Secrets Of Frame Test For Instant Attraction With Gorgeous Girls

Scientifically Proven Paths To Her Magic Box Of Love

How To Pass Every Test

How do you pass a girl’s tests?

It’s not like most guys think.

To understand how, you’ve got to understand the difference between “re-framing” and “out framing.”

Reframing is when you take something she’s said, usually a “cause effect” type statement, and then using the content within that statement and flip it around to make it mean something else.

For example, let’s say you’re talking to some girl in a club or wherever. Things are going good, and then she looks over and see’s a guy who’s a bit taller than you, maybe a bit more handsome than you, and maybe has on some better bling than you.

She says something like, “Wow, that guy looks like he’s famous or something. I bet he gets ALL the girls!”

Now, a guy without any control of his frame would get all butt hurt, and get angry at her for even saying such a thing, and stomp home in a huff of boyish anger.

Don’t do that.

In order to “reframe” what she said, you’d take the same content (the handsome guy over there) and flip it around so it means something else.

Now, this is a “test” because it’s SUPPOSED to rattle your cage a bit. She’s actually hoping it doesn’t rattle your cage, so she can be more attracted to you. That’s why she’s talking to you in the first place. She HOPES you seduce her and take her home.

Anyhow, you may say something like this:

“He’s not famous, he’s gay, look at the way he’s holding is drink!”


“Yea, but I bet that guy doesn’t have a very good sense of humor.”


“Yea, but only sluts go for somebody that’s so obviously fake.”

Now, these might work, but it shows you are threatened by him (what she wanted, to see how you’d respond) and they all attempt to “disarm” the threat.

Go Big Or Go Home Baby!

Go Big Baby!

A much better way would be to OUT FRAME.

Which means that you just take what she said, agree with it, and put it in a larger context. You agree that guys handsome, and he gets laid a lot, and he should be famous.

Instead of putting him down, you completely accept it, and come up with a reason it’s a GOOD thing, because it supports YOU in some way.

Something like these might work:

“Yea, I’m glad there are guys like that, or else all those fake girls would be all over me, and I’d have no time for a nice, sweet girl like you.”


“Yep. If it wasn’t for guys like that, and the girls who love them, places like this would never stay in business and we never would have met!”


“Actually, I think that guys IS famous. He was on the cover of some mens magazine with an article teaching guys how to give women three hour long orgams. I’ve been dying to try some of those techniques…”

Now, this are tough to come up with off the top of your head, so practicing can help a lot.

How do you practice?

Here’s How:

Frame Control

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