You Are An Entrepreneur

Embrace Your Inherent Risk Taker

Risk Is Your Middle Name

A common misconception is that an “entrepreneur” is a special kind of person.

Meaning most would rather get a job they like, a safe salary, and not take too much risk.

Being an “entrepreneur” is something only those risk-loving swashbucklers do, right?

Not really.

The truth is that EVERYBODY is an entrepreneur.

But we don’t tend to see it that way.

Consider any action you could take, from going on a trip to a foreign land to getting up to make something to eat.

We NEVER know the future, so there’s ALWAYS some kind of uncertainty.

Sure, making a sandwich isn’t risky, it’s not like you’re going to open up the fridge and find yourself in the center of a mythical journey.

But every single action we take, both conscious and unconscious, requires a bit of uncertainty, and some imagination.

We imagine our current state, and we imagine a potential future state.

Then we quickly measure the risk between our current state and our imagined future state.

If, all things considered, our future state has a high probability of being BETTER than our current state, we’ll take action.

It doesn’t matter of you’re putting a frozen burrito in the microwave, or setting out to build a billion dollar business, this model is EXACTLY the same process.

It only differs by degree.

And the more complex the outcome, the more steps are involved, and the more dependent we are to feedback.

Take somebody who starts several businesses, has a few failures, before hitting it big.

She starts, gets feedback, tries again, gets more feedback, and finally strikes it rich.

Compare this to somebody fumbling for a light switch in the middle of the night.

Same exact process.

Action, feedback, action, feedback, success.

Being an entrepreneur, taking risk, measuring feedback, and taking another risk, is built in to your DNA.

In fact, it is impossible to be a living, breathing human and NOT be an entrepreneur.

Since you already ARE an entrepreneur, you may as well get paid!


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