Secret Seduction Practice

Get More Choice With Girls

Techniques To Enhance The Real You

Most guys would do anything to have more choice with the ladies.

In study after study, men’s deepest fantasies is plenty of anonymous sex with random strangers.

A guy walks into a club, and sees all the cuties dressed in their hottest club gear.

He quickly imagines having the power to walk up to any of them, spit out a few memorized lines, and have her suddenly fall into a deep hypnotic trance where she’ll beg to please him in any way he wants.

It’s no wonder courses that allegedly teach these things make gurus so much money.

And guess what? Often times it actually works. Some of the language patters in those courses are pretty powerful. Said with confidence and congruence, you can generate some pretty deep and powerful emotions, pretty quickly.

I saw this movie on Netflix a while back, really cheesy, that made a good point. These goofs had discovered this magic shirt. Whenever they wore it, the ladies were their willing sex slaves.

At one point, some guy convinced himself it was him, and not the shirt. So in the middle of a session with a young hottie, he took off the shirt, showing his pasty overweight belly and man-boobs.

All of a sudden she looked as if she was about to vomit.

“Oh my God! What am I doing!?” She asked.

The point is that while those patterns CAN work, they won’t work for long, UNLESS they are part of who you are. Meaning you always talk and act and behave like that.

Most guys don’t. Especially if you’re using memorized patterns, or techniques, or “gambits” any other “pick up technology.”

Once she sees the real you, she’ll wonder how she got there. And if you’ve developed some emotional feelings (totally normal after having sex) you can get hurt pretty badly.

So in a sense, using any kind of “pick up technology” or “game” that isn’t part of the real you is pretty dangerous for your own emotions.

What’s a better alternative?

Improve the real you. And here’s a POWERFUL way to do that.

Simply practice DISQUALIFYING girls. Most guys see girls as these perfect angels who have the keys to heaven up between their legs.

But some girls are just crazy. Just like some guys. They’ll do more damage to your psyche than you realize. Getting into a relationship with the WRONG girl can set your self esteem back YEARS. (Same for girls and the wrong guys).

Believe it or not, some guys NEVER recover. They become bitter women haters for life. (So do plenty of women).

So, how do you practice? First, come up with some solid personality traits that your “dream girl” MUST have.

Then talk to a girl long enough to DISQUALIFY her.

Believe it or not, disqualifying a girl BEFORE she disqualifies you can give you a strong burst of confidence, and go a long ways in destroying all your desperation.

The only requirement is you disqualify girls you’re actually talking to, that are showing signs of interest.

Don’t be mean, don’t be rude or crude, don’t even tell her she’s disqualified. Just politely end the conversation WITHOUT exchanging any contact information.

If you absolutely FORGOT about any kind of success, and simply practiced DISQUALIFYING, (based on actual conversations, and not ego protecting BS) your genuine self confidence would go through the roof.

Your conversational skills would improve, and so would the strength of your frame.

All qualities women are DESPERATE for in a man.

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