Tag Archives: Milton Model

Utilize Utilization

How To Make Lemonade

One time I got a blender for Christmas.

At the time, I didn’t really have any use for a blender, so I never took it out of the box.

I put it in a closet, and forgot about it.

Then a year later, to save time, I wrapped it up and gave it to somebody else.

This is pretty common.

Some companies have these goofy parties where you give each other presents and then trade them with each other.

Sometimes they call them “white elephant” parties. The “white elephant” being the gift that nobody really wants, so they keep giving it to other people.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” right?

How exactly do you do that?

It revolves around how flexible you are with “meaning.”

If you say “hi” to somebody, and they don’t say “hi” back, what does it “mean”?

To some, it’s PROOF that they suck and nobody likes them.

To others, it’s an opportunity to try something different.

Meaning that while they didn’t say “hi” back to you, they didn’t call the cops.

Maybe they didn’t hear you. Maybe they are too shy. Maybe they really like you and are frozen.

It’s hard to “switch” these meanings around on the spot, simply because our brains are hard wired to AUTOMATICALLY go to the “worst” meaning for ancient survival reasons.

But since overcoming your survival instincts is what it means to be a rational human, this is just another skill you can practice.

Playing around with different meanings “in the moment.”

Like any skill, it takes time. The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

But once you get yourself up to speed, you’ll be able to use a POWERFUL tool from your Covert Hypnosis tool kit.


It’s a technique where you take ANYTHING that you get, from the world or other people, and simply figure out a way to USE it.

Instead of judging it right away, get into the habit of thinking, “hmm, how can I use this?”

The inventor of Covert Hypnosis, Milton Erickson, used this to hypnotize people.

He didn’t care if they closed their eyes or not. Sat down or know. Kept talking or not.

He simply UTILIZED whatever they were doing to DEEPEN their trance.

Since trance was his intention, he took WHATEVER happened, and UTILIZED it to fulfill his intention.

What is YOUR intention?

Whatever it is, you can take WHATEVER the world gives you, and use it to fulfill your intention.

This will turn every experience, every conversation, every person you meet into a once in a lifetime opportunity to get what you want out of life.

Get Started:

Covert Hypnosis

Don't Steal Cable

What Are You Waiting For?

There’s a pretty funny set of commercials for cable TV.

It’s a string of nonsensical “if then” statements, that end up giving you a crazy reason to buy cable.

Or maybe it’s to get rid of cable and get satellite, or something.

Like if you can’t afford cable, you’ll steal from your neighbor. If you steal from you’re neighbor you’ll end up in prison. If you end up in prison you’ll become a gang leader. If you become a gang leader, you’ll eventually overthrow the government.

So don’t overthrow the government, buy satellite TV instead!

One of the persuasive patters in the Milton Model is the “if then” statement.

Especially if it’s combined or stated as a “time” statement.

When you see how easy it is to learn hypnosis, you’ll earn a lot more money.

You like money? Right? (If you agree that you like money, you’ll also sort of agree that you can learn hypnosis).

After you realize how fun it is to dance in public, you’ll become a sex symbol. That would be fun, wouldn’t it!

The idea is to take something people don’t usually want to do (dance in public, learn hypnosis, etc) and connect in a time based “if then” statement, to something that they WANT to do.

Of course, this can work backwards. Especially when we do it to ourselves.

After all, the greatest hypnotist in the world is YOU. Because YOU are keeping YOU hypnotized all of the time.

When we say things like, “I’ll start dating after I lose weight.” We’re really TERRIFIED of dating, so we “pretend” that “as soon as” we lose weight (something we won’t likely do), we’ll start dating. This keeps us safe, and gives a logical sounding reason for our safety.

I’ll start my business as soon as I learn accounting. I’ll go back to school as soon as I finish this project at work. I’ll start X (something we’re terrified of doing) as soon as Y (something that’s conveniently just a little bit out in the future).

Seriously, I’m REALLY going to Y as soon as I do Z!

Most people kid themselves like this their entire lives.

The secret is that what we fear, is just in our heads. There’s really nothing to be afraid of. It’s about as logical as those goofy commercials.

Learn The Truth:
