Category Archives: Charisma

Only If You Want A Quality Relationship

The Myth Of The Quality Woman

Is The Market Terrible?

Where you can find a “quality woman”?

I hate to break it do you, but they don’t exist. No, I don’t mean like that. I don’t mean in the bitter, “poor me” sense that you’ll find bleeding all over the “manosphere” (whatever THAT means.)

I mean that you simply can’t put labels like “quality” on people without having a specific set of parameters.

One thing that Maltz taught in Psycho-Cybernetics is to NEVER compare yourself to others.

Take the next random dude you meet on the street, for example.  You’re going to be better at a bunch of stuff than he is. He’s going to be better at a bunch of stuff that you. At least today. Tomorrow? Maybe a different story completely.

Does this mean it’s hopeless finding what you might subjectively describe as a “quality woman?” Not at all. But first, you’ve got to ditch that label, because it’s pretty meaningless.

Reminds me of this movie called “Punching The Clown.” There was this guy who was a singer/comedian. He had this weird style of playing his guitar while spitting out ridiculous jokes, that “sort of” sounded like a song.

One day, a big Hollywood Exec came to see him in a studio.

“Show me your FUNNIEST gag!” The exec said. So the guy starts singing one of his deadpan, slow boiling type humor.

The exec interrupts him. “No, no. Show me one that’s FUNNY right off the bat!”

This went on for a while, until the exec gave up.

Of course, the meaning of the scene is that “funny” is not some objective thing like a law of mathematics. Even something that’s funny to one person may not be funny to somebody else.

So stop looking for some kind of magical “quality woman” to jump out of the shadows and magically solve all your girl problems.

Change the word “quality” for “a girl that satisfies most of my criteria, and for whom I satisfy most of hers.”

Now, this leaves most guys at a loss, because they don’t really HAVE any criteria, other than she’s got to be hot and not throw a drink in his face when he talks to her.

So the first step is to actually determine your own criteria. What do you want in a woman? Naturally, the more women you interact with, the more you’ll find tune your criteria.

And guess what? You’ll find plenty of women that satisfy YOUR criteria, but you don’t satisfy THEIRS.

Most guys don’t like to hear this.

Most guys think all they need to do is shave, shower, put on some expensive cologne and the “quality women” are supposed to beat a path to their door.

Doesn’t work like that.

Is it easy? Not in the least. 

Will you get rejected a lot? Absolutely. 

Will it take time? Yes. 

Will it happen like in the movies? Probably not.

But it is possible. Just not easy. But finding a woman that matches your criteria, and for whom you match hers, is something that you should aspire to as one of your life goals. (If building a relationship is indeed one of your plans in life).

Not something that just “happens” when you’re out with your buddies.

Now, let’s be honest. A lot of guys aren’t willing to put in the work. That’s fine. They’d rather spend their entire lives without a woman, or short term relationships, which for many guys is perfectly fine. 

Ultimately it’s up to you.

What do you want?

What will it take to get it?

Are you willing to put in the effort?

The Myth Of Seduction Techniques

Get In The Game And Have Some Fun

Your Own Experience Is The Best Teacher

There are two types of tasks. Ones that take a long time, and ones that are over in a hurry. Tying your shoes, cooking dinner, fixing the squeak in your front door. These are “static” tasks that are once and done.

You don’t expect your shoes to keep coming untied, or that squeak to come back every couple days. (Or time to flow backwards and your dinner suddenly becoming uncooked).

Other tasks take much, much longer. One because they are much more involved. Two because the parameters of the task changes over time.

For example, think of a baseball game. The task is to win the game. But how that’s done isn’t specified. It all depends on what the opposing team does.

And it depends on what team you’re playing. As much they can, statisticians scout the opposition, so they can better understand who they’re up against. Even then it’s based a lot on human performance. Lesser teams beat better teams all the time.

Imagine if you wanted to know how to succeed in baseball, but you were afraid of playing. Imagine you bought a book called “How To Win Every Game You Play.” And the book was filled with strategies, techniques, gambits and plays that were guaranteed to “win every time.”

Or imagine you went down to your local bookstore and saw some guy selling such a book. You walked up and asked him:

“Are these strategies GUARANTEED to work?” 

“Yes Sir! No matter WHO you are playing against, no matter WHAT their strategy is, the techniques in this book will allow you to win every single game. In fact, we GUARANTEE you’ll go all the way, AND WIN the world series! It doesn’t even matter WHO your players are!”

Would you believe him?

I certainly hope not!

Yet this is precisely what guys are desperately looking for in the world of dating. Some guaranteed, sure fire line or strategy that will make ANY GIRL fall in love with him. Regardless of the girl, and regardless of the guy.

Part of the reason is that most guys are absolutely TERRIFIED of rejection. So instead of getting some experience of getting rejected (and proving to themselves it’s not deadly) they instead look for ways to AVOID REJECTION completely.

Some spend their entire lives looking for some “Holy Grail of Seduction” that will get them ALL of the rewards (sexy gorgeous women who throw themselves at them) with NONE of the risks.

Take a step back and you’ll see this is pretty much the human condition. Humans are terrified of failure, but at the same time want the opposite of failure. This has made us easy marks since the dawn of time.

Anybody that can convince us we can get the goods without the risks is going to make a lot of money (before they blow town!)

Problem is that’s just not possible. Just like every team is different, and every day is different, every girl is different.

And every girl is different from day to day. And so are you.

Creating a relationships is not like cooking dinner or fixing a squeaky door. It’s a lifelong process. One that involves exposing yourself to a lot of risk.

If you aren’t willing to accept and embrace risk, you’ll never get the good stuff.

The good news is that you’re not really risking anything. You aren’t going to go broke if you say the wrong thing. You aren’t going to get hit by a bolt of lighting if she laughs at your lame pick up line. Your heart isn’t going to stop if you lean in for the kiss and she gives you her cheek.

Failure is essential. It teaches you what DOESN’T work, so you can try what does.

The more you fail, the more you’ll succeed.

Are You Walking Across Tightropes? 

Are Your Fears Really Real?

Fear: Real Or Fake?

If you’re ever going to walk a tightrope between two skyscrapers, here’s a good rule to remember:

Don’t look down.

Yea, I know, you already knew that!

But why is this rule so important? If you look down, you’ll get scared. If you get scared, you’ll lose confidence, start wobbling, and fall to your death.


Now, let’s forget about a tightrope, instead let’s assume you are walking across a board, that’s a foot across, and very sturdy.

But it’s also between two skyscrapers. No wind, (or birds attacking you or whatever) but it’s still a 1000 foot drop.

Could you do it?

Most people wouldn’t even try unless there was a HUGE reward at the other end. Like not dying, or bag filled with endless money.

We’d take one step out, look down, and say, “nuh-uh!”

But think about it. 

Same board, laid across a soft field of grass. Would you walk across?

Of course you would. It would be easy. A foot across?  You wouldn’t even need to worry about your balance. You’d probably be able to play Angry Bird on your iPhone the whole time, no problem!

So why is the skyscraper so terrifying, but the grass so easy?

Same EXACT process. Only one has a potential deadly outcome, and one is you just step on some grass.

Now, these two “mind experiments” both have REAL outcomes. Grass is easy to step on. Falling to your death is horrible. (Or so I’ve heard.)

So even though the chances of falling are pretty minuscule, you’d have to have a pretty good reason, since one mistake would end you.

But most of the time when we think about doing something, the fear is really imaginary.

Especially social fear. Sales, speeches, talking to strangers, (especially attractive strangers) feels like we’re going to fall to our death if we fail.

But seriously, is it really that likely?

If we give a speech and people get bored, or think it’s silly, are they going to throw hand grenades at us?

If we walk up and start talking to somebody, and they’re in the middle of something, are they going to give us a spinning roundhouse kick to the throat?

Probably not. But we act like we THINK they will.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

We can train ourselves to really appreciate the potential positive, and literally blow it up in our minds so we’re COMPELLED to do what we want, while minimizing the negatives so we don’t even give them a second thought.

Blasting away all social fears, and replacing with automatic self confidence.

What will you be able to do then?

Economic Myths and Seduction

Economics Is Everywhere

Perceived Value Is Everything

One of the biggest causes of human suffering is expectation beyond what the data suggests.

This happens to guys all the time. The claim is that they’ve been told (I don’t know by whom) or have been sold the idea (again, I don’t know by whom) that all they have to do is get a decent job, get in decent shape, and the women will somehow flock to them.

Then they show up, don’t get what they expected, and get angry.

This is a common misunderstanding, and it’s actually present in economics as well. Many producers, for example, rationalize their high prices by how much it costs to produce them. However, this isn’t how prices are determined.

Prices are ALWAYS determined by supply and demand. Producers make products that satisfy demands. But the demand only holds at a certain price.

In economics there’s something called “elasticity.” Meaning if the price changes, the demand will change. A supply-demand curve that’s highly elastic will show a significant demand change based on a slight change in price.

For example, if the price of beef were to suddenly go sky high, people would simply switch to pork or chicken, and the demand for beef would plummet.

The beef producers could argue until the cows come home (yuck yuck) about the water shortage, and how much it costs to raise a steer these days, etc.

But NONE of these “input costs” (what it costs to make the product) would get people to pay the price.

Now for some products, like gasoline, we’re pretty screwed. If the price doubles, we still have to buy it. We may drive a little less, but it’s not like we can switch to something else right away.

The bottom line is that input costs, what it cost to make something, have little effect on people’s desires to pay, ESPECIALLY if there are alternatives on the market.

Think of it this way. You’re standing at the supermarket, looking at the steaks, which are $50 a pound. Then you look at the pork chops, which are $2 a pound.

Is the cattle rancher standing there complaining how much it costs to make the steak going to affect your decision?


How does this apply to dating?

Well, when you show up and expect women to suddenly fall in love with you simply because of the work you’ve done on yourself, you’ve got another thing coming.

The ONLY reason a woman is going to fall in love with you is if she wants you, based on how you interact with her.

And if you DEMAND a high price, meaning you expect her to be loyal and submissive and never look at another guy, JUST BECUASE of your high “input costs” (whatever work you’ve done on yourself), you’ll have about as much luck as the farmer trying to sell steaks at $50 a pound.

Ain’t gonna happen.

Just like in economics, the ONLY thing you can do to improve your odds is INCREASE YOUR VALUE.

And decrease the cost. Maybe demand a bit less from her, at least at the beginning.

Because in the world of dating, the supply demand curve is HIGHLY ELASTIC.

Meaning in the eyes of ALL WOMEN, there are many, many substitutions for YOU.

Harsh but true.

But guess what? The more you improve yourself, your confidence, your frame, your conversational skills, and everything else women find naturally attractive, there will be LESS SUBSTITUTIONS for you, and your value will soar.

Improve Your Life:

Is Your Life In A Repeating Loop?

Bust Out Of Your Rut

Try Something New

It’s easy to fall into a rut.

Get up at the same time every day, do the same things, watch the same TV shows, eat the same foods.

Some people get into a comfortable rhythm and never get out.

Now, if that’s all you want from life, that’s fine.

Some people are perfectly happy to stay safe, comfortable.

After all, if you’ve put in the work, and you’ve made your money, and have a healthy relationship with your family, that’s a pretty good place to be.

In fact, that’s where most of us would like to end up.

The great paradox of life, though, is to get to that place of relaxed comfort, we’ve got to go through a lot of situations that are the opposite.

Meaning before you get that awesome job that pays you what you’re worth for doing what you’re best at, you’ve got to live through a lot of crap.

To get to that great relationship, you’ve got to sort through a lot of nutjobs.

In fact, you may say that’s the whole purpose of life.

The journey where you find yourself, maximize your skills, and discover your true self.

To be sure, it ain’t easy. And it certainly ain’t quick.

A lot of people give up halfway, thinking they’ve made it when they’re really just “good enough.”

Are you ready to settle for “good enough” or do you want more?

Do you want to just “get by” or do you want to get a lot?

Do you want to just survive, or absolutely thrive?

Only you know the REAL answer to these questions, and only when you’re being brutally honest with yourself.

As it turns out, one of the easiest things we humans can do is deceive ourselves.

This is easy to see in others, but only the rare few can see it in themselves.

But those that do, and those who are not only honest with themselves generally do much, much better than those that don’t.

What about you? Are you willing to dream big, and then get busy?

Or are you willing to settle?

Nobody can answer that question for you.

But if you’re willing to move forward, this can help:

Self Confidence Generator

Secret Seduction Practice

Get More Choice With Girls

Techniques To Enhance The Real You

Most guys would do anything to have more choice with the ladies.

In study after study, men’s deepest fantasies is plenty of anonymous sex with random strangers.

A guy walks into a club, and sees all the cuties dressed in their hottest club gear.

He quickly imagines having the power to walk up to any of them, spit out a few memorized lines, and have her suddenly fall into a deep hypnotic trance where she’ll beg to please him in any way he wants.

It’s no wonder courses that allegedly teach these things make gurus so much money.

And guess what? Often times it actually works. Some of the language patters in those courses are pretty powerful. Said with confidence and congruence, you can generate some pretty deep and powerful emotions, pretty quickly.

I saw this movie on Netflix a while back, really cheesy, that made a good point. These goofs had discovered this magic shirt. Whenever they wore it, the ladies were their willing sex slaves.

At one point, some guy convinced himself it was him, and not the shirt. So in the middle of a session with a young hottie, he took off the shirt, showing his pasty overweight belly and man-boobs.

All of a sudden she looked as if she was about to vomit.

“Oh my God! What am I doing!?” She asked.

The point is that while those patterns CAN work, they won’t work for long, UNLESS they are part of who you are. Meaning you always talk and act and behave like that.

Most guys don’t. Especially if you’re using memorized patterns, or techniques, or “gambits” any other “pick up technology.”

Once she sees the real you, she’ll wonder how she got there. And if you’ve developed some emotional feelings (totally normal after having sex) you can get hurt pretty badly.

So in a sense, using any kind of “pick up technology” or “game” that isn’t part of the real you is pretty dangerous for your own emotions.

What’s a better alternative?

Improve the real you. And here’s a POWERFUL way to do that.

Simply practice DISQUALIFYING girls. Most guys see girls as these perfect angels who have the keys to heaven up between their legs.

But some girls are just crazy. Just like some guys. They’ll do more damage to your psyche than you realize. Getting into a relationship with the WRONG girl can set your self esteem back YEARS. (Same for girls and the wrong guys).

Believe it or not, some guys NEVER recover. They become bitter women haters for life. (So do plenty of women).

So, how do you practice? First, come up with some solid personality traits that your “dream girl” MUST have.

Then talk to a girl long enough to DISQUALIFY her.

Believe it or not, disqualifying a girl BEFORE she disqualifies you can give you a strong burst of confidence, and go a long ways in destroying all your desperation.

The only requirement is you disqualify girls you’re actually talking to, that are showing signs of interest.

Don’t be mean, don’t be rude or crude, don’t even tell her she’s disqualified. Just politely end the conversation WITHOUT exchanging any contact information.

If you absolutely FORGOT about any kind of success, and simply practiced DISQUALIFYING, (based on actual conversations, and not ego protecting BS) your genuine self confidence would go through the roof.

Your conversational skills would improve, and so would the strength of your frame.

All qualities women are DESPERATE for in a man.

How To Be Like A Kid Again

Speak With Childlike Fearlessness

How To Speak Fearlessly

Little kids are amazing.

They are both fearless and adorable at the same time.

They speak without worrying about what people will say.

Now, if you’re a parent this isn’t so great. But if you’re like me, and you enjoy other people’s kids, this is pretty fun to watch.

They have ZERO problems standing up in the middle of a crowd and shouting whatever’s on their mind.

Again, this is pretty embarrassing for the parents sometimes, but this fearlessness is precisely why kids are so adorable.

We don’t have to try and guess what they mean, or interpret the multiple layers of body language and facial expressions.

They are just pure, open, fearless energy.

Maybe they remind us the way we used to be. Maybe they remind us when times were a lot simpler. Who knows.

But it’s pretty widely agreed upon that one (there are MANY) measures of the “quality” of the adult is whether or not they like kids.

When I was a kid, there was a old lady who lived next door who HATED kids. At least we thought so. We’d be playing outside, and she’d peek out through the window and scare the crap out of us.

Now, she may have loved kids, but didn’t know how to talk to them. Who knows.

This is a funny thing that happens to us as we get older.

Communication becomes harder. More complicated. There’s more risk, more at stake.

That natural outgoing “pureness” gets covered up by a layer of careful protection, anxiety, and sometimes fear.

The problem is that when people watch us, and they see us not being as outgoing as we’d like to be, they assume all kinds of things about us.

Maybe we don’t like them. Maybe we’re “stuck up.” Maybe we think we’re better than everybody.

To make matters worse, everybody’s standing around, inside their own protective bubble of “social safety” and waiting for somebody else to make the first move.

Why not you?

Why not be the person who walks over and starts the conversation?

Why not be the person who shows everybody else it’s still safe to be outgoing and expressive?

Of course, this won’t come as naturally as when you were a kid. But the benefits of being adult means you can decide HOW you think, instead of just relying on instincts.

And make no mistake, you CAN retrain your brain just as easily as you can learn anything else.

And you HAVE learned a lot in life already, right?

Learn how to program your brain, and express yourself.

This will show you how:

Self Confidence Generator

How To Trick Yourself Into Easy Action

Reach Higher!

Expand The Potential Positive

I remember a few years ago when Michael Jordan decided to try baseball.

Now, this guy is arguably one of the best basketball players in a generation, but he absolutely SUCKED at baseball.

Even on a medium level minor league team, he still struggled.

On the other hand, there’s been a few athletes who excelled in many sports.

Musicians (or artists) are the same.

There are some that can play a whole range of instruments, and some that can only sing.

Often times in life we find people that are super skilled in one area, but absolutely suck in others.

Plenty of excellent entrepreneurial types, for example, are horrible in other areas. They are great at building a thriving business from the ground up, but not so great at holding a romantic relationship together.

On the other hand, some folks are GREAT a building wonderful relationships, but absolutely suck at anything related to finances.

The trouble with us humans is we get too focused on “content.” On the surface, it seems like building a business is completely different than starting a relationship.

But in reality the two are very, very similar.

So is pretty much anything else you’d like to create.

It’s just that because we have more experience in some things, and not others, it seems like some things are easy, while others, not so much.

Nevertheless, the structure is the same.

We look out into the world, decide what we want, and take action.

Then we measure the results, and see if we got any closer.

If we did, we do more. 

If we didn’t we do something different.

So long as you continue to take action, and accept any feedback, you simply can not fail.

The trouble comes when we talk ourselves out of taking action. We imagine some negative outcome as bigger, and more likely than any positive outcome.

This makes it seem like it’s safer to stay where we are. But it’s really all in our mind.

The truth is we can imagine anything we want.

Even stuff you’ve never done before can seem easy, if you imagine the future in the right way.

If you’d like to learn how, check this out:

Self Confidence Generator

You Mad Bro?

Don't Get Angry, Get Better

Anger Is Not The Answer To Your Girl Problems

It can be tough to be without a lady, and try and not succeed. One thing that humans are very, very good at is blaming others. No matter what people’s shortcomings are, we tend to point fingers.

For every finger you point, as the saying goes, you’ve got three pointing back at you.

Even Jesus said that before you point out the dirt in somebody’s eye, take out the big pile of crud in your own.

Now, whether or not you believe Jesus was real or just a metaphorical teaching instrument, the point is that the idea of people pointing fingers when they should be taking responsibility goes back to Biblical times.

It comes out with guys looking for girls like this. Guy sees a girl. He approaches her, and she’s not interested. So instead of thinking about what he could do better, he gets angry at the girl.

If he does this a few times, pretty much he hates women.

Go on any seduction forum and you’ll see that guys have NO PROBLEM trying to become the most alpha and eloquent member of the “he-man women haters club.”

But guess what? Anger, frustration, and unhappiness are the some of the WORST attitudes you can have when meeting girls.

Sure, misery loves company. Sure, guys hang out and bitch and moan about how there’s some secret feminine conspiracy and all the women are somehow “wrong” for not liking them.

That may make you feel better. It may protect your ego. 

But it certainly won’t create any desire in any females.

The truth is that despite how many blogs and gurus and goofs giving out advice (ahem…) on game, most guys’ game absolutely sucks.

Somewhere along the line studying game or complaining about women became a substitute for actually learning game.

Let’s look at a sports analogy to make this easer to understand.

Take two guys, Hector and Alfalfa.

Alfafa spends all his time in the library, studying basketball. He even spends a few thousand dollars on a seminar with Lebron James. He’s watched thousands of instructional videos on basketball.

Yet every time he shoes up the court, he’s intimidated. He’s always got a ready made excuse. The ground isn’t right. The backboards aren’t regulation. The guys aren’t really following the rules.

Now let’s look at Hector. All he does is show up to the court, and play. At first he sucks. People rag on him all day long. But he has fun. He keeps playing. He shows up when there’s nobody else there and practices. Dribbling, inside shots, outside shots, free throws, etc.

Pretty soon Hector is a respectable player. Nothing close to NBA quality, but he can hold his own in a street game.

Now suppose Hector and Alfalfa have a friendly one on one? Who wins?

Obviously, Hector is going to wipe the floor with poor Alfy.

Here’s some harsh wisdom. It may be right, it may be wrong. But just for fun, pretend and live your life as if it were absolutely true.

If you aren’t getting laid by gorgeous women, your game sucks.

If gorgeous girls are begging you to be in a relationship with them, your game sucks.

What do you do? Practice your game.

How do you practice?

By playing.

Why else is it called game?

How To Update Your Brain

Update Your Brain Software

Don’t Wait For Automatic Updates

Often times I’ll be getting ready for bed, and I’ll go to shut off my laptop.

Then Windows tells me I’ve got to wait for more than ten updates before it shuts down.

Thanks Windows!

Since shutting down my laptop is the last thing I until I hit the sack, it kinds of throws a monkey wrench into my big plans!

I’ve also got a couple other pieces of software that kind of fire off on their own.

Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t be without these. One is an anti-virus checker, and one is an automatic backup.

I had a computer crash many years ago and lost TONS of data. Never again.

While they do seem to fire off at the absolute wrong times, they are pretty amazing.

Those dudes and gals who design all this software know that most of us are pretty lazy, and if it didn’t update automatically, it never would.

Our brains are sort of the same way, but not really.

On the one hand, our brains are way more advanced that humans a few hundred thousand years ago.

So our brains do kind of “manually update,” just like Windows, only the process is very, very slow.

At least the automatic process.

The reality is that your brain is much more under you control that you realize.

But since nobody ever teaches how to do this in school, we assume our brain are fixed.

Now, there ARE plenty of types of folks who benefit from this. Politicians, advertisers, con artists, etc.

Which is why often times the “powers that be” would much rather us stay with our factory programming.

If we are unaware, and prone to fear and anxiety, we’re much easier to control, and sell stuff to.

As I’m sure you’re aware, creating fear is a great way to sell a product, get votes, make sure you slip a couple of extra bills into the collection basket at church, etc.

The good news is that you don’t need to keep relying on your factory settings.

You can rewrite the wiring in your brain.

Instead of feeling anxious and nervous when going into new situations, you can feel relaxed and confident.

Now, it’s not as easy a waiting around for a few extra minutes before you go to sleep while your brain downloads the latest updates, but it’s pretty darn close.

To learn how, check this out:

Self Confidence Generator