Increase Attraction With Word Power

Today we’ll look at a couple of famous quotes on the incredible power of language.

The first comes from Voltaire, who was quoted as saying a lot of things. Dude definitely lived in interesting times.

Anyhow, here’s one of his more famous quotes:

“Give me ten minutes to talk away my ugly face, and I’ll bed the queen of France.”

This is pretty self-explanatory. I’m sure you know that even fat and ugly guys can pull some pretty hot girls if they’ve got some decent game.

Short guys, bald guys, all kinds of guys, need only learn how to develop massive self confidence, and talk a good game, and they can literally pull any girl in the club.

Now, this WILL sound harsh, but guys got it a LOT easier than girls.

I know a lot of guys HATE the fact that even average girls can show up, not do much work, and get laid, if that’s what they want.

The harsh truth is that for women, they have a VERY SHORT window on when this is possible.

In their twenties, yea. In their early thirties, yea, they can still get away with that.

But after that, it starts getting harder and harder. They’ve got to do more than just “show up.” And they’ve got to be careful so they don’t come across as a desperate cougar.

Now, I know that most women don’t want to just “get laid” like most guys do. This is just a helpful description to show you that when it comes to improving your game, guys have a much better advantage over girls.

Meaning no matter how old you are, you can still improve your attractiveness by improving your self confidence and language skills.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating that all guys aspire to be like Hugh Hefner, and pull twenty year old hotties well into their eighties.

I’m just saying that it’s much more likely for a guy to pull girls BASED ON LANGUAGE ALONE than it is for girls to pull guys BASED ON LANGUAGE ALONE.

Moral of the story? If you’re a guy, and you want to become more attractive to girls, you can do so by improving your language skills.

This will do MORE than any other strategy.

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