One Skill To Rule Them All

Super Skills For Super Brains

Parachute Or Row Boat?

There’s lots of mind experiments where you are going to some imaginary place and you’ve got to choose from a collection of tools.

These are similar to those psychology questions, where you’re in a boat with a dog and your best friend, or some other combination, and you’ve got to decide who lives and who gets thrown overboard.

What Does That Really Mean?

Psychologists love these types of questions, because they supposedly give insight into your personality or something.

But in reality, those situations rarely present themselves. You never will find yourself in a life raft with the Pope and Einstein and only enough food for two people.

But you WILL find yourself in your day to day life, being faced with decisions and choices that are much more subtle, and potentially much more life-alterning than any philosophical discussion.

Like should I choose “this” job, or choose “that” job?

Should I keep trying this particular project, even though it hasn’t shown any progress, or should I ditch it and start something else?

Should I Stay Or Should I Go

Should I go over and talk to that person, who seems interesting for some reason, or should I stay here where it’s safe?

What makes these decisions potentially difficult is the only person who notices them is YOU.

Meaning nobody is standing there, clearly specifying everything and all the parameters.

All You Baby

In fact, most of the time, there ARE no parameters. There’s only YOU, your world around you, and YOUR decisions.

The truth is that how you operate within the world on a day to day basis will have a HUGE impact on the quality of your life.

Most people are TERRIFIED to admit this, as we humans are prone to point fingers at anybody except ourselves.

But once you accept this fact of life, you’ll gain an incredible amount of power.

Risk Is Safety

And you’ll realize that no matter what you’ve accomplished, no matter what you want to accomplish, you can get more, get better, and improve almost any aspect of your life.

Once you give up the false security of dependency, you can REALLY embrace your own power.

Of course, the most powerful resource you have is your brain. Your thinking, creativity, and perception, so you can look at the world around you, and see all of the opportunities that are just waiting for you to take advantage of them.

The more you can utilize your incredible brain, the more you’ll succeed.

The sooner you start, the more you’ll get.

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