What Is Real Alpha Attraction?

Alpha Male

James Bond?

What are the qualifies of an “alpha”?

The kind of guy that girls wet their panties for? If you watch movies, it’s always the biggest, baddest guy who never smiles, and is always beating the crap out of others.

Guys like James Bond, or any other government spy, trained killer type.

Imaginary People

But remember, these are characters, invented by writers, who are usually NOT the alpha type.

One way to check and see what an alpha is like is to reverse engineer society.


Take a look at all the past societies, and just see not only who’s calling the shots, but who’s getting most of the women.

Hidden In Plain Sight

Now, in our own current society, this can be tough, because they guys that are REALLY calling the shots, the most ULTRA alphas, are usually behind the scenes. And it’s tough to tell who’s getting all the ladies, because they tend to keep this on the down low as well.

But if you could imagine such people, they wouldn’t be like the “in your face” alphas from the movies.

Consider primitive societies. These are helpful because the triggers that cause attraction in women are ancient, and change very, very slowly (like thousands of years slowly), so the guys that are in charge of primitive type societies possess the traits that would still woo women today in your local bar.

And what type of qualities are those?

Spin A Good Yarn

When anthropologists started studying these types of things, they were surprised that one trait these guys had was the ability to talk a good game.

Not politician-style, but to weave colorful and emotionally rich stories, and literally captivate all those around him.

The two things that separates humans from all the other animals is our brains, and our ability to use rich language.

Work On Your Campfire Skills

So it stands to reason that mastering these two skills, have a powerful brain, and powerful language skills, is much more crucial to success (both with women and with life) that having a six pack or wearing the right cologne.

This FANTASTIC news. Because while all those other guys are trying to posture with their corny openers and fake “alpha-ness” you’ll be boosting your REAL skills.

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