Secrets For A Powerful Frame And Mad Game

Win Friends and Influence Girls to Desire You

We Know It’s Important

Most guys understand the necessity of “frame control.”

This simply means to hold on to your intention, your outcome, regardless of what happens.

When you approach anybody (girl or not) and you somehow ditch YOUR outcome and start to help THEM get THEIR outcome, you’ve lost the frame.

Sadly, most guys don’t have a strong frame, or ANY frame to begin with. They walk over, and their only REAL intention is to not get rejected.

Well, if you sit there and NOT approach, you’re NOT going to get rejected!

The Goldilocks Approach

On the other hand, if you set too strong of an intention, it’s going to be tough, and you’re going to need some SUPER HUMAN frame skills to get it done.

Let’s assume that you’re intention is to get laid, that night, by the girl you’re approaching. Now, this may sound good when you say it out loud, and it may make you seem like a super dooper alpha to your buddies, but it’s not usually a good idea (unless you’re some kind of rock star).

I know there are some that claim with strong enough “game” you can seduce ANYBODY.

Ditch The Myths

And, to an extent, that’s true. That WILL require that you be super rich, super famous, and have a HUGE posse of ultra hot women as your wing-ladies.

But most mortal men don’t have such a strong “game.”

Which means if you’re intention is to get laid, you’re going to NOT achieve your outcome quite often.

Which means you’ll be building up a LOT of experience in LOSING YOUR FRAME.

Remember, the most important thing is to develop a strong frame.

Underlying Secrets Of Success

This, more than anything else, will help you get whatever you want in life.

So, instead of holding an intention of getting laid, choose something easier. In metaphysics, they teach people to add “or better” to their affirmations or intentions. So if you were to say “I want a job earning 50K a year,” a better way would be “I want a job earning 50K a year or better.”

With setting a frame, the same rule applies.

Hold the intention of getting a nice smile, some nice eye contact, OR BETTER.

Slow And Steady Wins Any Race

You MUST consider it a WIN if you get a nice smile and some eye contact.

Do this, achieve your outcome, and you will definitely build up a MASSIVELY STRONG frame in a hurry.

This will not only KILL anxiety, but it will make you much, much more attractive.

Girls will look at you and you will radiate the energy of a guy who gets what he wants.

One thing that will help dramatically is increasing your social intelligence, so you’ll be able to read the situation much easier.

This will give YOU a set of skills most guys don’t even know exists.

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