Are You Terrified Of Success?

Fear of Success

Fear Of Failure Isn’t What’s Holding You Back

There’s two killers of any creative thought or productive action.

One is magical thinking. This is we somehow believe that we can get any kind of result or outcome without putting in any kind of effort or taking any kind of risk.

This is popular among folks who practice any kind of “Law of Attraction” type manifesting. If you sit in your room meditating, and wonder why stacks of money never magically show up, consider this.

Other People Are Key

Everything in the world comes from other people. Even raw materials like fruits and vegetables need to be grown, harvest and delivered. So when anybody is practicing any kind of “manifesting” what they’re really doing is HOPING that somebody, somewhere will somehow decide, spontaneously, to show up and just give them stuff without ever asking for anything in return.

Just imagine if EVERYBODY did that! We’d be back to the stone age!

On the flip side of the coin of magical thinking is “skeptical thinking.” These are the people who are so terrified of taking action and making a potential mistake that they need absolute and irrefutable PROOF before moving an INCH outside their comfort zone.

But EVERYTHING in the world that was created, was done so by taking UNCERTAIN action.

Proof Will Never Come

If you’re expecting to told EXACTLY what to do, and have a near certainty of a guaranteed result, you’d better look forward to working on an assembly line the rest of your life.

Now, I know that self-proclaimed “skeptics” like to stroke their chins and pretend they are really intelligent, and they see things nobody else sees, but they’re just scared.

Scared to try something and see what happens. Scared to look “foolish” in front of their friends.

Uncertainty Is Necessary

The secret to ANY creation, whether you’re making a cheese sandwich or building vast empire, is you’ve GOT to have a mix of action and openness.

Action because nothing’s going to happen otherwise.

Uncertainty because unless you’ve got some kind of crystal ball which can predict the future, nobody knows what’s going to happen an hour from now.

It’s easy to stay safely on both sides. It’s easy to believe in magic, and it’s easy to demand proof.

But there’s no fun in that! Only safety surrounded by pretend enlightenment.

If you want to charge your brain, and fire up your natural learner so you can operate on the world and create real results, check this out:

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