Category Archives: Charisma

Improve Your Life Game

Improve Your Life, Not Your Game

Improve Yourself, Not Your Game

One of the easiest traps to fall into is thinking that women are the enemy.

Even when guys talk about picking up girls, they act as if they need some kind of ultra ninja secret weapon techniques to keep her off balance, or use all kinds of social proof, and get her thinking in a certain way.

Think about it from a sales standpoint.

Think about a product you really like. One you buy over and over again. Or maybe a brand. For me, whenever I buy sneakers, either for jogging or walking, I always get New Balance. I bought my first pair in high school when I ran a marathon, and they served me well. They’ve been my go-to brand ever since.

So, what’s your brand or product? Got it?

Now, think of the amount of thought that goes into it. You go into a store, ask the clerk where it is, and you get it.

Now, think of something you bought because of a whole bunch of hype. Something that maybe had some really slick advertisement on TV. Maybe a smooth talking salesperson helped you “decide.”

Then you when you started to actually USE the product, you found it wasn’t all that. So when you needed to buy something similar again, you gave that particular product a pass.

When girls think about the guys, and the kind of guys they want in their lives, they think the same way.

Sure, they can be conned (sometimes pretty easily) buy smooth talking “salesman” who knows all the angles, but when they get it home and see what it’s really made of, they start to have second thoughts.

Now, if you’re a guy, seeing this from a guy’s perspective, you may not see it this way.

You may think she was super sweet and into you at the bar, but then she “turned” on you. You may say things like “women aren’t loyal,” or “woman always play you,” or “women always use you,” or something similar.

This is ALWAYS going to happen if you come on strong early on with “game” and then later show her your “true self.”

Now, I know that when guys hear, “be yourself” they think it’s the lamest idea in the world, but it does keep you honest.

If you don’t like the way you are, measured by the quality of the women you attract, putting on a fake “game face” is only going to be a short term solution.

Why not simply improve the “real you”?

Why not continuously learn new social skills and language skills that you use with everybody, all the time?

Why not develop your self-confidence and create a REAL purpose for your life that is independent from women?

I know, this is a lot of work. But so is putting on a fake “game face” and getting rejected later.

Why not put in the work on the “real you” so the relationships with quality women just happen naturally, and pretty much take care of themselves?

This will help:

Frame Control

Mind Tricks To Destroy Approach Anxiety

Give Her An Opportunity, Don't Ask For Her To Accept You

Ancient Secrets For Modern Seduction

In ancient societies, there were two ways to go to war with neighboring tribes.

One was the old fashioned way, where you show up with a bunch of guys and clubs and start swinging.

Even if you “win” this is pretty dangerous. You can lose a lot of good guys this way. That’s why  most ancient tribes, and even certain primates, rarely have a full on battle. 

They usually have “raiding parties” where they swoop in while everybody is sleeping, bash a few guys, take a bunch of stuff, and then leave before anybody knows what’s up.

In other ancient societies, they have a much more advanced form of warfare. One tribe will show up to another tribe with a bunch of gifts.

It’s kind of rude to not accept a bunch of gifts, since it usually leads to old school fighting. So the receiving tribe is pretty much forced to accept the gifts.

Which puts them on a lower standing from a social status position. When you show up and DEMAND gifts, that’s one thing. But when you show up unexpected and GIVE gifts, it’s much more powerful.

We humans do this all the time. We do an unasked for “favor,” and then act like they are in our debt. You do this, and this is done to you.

But there’s a pretty sneaky way you can use this to destroy any approach anxiety.


Just see yourself as giving her the opportunity to get to know you. Now, this ONLY works on getting rid of that initial approach anxiety. It’s not a sure fire pick up method, and you STILL have to talk to her in a way that fires up her emotions.

But if you are too nervous to approach her, then none of that will matter anyway.

Most guys, when they approach, act like they are asking for something. Meaning a guy walks up to a girl, and they think they can get “rejected.”

Even thinking that “rejection” is even possible presumes that she’s got more power than you. She has the power to accept you, and she has the power to reject you.

But this feeling will lessen considerably when you imagine you’re giving her an opportunity.

Which you are. Again, you are NOT imagining that you’re God’s gift to women, or expecting anything from her.

But if you just see it from an objective standpoint, a guy talking to a girl, with BOTH of them thinking that maybe it will turn into something more, it will be a lot easier.

Think about it from her perspective. Unless you are going to walk over with your ding-dong in your hand, or if you smell like you just crawled out of a dumpster, she’s not going to be put off if you’re just a normal guy.

Even if nothing happens, she’s going to be GLAD that you approached her. She’s going to feel GOOD for having been approached.

So ditch the “accept-reject” continuum. Think if it as giving her the gift of opportunity.

To make it even easier, check this out:

Frame Control

How To Overcome Her Tests And Increase Attraction

Secrets Of Being A Verbal Ninja

Verbal Ninja Skills Are Crucial

One of the most powerful skills you can have is verbal flexibility.

Any goof can memorize a bunch of pick up lines and patterns. But a true natural will take ANYTHING she gives him, and can flip it around to mean pretty much anything else.

Imagine a fighter who only knows one punch, or a football team who only knows how to run up the middle.

They run into any opponent that can defeat that one move, and they’re done.

On the other hand, any team that can easily adjust their offense based on the defense of their opponent will win every game they plan.

Of course, this is a HORRIBLE metaphor for meeting girls. 


In sports, both teams can’t win. One team can ONLY win if the make the other team lose.

This absolutely the wrong attitude to have when meeting girls.

Unless you’re the type of guy who sneaks up behind girls and starts talking to them completely unexpectedly, she WANTS you to succeed.

If she’s NOT giving you obvious signs she wants you to go away, she WANTS you to keep going. She WANTS you to seduce her. She WANTS you to bang her silly.

Now, not the way you think. She doesn’t really know you yet. But she HOPES that you are the guy she’s been looking for, who will know how to spin all her propellers.

But in order to figure out if you’re THAT guy or not, she needs to TEST you.

Most guys are terrified of this.

You should absolutely WELCOME tests.


There are two ways for a girl to get to know a guy enough to know she wants to slip in between the sheets.

One is to go on a several dates, see him operate in various situations, see how he interacts with all levels of society, see how he handles himself under pressure.

This is pretty much the whole reason for the dating process. Most guys know right off the bat if they like a girl, since our criteria are pretty much based on her physical appearance.

But girls based their attraction on behavior. 

Now, this is all unconscious. It’s not like they have a spreadsheet with a bunch of qualities they tick off every time they finish a date.

But they need to interact with a guy for a while before they KNOW they are attracted.

UNLESS, of course, they throw out some tests.

Most guys assume that tests mean she’s mean, or wants to hurt you, or is trying to chase you away.

But in reality, when she tests you, her cave girl brain is trying to ACCELERATE the attraction process.

She wants you to pass, so she can be attracted to you.

How do you pass? 

Have the verbal flexibility and sense of humor to see they are no big deal.

Like sparring with a five year old. They are trying to hit you in the nuts. But you just playfully knock their punches away, and have fun while doing it.

See tests the same way. With a solid sense of self, some strong frame control and verbal flexibility, her tests will be a welcome acceleration to your bedroom.

Learn More:

Frame Control

How To Destroy Approach Anxiety

Destroy Approach Anxiety

Kick Fear To The Curb

I like you but I don’t need you.

This is the perfect attitude to have when talking to girls. Of course, you should never say this. Feeling needed is a very deep  and very ancient human desire. Telling somebody straight out that you don’t need them is a horrible and painful slap in the emotional face.

But, on the other hand, coming on too strong with need is really, really creepy. Any guy that expresses too much need is going to destroy any attraction that may exist.

So, in the beginning, especially when you’re first talking to her, your actions should speak much louder than your words.

And your actions should proclaim that you like her. You like looking at her. You like listening to her talk. You like her smell, her energy, her movements.

But you’re perfectly fine without her.

And on top of that, you need to also project the “energy” that the whole purpose of that entire conversation is for you to find out more about her, and for her to find out more about you.

Not to trick her into sleeping with you, or con her by projecting an image of yourself that you’re really not.

Notice all this has to do with inner game, not any kind of outer language technology.

There’s absolutely no set of “language patterns” that will project these ideas or beliefs.

Only your inner state can do that.

Inside Out, Not Outside In

How Do You Develop That Inner State?

First, see your life as the most important part of your life. Sounds silly but many people tend put things outside of themselves as very important to their lives.

Secondly, have some standards beyond physical beauty. Actually write out a list of things that your ideal girlfriend or lover has to have, besides her looks and sexy body. Personality traits. Beliefs. Ideas about her future. Levels of her self confidence.

Having a set of objective standard will make it much easier to approach.


If all you need are good looks, then you’ve accepted her before you even talk to her. Which means the whole conversation is about you hoping she accepts you. This is nerve racking, to say the least.

But when the conversation is only a means of discovering who she is, it will be a lot more fun.

So take some time. Figure out what you want in life, outside of women and relationships.

Then take some time, figuring out what you want in a woman, and in a relation.

Then have fun making it happen.

To make it much easier, check this out:

Frame Control

The Paradox Of Becoming A Natural Seducer

How To Turn On Your Magic Love Juice

How To Boost Your Game

Most guys would love to become a natural. The guy who can just walk up to any girl, any time and just say whatever’s on his mind. Then just sit back and watch the girl transform from passive observer to drooling desirer of love.

How do you become that guy?

The answer’s pretty simple, but HOW to do it is kind of a paradox.

The answer, of course, is to practice. Picking up gorgeous girls is a skill, just like any other. To get better at ANYTHING, all you’ve got to do is practice.

HOW to practice is something that most guys never consider. Most guys see a girl, go up and get blown out, and then later convince themselves it was “practice.”

Or maybe they start to practice, but end up talking to some super cutie that feels like a life or death conversation.

Sure, if the game’s on the line and you’re making a do or die free-throw, you’ll feel like crap if you miss.

But if you’re just practicing free throws, missing won’t hurt for squat.

That’s the paradox of practicing game. In most guys’ minds, there’s no difference between practice game and real game.

Imagine this:

You’re practicing free throws, just messing around with your boys. You make one. Then another, then another. You’re about to take your fourth shot, when suddenly and magically your transformed to the championship  playoff game. You check the scoreboard, you’re down by one point, and there’s one second left.

Now how do you feel?

This is what happens if you blur the line between “real game” and “practice game.”

Practice Makes Perfect

How Can You Practice Game?

Choose an outcome. One that’s consistent with your level. Eye contact, smiles, whatever. Then go out and ONLY practice that aspect. 


For example, if you’re having trouble flirting, simply practice smiling at girls while holding eye contact.

Tell yourself you’ll go out and do that fifty times. Only smile while holding eye contact.

Nothing else.

As soon as you lock eyes and smile, eject, and move on to the next practice target.

This goes with all other levels. Opening. Number closing, kiss closing. Everything.

You’ll find this is the HARDEST thing you’ll ever do.


Because once you lock eyes and smile, she may smile back. And EVERYTHING in your brain will want you to keep going. Keep smiling, go and talk to her, etc.

Don’t do this. This is practice.

If you can resist your natural tendency to keep charging forward until you get rejected, your game will quickly shoot to natural levels of easy seduction.

The ONLY thing you need to remember is whether or not is real game, or practice game.

Define that BEFORE you leave your house, and you’ll be good.

This will also help:

Frame Control

Secrets Of Seduction You’ll Never Learn From Gurus

What's This Guy Know That You Don't?

Inside Secrets Of Natural Game

Here’s a secret the dating gurus will NEVER tell you.

What’s the most important thing you need when learning about attracting and dating the girls of your dreams?

Hint: It’s not found in a book, a seminar or a DVD home study course.

I think you already know that it’s EXPERIENCE.

The more experience you have, the better you’ll do. Every single time you walk into an unfamiliar situation your brain quickly scans your history.

Then based on your behaviors in the past, and how well you did (or didn’t do) you’ll come up with both a “feeling” and a strategy for what to do.

Now, some guys walk up to hundreds of women, and they don’t succeed with ANY of them.


Perhaps because they don’t vary their approach. They don’t try different things.

Here’s the secret of success in ANY area of life.


This is Guaranteed By The Goddess Herself

Guaranteed Success In Anything

Figure out what you want. Try something. Did you get closer? Do more of that. Did you get further away? Do something different.

This works with investing, with playing sports, with music, and with interpersonal relationships with gorgeous girls you’d like in between the sheets.

Now, you certainly CAN augment your success by REFERRING to any number of available learning material out there. But only IN BETWEEN real world experiences.

The problem is many guys tend to SUBSTITUTE learning and studying game for practicing game.

Consider two guys.

One guy knows absolutely NOTHING about game. But he is an approach machine. He remembers everything, and keeps improving his skills based only on his experience.

Guy number two has a PhD in game. But he never leaves the forums, and is always spouting off about the latest ninja technique. Or worse, he’s busily picking apart every other guy’s attempts to maintain his internet credibility and dominance.

Which guy do you think is going to get the best results?

Guy number one, of course.

Naturally, if you combine the best of both worlds, real world practice based on theoretical after the fact break down, you’ll be a super ninja seducer in no time.

One thing that will make you even better is taking on the mental attitude of somebody who can walk into any crowd and literally OWN the room.

It takes some mental practice, and some inner work, but it’s well worth it.

Learn How:

Frame Control

Secrets Of Female Attraction

She Doesn't Care What You Look LIke

Why Looks Don’t Matter To Girls

Most guys, when they think of their ideal girl, think in terms of looks.

This isn’t because men are “visual” like many people have claimed. Everything that has to do with sex and reproduction is based on evolution.

The bottom line is that every generation there were small changes in our DNA makeup. Not programmed in by nature or aliens, but just random copying errors.

Changes that added benefits were kept. Changes that took away benefits or caused damage were quickly eliminated. (Those that had these didn’t live long enough to reproduce.)

If you know anything about marketing, then you know what a “split test” is. It’s when you take your ad, change something about it, and run it against the original, just to see which works better.

You can think of evolution as one LOOOONG split test. And WE are the winners.

So, back to the question.

Why do guys think  mostly in terms of looks when they think of their ideal girl?

This is most definitely NOT politically correct, but it’s scientifically and biologically correct.

Men want the most suitable mothers for their potential children. This means big boobs, smooth skin, thin legs, flat stomach, and youth.

Why youth? 

Because if you get together with a young girl, you’ll have more babies than if you get together with an older woman. It’s pure mathematics. Nothing else. Evolution made more copies of people that liked young girls, since guys that liked young girls made more copies of themselves.

Step Aside, Butch!

Mother Nature Always Wins

Mother Nature is cruelly efficient.

Anyhow, anything that makes up a suitable mate, from male standpoint, can be determined by looking at her.

This generally includes ANY sign of youth, and ANY sign of health. Boobs, teeth, hair, lips, legs, whatever.

One glance across the room will tell a guy everything he needs to know.

What about girls?

Do looks matter as much?


They do not.


Think about what’s important to a woman. After she gets pregnant, she’s out for a couple years. That means her man needs to be out taking care of business.

This means being a good hunter. Which means being able to be a strong social leader.


Any time the guys go out hunting, the dude in charge is going to bring home the most meat. The dude at the bottom is going to get the leftovers.

No woman wants to be helpless for two years while living off the leftovers.

All women want to have their man being the leader, and bringing home the most meat.

How can they tell  he’s the leader?

How he carries himself. How he speaks to others. How he handles criticism. His confidence. His body language. What he believes about himself and his future.

Can she tell this by looking?


How does she tell?

By interacting. By seeing him under pressure. By seeing how he is around his boys.

How can you become a social leader? A TRUE alpha?

Here’s How:

Frame Control

Fractionation Seduction Secrets

How To Go Faster Deeper Than Ever Before

Accelerate Your Progress

Much has been spoken about the idea of “fractionation.” This is a technique from traditional hypnosis, but once you understand it,  you’ll see it in a lot of places.

It’s a vague “concept” rather than a step by step procedure. Which means that once you get what it means, you’ll be able to apply it to a lot of different areas.

So, what is it?

It all started when a hypnotist noticed that every time an old client would come to visit, he would go into trance a lot easier. The first time they were always nervous, and reluctant to release conscious control.

But with each successive visit, it got easier and easier to put them under.

So the next natural step was to try this within one single session. Meaning the hypnotist would put them under, bring them back up, then put them under again, then back up, etc., etc.

Each time they’d go deeper.

It’s called “fractionation” simply because he’s taking one single trance, and breaking it up into smaller pieces.

This happens all the time.

When you read a book from your favorite author, each time you start a new novel, it’s easier to “lose yourself” in the story. Same goes for other artists. Every new thing they “produce,” it’s easier to slip into that special “enjoying-art” trance we all love so much when we watch TV, movies, read books, listen to music, etc.

It’s also why, traditionally, it usually takes a few “dates” to get to first, second or third base.

Same with sales. Selling a customer cold is pretty hard. But when you see the same customer a week later, fractionation kicks in and it’s MUCH easier to close them.

Get Her Dreaming About You

Fractionation – Perfect For Seduction

So, how does this work in seduction?

Many ways!

The first is when you vary your language. First you use hypnotic language, then you use regular language. Keep going back and forth, and pretty soon she’ll be so deep she won’t get her mind off you.

However, this can require a lot of knowledge of covert hypnosis, which takes a lot of practice. So you can simply think of talking about things like “her future” and then regular stuff.

Any time you get a girl talking about her ideal future, while she’s looking at you, this is going to have a really good result.

But it can be hard for her to talk about her future if she’s just met you.

So talk about something easy in her future. Then talk about normal stuff. Then talk about something else in her future (NOT the same thing.) Then normal stuff. Every time she goes back to talking about her future, it will get easier and easier.

This also works with building rapport. Consciously build rapport, then pull back. Go back and forth, and every time you build rapport, by mirroring body language and speech rates, she’ll go much deeper.

You can also do this by getting her to follow you. (This is another trick savvy salespeople have known for years.)

First, get her to move a couple feet. Then get her to move to a different area in the building. Then take her outside (or inside). Then take her to a nearby location (waffle house, coffee shop, whatever).

Each time, she’ll go deeper into the idea of “following you.” And I’m sure you can figure out what comes next!

To make it much easier, check this out:

Frame Control

How To Train The World

If You Lead - The World Will Follow

How To Get Strangers To Follow You

Back in the days of Soviet Russia, folks had to stand in line for everything.

Once this guy, as an experiment, picked a random door, and then stood in front of it.

Didn’t take long before people started lining up behind him.

They’ve also done experiments in hospitals where “doctors” call up nurses, identify themselves as docs, and then tell them to do something a little strange, sometimes even dangerous. (There would be people to intercept them before they actually did anything.)

When I was a kid my brother would take me to baseball games. We’d get tickets in the cheap section, and then later on, when people started to leave, we’d “sneak down” into the more expensive seats. Since there were staff checking tickets, we had a pretty good plan.

He’d tell me to just walk in, acting like I was lost. Then he would follow me, telling the staff I was always “running away.” Then we’d find some empty seats and enjoy the rest of the game.

I’m sure you’ve found that you can get away with a lot if you simply act like you know what you’re doing.

Even if you’re going into a restricted area, if you act like you belong, chances are nobody will say boo.

In the movie “Catch Me If You Can” the main character spent his whole life acting like he knew what he was doing. He was teachers, doctors, lawyers, pilots, all simply because he acted as if he belonged.

Naturally, I’m not advocating lying or cheating or breaking the law, but there’s a lot of cool stuff you can “get away with” if you simply act like you belong.

Believe In Yourself - And The World Will Too

People Will Believe You If You Believe You

Job interviews, first dates, sales calls, high society get-together’s, you name it.

What if you took this to a completely higher level, a “Meta-Level”?

What if everywhere you went, you felt deep in your bones that you belonged? That you were right at home wherever you went?

What would you be able to do? What would you be able to get? What kinds of relationships could you create?

Well, you can. 

The real secret of “the world” out there is “they” don’t really have a clue who you are. 

Only you do.

Most people don’t really “get this,” but the world will respond to YOU, based on how YOU respond to you.

If you think you belong, so will everybody else.

If you think you don’t belong, so will everybody else.

Once you flip that “inner switch,” everything will take care of itself.

Learn how:

Frame Control

Secrets Of Magnetic Charisma

Instantly Boost Personal Magnetism

Instant Personal Magnetism

I used to know this guy that was super charismatic.

Just being around this guy made you feel a hundred times better. Like anything was possible. I was always trying to figure out what it was about him.

When he spoke, it was clear that he wasn’t just spitting out a bunch of half baked ideas. His sentences were clear, they had meaning, and he said each word like it was the only word in the world.

When he looked at you, it was like you were the only person around. Even if he was talking about where he bought his hat, the conversation, his words, and the person he was talking to was of utmost importance.

But one thing he said once REALLY put everything together.

We were walking through this department store, and we passed this glass case with three male, faceless models. The back of the class case was missing, and it looked like the display was only halfway set up.

I noticed that my friend was VERY similar in appearance to the models. I mentioned that, and he said, “Let me go in there, and take my picture.”

So he went in there, stood in between them, and put on his cheesiest grin, combined with a pose that was similar to the models. The people walking by thought it was the funniest thing.

When he came out, he looked and me and said,

“Man, I REALLY like being me!”

Love Yourself And All Will Follow

Love Yourself Completely

That’s when it hit me. That’s why he always spoke, walked and acted with such subtle yet powerful energy.

It wasn’t fake confidence, or any attempt to project an image. He just really, really liked himself, and he really, really liked whatever he was doing.

As you can probably already guess, this guy made a TON of money (in his part time) and ALWAYS and a line of girls begging to be with him.

Most of us walk the Earth with some kind of feeling of lack, or feeling as though we’re wounded or we need to be recognized for our super-hero victim status. Like we’ve been wronged and we are looking “out there” in the world to make it right.

The truth is that you’ve already got everything you need. All you’ve got to do is embrace, appreciate it, and share it with others.

Enjoy yourself. Enjoy the world. And let others know.

Learn how:

Frame Control