Understand Female Language For Easier Attraction

What's The Secret Of Attraction?

Mars and Venus?

Men and women speak different languages.

Men generally say what’s on their minds, more or less. Sometimes we beat around the bush a bit, but with just a slight bit of focus, it’s not to difficult to figure out what we’re on about.

Women, on the other hand, can sometimes speak in pure riddles. At least to men, anyhow.

It’s not very politically correct to say this, but men and women are simply built differently.

Dual Minds vs. Single Brain

Brain scans show that women have much more connections between their brain hemispheres.

Women seem to be much better at communicating, and multitasking. Us men are more single minded.

Hunters and Gatherers

From an evolutionary standpoint, this makes sense. Men got together on a daily basis, and went hunting. Not much need for chit chat. Women, on the other hand, stayed together, watched the kids, and gathered all the nuts and veggies and other grubs.

So women developed an ability to not only talk about a bunch of different things at once, but to talk on many different levels at once.

(Men, on the other hand, only needed to say things like, “Hey! Look! A Zebra! Let’s kill it!”)

Reason For Gossip?

Scientists theorize one of the crucial elements in that “stay at home” chit chat was gossip. Men climbed the social and status ladder with their hunting skills, which is mainly physical. Women climbed the social and status ladder with their speaking skills.

What does this mean for seduction?

Hey Baby, Let’s Bang!

It means you’d better not expect her to speak like a guy! It also means you’d better learn to read between the lines, learn what she’s REALLY saying, and be brave enough to make some moves to find out.

I know it happens in the movies a lot, but she will rarely say ANYTHING related to seduction (like “kiss me,” or “aren’t you going to ask for my number?” or “would you like to take me home?”)

Sure, it DOES happen, but if part of your strategy is to wait for it to happen, you’re going to be waiting a long time.

So what do you do instead?

Social Intelligence To The Rescue

Build up your social and conversational intelligence. Trust your instincts. She may indeed be saying, “Do you want to take me home?” But she’s not using words. She’s using body language, facial expression and the subtext of her conversation.

When you’re gut says she’s asking you to kiss her, try some kino and see how she responds, this will usually tell you everything you need to know.

To significantly boost your social intelligence so you can see those signals she’s ALWAYS sending, check this out:

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