She Loves The Mysterious You

Be Mysterious For Mad Attraction

Right Action Creates Wonderful Attraction

The same skills you need to take action are the same traits that will make you attractive.

There’s this theory in quantum physics thought up by a guy named Schroedinger.

He says that all matter-energy states exist in a state of “limbo” and they only solidify when they are observed.

That Cat

The famous example is “Schroedinger’s Cat.” There’s a box, and there’s a cat inside. Is the cat alive, or dead? If the box is closed, it’s both alive AND dead. In that state of quantum limbo. Only when you open the box will you see if it’s alive or dead.

Creating attraction, if you’re a guy, works the same way. Girls are different. Guys feel attraction for girls based largely their looks. This isn’t PC, this is just the way it is.

Girls feel attraction for guys based on their behavior. Not PC, just the way it is.

So when you’re looking at her across the room, you already know she’s hot.

But she’s looking at you, and she’s not sure. Despite what all the gurus tell you about wearing all kinds of bling and colorful peacocked shirts, that will only give you a slight advantage.

Your Actions Tell Her Everything

As soon as you make a move, that advantage (if it was one) will quickly vanish, overshadowed by your behavior.

But here’s the thing.

The mindset that makes it easy to approach, is the SAME mindset that makes you ultra attractive.

The on that says, “Hey, she’s pretty cute, I wonder what her personality is like?”

Don’t Beg For Attention

Not the on that says, “Wow, she’s a Goddess! I hope she accepts me!”

The good news is that just like Schroedinger’s cat, nobody knows until you make a move. When she’s checking you it across the room, she really can’t know anything about you unless she sees you in action.

The first step is to walk across the room with confidence. This is easy when you haven’t pedestalized her. Just see her as a cute girl with an unknown personality. Maybe really sweet, maybe a nutjob lunatic.

Dig For Her Treasure

The second step is to talk to her with a playful and interesting way. Don’t worry by impressing her with your stats. Ask the right questions, and gently guide her to through the right emotions.

Do that and you’ll get any girl you want.

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