Improve Your Life Game

Improve Your Life, Not Your Game

Improve Yourself, Not Your Game

One of the easiest traps to fall into is thinking that women are the enemy.

Even when guys talk about picking up girls, they act as if they need some kind of ultra ninja secret weapon techniques to keep her off balance, or use all kinds of social proof, and get her thinking in a certain way.

Think about it from a sales standpoint.

Think about a product you really like. One you buy over and over again. Or maybe a brand. For me, whenever I buy sneakers, either for jogging or walking, I always get New Balance. I bought my first pair in high school when I ran a marathon, and they served me well. They’ve been my go-to brand ever since.

So, what’s your brand or product? Got it?

Now, think of the amount of thought that goes into it. You go into a store, ask the clerk where it is, and you get it.

Now, think of something you bought because of a whole bunch of hype. Something that maybe had some really slick advertisement on TV. Maybe a smooth talking salesperson helped you “decide.”

Then you when you started to actually USE the product, you found it wasn’t all that. So when you needed to buy something similar again, you gave that particular product a pass.

When girls think about the guys, and the kind of guys they want in their lives, they think the same way.

Sure, they can be conned (sometimes pretty easily) buy smooth talking “salesman” who knows all the angles, but when they get it home and see what it’s really made of, they start to have second thoughts.

Now, if you’re a guy, seeing this from a guy’s perspective, you may not see it this way.

You may think she was super sweet and into you at the bar, but then she “turned” on you. You may say things like “women aren’t loyal,” or “woman always play you,” or “women always use you,” or something similar.

This is ALWAYS going to happen if you come on strong early on with “game” and then later show her your “true self.”

Now, I know that when guys hear, “be yourself” they think it’s the lamest idea in the world, but it does keep you honest.

If you don’t like the way you are, measured by the quality of the women you attract, putting on a fake “game face” is only going to be a short term solution.

Why not simply improve the “real you”?

Why not continuously learn new social skills and language skills that you use with everybody, all the time?

Why not develop your self-confidence and create a REAL purpose for your life that is independent from women?

I know, this is a lot of work. But so is putting on a fake “game face” and getting rejected later.

Why not put in the work on the “real you” so the relationships with quality women just happen naturally, and pretty much take care of themselves?

This will help:

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