Get Ready For Game Day

There's Only One Way To Get Better

Practice Makes Perfect

If you want to develop rock solid confidence with girls, this is for you.

Now, to start off you need to understand this is NOT a magic switch.

Talking confidently to girls, ANY girl, is a skill. And just like any skill, it takes practice. And no matter who you are, the more practice you put in, the better you’ll get.

But you still need to practice.

Now, even guys that are pretty good NEVER practice. Imagine being on a sports team and ONLY playing when you had a regular season game. That would be a really lame way to organize your team. If you were the manager you’d be fired pretty quick.

Obviously, teams that practiced more would perform the better. 

When it comes to girls, not only do most guys NEVER practice, but each and every time they talk to a girl, it’s not even a regular season game. It’s the bottom of the ninth in the world series, and they’re down by three runs.

So, the first realization is to make time for practice. When you are practicing, you are NOT picking up. You are not EVER going to meet these girls again, even if they throw themselves at you.

Practice is practice. Game time is game time.

How do you practice?

It all depends on what level you’re comfortable with. Whatever that is, that’s a good place to start.

Say you’re good at saying “Hi” to cute girls, but after that you collapse into a puddle of terror.

So your “practice” is to go and say “hi” to ten or twenty girls, every day for a week or so.

Choose ONE DAY out of the week to be “game day.” These are girls you’re allowed to number close and call and date if you can.

Otherwise, they’re only practice.

Now, this next part is crucial. The other component of actual, in-the-field physical practice is mental practice.

Every single night (preferably before sleep so your subconscious can process it), mentally review whatever practice you did that day.

Only re-engineer the memory so it’s slightly better than what actually happened. But only slightly.

And ONLY re-engineer YOUR PART, don’t re-engineer any responses you get. So if you said a timid “hi,” change your memory so you said very congruent “Hey!” with a nice smile.

This is pretty easy, and the more you do this, the better you’ll get. No two ways about it.

It will only take a few minutes per day, and a few minutes per night.

If you did this for six months solid, your game would improve by leaps and bounds, and talking to real girls, on GAME DAYS would be much, much easier, and much, much more successful than it is now.

The only question is, are you willing to practice?

Get Started:

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