Common Law of Attraction Myths

Law of Attraction

Is The Law Of Attraction A Big Con?

Most people have got the wrong idea about the “Law of Attraction.”

In fact, while the name is a good approximation for what’s really going on, it’s largely misunderstood.

To begin with, anything we use to describe not only the vastly complex reality that surrounds us but also the incredibly complicated thought processes within our own minds, is going to be limited.

Any kind of simple metaphor to describe our existence is necessarily going to leave a LOT out.

Everything Is Only An Approximation

As they say in NLP, “the map is not the territory.” Meaning any map or description you’ve got (like the Law of Attraction) is NOT what it is describing.

For example, every single thought you have is dependent on most thoughts you’ve already had. And every thought you’ve had in the past is based on your interpretation of what was happening around you.

Something happens, you give some meaning to it, file it away, and merrily go on your way.

Every time something happens again, your brain will sort through your memory and come up with similar experiences. And those similar experiences will include all of the meanings you’ve given to situations in your past.

Meaning Is Always In Flux

Which means every time you gain a new understanding of what’s going on, you’ll automatically update all your past experiences.

This sounds very confusing, and it is. Your mind is WAY more complicated than ANY scientist has been able to explain.

Yet we latch on to ideas like, “If you vibrate at a certain frequency, you’ll attract things with that same frequency.”

On one hand, that’s true. But on the other hand, it’s MUCH more complicated.

The example that’s often given is two pianos in a large room. You bang on one middle C, and the other middle C will start vibrating.

However, pianos don’t have memories, opinions, desires, or internal conflicts. They follow a pretty simple set of rules from physics.

AND they just sit there and vibrate. They don’t get up and start walking towards each other.

What if your desire was the same way? What if when you vibrated at a certain frequency, and you caused what you wanted to vibrate at that same frequency, you AND that which you desired just sat there, like those two pianos?

You might come to the false conclusion that the “Law of Attraction” was some kind of myth.

Action is Everything

But what happens when you understand that it requires ACTION on your part?

Getting everything vibrating is just the beginning. You’ve still got to get out into the world and make it happen.

Luckily, when you combine “Right Thinking,” (the thinking that creates the vibration) and “Right Action” (the easy steps to meet your desire out in the world) anything’s possible.

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