Is Step By Step Success Possible?
It doesn’t really matter what field. Relationships, business, health.
It seems us humans are hard wired to look for shortcuts. So when some savvy marketer comes along and gives us some secret formula that he discovered while hiking through some hidden cave in Tibet, we start salivating.
While that seems compelling from the inside out, let’s take a look from the outside in.
To be sure, doing anything mechanical WILL have a proven, step by step system. One that leaves no room for error, or mistakes.
Like rebuilding an engine, or baking a cake, or traveling from point A to point B. All you need is a simple, step by step system to follow, and so long follow the steps in order, you’ll be OK.
But whenever we do ANYTHING that involves other people, there’s really no simple method that works for everybody.
The “secret method” can ONLY be vague, at best.
Humans are a HUGE collecting of continuously changing variables, so if you want to create ANYTHING that’s based on the cooperation of others, there IS going to be a LARGE amount of winging it.
And this means doing stuff that won’t work, doing stuff that may have the opposite effect, and doing stuff that will work a million times better than we’d hoped.
To make it even more confusing, we’ll never know until AFTER we try.
To make even MORE confusing-er, we humans tend to look back at things that worked out and “rewrite” history, to make ourselves look like super heroes.
We say things like, “See, I KNEW that was going to happen!”
Or, “I had a feeling he’d say that!”
Now, most people are pretty uncomfortable doing things when they have no idea how it’s going to come up.
Hence our repeated tendency (since pretty much the dawn of time) to try or buy “secret solutions.”
But the bottom line is that unless you’re willing to take risks, accept and learn from ALL feedback, you won’t get very far.
The GOOD news is that changing your mindset, and doing some consistent mental practice, you can learn to actually HAVE FUN doing things when the outcome is uncertain.
Once you start to EXPECT and look forward to any feedback, (rather than pin you hopes on ONLY good feedback) life really becomes an incredibly fun journey.
Filled with learning, growing, success in all areas, and plenty other ideas to be discovered.