Category Archives: Belief

How To Vanish Vampires

How To Eliminate These Bastards

Become Immune To Evil

What do you do when people “push your buttons?”

This is a common complaint. You’ll be out just jamming along, and then somebody shows up that just rubs you the wrong way. Energy vampires, manipulators, you name it. Some people seem to attract these kinds of people.

Well, you’re about to learn how to make them vanish completely. Nope, not like that. Not banish them into the cornfield or turn them into a jack-in-the-box, but negatively hallucinate them.

They’ll still be there, you just won’t see them.

How do you do that?

It’s kind of like learning martial arts. If you never studied martial arts before, and you kept getting your ass kicked, you couldn’t really read some post on the Internet about some secret Kung-Fu move that would destroy your opponents.

You’d have to head down to your local Dojo, and start drilling. Punches, blocks, kicks, etc. Only after doing some drills would you stop getting your ass kicked.

But not the way most people think. After practicing some ass-kicking skills of your own,  you’d be a lot more confident, and you’d send out a much different vibe. And those guys who kicked your ass before would know somehow to avoid you.

So, how do you do this with those energy vampires?

By working with something called “Shadow Energy.”

It’s based on the idea that those people (whoever they are) bother you so much because they remind you of you, on some level.

And because the prime directive of the ego is self protection, we don’t like to be reminded of our shortcomings. Since those “energy vampires” are reminding us of our shortcomings, we really, really don’t like them. We blame them for our bad feelings.

Enter the Shadow Energy Exercise.

First, assume they bother you because of something about you. Instead of pointing fingers and blaming them, simply ask yourself:

“What is it about me that person reminds me of?”

And let whatever answer trickle up from your subconscious into your conscious.

Then accept whatever the answer is.

This next part is crucial. This is where you’ll slowly get rid of their effect on you.

Simply accept that part of you. Go somewhere where you can be alone, and just sit with that part of you that other person reminds you of.

Accept it as part of who you are. Don’t try and change it or get rid of it or suppress it.

If it involves something you did that you’re not very proud of, forgive yourself and release your guilt.

This ain’t easy, but the effect it will have on your personality will be profound.

And just like martial arts, it’s going to take a lot of time.

But if you stick with it, those “energy vampires” will slowly start to vanish. One by one.

What’s more, you’ll start radiating a much different type of energy. Since you’re more accepting of yourself, you’ll be much more attractive, charismatic, and magnetic.

People of all walks of like will be naturally drawn to you.

Just be on the lookout for anybody that pushes your buttons. See them as an opportunity, and get to work.

If you make a commitment to do this regularly, you’re life will change in magnificent ways.

How To Trick Yourself Into Easy Action

Reach Higher!

Expand The Potential Positive

I remember a few years ago when Michael Jordan decided to try baseball.

Now, this guy is arguably one of the best basketball players in a generation, but he absolutely SUCKED at baseball.

Even on a medium level minor league team, he still struggled.

On the other hand, there’s been a few athletes who excelled in many sports.

Musicians (or artists) are the same.

There are some that can play a whole range of instruments, and some that can only sing.

Often times in life we find people that are super skilled in one area, but absolutely suck in others.

Plenty of excellent entrepreneurial types, for example, are horrible in other areas. They are great at building a thriving business from the ground up, but not so great at holding a romantic relationship together.

On the other hand, some folks are GREAT a building wonderful relationships, but absolutely suck at anything related to finances.

The trouble with us humans is we get too focused on “content.” On the surface, it seems like building a business is completely different than starting a relationship.

But in reality the two are very, very similar.

So is pretty much anything else you’d like to create.

It’s just that because we have more experience in some things, and not others, it seems like some things are easy, while others, not so much.

Nevertheless, the structure is the same.

We look out into the world, decide what we want, and take action.

Then we measure the results, and see if we got any closer.

If we did, we do more. 

If we didn’t we do something different.

So long as you continue to take action, and accept any feedback, you simply can not fail.

The trouble comes when we talk ourselves out of taking action. We imagine some negative outcome as bigger, and more likely than any positive outcome.

This makes it seem like it’s safer to stay where we are. But it’s really all in our mind.

The truth is we can imagine anything we want.

Even stuff you’ve never done before can seem easy, if you imagine the future in the right way.

If you’d like to learn how, check this out:

Self Confidence Generator

Why More Failure Means More Success

Time Waits For No Man

Action Is Everything

In dating they’ve got this thing called the “three second rule.”

When a guy sees a girl, he’s supposed to walk over and start a conversation within three seconds.

Now, some say this is because all girls are super confident and are always in control of their emotions, which means if they send a “signal” to a guy that it’s safe to come over, and he doesn’t, then she’ll lose interest, within three seconds.

This, of course, is utter nonsense.

One thing most guys are shocked to find out is that girls are just as clueless as guys when it comes to finding, meeting and creating relationships.

So that’s not the reason for the three second rule.

What is?

If you expand this back a bit, and consider ALL desires, then the three second rule makes more sense.

I remember a long time ago I was at this goofy real estate seminar. The instructor, (in a clever ploy to “train” the audience to take action) pulled out a hundred dollar bill and just held it out.

About one or two seconds passed by, until one person got up and ran to the front. Soon after she did, about twenty other people did the same thing.

Since she was first, she got the $100.

Everybody else that was waiting to make sure it was “safe” didn’t get squat.

(As an aside, that same guru did that a few times during this “free” seminar before the big “pitch” which meant that by then many of the attendees were “well trained” to dive right into his multi-thousand dollar course.)

The bottom line is that when you see an opportunity, it’s a good idea to take it.

Not wait around for confirmation.

Not wait for somebody to give you clear instructions

Not wait until other people take action so you know it’s safe.

Hence the three second rule.

If you could train yourself, to AUTOMATICALLY take action, without thinking, within three seconds, what would you do?

In the dating community, guys that do this are called “approach machines.”

See somebody cute, walk up and start talking BEFORE you get a chance to talk yourself out of it.

What if you could do this with ALL opportunities?

Sure, you’d strike out a bunch.

But so did Babe Ruth.

AND he also hit WAY more home runs than anybody else, at the time.

He didn’t wait for an OK or a signal from his coach before he swung.

He saw high fat one and instinctively swung with all his might.

(He also lived large off the field as well).

Would you like to do the same?

This will teach you how:

Self Confidence

The Subconscious Improvement Trap

How To Improve Yourself

Need A Push?

Many people have found fantastic success with mind programming, specifically subliminal message, or affirmation overload sessions like the one below:

However, these do present a problem. Believe it or not, many people are finding that the results that they are achieving are not quite what they had anticipated. For example, one client, a world class athlete , has reported becoming “lazy” with his training. At least on a conscious level.

This is a common scenario, and with some understandings of the subconscious-conscious mind interface, we can not only understand how this works, but use it to create even more success.

Wishing Vs. Creating – The Cake Example

One important aspect is the idea of “wishing for success” rather than “creating success.” When many people imagine a better life for themselves, they imagine the final product, rather than the path and the product. Meaning they imagine they’ve got the girl, or the money, or the ideal job or house, and it feels wonderful. 

Since they only imagine the end result without visualizing the path that gets them there, this can easily fall into the “wishing” category, and the final result can begin to feel like a “gift.”

To be sure, it feels wonderful to receive an unexpected gift. Everybody loves birthdays for this very reason. Imagine somebody giving you a cake, unexpectedly, vs. taking the time to bake a cake.

The “gift” cake is sudden, unexpected and it comes with the extra energy of somebody else caring about you enough to make or buy you a cake.

The cake may represent much more than a few mouthfuls of sweet deliciousness!

Now consider baking a cake. You plan the time, organize the ingredients, and bake a cake. The end result is the same. Before you didn’t have a cake, and now you do have a cake.

So why doesn’t baking a cake (and eating it) yourself feel the same as getting it as an unexpected gift?

For one, you are expecting the cake. You have plan to think about it, visualize it, see it to completion. There is no doubt in your mind that you are getting some cake. So when it shows up, there’s nothing surprising about it. You bite into it and it tastes EXACTLY like you’d expected.

This is one reason why creating something consciously can sometimes give us with that “let down” feeling.

But consider this. Consider creating a million dollars. To be sure, it would feel pretty frikking fantastic if somebody showed up to your house with an unexpected sack of money. But how likely is this to happen?

On the other hand, with a solid goal of creating a million dollars, it may take some time, but having a million dollars means having a million dollars.

That is the main advantage of creating vs. wishing. There really is no limit.

The Unconscious Success Scenario

Milton Erickson, the inventor of covert hypnotherapy, noticed something strange about his patients. Often times he would cure there problems, but they wouldn’t notice.

They would come in with a huge phobia of driving over a bridge, for example. He would tell them some crazy, seemingly nonsensical stories, and then they would leave.

Only they would be driving over bridges all day long and not notice anything. Then maybe a week or two later (sometimes even a year!) they would realize that fear of bridges vanished.


This why a few people don’t seem to get results with these programs. They affect deep change on a subconscious level, which alters behavior without the person noticing.

For example, many guys are terrified of starting conversations with cute girls. They listen to a few of the “seduction” sessions, and then suddenly notice they are getting all kinds of positive effects with girls.

What’s going on? Is it magic?

Nope. What’s happening is that their beliefs are slightly changing, altering their behavior, which is getting them the additional response from females. Perhaps their “new” behavior which still “feels” normal is a much more relaxed or happy facial expression. Perhaps longer or more friendly eye contact. Perhaps even slight smiles at girls as they pass by.

All of this is unconscious, and all of this elicits a completely different response from the world around them.

However, it isn’t always as easy to see the results. For example, a martial artist may be making fantastic improvements, but not really noticing anything.

Firstly, how do we know we are being successful, and secondly, how can we get that awesome feeling when we DO achieve our goals?

Objective Measurements

There’re a couple ways to help. Firstly, whenever doing any kind of deep change work, it’s crucial to have a specific intention. Something you are intending to create. 

Secondly, it’s very helpful to have a specific method of measuring your progress. This when being able to associate and dissociate is extremely useful.

Normally, it’s good to be associated. Within your own body, and looking about subjectively to the world, through your own eyes, and with your own feelings.

But sometimes it’s useful to step outside yourself and measure your progress. 

How can you do this?

One way is to become your own “coach” with whatever you are doing. You’ll need to set aside some time everyday for “coaching.”

Meaning you kind of step outside yourself objectively, look at your progress, and give yourself some pointers on how to continue to improve. Look at all the things you are doing, your behaviors, and most importantly any feedback you are receiving. Things people say to you, things you see yourself doing differently.

Then, come up with some specific milestones to shoot for that are above and beyond what you’ve been doing so far.

Once you are comfortable stepping into your own “coaching shoes” you can really begin to “push yourself.”

At the end of every day, from the “coaching perspective” simply write down all the things you’ve done that day that has moved you closer to your goal. Then write down a list of things “to do” the next day that will move you even closer.

You’ll have your own personal coach who will push you, support you, and know you better than anybody else.

Because it IS you!

You’ll know when you’ve arrived at this “dual mind, conscious-unconscious collaboration” when you feel like you are being “watched” by some ever present “boss.”

Meaning you feel as though you’ve been given a “to do” list from a real person. Of course, this sounds like it borders on the schizophrenic, but so what?

The purpose so to create as much as you can with your life.

And this is a great method for coach-you to keep creator-you on track.

So BOTH of you can create whatever you’d like.

Mythical Traits Of Women

Got Girl Problems? Look Right Here!

She’s Right In Front Of You!

Many guys see women as objects, rather than people.

This is pretty obvious. But it manifests itself in a way that is very damaging to the men, rather than the women.

Men tend to assume them women fall into different “categories.” To an extent this is true. Of women as well as men. Physical appearances, religious beliefs, cooking skills, family background, etc.

One thing that all men claim to be “looking for” is a “high quality women.”

The act as if her overall “quality” is something like her height or her political affiliation.

If only it were that simple!

(You want republicans, go to a republican fund raiser!)

But you ask guys what they mean by “quality woman” they’ll usually say things like loyalty, integrity, won’t cheat on you, etc.

Now, this may not be something you enjoy reading about, but consider this “model” of the female population available to you.

ALL WOMEN can potentially become high quality women.


If a woman feels DEEP ATTRACTION to you, she’ll be loyal. She won’t cheat on you. She’ll eagerly follow you if you get transferred across the country.

The problem is most guys couldn’t create attraction to save their lives. They go out, talk to a few girls, get laid, and suddenly think they’ve got mad seduction skills.

But consider this. There’s a whole RANGE of attraction that you can create. And the simple truth about society today is that many girls and guys will jump into the sack without needing much convincing.

Absolutely nothing wrong with.

But what is troublesome is when a guy assumes that because a girl slept with him, it means she’s attracted to him as much as she can be.

But consider this.

On the scale of female attraction, getting her to sleep with you is maybe a 4 or 5 out of ten.

But getting her to feel ENOUGH attraction to behave like a “quality woman” she’s going to need to feel attraction at least 8 or higher, out of ten.

And sadly, most guys just aren’t capable of creating that kind of attraction in the girls they are interested in.

So what you have is all these girls interacting with all these guys. Sure, everybody’s banging each other, but nobody’s feeling levels of attraction more than luke-warm.

This leaves guys thinking there are no quality women, and this leaves girls thinking that this level of attraction is all they’re going to get.

Which makes them start coming up with these ridiculous lists you hear guys complaining about.

Certain income, certain height, job prospects, car, home, etc.

That’s natural.

Think of it this way. Imagine going out and picking up girls. Imagine ALL the girls you found were only 4’s and 5’s according to your scale.

How would you respond?

You’d probably start demanding that they have a LOT more going for them than their looks.

So if you want a quality woman, you’re going to have to take a good, long look in the mirror.

Accept responsibility, and start to work on your skills.

How To Give Your Life Purpose

Change Your Filters For An Amazing Life

Choose Your Mission

When I was a lot younger, I used to go on “seek and destroy” missions at my local mall during Christmastime.

This was how I did my Christmas shopping. I imagined all the people I was buying for, and then tried to buy everything, in one fell swoop, in under an hour.

I know, sounds crazy.  And some of the gifts I ended up getting for people were pretty crazy.

But it was a lot of fun.

I was like the Terminator, walking quickly, my head always turning side to side scanning all the shops.

The only thing on my mind was the list of people I was buying for.

Often I would see something “cool” and then buy it, not yet knowing who I would give it to.

But they always enjoyed them. Always surprised. Always different.

On the other hand, when I’d go to the mall to watch a movie, I’d get there an hour or so earlier just to kill time.

Wander around, check people out, bring a book. Find someplace to kick back and read it for a while.

And even though I was in the same place during both situations, it seemed completely different.

One was killing time. When I was finished, I was just as bored as when I’d started. Sure, movies are fun to watch, and people are fun to watch, but afterwards, I’d always had a feeling of “OK, now what?”

But when I went seek-and-destroy shopping, I had a completely different feeling when I’d finished.

I’d be walking back to my car, lugging all kinds of bags feeling like I’d just conquered the world.

That feeling would even linger over the next few days. Anytime I’d see anything related to Christmas, I’d remember that feeling of accomplishment.

On the other hand, if I went to see a so-so movie, and then later in the week somebody would ask me what I did the previous weekend, it would take a while to conjure up the memory.

Most people spend their entire lives like this. No plans, no dreams, no goals. Just drifting from place to place, job to job, relationship to relationship.

Hoping to get something good and at the same time, hoping to stay out of trouble.

But when you’ve got some solid dreams, goals and visions, the world looks completely different.

Especially if you’ve got an internal set of filters helping you sort through all the stuff out there to help you find what you want.

All it takes is a decision.

A decision to take ownership of your life. To take responsibility for choosing what you want, and the courage to go after it.

What do you want?

Are you willing to get it?

This will help:

Belief Change

Have You Started Phase II Yet?

Ready To Cross Over?

Which Side Are You On?

One of my favorite lines from the movies is from the old Clint Eastwood movie, “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.”

Where they are about to find the gold, and one guy says:

“There’s two kinds of people in this world. Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.”

This easily lends itself to the organization of society since the dawn of time. There are people who hold power, and people who do all the work.

And usually power comes from whoever has all the best weapons. Guns, bombs, planes, swords, the biggest clubs, rocks, alien technology, whatever.

Might, as they say, makes right.

But it also illustrates the human tendency to categorize things. Usually into two or three different groups.

All kinds of studies have shown that our brains pretty much seize up when we’ve got too many choices.

When we’ve got two or three, it’s pretty easy. But when we’ve got five or six, we tend to stand there in confusion.

“Wow! Look at all the stuff!”

(BTW this really sucks when you’re in line behind somebody like this at a fast food joint!)

Most people, as they get older, tend to categorize their lives into “before” and “after”.

Before a certain event, and after that certain event.

Maybe a horrible divorce, maybe when they found out Santa Claus wasn’t real, maybe when they had kids.

In ancient societies, the most crucial barrier to cross was that of childhood, to that of adulthood.

Back then, there were no safety nets. No hospitals, no police. Nobody to call if you got into any trouble.

If you weren’t entirely self sufficient as an adult, you were a huge liability to the tribe.

So they made sure kids turned into adults.  They put them through extended ceremonies, days at a time, where they would have to dig deep and face a horrible life or death situation.

Of course, it was all staged, but the kids didn’t know that.

By facing death, they went in as kids, and came out as adults.

Unfortunately, there is nothing remotely close to this today. It’s very easy to stay in the “childhood mindset” your entire “adult” life.

It’s incredibly hard to make this transition completely on your own. Back then it was a tribal event. The whole tribe participated to make sure the kids made the transition.

Today, it’s all up to you.

You may say the whole purpose of life is to become an adult. To become actualized may mean to become fully responsible, fully capable, and fully in control of who you are, what you get, and where you go.

One step in the that direction is taking charge of your mind. Instead of accepting beliefs from others, you can learn to choose them yourself.

See the world how YOU want, not how THEY want you to.

Learn how:

Belief Change

How To Change Limiting Filters

Change Your Filters

Scientific Mind Control

I’ve always loved science, ever since I was a kid.

I used to beg my mom to buy me these “kits” from Radio Shack where you could wire a whole bunch of simple circuits together.

Once I ran my regular room light through the circuit to turn my room into a strobe light discotheque.

Of course, my dad thought I was going to burn the house down.

They say that science can seem like magic if it’s sufficiently advanced. But to a kid it’s just a cool trick.

Like pouring vinegar into baking soda, and watching it foam up all over the place. Nowadays you can do that with Mentos and Diet Coke.

When I was in college me and some buddies would find some pool acid (from the dormitory pool supply room) and mix it with some aluminum foil in a big 2 liter plastic bottle.

The aluminum foil would mix with the acid, cause heat and gas, melting the plastic and expanding the bottle until BOOM!

Since we were young and dumb, we didn’t realize how dangerous that was.

One of the coolest discoveries I made (or rather was taught) was about polarized lenses.

When light comes from the sun, it’s bouncing in all different directions. The part of the light that is parallel to the ground, or any level surface can bounce off, and cause glare.

So polarized sunglasses take out the horizontal element of light, so you don’t get any glare.

The cool part is when you take to lenses that are polarized, and rotate them against one another.

Once you’ve got them at 90 degree angles, they’ll cut off ALL light.

You can see it getting darker and darker as you rotate them.

By simply changing some simple filters, you can’t see all the stuff that light allows us to see.

Of course, our brains come the same way.

Now, sun glasses are specifically made that way for a specific purpose.

But the filters in our brains, that keep us from seeing what’s right in front of us, were likely put there, but others, or ourselves, without us really knowing what was going on.

Most of us pick up quite a few filters by the time we’re seven or eight years old, and unless you consciously change them, you’re pretty much stuck with them.

Of course, if your filters are helpful, and help you to see things that enrich and empower you, that’s great.

On the other hand, if your filters are keeping you from seeing the truth about yourself and your rightful place in the world, unless you take the time to change them, things will stay the same.

Luckily, changing them is pretty easy. First you’ve got to find them, them simply replace them with more helpful ones.

If you’re interested in learning how, check this out:

Belief Change

How To Define Your Life

Choose Your Destiny Of Your Life

Become Master Of Your Destiny

What is the secret of life?

That all depends.

In order to understand the secret of anything, we’ve got to first understand what that “thing” is, and what it means.

For example, what’s the secret of cake?

It all depends on what you’re doing with the cake. Are you making it? Eating it? Baking it? Decorating it? Smashing it into somebody’s face?

All actions regarding cake would have different secrets. If you’re eating it, the secret might be to use a spoon, and not let it touch the ice cream.

But different cake eaters would have different secrets. Some folks might like to mix it with the ice cream in a bowl, and eat it with their fingers.

Obviously, since we can’t really come to a widespread agreement of the secret of eating cake, how the heck are we supposed to uncover the secret of life?

While there’s certainly no secret that will apply to everybody, there IS a secret that will apply to you.

Again, this requires that you come up with what “life” means to you.

What do you want out of it?

How will you know when you get it?

What are the constraints? (e.g. “I want to make a lot of money without cheating or stealing or deceiving anybody”).

The better you define “your life” the more likely you’ll find the secret to making it happen.

Unfortunately, most people don’t even know they have this power.

They are content to let others do their thinking for them. To tell them what’s important, and what’s not. To tell them when they’re doing a good job, and when they aren’t. To tell them when they’re successful, and when they aren’t.

How about you?

Are you content to take what you’ve been given? Or do you want something more?

Do you want to not only define life on your terms, but also define when you’re successful?

Are you willing to take ownership of your life, and everything in it?

Most people are too terrified to even contemplate this.

The truth is that the world will respond to your own definition of our own life.

If you are content to let others handle it for you, the world will comply.

If you demand you create your own life, on your terms, the world will comply.

This is the one secret most people will never know.

It all starts with your inner mind.

How you see yourself, how you see the world, and how you define your place in it.

This will help:

Belief Change

Are You Stuck With A White Elephant?

White Elephant - Get Rid Of Limiting Beliefs

How To Drop Limiting Beliefs

When I was a kid I used to love playing hot potato.

It’s kind of a variation of musical chairs.

You take any object, and pass it around in a circle. If you drop it, you lose and you’re out.

If you’re holding it when the music stops, you’re out.

And just like musical chairs, it keeps going until one person’s left.

When I was younger, I got a particular gift for Xmas that I didn’t particularly want.

So I kept it in it’s box, wrapped it up again, and gave it to somebody else the following year.

People even organize Xmas parties like this. Everybody brings a “white elephant” gift.

Then people choose at random, and can “take away” any particular gift a certain number of times.

Invariably, somebody brings a gift that’s not really a “white elephant.” It’s something good, that people want to keep.

This is what makes the whole game fun. Sometimes you end up with something good, but most of the time you go home with something that you’re embarrassed to be seen with.

(Like a video tape set of “Polka Dancing Classics.”)

In life, we accept a lot of things that we don’t want. But instead of getting rid of them, we keep them.

We don’t want to be rude, or we’re too shy to say, “no thanks,” or some other reason we tell ourselves.

Sometimes we accept things from others that we don’t even realize.

Like most of our limiting beliefs.

Most everybody believes making money is hard. Not because they’ve gone out and done extensive testing, but because adults told them so.

The Jesuits were famous for saying “give me a child and by the time he’s seven, he’ll be a soldier for Christ.”

What this means is that kids will not only believe anything, but they’ll keep those ideas in their heads their entire lives.

Normally, this is OK. This is normal. This helped us survive many, many years ago.

But when ideas are passed on NOT because they are true, but ONLY because they were passed on, then that becomes a problem.

Most of us have plenty of these limiting beliefs. Most people don’t even question them. They just accept them.

Things like, “making money is hard,” or “speaking in public is scary,” or, “If I talk to strangers I’ll get rejected,” or the WORST of all:

“I’m not good enough.”

Like I said, most people don’t even know these exist, let alone know how to blast them away with the powerful light of truth.

How about you?

If you’re ready to not only uncover your limiting beliefs, but blast them to smithereens, check this out: