How To Train The World

If You Lead - The World Will Follow

How To Get Strangers To Follow You

Back in the days of Soviet Russia, folks had to stand in line for everything.

Once this guy, as an experiment, picked a random door, and then stood in front of it.

Didn’t take long before people started lining up behind him.

They’ve also done experiments in hospitals where “doctors” call up nurses, identify themselves as docs, and then tell them to do something a little strange, sometimes even dangerous. (There would be people to intercept them before they actually did anything.)

When I was a kid my brother would take me to baseball games. We’d get tickets in the cheap section, and then later on, when people started to leave, we’d “sneak down” into the more expensive seats. Since there were staff checking tickets, we had a pretty good plan.

He’d tell me to just walk in, acting like I was lost. Then he would follow me, telling the staff I was always “running away.” Then we’d find some empty seats and enjoy the rest of the game.

I’m sure you’ve found that you can get away with a lot if you simply act like you know what you’re doing.

Even if you’re going into a restricted area, if you act like you belong, chances are nobody will say boo.

In the movie “Catch Me If You Can” the main character spent his whole life acting like he knew what he was doing. He was teachers, doctors, lawyers, pilots, all simply because he acted as if he belonged.

Naturally, I’m not advocating lying or cheating or breaking the law, but there’s a lot of cool stuff you can “get away with” if you simply act like you belong.

Believe In Yourself - And The World Will Too

People Will Believe You If You Believe You

Job interviews, first dates, sales calls, high society get-together’s, you name it.

What if you took this to a completely higher level, a “Meta-Level”?

What if everywhere you went, you felt deep in your bones that you belonged? That you were right at home wherever you went?

What would you be able to do? What would you be able to get? What kinds of relationships could you create?

Well, you can. 

The real secret of “the world” out there is “they” don’t really have a clue who you are. 

Only you do.

Most people don’t really “get this,” but the world will respond to YOU, based on how YOU respond to you.

If you think you belong, so will everybody else.

If you think you don’t belong, so will everybody else.

Once you flip that “inner switch,” everything will take care of itself.

Learn how:

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