Don’t Argue With Her Unconscious

Roll With The Punches

Roll With The Punches

There’s a lot of misconceptions about what women want.

Often times somebody will proclaim they’ve finally uncovered what women really want. But then you find out it’s because they’ve done a survey. This should tell you right away they have no idea what they are talking about.


First, realize that attraction is not a choice. What women are attracted to is based on subconscious instincts that they themselves rarely understand.

This is hard to understand from a guy’s perspective. There’s a clear and obvious set of observable indicators of what generally peaks a guys interests. So when any guy describes what is attractive, it’s pretty simple. If a girl is hot, she’s hot.

But since girls are not as attracted to looks as guys are, it’s hard to put their finger on what gets them going.

Here’s another example.

Everybody likes food. Everybody likes slightly different food. Sometimes you want pizza, sometimes you want steak and lobster, sometimes you want something exotic.

It all depends on your mood. If somebody asked you, “What kind of food do you find delicious?” You might come up with an answer that sounded good.

But if you were walking into a restaurant and saw some food you’d never seen before, you may suddenly decide this was your favorite dish of all time.

You simply cannot objectively decide or measure or plan what kind of food you think is “delicious.”

When it comes to being attracted to guys, on a deep level, women are in the same situation.

They simply can’t predict or plan or consciously predict who they’ll find attractive.

Sure, they might give an answer that “sounds good.” But just like in the food example above, that’s going to go out the window when they see somebody who REALLY gets them going.

Does this mean it’s completely hopeless? Does this mean there’s nothing you can do?

Yes and no.

No if you’ve got your eyes on ONE particular girl. If you’ve tried to create attraction and have failed, there’s really not much you can do.

Imagine having a dinner party and cooking some food. But then your guests don’t really like it. Do you think you could “make them like it” by changing your clothes, or putting different music on in the background? Obviously not.

But this is what guys try to do when they try to get that “One Girl” to like them. I hate to break it to you, but if she doesn’t like you, she’s not likely going to. Unless you’re willing to totally change your personality and behavior.

On the other hand, this is great news.


Because you can generally figure out if a girl likes you or not pretty quickly. And instead of wasting your time trying to get “one girl” to like you, you can spend your precious time finding “a girl” that likes you.

And once you find her, all you’ve got to do is be yourself, and she’ll like you.

The real you.

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