Do You Feel Trapped?

Stairway To Heaven

Keep Wanting More

​The other day I watched a movie at my local theater.

Pretty funny, but because I showed up a little late, I had to sit in the front row.

Got used to it after a few minutes, but at first it was pretty strange.

I remember when I was in high school I got a “hand me down” pickup truck from my brother.

I was kind of hard to park, but my friend said, “don’t worry, you’ll get used to it after a while.”

If you’ve ever moved into a new place, you know the first couple nights are pretty weird. If you wake up, you’re a little disoriented. You don’t know where anything is. But after a week or so, it starts to feel like “home.”

It’s been said that the older we get, the harder it is to change our routine. Several marketing studies have shown that people in older age groups are much less likely to switch brands unless something drastic happens.

Young kids, on the other hand, are much more willing to try new things.

No matter who you are, or where you are in life, there are things that you still want, need and desire.

Programmed into your DNA is the desire for more. Even just sitting in a chair, you won’t be comfortable for very long.

Our subconscious minds are always looking out into the future in order to try and improve our “state.”

Sometimes this means a small shift in posture. Sometimes this means a dramatic change.

One thing that can trap is oscillating between states of comfort.

It feels like you’re “improving” but all you’re really doing is shifting back and forth.

Sometimes it’s a good idea just to do something different, just for the sake of being different.

One way to avoid the trap of falling into complacency is always reviewing your goals. Make sure you’ve got at least ONE big goal that is AT LEAST a year out. And make sure  you’ve got a few “milestones” in between where you are now, and where you’ll be in a year.

So you can actually look at each day as an opportunity to get a little bit closer.

Anything will work. So long you are doing SOMETHING to move closer, you’ll avoid the complacency trap.

Taking a walk, writing a few words in your journal, talking to one new person a day, ANYTHING is better than sitting around waiting for something to happen.

Once you start taking daily ACTION, then your subconscious will know you’re serious, and start showing you many more opportunities. THAT is when life becomes exciting again.

If you don’t have a goal, choose one. Any one. And get started.

These will help:

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