going for, like a number close, this is still pretty dangerous.
Because on a deep level, it creates the mindset that she has something you don’t. And you’re only successful if she gives it to you. We all know that this is a numbers game, right? Just like in sales. Call enough people, and you’ll make money. Talk to enough girls, and you’ll get some numbers.
The problem is the ones that DON’T give you their number. No matter how much self confidence and self esteem you have, not getting a number when that is your primary goal is going to hurt. Sometimes not so much, sometimes a lot.
Also consider this. The way our brains operate is that every time we go into a new situation, our brains automatically call up as many similar experiences as possible, to prepare us for what might happen.
Which means when you’re approaching a girl for the first time, you will automatically recall, subconsciously, all the other girls you’ve ever approached. And if every single one them is put into a “win-loss” category in your mind, guess what feeling you’ll suddenly feel?
Stress. Anxiety. Worry. Even fear.
What’s a better alternative?
Just talk to girls WITHOUT having any “outcome” in mind. Don’t specifically ask for the number UNLESS she seems like you’re type and UNLESS you are pretty sure you’re going to get it.
Otherwise, don’t worry. Juts enjoy the conversation, and then split. It’s also a GREAT IDEA if you leave on a “high note.”
Most guys talk to girls until they get blown out. This creates a subconscious connection between getting blown out, and talking to girls. Which means every time you approach a girl, you’ll feel that fear of getting blown out.
On the other hand, if you ALWAYS leave on a high note, you’ll create a whole different automatic response.
If, from now on, you leave every conversation with a girl thinking, “Wow, that was fun, I could have done more!” Then talking to girls will soon start to be fun and exciting. Not stressful or anxious.
And guess what? It won’t be long before girls start dropping OBVIOUS hints that they want to give you their number.