How To Charge Forward Toward Your Dreams 

Goals Are Always Present

Are You Afraid Of Big Goals?

Most people shy away from things like “goal setting.”

There’s a lot of reasons for this. For the longest time I was TERRIFIED of setting goals.

I mean, what happens if you set a huge goal (like the gurus preach) and then it doesn’t come true?

The part of me who believes in conspiracies suspects “some” gurus preach setting big goals because they KNOW most people won’t achieve them. Which means they’ll keep buying the guru’s products.

On the other hand, if you DON’T set big goals, the only thing you’ll ever achieve worth anything is by accident.

I’m pretty sure that relying on dumb luck is not the best strategy! (At least it never worked for me in Vegas!)

So, what’s the secret? How do you avoid the guru trap while still creating a life worth living?

One way is to set a huge goal out there, and then set smaller goals that you’re pretty sure you’ll NEED to accomplish to get there. Certain milestones related to certain skills.

Things like giving ten speeches at Toastmasters, or being able to play a certain piece on a musical instrument from memory, in front of several friends and family members.

Things that will help you KNOW you’re on the right path.

Take Charge Of Your Goals Or He Will!

Conscious Or Subconscious – They’re There

The truth is that humans are goal setters whether we know it or not. Every action we take has some kind of intended outcome. However if you never take time to chose your outcomes wisely, your subconscious is going to be choosing short term outcomes based ONLY on your instincts.

Safety, comfort, social recognition, sexual expression, etc. (Maslow’s stuff).

The trick is to make sure your conscious goals are DRIVEN by your subconscious instincts.

That way your inner caveman (or cave woman) is going to be on your side, instead of fighting you.

So yes. Choose a big goal. Choose a huge goal. One WAY out in the future. Then figure out what smaller goals will get you there.

And start making them happen.

You’ll find what happens next is like nothing you’ve ever experienced.

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