Author Archives: mindpersuasion

How To Conjure Female Desire

Get Her Interested In You

Magical Attraction

The filters you carry in your mind will shape the world you see.

Most people have an idea of “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

But in reality, it’s the opposite. You’ll see it when you believe it.

Naturally, this isn’t magic. This is based on biology, and physical reality. However, there are, according to neural scientists, about 200,000 TIMES as many things going on around us at all times than our conscious minds can pick out.

It’s All Science

Now, these aren’t things like alien lizards hanging out behind us. These are things like girls checking us out. All of the micro body language, eye contact, breathing patterns, facial expressions and eye dilations are there. We just don’t notice them.

In fact, if you had some super human brain that actually COULD see everything, you’d be able to see the attraction level of every single girl within 50 feet.

Because attraction isn’t a choice, the natural physiological response to attraction aren’t a choice either.

Rude Language Ahead

Here’s a VERY CRUDE example. If a super hot porn star showed up to where you are RIGHT NOW and started rubbing your crotch, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to NOT get an erection.

Similarly, when girls are out and about, it is IMPOSSIBLE for their bodies not to respond to guys they find interesting.

I’m talking about body language, facial expressions, and all those micro IOI’s that most people don’t even know exist.

But What About Metaphysics?

So back to that metaphysical statement. If you believe you suck with women, and women aren’t into you, you’re basically telling your subconscious to IGNORE all the signs that women ARE into you.

However, if you TRULY BELIEVE that all girls want to jump on your johnson, you WILL start seeing signs of attraction.

Now, here’s the BEST PART. Simply believing that girls are into you will change YOUR body language, facial expressions, how long you hold eye contact, and the very way you move through the world.

And THIS will actually INCREASE the amount of attraction for you out there.

Get In The Mix

The truth about human nature, human interaction and especially SEXUAL interaction is that it’s all based on feedback loops and endless interdependent variables.

But if you try to get a handle on all of that stuff consciously, you’ll go crazy.

A better way is to simply trust your unconscious. Go with the glow. Merge with reality around you to create and take what you want.

Learn More:

What Is The Collective Unconscious?

Leverage The Collective Unconscious

To Be Or Not To Be

A few years ago, I was in the habit of taking acting classes.

They’re a great way to meet interesting and outgoing people. You get to practice all kinds of “expression games” that blow public speaking out of the water when it comes to getting rid of fears and anxiety.

You get to stretch your limits of imagination, and what you think is possible.

One of the classes I took was an improv class. It was recommended by one of my teachers. At the time, the only thing I knew about improv was stand up comedy. Boy was I wrong.

Making Stuff Up

Improv was really all about coming up with ideas and behaviors “on the spot.” Regular acting class is geared toward learning lines from plays, and then practicing them and getting into character.

Improve is all about just getting up on stage with a bunch of people you don’t know, and basically just making stuff up as you go along, and making it seem like it’s all some kind of a congruent story.

In a sense, it’s very much like life.

I remember when we did this one exercise, with about twenty people, and the synergy was absolutely amazing. We used our bodies and motions to create all these shapes. The teacher took the opportunity to throw out various structure names, and then all twenty of us would automatically get into position.

All without speaking, and all very quickly.

And the structures were complicated things like buildings, ships, bicycles, etc.


Being part of a large group of people, with zero conscious communication, yet acting together quickly and effectively to create things was a wonderful experience.

So is life. Because life is the same.

There really is no rules. Sure, there are people who try their hardest to be “in charge” and tell everybody else what to do, but those types are much less important than we realize.

When you can juts let go, trust your unconscious, and more importantly trust the unconscious of others, you really can create some absolutely amazing things with your life.

Relationships, situations, families, huge piles of wealth. Anything you want.

Only instead of waiting for some professor telling you what shape to make, you get to choose on your own.

Are you ready?

Get Started:

How I Blew A Threesome

Three Girls

So Close!

I remember once I had a three-way in college.

Hang on there, it’s not what you think!

I have no idea how or why it started, but it ended quickly, and it was all my fault.

I was at this party, hanging out with my boys, drinking, smoking etc.

And I found myself sitting in a chair, up against the wall, kind of facing the main room.

And there were two girls on either side of me.

Out Of Nowhere

I don’t remember how it started, but I was in the PERFECT mood for pick up. I was enjoying myself, I was enjoying the company of the girls and I didn’t really care what happened.

So the two girls started getting ULTRA playful. I’m talking MAJOR kino. Tickling me, whispering in my ears, breathing on my neck, running their fingernails up my legs.

Wait, What?

I was flabbergasted. Since I wasn’t paying much attention, it was like it came out of nowhere.

So what did I do? Enjoy it? Allow them to keep doing what they were doing?

Nope. I wrecked the frame, and ruined everything.


In my nervousness, instead of just accepting what was happening, and going with it as congruently as possible, I let my ego take over. I suddenly looked out over the party, and took on a huge fake alpha stance, and tried to “show off” my new found “game.”

Ego Killer

My attitude quickly went to “Hey everybody! Look at me! I’m so cool! I’ve got two girls on me!”

The girls quickly picked up on this, and left.


As soon as it started, it was over.

Now, could I actually have gotten both these girls into bed? Who knows. Maybe. Probably. They were in a frisky mood, the alcohol was flowing. Finals had just ended. It was a one of time opportunity, but I blew it.

Instead of just pacing the situation, pacing the frame, pacing the energy, I tried to exploit it.

Moral of the story?

Don’t Use Girls To Prove Your Alpha-Ness

If you’re picking up girls to show off what an alpha dog you are to your buddies, your success will be very limited. In order to pull this off, you REALLY have to be that ultra alpha jerk that SOME girls go for.

But if you’re picking up girls because you want to enjoy their company, enjoy their energy, and enjoy their sexuality, you’ve got to learn to pace the energy, pace the frame, and then slightly lead them to where you want to go.

If you try and do this consciously, it’s easy to mess it up. But when you trust your unconscious, trust your instincts, it will be like magic.

And THIS is the stuff that girls FANTASIZE about.

Learn More:

What Kind of a Boss Are You?

Like A Boss

Micromanagement Disaster

I used to have this boss that was a little too “hands on.”

Now, it’s one thing to have a boss that really understands what you’re doing, so when they offer their input it’s usually pretty valuable. Anytime you can take advice from somebody who’s been there, done that, and already made all the mistakes, it’s pretty useful advice.

But this boss I had wasn’t like that. This guy was not only an egomaniac, but he was pretty clueless to me and my team’s functions. He would try to “pretend” to understand what we were doing, but he ALWAYS got in the way.

Fake Obedience

So much that when he showed up to our work area, we got that crappy feeling that we were going to have to answer a bunch of ridiculous questions, while at the same time pretending to respect him.

He wasn’t above giving out a few covert threats here and there about our future at the company.

On the other hand, I had this boss that really, really knew what I was doing. He knew all the problems I was likely going to face, and he completely understood when I’d messed up.

Since he’d been in my shoes many times, he knew the trouble spots.

Good Boss Bad Boss

Unfortunately, the “Good Boss” was only my boss for a few short months, while the “Bad Boss” was my boss for a few long (very long lol) years.

So what’s this got to do with anything?

The human mind / body connection is incredible. So much that even the top brain scientists of the world are only starting to understand it.

But one thing is certain. Most of the amazing breakthroughs, achievements and accomplishments people have in their lives don’t come through micro-managing their daily actions.

If you’re conscious mind is always showing up, always trying to micro-manage the day to day behaviors, thoughts and instincts of your subconscious, it’s going to be slow going.

Best Boss Ever

Now, there’s one more boss I had that was actually better than all the rest. He was ultra powerful, ultra clueless about our day to day operations, but also VERY ultra hands on.

He would tell me what he wanted, he would ask me what I needed, then he would remove himself from the picture.

And then my team and I would get it done.

Sure, if we needed help, we’d ask. And he’d give it. No questions. Often times he’d just hand me the company credit card and tell me to “get whatever you need.”

What’s your relationship with your subconscious? What of boss are you?

Do you trust your subconscious to get it done, and give it whatever it needs, whenever it needs, without question?

Or do you try and micro-manage and second guess yourself?

One way works a LOT better than the rest.

Learn Why:

Opening Her Treasure Chest

Secrets Of Her Treasure

Scared Of Rejection?

One of the biggest stumbling blocks to success with women is the fear of rejection.

Whether or not you can admit this to yourself, (some guys can’t) it’s always there.

Of course, it might not always be easily labeled as “rejection.” You can walk over, talk to her, and anything OTHER than not getting what you want is going to feel pretty lousy.

It’s that “other-than-success” feeling that keeps a lot of us stuck.

Become The Sorter

Think about it this way. Let’s say you’ve got a deck of cards. Your job is to find all the Aces.

Every Ace you find gets you ten hours of mind blowing sex with the girl of your dreams.

Easy job, right? Just flip through the cards until you find them.

When you flip over a card, and it’s not an Ace, do you wince? Do you feel ashamed, do you wish you stayed at home? Nope. You spend about ten nano-seconds saying “next” to yourself.

You can go through the whole deck in less than a minute.

Same Strategy With People

Now imagine another scenario. There’s some guy standing behind you with a club. You’ve got to turn ALL the cards into Aces. Meaning if you turn over a three, you have to use some kind of magic to transform it into an Ace. If you don’t, the guy with the club is going to smash you over the head.

Now how do you feel? Nobody in his right mind would go NEAR a deck of cards under those situations.

Yet that’s the reality a lot of us IMAGINE when we’re out talking to girls. We think we need to take each girl we fancy, and “turn her into” our dream girl.

However, in reality, the world around (including girls, money and whatever else you want) is much, much more like the first scenario than the second.

Your Mind Is In Control

You need to simply be an open minded SORTER, rather that somebody trying to use some laws of magic that don’t really exist.

But here’s the thing.

When you relax your mind away from the second scenario, and into the first, it will SEEM like magic.

All those girls you used to be terrified of talking to will now seem as friendly as an old lady in the post office.

Not only that, but you’ll realize that there are A LOT of dream girls out there, just waiting to be found.

So, what’s it going to be? Are you a magical conjurer, trying in vain to turn girls into people they’re not, or are you a treasure hunter? Easily sorting for the girls that WANT YOU to find them?

Become a treasure hunter.

Your Treasure Is Waiting:

Are You Terrified Of Risk?

Embrace Risk

The Danger Of Playing It Safe

I had this roommate once that was studying hard for his Actuary test.

It was actually about fifteen tests, and he was doing it by home-correspondence.

They’d send him the materials, he’d study them at his own pace, and then go to some approved testing center to pass whatever level he was at.

After going through about fifteen levels, he would finally be a licensed actuary, and start making the big cash.

Beware The Skeptic

He was a very smart, but also very skeptical. Unless something could be statistically proven or demonstrated through several articles in accepted scientific journals, he figured it was all nonsense.

Now, I can understand the need for skepticism. With skepticism, we’d all be easy marks and we’d believe anything anybody would tell us.

I Won’t Unless You Prove It!

But if you are too much of a skeptic, you may be just terrified of taking action. For example, many guys are afraid to talk to girls unless they have absolute video proof that some technique will work.

However, unless you can predict the future, you will HAVE to take risks on a daily basis.


When you get up off your chair to go and do something, are you one hundred percent SURE what will happen? Of course not. Sure, some things (like going to the toilet) have a much higher probability of success (like 99.999%) than talking to some random stranger in a bar, but there is always a LITTLE bit of uncertainty in the outcome.

Of course, as you well know, many people are so terrified of any amount of uncertainty they ONLY do what they’re comfortable with, and they KNOW will most likely work out.

I’ll Have The Usual

These are the people that are settled into their lives, always go the same restaurants, always order the same thing.

Now this is perfectly fine. Everybody has different values. Some people value safety and comfort over everything else.

But if you want to achieve more than what you’ve got, you’ve got to do different things than you’ve been doing.

Which means you need to EMBRACE uncertainty.

One of the key traits of ultra successful people in ANY field is they have NO PROBEM acting in the face of uncertainty.

Always Be Exploring

Because they KNOW, that no matter what happens, they’ll learn something. They’ll learn more about themselves, their skills, and their reality.

And because they keep doing this, their entire lives, they achieve MASSIVE results.

And so can YOU. When you learn how:

Check It Out:

The Paradox Of Seduction Outcome

Seduction Gold

This Side – That Side

If you remember all of your experiences with girls, you can separate them into two different categories.

Those that went really well, and those that didn’t.

And if you study the situations that turned out pretty good, and compare them to the ones that didn’t, you might find a familiar pattern among both of them.

Usually the ones that didn’t work out have something in common. Namely that you were trying to hard. Too much in your head, too worried about what she said, and how you should or shouldn’t respond.

But if you look at all the situations that turned out pretty good, you’ll also find some common ground. You were in the moment. You didn’t worry so much about outcome, you just spit out whatever was on your mind, and it worked.

Dual Induction Feelings

You felt it, and she felt it. You were in the moment, naturally riffing off each other’s energy and attraction for one another. That magical connection where you both just “clicked” with each other.

It’s hard to “manufacture” this feeling, this situation. The trouble with trying to pick up girls, is it’s like shining a spotlight on something that should better be left unnoticed.

One of the hallmarks of attraction (which you no is NEVER a choice) is that it just “happens.”

Hit And Stay Emotions

It’s like getting hungry or feeling like watching a certain movie. You can’t make yourself hungry. And it’s pretty hard to make a girl like you, especially if you’re operating from a conscious level of communication.

It’s like staring at a pot of water and trying to force it, through sheer willpower, to boil.

But when you simply turn on a little heat, and forget about it, it will boil all on it’s own.

Guys are naturally attracted to girls, and girls are naturally attracted to guys. The prime directive for EVERY guy on earth is to find the right girl. The prime directive for every girl is to find the right guy.

Just Like That Cooker On TV

This means that once you’ve got your sights set on a girl, and you’ve got a good idea in mind of what you want (her name, her number, a roll in the hay, whatever), the BEST strategy is to set that intention, and then forget about it.

Just walk over her, relax, and enjoy her, and let her enjoy you. Let nature take it’s course.

Allow that magical border between conscious and unconscious to show itself, and create for you a magical outcome of seduction and attraction.

Learn More:

The Magic of Thought

Thoughts Are Magic

Thinking To Things

I used to play a lot of racquetball.

When I was in college, I lived in some dorms that were next to the sports center, which had the racquetball courts.

Me and my buddy would always play, and he would almost always beat me. It was fun, but frustrating.

The only few times I beat him I was completely “out of my head.” I didn’t really think about each individual shot. I didn’t consciously hold the score in mind and “count” how many more points I needed.

I was absolutely UNCONSCIOUS. Meaning I had vague thoughts, and my body obeyed. The ball went exactly where I wanted it to go, completely confounding my friend. He would always look at me funny after games like this, as if I were possessed or something.

No Barriers

Musicians frequently have experiences like this. They don’t consciously think of each note, or where they are in the particular piece they are playing. They just have vague thoughts or feelings, and express it as beautiful music.

There’s a famous line from the movie, “The Color of Money,” with Paul Newman, about a pool hustler. He never made the big time, but when he played pool, he was always in that magical “zone.”

All through the movie he questioned himself. He never really knew if he was a “winner” or a “loser.”

Genius Explained

But one day he was having a picnic with his girl, and he explained the feeling. “It’s like my arm the pool cue are one. I just imagine the shot and it happens, and when it does, it’s beautiful. Like something nobody’s ever seen before.”

Those moments of “flow,” of being in the “zone” are what life is all about.

When there is no second guessing, no worries about the outcome, no inner arguments or silly voices in your head telling you what you can’t do.

Just a pure connection between thought, and outcome.

What if your entire life was like that?

What if you could create relationships, build income, manifest your dreams, through this same process?

Well, you can.

Learn More:

Future Pace Yourself Into Her Dreams

Time Travel Seduction

Time Travel Seduction

Most guys who don’t make a lot of money think this will keep them from getting the girls they want.

This is absolutely FALSE.

Now, I know there ARE plenty of women out there who are clearly focused on getting somebody with a lot of disposable income, but we aren’t talking about those girls.

We’re talking about normal girls, looking for normal relationships, with normal guys.

Forget Mainstream Nonsense

I know there’s a lot of gloom and doom about the current male-female dynamics, but there’s ALWAYS gloom and doom about pretty much anything. If you went back in time 500 years, you wouldn’t have to look far to find people complaining that the world was falling apart.

So, how do you get a girl if you’ve got a lousy job, or NO job?

First, forget about trying to impress girls with who you are.

Instead, show them who you are BECOMING.

And let THEM decide if they want to tag along or not. This attitude alone will put you miles ahead of every else out there.

How, specifically, do you show them?

Be A Man With A Plan

First, you’ll actually need to come up with a REAL PLAN for your life. A plan based on big dreams that are AT LEAST a few years out in the future.

Actually sit down and write your dream job five years from now, if everything pans out. It’s crucial this has to be based on your own actions or behaviors. If you tell her you plan on hitting it big in Vegas, she’ll just laugh and walk away.

But if you tell her your plans to become an architect so you design big buildings around the world, she’ll be impressed.

But ONLY if you’re SERIOUS about your dreams. Don’t make stuff up.

She Wants To Go With You

What will happen is because she’s so used to guys trying to impress her with their NOW situation (which is usually puffed up quite a bit anyway) she’ll be totally blown away when you come across as somebody who’s going places.

She’ll start asking you all kinds of questions, and want to know if you’re the real deal.

And when you start asking her about HER future, and get her talking in terms of HER big dreams, guess what will happen?

You will both be standing there, talking about YOUR FUTURE TOGETHER.

Meaning you’ll be standing there TOGETHER, each talking about your own FUTURES.

And her mind will start to mix them together without her even knowing. Which will leave her feeling as if she met “The One.”

To make sure it happens, be sure to mix in some of these powerful language patterns into YOUR future and HER future.

It will be the glue that binds her emotional (and subsequent sexual) fantasies to YOU.

Learn More:

Why We Hate Textbooks

Traditional Learning Sucks!

Learning Doesn’t Have To Be Boring

The other day I was on Amazon looking for a good novel to read.

I read all kinds of different books, and lately I’ve been in a mood for popular fiction, so I was sorting through various bestsellers.

Turns out that you can choose all books by a certain author and sort them by ranking. So you don’t need to sort through all the reviews.

This got me thinking about textbook process, and how schools choose the textbooks they use. I decided to look up some language learning books, just for kicks. I figured learning a language is something that happens both inside and outside traditional school, so it would be a good comparison.

A Hidden Industry Of Cons?

I chose a few languages, and did some sorting. And guess what? The ONLY category where textbook type books were the top of the list was price. They were the most expensive, but they WEREN’T the most popular,and they WEREN’T the highest ranked.

Now, I don’t want to get into the whole argument about textbook companies and how they get chosen to be the ones who write the books we ALL are pretty much FORCED to learn from, but it’s pretty clear that there’s LOTS of better ways to learn.

I mean, if somebody decided to learn a second language, there’s NO WAY they would choose a textbook that is being made and sold to elementary or high schools.

They would choose a book that’s designed to help people learn, rather than make a ton of cash for the textbook companies.

It’s Not Supposed To Be Fun

If you remember school as a boring, unhelpful, and time wasting experience, it’s NOT your fault.

The system wasn’t designed to help kids. It wasn’t designed to give them the best possible learning environment.

So, what IS the best possible learning environment? Firstly, you’ve got to learn something you WANT to learn.

Second, you’ve got to be in a relaxed, comfortable environment where you can go at your own pace.

And third, you’ve got to learn in way that you were DESIGNED to.

In reality, all of us are programmed to be lifelong learners. There’s literally no limit to the stuff you can do in your life, once you shrug off that false notion that learning happens ONLY in school.

Unleash your natural learner, and start to get what you REALLY deserve.

THIS will show you how: