Category Archives: Approach Anxiety

Why Waiting May Be A Good Idea

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

Why Patience Is Always A Virtue

Attraction is a two way street. And it’s never static. What turns a woman on tonight might repulse her in a few weeks or months.

It’s a commonly held truth that those things you think are so cute in the beginning of a relationship will drive you nuts later on.

Since having a solid woman at your side through thick and thin is such a crucially important thing to most guys, it should take some time.

Think in terms of economics. Things that are the most valuable to us are the most costly. If it only costs you a few minutes time, it’s not going to be very valuable.

That girl that’s easy to f-close within a few hours of meeting her is simply not likely going to hold much long term value. Not that there’s anything wrong with short term flings. People enjoy them for many reasons.

Just understand short term flings are much different than long term, solid relationships built on mutual attraction and respect.

Unfortunately, many guys have bought the notion that any short term fling SHOULD somehow magically turn into a long term relationship.

This is natural. Before a guy has sex, he thinks of a girl a certain way. After he has sex (unless he’s super experienced or super jaded) he’s going to think of her a lot differently.

Our caveman brains think we’ll only be able to get laid with one or two women our entire lives. So as soon as a guy gets laid, his caveman brain starts telling him “She’s The One!”

Of course, most guys short term game is not really their true selves. It’s really just a show. So when the real him starts to show up, she gets turned off. That smooth operator she met the night before is now some needy beta who wants her to turn into wifey-poo.

Of course, short term flings can turn into long term relationships. Happens all the time. 

It just might not be the best strategy for finding that special someone to spend your life with.

That’s why criteria of a non-sexual, non-physical nature is essential. If you don’t have some, consider getting some.

Then once you’ve got some, consider screening her for non-sexual, non-physical criteria BEFORE you hit the sheets.

I know, this is not very popular advice. Obviously if you’re the “hit-it-and-quit-it” type, this won’t work.

But if you’re looking for something more, this may work for you.

Because while you’re filtering her based on non-sexual, non-physical criteria, something else is happening.

You’re building up a common experience. One of getting to know each other. One of spending time together based on the interaction between your brains. That is pretty rare these days.

It’s a lot of work, to be sure. And it will require a lot of “delayed gratification,” something most guys aren’t really capable of these days.

But if you ARE looking for something more permanent, this will help.

Get In The Game

Are You Living In Past Generations?

Ready For Some Real Action?

A few generations ago, humans enjoyed a pretty nice sweet spot of history.

The industrial revolution was in full swing, wealth was increasing faster than it ever had since the dawn of time. New inventions were popping out every day making life easier and more affordable, and the population was starting to explode.

Back then, if you were a normal guy with a normal brain and a normal set of skills, you could get a decent job out of high school. So long as you showed up for work every day, and learned a bit as you went, you’d be in pretty good financial shape.

One income was enough to buy a house and a car, and your wife could stay home and watch the kids.

Meeting your wife (back then) was still tough. You still had to overcome approach anxiety, social scrutiny, the huge barrier of her parents. Not only that but the choices were pretty slim. (You certainly couldn’t hit the clubs every weekend and take home a new one nighter.)

Of course now, things are much, much different. Both in a bad way, AND in a much better way.

If you’re the kind of guy who thinks you just need to show up and get good jobs, loyal girls and affordable lifestyle, then life sucks right now. Really sucks.

But if you’re the guy willing to knuckle down and make his own way, there’s no better time in history than now.

Sure the economy is in the tank. Sure it’s hard to find a decent,  old fashioned girl.

But guess what?

Since most guys aren’t willing to do what it takes, that means those that ARE willing to will have a HUGE advantage.

Like I said, it’s not nearly as easy as it used to be. Back then, you just went with the flow and you were good.

Nowadays, you’ve got to be a nimble free agent able to shift in a moment’s notice. More than ever, you’ve got to OWN your life, rather than merely be a participant.

You’ve got to take responsibility for EVERYTHING that happens to you, whether it’s under your control or not.

If you get caught out in the rain, you can curse the gods all you want. But it’s still going to rain.

How you RESPOND to the rain makes all the difference.

Complaining about the state of affairs isn’t a very good strategy.

It’s easy, and everybody can do it.

And the laws of economics say that if everybody can do it, it ain’t worth much.

Are you willing to take responsibility?

Are you willing to OWN your life?

If you are, glory awaits.

Only If You Want A Quality Relationship

The Myth Of The Quality Woman

Is The Market Terrible?

Where you can find a “quality woman”?

I hate to break it do you, but they don’t exist. No, I don’t mean like that. I don’t mean in the bitter, “poor me” sense that you’ll find bleeding all over the “manosphere” (whatever THAT means.)

I mean that you simply can’t put labels like “quality” on people without having a specific set of parameters.

One thing that Maltz taught in Psycho-Cybernetics is to NEVER compare yourself to others.

Take the next random dude you meet on the street, for example.  You’re going to be better at a bunch of stuff than he is. He’s going to be better at a bunch of stuff that you. At least today. Tomorrow? Maybe a different story completely.

Does this mean it’s hopeless finding what you might subjectively describe as a “quality woman?” Not at all. But first, you’ve got to ditch that label, because it’s pretty meaningless.

Reminds me of this movie called “Punching The Clown.” There was this guy who was a singer/comedian. He had this weird style of playing his guitar while spitting out ridiculous jokes, that “sort of” sounded like a song.

One day, a big Hollywood Exec came to see him in a studio.

“Show me your FUNNIEST gag!” The exec said. So the guy starts singing one of his deadpan, slow boiling type humor.

The exec interrupts him. “No, no. Show me one that’s FUNNY right off the bat!”

This went on for a while, until the exec gave up.

Of course, the meaning of the scene is that “funny” is not some objective thing like a law of mathematics. Even something that’s funny to one person may not be funny to somebody else.

So stop looking for some kind of magical “quality woman” to jump out of the shadows and magically solve all your girl problems.

Change the word “quality” for “a girl that satisfies most of my criteria, and for whom I satisfy most of hers.”

Now, this leaves most guys at a loss, because they don’t really HAVE any criteria, other than she’s got to be hot and not throw a drink in his face when he talks to her.

So the first step is to actually determine your own criteria. What do you want in a woman? Naturally, the more women you interact with, the more you’ll find tune your criteria.

And guess what? You’ll find plenty of women that satisfy YOUR criteria, but you don’t satisfy THEIRS.

Most guys don’t like to hear this.

Most guys think all they need to do is shave, shower, put on some expensive cologne and the “quality women” are supposed to beat a path to their door.

Doesn’t work like that.

Is it easy? Not in the least. 

Will you get rejected a lot? Absolutely. 

Will it take time? Yes. 

Will it happen like in the movies? Probably not.

But it is possible. Just not easy. But finding a woman that matches your criteria, and for whom you match hers, is something that you should aspire to as one of your life goals. (If building a relationship is indeed one of your plans in life).

Not something that just “happens” when you’re out with your buddies.

Now, let’s be honest. A lot of guys aren’t willing to put in the work. That’s fine. They’d rather spend their entire lives without a woman, or short term relationships, which for many guys is perfectly fine. 

Ultimately it’s up to you.

What do you want?

What will it take to get it?

Are you willing to put in the effort?

Mind Tricks To Kill Fear

Is This What Talking To Girls Feels Like?

Control Your Thoughts – Control Everything

Imagine if you tried swimming using the following method.

You stood there on the side of the pool, shaking from fear. All your buddies were swimming, but you weren’t sure if you could do it.

Maybe you looked at a point off in the distance, and imagined how cool it would be to swim over there. Then you imagined the cold hand of death grabbing your ankle and pulling you down to the lonely bottom.

You grit your teeth, and jump in. Only you don’t try and swim. You just kind of float there. Then suddenly your instincts kick in, and you start dog paddling. Everybody’s laughing. You paddle back to where you came from, and climb out.

Absolutely humiliated.

This is very similar to what most guys do when they approach girls. Especially when they’re nervous while approaching.

Now, if you’re nervous and you approach anyway, congratulations. Most guys can’t do this.

But when you approach, there’s some things you can do to make it a lot easier, and some things to do that will make it a lot harder.

The thoughts you hold in your head WHILE approaching are crucial. If you don’t purposely hold positive thoughts, your caveman brain will take over.

This is like you dog paddling in the pool. Running on instincts.

But if you approach with some positive thoughts, and HOLD those thoughts, it will be a lot easier.

This would be like swimming the crawl, based on conscious thinking, rather than dog paddling, based on instinct.

Every action you take, there’s a battle going on in your mind. Your conscious, rational self, vs. your caveman instincts.

Your caveman instincts are usually only good if you’re in a caveman environment. Like there’s some sort of horrible, life threatening danger, and you’ve got to take care of business.

But when talking to cute girls, your caveman brain is NOT your friend.

Your conscious mind is.

What thoughts should you think?

Firstly, you’ll need to FORCE them in the forefront of your brain. Like you might need to consciously remember how to swim.

Any thoughts of any positive EXPERIENCES with women will do. Ideally, you should have a positive experience in the recent past, and one in the near future. Which will take place AFTER you talk to the girl you’re about to talk to.

Any positive experience will work. A girl that smiled at you. A cute girl you talked to at Starbucks (whether she was working there or not.)

ANY experience will do.

This works for many reasons.

You won’t see the girl you’re about to talk to as a life or death situation. 

Which means you’ll significantly tone down any neediness or desperation. She’ll pick up on this, and this will increase her likelihood of being attracted to you.

Now, this can be tough to do if you don’t have ANY positive experiences with women. But you can certainly go and get some.

Just hit up some shops or restaurants around town where cute girls work. DO NOT try and pick them up. Just be friendly with them. Go in once a week or so. Learn their names, and tell them yours.

Remember, these are NOT girls you are picking up or number closing or getting advice from or anything. Just some girls to have a friendly, BRIEF, chit-chat with while you drink your coffee or whatever.

THEN, when you see some girls you’d like to talk to, for real, think of those “practice girls” while you do so.

Do this long enough, and you’ll be building up a HUGE amount of positive experiences with women.

Just remember that this ISN’T automatic, at least not at first. The first couple dozen times you talk to real girls, in the real world, you’ll need to FORCE your brain to think of those positive experiences, WHILE APPROACHING and WHILE TALKING.

But if you keep it up, that feeling of “good experiences with women” WILL become automatic.

And you’ll have suddenly turned into a natural.

How To Tilt The Game In Your Favor

What Does Ben Franklin Know About Success?

Essential Daily Mental Practice

Most people are aware of the power of visualization.

Athletes have known about this for years. They visualize what they want, over and over, and it happens.

Andre Agassi, the tennis player, made a dramatic career comeback to win Wimbleton, when nobody else thought he could.

He said it was easy, because he’d already seen it a million times in his mind.

Even in University studies, it’s been scientifically proven that visualizing something is just as good as actually practicing it.

They took three groups of basketball players. One group didn’t practice, one group practiced in their mind, and one group practiced for real.

The group that did mind practice improved just as much as the group that did real practice.

No matter what you want to do, mentally practicing before hand will make it easier. 

Benjamin Franklin talked about this hundreds of years ago. He called it a “daily review.” To be sure, he wasn’t the guy who came up with it, as it’s likely been around for a long, long time.

Basically you just spent a few minutes at the end of the day, reviewing the events. The ones you’d like to “rewrite,” you do. In your mind. You practice the way you’d like to have done whatever it is you did.

The more you do this, the more quickly you’ll improve.

You can even take this to a meta level. Stepping it up a bit.

You can do this with ANY situation. Just take a few moments before you take action, and really visualize exactly HOW you’d like it to come out.

Not only will this make it much more likely, but it will significantly diminish any fear you may have.

Sadly, most people will never do this.

It’s much easier to stay stuck, and come up with an excuse why you didn’t take action.

Especially when we blame forces outside of ourselves. Nothing’s easier than pointing fingers.

It keeps us safe, and we get to pretend that it’s not our fault.

Unfortunately, this will never get us very much good stuff.

Because as you well know, the only things REALLY worth something are things you’ve got to get on your own, rather than have them plopped safely in your lap.

Part of the process of becoming a fully functioning adult is giving up that magical thinking, and taking responsibility for your life.

Sure, it can be difficult. Sure you’ll need to step outside your comfort zone. Sure, you might get some results other than what you were hoping for.

But that’s where all the juice of life is. Taking action, and seeing what happens.

Naturally, you can use the visualization process to make it much easier. Instead of charging forward and hoping for some “good luck,” you can definitely tilt the game in your favor.


How To Practice Approaching

To Approach Easily, Get Your Brain Out Of The Way

Retrain Your Thinker

Your brain is incredibly powerful. The vast computing power between your ears is not even close to being fully understood. Despite what Google and other companies say about AI, it’s a long, long ways off from what you can do.

Sure, they can build these pretty impressive “Turing Machines,” that pretend to be intelligent. And they certainly respond to situations “in the moment,” but they’ve got nothing on your squishy gray matter.

You can use your brain to plan, to look into the future, to balance all kinds of potential choice that you are considering now, and how they may wind up in the any time out in front of you.

You can check back into your vast collection of memories to gauge how a situation may turn out. To the extent you can override your instincts with your rational mind, you can create magic. Generate massive wealth. Build a life that will be remembered for generations.

On the other hand, when see a cute girl you’d like to talk to, your brain can be your worst enemy.


Because all those same miracles of computational magic that help you re-invent relativity will also talk you out of approaching her.

The same genius mind that you can use to creatively solve unlimited problems will come up with about a thousand different nightmare scenarios within a couple microseconds. This, of course, will make walking over there and talking to that girl seem as dangerous as jumping into the tiger cage at the zoo.

With about a thousand pounds of steaks duct taped all over you.

What’s the answer? Train yourself to take action, BEFORE your brain starts to overheat.

How do you do that?

Same way you practice every other skill. By practicing that skill.

Good news is that practicing taking action doesn’t mean you’ve got just grab your balls and talk to hot girls all the time. (Unless of course you want to.)

All you’ve got to do is train your brain to respond to any desire IMMEDIATELY with some kind of action.

This is not as simple as it sounds. Human are hard wired to think. To contemplate. To wonder.

Which means you’ll need to concentrate on not concentrating.

Give yourself at least 30 minutes a day, if you can. Go somewhere where there’s a lot of interesting things.

The mall, the supermarket, a club with a bunch of people. Your job during this training drill is to simply walk around, and notice all the things around you.

AS SOON AS you see something (person, object, painting, whatever) interesting, IMMEDIATELY walk toward it. Don’t hesitate. Don’t think. Don’t wonder if you might get in trouble. Don’t worry what other people will think. 

What you’re doing is training in a conditioned response into your brain. Desire is to be followed by action.

Once you do this for a while, you’re ready to practice with girls.

If you see ANY GIRL you think is cute, get up and walk towards her. At this point, you don’t have to talk to her, or interact with her. Just walk over there. Pass her on the way to the restroom. Look at something near where she’s standing at the grocery store.

Don’t linger and wait for her to open you or anything. Just train your mind. Desire is followed by action.

Do this enough, and pretty soon it will be easy to walk up and talk to girls as soon as you see a cute one.

The Myth Of Seduction Techniques

Get In The Game And Have Some Fun

Your Own Experience Is The Best Teacher

There are two types of tasks. Ones that take a long time, and ones that are over in a hurry. Tying your shoes, cooking dinner, fixing the squeak in your front door. These are “static” tasks that are once and done.

You don’t expect your shoes to keep coming untied, or that squeak to come back every couple days. (Or time to flow backwards and your dinner suddenly becoming uncooked).

Other tasks take much, much longer. One because they are much more involved. Two because the parameters of the task changes over time.

For example, think of a baseball game. The task is to win the game. But how that’s done isn’t specified. It all depends on what the opposing team does.

And it depends on what team you’re playing. As much they can, statisticians scout the opposition, so they can better understand who they’re up against. Even then it’s based a lot on human performance. Lesser teams beat better teams all the time.

Imagine if you wanted to know how to succeed in baseball, but you were afraid of playing. Imagine you bought a book called “How To Win Every Game You Play.” And the book was filled with strategies, techniques, gambits and plays that were guaranteed to “win every time.”

Or imagine you went down to your local bookstore and saw some guy selling such a book. You walked up and asked him:

“Are these strategies GUARANTEED to work?” 

“Yes Sir! No matter WHO you are playing against, no matter WHAT their strategy is, the techniques in this book will allow you to win every single game. In fact, we GUARANTEE you’ll go all the way, AND WIN the world series! It doesn’t even matter WHO your players are!”

Would you believe him?

I certainly hope not!

Yet this is precisely what guys are desperately looking for in the world of dating. Some guaranteed, sure fire line or strategy that will make ANY GIRL fall in love with him. Regardless of the girl, and regardless of the guy.

Part of the reason is that most guys are absolutely TERRIFIED of rejection. So instead of getting some experience of getting rejected (and proving to themselves it’s not deadly) they instead look for ways to AVOID REJECTION completely.

Some spend their entire lives looking for some “Holy Grail of Seduction” that will get them ALL of the rewards (sexy gorgeous women who throw themselves at them) with NONE of the risks.

Take a step back and you’ll see this is pretty much the human condition. Humans are terrified of failure, but at the same time want the opposite of failure. This has made us easy marks since the dawn of time.

Anybody that can convince us we can get the goods without the risks is going to make a lot of money (before they blow town!)

Problem is that’s just not possible. Just like every team is different, and every day is different, every girl is different.

And every girl is different from day to day. And so are you.

Creating a relationships is not like cooking dinner or fixing a squeaky door. It’s a lifelong process. One that involves exposing yourself to a lot of risk.

If you aren’t willing to accept and embrace risk, you’ll never get the good stuff.

The good news is that you’re not really risking anything. You aren’t going to go broke if you say the wrong thing. You aren’t going to get hit by a bolt of lighting if she laughs at your lame pick up line. Your heart isn’t going to stop if you lean in for the kiss and she gives you her cheek.

Failure is essential. It teaches you what DOESN’T work, so you can try what does.

The more you fail, the more you’ll succeed.

Secret Seduction Practice

Get More Choice With Girls

Techniques To Enhance The Real You

Most guys would do anything to have more choice with the ladies.

In study after study, men’s deepest fantasies is plenty of anonymous sex with random strangers.

A guy walks into a club, and sees all the cuties dressed in their hottest club gear.

He quickly imagines having the power to walk up to any of them, spit out a few memorized lines, and have her suddenly fall into a deep hypnotic trance where she’ll beg to please him in any way he wants.

It’s no wonder courses that allegedly teach these things make gurus so much money.

And guess what? Often times it actually works. Some of the language patters in those courses are pretty powerful. Said with confidence and congruence, you can generate some pretty deep and powerful emotions, pretty quickly.

I saw this movie on Netflix a while back, really cheesy, that made a good point. These goofs had discovered this magic shirt. Whenever they wore it, the ladies were their willing sex slaves.

At one point, some guy convinced himself it was him, and not the shirt. So in the middle of a session with a young hottie, he took off the shirt, showing his pasty overweight belly and man-boobs.

All of a sudden she looked as if she was about to vomit.

“Oh my God! What am I doing!?” She asked.

The point is that while those patterns CAN work, they won’t work for long, UNLESS they are part of who you are. Meaning you always talk and act and behave like that.

Most guys don’t. Especially if you’re using memorized patterns, or techniques, or “gambits” any other “pick up technology.”

Once she sees the real you, she’ll wonder how she got there. And if you’ve developed some emotional feelings (totally normal after having sex) you can get hurt pretty badly.

So in a sense, using any kind of “pick up technology” or “game” that isn’t part of the real you is pretty dangerous for your own emotions.

What’s a better alternative?

Improve the real you. And here’s a POWERFUL way to do that.

Simply practice DISQUALIFYING girls. Most guys see girls as these perfect angels who have the keys to heaven up between their legs.

But some girls are just crazy. Just like some guys. They’ll do more damage to your psyche than you realize. Getting into a relationship with the WRONG girl can set your self esteem back YEARS. (Same for girls and the wrong guys).

Believe it or not, some guys NEVER recover. They become bitter women haters for life. (So do plenty of women).

So, how do you practice? First, come up with some solid personality traits that your “dream girl” MUST have.

Then talk to a girl long enough to DISQUALIFY her.

Believe it or not, disqualifying a girl BEFORE she disqualifies you can give you a strong burst of confidence, and go a long ways in destroying all your desperation.

The only requirement is you disqualify girls you’re actually talking to, that are showing signs of interest.

Don’t be mean, don’t be rude or crude, don’t even tell her she’s disqualified. Just politely end the conversation WITHOUT exchanging any contact information.

If you absolutely FORGOT about any kind of success, and simply practiced DISQUALIFYING, (based on actual conversations, and not ego protecting BS) your genuine self confidence would go through the roof.

Your conversational skills would improve, and so would the strength of your frame.

All qualities women are DESPERATE for in a man.

You Mad Bro?

Don't Get Angry, Get Better

Anger Is Not The Answer To Your Girl Problems

It can be tough to be without a lady, and try and not succeed. One thing that humans are very, very good at is blaming others. No matter what people’s shortcomings are, we tend to point fingers.

For every finger you point, as the saying goes, you’ve got three pointing back at you.

Even Jesus said that before you point out the dirt in somebody’s eye, take out the big pile of crud in your own.

Now, whether or not you believe Jesus was real or just a metaphorical teaching instrument, the point is that the idea of people pointing fingers when they should be taking responsibility goes back to Biblical times.

It comes out with guys looking for girls like this. Guy sees a girl. He approaches her, and she’s not interested. So instead of thinking about what he could do better, he gets angry at the girl.

If he does this a few times, pretty much he hates women.

Go on any seduction forum and you’ll see that guys have NO PROBLEM trying to become the most alpha and eloquent member of the “he-man women haters club.”

But guess what? Anger, frustration, and unhappiness are the some of the WORST attitudes you can have when meeting girls.

Sure, misery loves company. Sure, guys hang out and bitch and moan about how there’s some secret feminine conspiracy and all the women are somehow “wrong” for not liking them.

That may make you feel better. It may protect your ego. 

But it certainly won’t create any desire in any females.

The truth is that despite how many blogs and gurus and goofs giving out advice (ahem…) on game, most guys’ game absolutely sucks.

Somewhere along the line studying game or complaining about women became a substitute for actually learning game.

Let’s look at a sports analogy to make this easer to understand.

Take two guys, Hector and Alfalfa.

Alfafa spends all his time in the library, studying basketball. He even spends a few thousand dollars on a seminar with Lebron James. He’s watched thousands of instructional videos on basketball.

Yet every time he shoes up the court, he’s intimidated. He’s always got a ready made excuse. The ground isn’t right. The backboards aren’t regulation. The guys aren’t really following the rules.

Now let’s look at Hector. All he does is show up to the court, and play. At first he sucks. People rag on him all day long. But he has fun. He keeps playing. He shows up when there’s nobody else there and practices. Dribbling, inside shots, outside shots, free throws, etc.

Pretty soon Hector is a respectable player. Nothing close to NBA quality, but he can hold his own in a street game.

Now suppose Hector and Alfalfa have a friendly one on one? Who wins?

Obviously, Hector is going to wipe the floor with poor Alfy.

Here’s some harsh wisdom. It may be right, it may be wrong. But just for fun, pretend and live your life as if it were absolutely true.

If you aren’t getting laid by gorgeous women, your game sucks.

If gorgeous girls are begging you to be in a relationship with them, your game sucks.

What do you do? Practice your game.

How do you practice?

By playing.

Why else is it called game?

Ancient Secrets Of Seduction

The Secrets Of Consistent Seduction Improvement

How To Become A Stone Cold Natural

Most guys spend tons of money on inside secrets of dating.

The idea is that if they only learn a secret set of strategies, or techniques, then they’ve got it made.

However, most of the time, this is just a self-generated ego-protecting, smoke screen.

Think of it this way. If you could walk up to any girl you saw, any where, any time, and talk to her as relaxed and confident as you talk to your best friend, you wouldn’t have ANY problems with the ladies. You’d just walk up to girls, talk to them, and pretty soon you’d meet somebody that was PERFECT for you.

Only most guys can’t do this. Sure, there’s plenty that can collect numbers, or hit on girls till the cows come home. But this is not really what I’m talking about.

Getting numbers and throwing out lines is more of a hit and run strategy than a conversational strategy. These conversations don’t usually last longer than a couple of minutes.

What I’m talking about is relaxed, extended conversations that let natural attraction build on its own.

The ability to do this is very, very rare. But guys won’t admit this to themselves. Guys always have some kind of excuse, some kind of reason. And when they buy into the “buy-every-seminar-and-home-study-course-there-is” mindset, they’re really just putting off what they don’t to face.

Works like this. A guy sees a cute girl. He’d love to go and talk to her. But he’s either too nervous to talk to her, or too nervous to talk to her more than the two minutes it will take to approach her and ask for the number.

So he convinces himself he needs to study more. Maybe that weekly training course he saw online is the ticket. After he studies that, THEN he’ll be able to approach.

Only that never happens.

Then he comes up with another excuse. Maybe after he gets promoted. Maybe after he loses ten pounds. Maybe in the spring when everybody’s happier.

The truth is that you’ve got all the skills you need right here, right now, to find the woman of your dreams.

Trial and error is the absolute best way to learn anything. Especially something that’s free and contains ZERO danger. Like talking to girls.

The more girls you talk to, the easier it will get. The easier it gets, the more girls you’ll talk to.

If you got started TODAY, how would your love life look in six months?

How would your love life be TODAY if you started doing this six months ago? A year ago? Two years ago?

Being able to talk to gorgeous girls while feeling relaxed, confident and playful is a very powerful, very crucial and very wonderful skill to have.

And the ONLY way you can develop that skill is to practice.

Get started.