Category Archives: Congruence

How To Become A Mesmerizing Leader

Become A King Of The World

Jack Up Your Social Status

Every morning I go for a walk, very early.

There’s a park a pass through, and it’s always filled with “dog people.”

These are also people that walk early with their dogs.

They meet up in the park and socialize in the wee morning hours. It’s funny how the dogs interact when they meet each other, especially if it’s the first time.

They approach carefully, sniff each other, walk around each other in careful circles.

There’s a common phrase called “The Pecking Order,” which refers to somebody’s place in their social group.

It comes from chickens. These scientists noticed that a group of chickens would always eat in the same order whenever they dumped a bunch food in their cage. Other animals would fight every single time, but these chickens would always eat in the same order. This is why they called it the “Pecking Order.”

Whenever they did introduce somebody into the mix, they would mix it up a bit, to find where that new member fit into the pecking order. But once they had it figured out, it was business as usual. Food would come, and they would eat in their own self-determined order.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that humans behave in EXACTLY the same way. This makes perfect sense since we are social creatures.

And as social creatures, we will ALWAYS organize ourselves into hierarchies.

Funny thing is we do this quickly, and pretty much subconsciously. Anytime you walk into a room, you add yourself to the mix. Everybody quickly senses where they stand, and it’s back to work.

Any time there’s a change in group structure, this happens, whether we like it or not.

Eat or Be Eaten

Eat Or Be Eaten

And if you’re NOT projecting strong confidence and social presence, you ARE going to get discounted. People will check you out, assume  you’re not a threat, and then see you as another faceless member of the group.

This is what they mean by “First Impressions.” They often happen quickly, subconsciously, and before anybody ever says a word.

If you are in any kind of business where you need to approach people, or if you’re ever in situations where you’d like to approach strangers and build good relationships, it’s crucial that you get a handle on this skill.

The harsh truth about being humans is that because we ARE social animals, no matter where you go, there will be followers, and there will be a leader.

Now if you are content to be a follower, that’s fine. Most people are. Most people are terrified to step up and claim the leadership position. It’s scary, and there’s a lot of pressure.

But there are also ENORMOUS benefits.

If you want some, check this out:

Frame Control

How To Become The Definition Of Charisma

The Supreme Judgment of Charisma

The Supremes Know What’s Up

“I don’t know what it is, but I know it when I see it.”

That’s what one member of the supreme court said many years ago when trying to define “pornography.”

Many things are like that. We’re hard pressed to define them, but we certainly know it when we see it.

Some of these are subjective, some of these are objective.

Taste in food is more on the subjective side.  You can’t really describe what “delicious” means to you, but you certainly know it when you taste it. And everybody has their own unique classifications of delicious.

Beauty leans more on the objective side. Most people would agree that certain paintings, landscapes, or yes, even people, are beautiful, while others are not.

Charisma and social magnetism are like that as well. It’s really hard to define what it is, without describing the feeling that comes from seeing somebody that is incredibly charismatic and magnetic.

Ultimate Enlightment

Tale From The Temple

I was once at this open house at a local Buddhist temple, and there were plenty of local folks there. They had it set up so you could just wander around, look at stuff, and ask questions.

We were all in this big room, kind of doing our own thing, and this “guy” came walking in. All of us stopped what we were doing, and turned to look at this “guy.”

He had a certain “energy” about him. He was tall, good looking, and had pretty good posture. His movements were slow and purposeful. There didn’t seem to be any fear or anxiety or worry. Like he knew where he was going and was very aware of his surroundings, including all the people that were covertly watching his every step.

Like he felt totally comfortable in his own skin, totally at home wherever he was. As if it was the most important place on Earth or event in time. Total focus, presence and congruence.

As he got closer, I noticed he was wearing a name tag. Turned out he was the mayor. A mayor of a town famous for it’s ultra rich people.

Now, did he have charisma because he was mayor, or was he mayor because of his charisma?

I suspect it was both. Certainly, being in a position of power and surrounded by people who recognize that power will certainly give you a confidence boost.

But you can’t get there unless you’ve got the confidence to begin with.

Many people assume that having such massive charisma and magnetism is like being born tall or super athletic. You’ve either got it or you don’t.

They’re wrong.

You CAN build in that confidence, that charisma. So YOU can be the one walking in the room and turning heads.

Learn How:

Frame Control

The Persuasive Power of Silence

Keeping Quiet Is A Great Strategy For Powerful Influence

Bite Your Tongue!

There’s an old rule of negotiation.

Whoever speaks first, usually loses out.

Salespeople are taught this, as well as savvy customers.

If somebody makes you an offer, the best response is no response. Maybe a completely neutral “hmm…” while you pretend to wonder about it.

The “trick” is to make it look like you want the deal less than the other person. Once they start to get nervous, and their imagination runs away, it’s all over. You may start out completely even, but the simple strategy of staying silent is incredibly powerful.

This is true not only in sales, but in all “transactions.” When you get right down to it, every human interaction is based on some kind of transaction. Even if you invite your buddies over to watch TV or play video games, that’s going to take some effort on their part. Which means it’s your job to convince them the fun they’ll have is going to be worth the effort.

Everybody Is Working Some Kind of Angle!

Persuasion Is Everywhere

Now, most of us don’t go around negotiating deals with our friends like we’re buying used cars, but the same structure is there.

Whenever you find yourself saying something like, “C’mon! It will be fun!” you’re trying to persuade somebody.

You can try this with your friends, just to play around. Next time they “make an offer,” even if it’s simple like grabbing a beer or whatever, just repeat of the offer without any emotion.

“Hey, wanna go grab a beer down at the pub?”

“Grab a beer. Hmm…”

And see what they say. Chances are whatever they say next will be intended to INCREASE the subjective value of their proposition. Obviously, you don’t want to carry this too far, otherwise you’ll lose all your friends. And when doing this with friends, always be playful. But it’s a useful exercise just to see that this structure really IS everywhere.

Whenever two people are negotiation, whoever wants the deal the LEAST will have the most power.

Dating, job interviewing, sales, everything.

Now, if you’ve been unemployed for a year, and you haven’t been with anybody romantically for a long, long time, it can be tough to “hold out” as if you’ve got a Plan B, Plan C and Plan D.

The secret is to develop a rock solid belief that you’ll be OK, no matter what happens.

Even when there’s no evidence.

This is something very few people are able to do.

But when you do develop this mindset, a “switch” will happen. Instead of you chasing others down, people will be chasing you down. You’ll be the person that everybody is trying to convince.

You’ll be the one with all the power.

Get Started:

Frame Control

Eleven Easy Ways To Keep A Conversation Going With A Girl

Keep A Conversation Flowing With A Girl

You Made A Move – Now What?

So you made a move, and now you’re talking to her. Great job! You’ve done what most guys are terrified to do. But now something else happens. Those uncomfortable silences.

She answers one of your questions, or you say something hoping she’ll respond, and now she’s just staring at you, waiting for you to say something.

Brain Freeze!

Brain Freeze!

This sucks. Really sucks. Really majorly sucks. But don’t worry, it’s easy to fix. There’s some great tricks you can learn that will keep a conversation going with anybody, especially that gorgeous girl you’re talking to.
Open Ended Questions

Open Ended Questions

It’s always better to ask questions that will take long sentences to answer, rather than short words. Nobody likes to feel like they are being interrogated. Avoid asking questions that can be answered with one or two words.

Instead, asks questions that take some thought, and longer responses. However, be careful that you don’t put her on the spot, or ask any questions that might make her feel defensive. For example, if you ask her what she does for a living, or what she’s studying in school, follow up with some questions like this:

  • How Did You Get Into That?
  • What Would You Like To Be Doing In A Couple Years?
  • Have You Always Been Interested In That?
Look For Similarities Between You and Her

Look For Similarities

Always keep your ears peeled for anything that you’ve got in common. But avoid being overly vague. If she says she likes movies, don’t say you like movies too and think she’s going to be impressed.

On the other hand, if she’s having trouble choosing a major, and you are too, then say you are, and explain why. Or if she doesn’t really like her job and is looking for another one, chances are you are too.

Find Things That Fire Her Up

Pay Attention To “Trance Words”

Trance words are any words or phrases she uses that she puts special emphasis on. What you’re looking for at this point are things she’s really interested in. Things that make her animated and excited. The ideal situation is to find a few things she really likes talking about that you genuinely like as well.
Tell Her Engaging Stories

Tell Engaging Stories

The truth about having conversations with strangers is that unless you really “click” right off the bat, most people are going to have a hard time. Everybody’s nervous, and hoping the other person is going to do all the talking. 

That’s why it’s a good idea to do most of the heavy lifting, at least in the beginning.

Then later on, after you’ve had a few conversations, you can start to lay back a bit and let her do more of the talking. But at first, realize that you should at least be able to fill in the blanks when she comes up blank.

A fantastic way to do that is to tell stores. The good news is these can be about anything. Really, anything. Stupid boring stuff that happened on your way to work. Some old lady you saw picking her nose in the park, or your boss walking down the hall with a string of toilet paper on his shoe.

The real secret of telling interesting stories is HOW you tell them, not WHAT you talk about.

Be Prepared

Be Prepared

To start off with, you should have a few simple stories up your sleeve. If they cover a wide range of emotions, that’s even better. You don’t need to practice, since these actually happened to you, just have a few stories you can pull out when you need to.
Let Loose Your Natural Energy

Be Energetic

When telling stories, be excited. Use a wide range of facial expressions. Don’t afraid to use gestures. Wanna know why people love little kids? Because they are so expressive. Not reserved. Not edgy or “cool” or filled with fake angst. 

If you are the same way when telling stories, she’ll be into you.

Story Structure Is Crucial

Pay Attention To Story Structure

In any story, there should be a buildup, a moment of ultimate tension, the climax, and the release. This is true of epic Hollywood productions as much as a two minute story about how you lost your left shoe. 

Understanding where these points are in your own stories will help. 

A lot.

One thing that will definitely increase her interest in you is how you shift from story to story. If you start one story, finish it, and then go on to the next one, she’ll get pretty bored, pretty quickly.

On the other hand, if you switch from story A to story B, just as story A is about to get good, she’ll be really into you.


The human brain HATES unfinished business. So when you leave a bunch of “open loops” she won’t help getting more and more interested in you.

This does take some practice, but it’s easy to practice with some buddies or even by yourself when you’re out driving around.

(Or you could go down to your local mall and stand there alone in the food court practicing your story telling, and see how long it takes you to get arrested!)

You’ll also notice that this technique is used by some the best comedians in the world. When you think about it, the stuff they talk about is pretty common, everyday stuff. It’s how they structure that common, everyday stuff that makes them so entertaining.

How You Break Up The Stories Are Crucial

How to Break Up The Stories

The best way to break up loops is to always have a couple that are “open” at any given time. Meaning start story A, then break off into story B. Then halfway through B, start off with C, then finish up A, and then start on D, and halfway through D, start on E, and then finish up B, etc.

If you do this while smiling and having fun, she’ll literally NEVER forget you, even if you’re talking about doing your laundry. She’ll most definitely be interested in you!


Her Ideal Future

Whenever you’re going back and forth, it’s a great idea to get her talking about the things she likes, as mentioned before. It’s an even better idea to get her talking in terms of her ideal future. Her biggest dreams and goals.

Like if she’s studying biology in school, ask her if her plans played out perfectly, and she got the perfect job, what would her life look like in five years.

This way, she’ll be talking about her big dreams, while looking at you. That’s pretty good!

No Spots or Spotlights!

No Spots

While the idea of “cocky and funny” can be used effectively, it’s easy to go too far. Just pay close attention to her mood, and avoid saying anything that will make her want to go and talk to somebody else.

Also, avoid asking any questions where any potential answer might make her feel uncomfortable. Remember, this is a first conversation, and she’s using this conversation to form a first impression of you. And since first impressions are hard to change, you want to start off on the right foot.

Don't Be Afraid To Disagree

Don’t Be Afraid To Disagree

However, you don’t want to be TOO nice. This will also make her want to talk to somebody else. While you’re looking for things you have in common, you should also be looking for opportunities to disagree.

If all you say is “Hey, me too!” she’s going to think you’re pretty fake. But if you take the opportunity to disagree, and tell her why, she’ll know you’re for real.

Summary and Conclusion

Bottom Line

Walk up, break the ice, and start talking. Ask some open ended questions. Look for positive answers that make her feel good, and ask for more information. Tell stories with lots of facial expressions and gestures. Break them up a bit to keep her on her toes. Don’t be afraid to mix it up a bit and disagree.

And remember the most important rule of all:

There’s PLENTY of girls out there. Relax, have fun, and see each and every girl as a simple opportunity to enjoy life and have some fun. Not a life or death situation.

If YOU enjoy the conversation, chances are so will she.

To learn more conversational skills, get some free powerful hypnosis to blast away approach anxiety, head on over to Mind Persuasion today.

The Mystery and Myth of Intention

Do You Set And Forget Your Dreams?

Do You Set It And Forget It?

Everybody knows about “intention,” right?

It’s one of those things you need to do to get whatever you want.

Set an intention, as they say, and all your dreams will come true.

Some even treat this mysterious thing as some kind of magic gumball machine. You “think” of an “intention,” set it, and forget it.

Like all you need to do is put your intention “out there” and some kind of universal wish-fulfillment center will deliver it right into your hands.

As you can guess, when many people “set an intention” all they’re really doing is putting voice to a wish.

Here’s the thing. Setting an intention is hard wired into every human. It would be IMPOSSIBLE to take any action, even going to the toilet in the middle of the night, if you weren’t able to “set an intention.”

Before your body gets up and starts moving, it needs to know where it’s going, and what it wants. Which means the whole time your stumbling to the bathroom in the dark in the middle of the night, your brain is measuring your current “state” and comparing that to your “intention.”

Grab and HOLD Your Power

How You Hold It Is Crucial

So saying that you need to “set an intention” to achieve anything is pretty self-evident. It’s like saying in order to breathe, you need to take air in and out of your lungs. No kidding.

What’s NOT so clear is specifically HOW to set an intention. And even more importantly, how to HOLD an intention.

You may have an intention that’s strong enough to get started, but you suddenly lose all willpower when you run into trouble.

Everybody and their sister has an intention to lose weight. Some even get started. But very few follow through.

Plenty of guys have intentions of going over there and talking to that pretty girl. But what happens when she has the intention of getting rid of you as quickly as possible?

Just like Newton’s Second Law of Mechanics, some intentions are met with an equal and opposite intention.

You may have an intention of knocking on some strangers door to sell them a vacuum cleaner, but they’ve got an even stronger intention of watching their favorite TV show. And they’ve got home field advantage.

Obviously, having an intention is not enough. If you want to get anywhere in life, you’ve got to set a clear intention. You’ve got to set a strong intention. And you’ve got to HOLD your intention no matter what.

Learn How:

Frame Control

The Secret Sauce Of Life

Reality Is Under Your Control

Can You Shape Reality?

There are many ways to create your reality in a literal way.

You could operate on the physical world, changing raw materials into something more complicated. Take some seeds, grow some plants, and further transform them into a cherry pie, for example.

Combine your skills, knowledge and patience with the powers of the Earth, and you’ve effectively turned a handful of seeds into something much, much better.

Or you could interact with others in a certain way. If you’re lonely, for example, you can learn to be more outgoing, learn to talk to others about their interests instead of yours, and pretty soon you’ll find yourself surrounded by people who enjoy being with you.

You can even transform your own body. If you look at yourself in the mirror and don’t like what you see, you can take steps to change it. More muscles, less fat, whatever. 

The truth is that “reality” is much more flexible than most people realize. It’s easy to feel like we’re victims of reality when we’re really just victims of our own inaction or ineffective action. Most people avoid thinking like this.

One of the crucial things to understand about “reality” is that the meaning is VERY flexible.

What Will You Create?

Hunters vs. Farmers

Imagine two tribes of ancient humans, who both discovered seeds. The MEANING they gave to these seeds was crucial to how they used them. 

One tribe planted them, the other tribe ate them.

Every single time we interact with the world, what we’re really doing is interacting with our own MEANING and INTERPRETATION of the world.

The things people say to us. The way people respond to us. Even the results we get.

The idea that anything can pretty much MEAN anything is incredibly liberating. It frees us from feeling as if we are victims of reality, and instead makes us feel like engineers of reality.

One crucial, but often overlooked skill, is not only the meaning you choose for your particular reality, but how strongly you HOLD that meaning.

Those that can not only choose a supportive meaning, but HOLD to it regardless of what happens are the people who make things happen.

Because so few people are even aware of this skill, once you develop it, you will have an incredible advantage. 

How you use that advantage, of course, is up to you.

To learn how, check this out:

Frame Control

Unleash Your Inner Hero

This Is You

Your Life Is A Hero’s Journey

I love watching movies.

Anybody that knows me well knows I spent a good deal of time in movie theaters.

Being somebody who loves hypnosis, movies are the perfect trance generator.

The conscious critic is knocked out, and you’re taken for a nice ride.

Stories have been part of human life since we learned to talk. Maybe even before, as some of those ancient cave paintings may have been around before humans developed any kind of recognizable grammar.

It seems out  minds are hard wired to relax into a good story. Evolutionary psychologists tell us this folded in neatly with our huge learning ability. 

Listening to some old, experience member of the tribe tell a fascinating story was a much better vehicle to deliver essential truths about life than to simply pass dry information.

By following along to stories, rather than some dry lecture, early humans could “own” the knowledge. By paying close attention to the story, they would “see themselves” in the roles of the main characters, and appreciate the deeper meanings.

Get In The Game Of Life And Conquer Your Fears!

All Blockbusters Tell Your Tale

Many stories and movies today have the same structure. Most blockbusters, despite being filled with zillion dollar special effects, generally tell what’s known as the “Hero’s Journey.”

Meaning they’re about some normal guy or girl put into an “un-normal” situation, generally without much choice. Then this normal guy or girl has to dig deep and respond to the situation. Usually there’s some bad guy, and usually the hero has to develop skills, relationships, and sometimes use a “magical” tool.

Why are these stories so compelling?

Because all of us experience the same thing. We all feel we are living lives without really living life.

We are kind of going through the motions, without feeling we are living up to our potential.

We KNOW we are missing something. That common theme, the “Hero’s Journey” is a welcome reminder that we are MUCH MORE than we think we are.

YOU, are much more than you think you are.

You were meant for greatness. Not to get by. Not to make enough to pay the bills and save a little. Not to spend your free time wasting away in front of the TV.

You were put here to set your sights on something HUGE. You were put here to ACHIEVE something huge.

In your life, YOU are the hero.

Are you ready to begin your journey?

Get Started:

Mind Persuasion

The Sweet Spot Of Mind Magic

Conscious and Unconscious Interface

Align Conscious and Unconscious

Some people love to “wing it.”

Others, not so much. Some of us need to be consciously aware of every step, measure twice, cut once, and be sure have a good idea of what we’re going to get.

Naturally, there’s a place for both.

When I was a kid, I used to “try” to cook using the “wing it” method. I’d throw a bunch of stuff in a bowl, mix it up, and then fry it. It usually came out pretty terrible.

Imagine if you were having a dinner party and you’d never cooked anything in your life, and you’d figured you’d just grab stuff out of the fridge and throw it together based on your mood!

On the other hand, some things simply lend themselves to just letting go and “winging it.”

If you were on a first date, for example, imagine if you pulled out a check list of questions to ask, and wrote down the answers!

Generally speaking, any time there’s spontaneous human to human contact or interaction, there’s going to be a LARGE amount of winging it.

Knowing When To Need Blueprints Is Essential

Step by Step Strategies

And when there’s you operating on the physical world to build something, taking a bunch of stuff and putting it together to make something bigger, more complicated, and more valuable (like making dinner from scratch, for example) you need some kind of specific step by step strategy.

Of course, there’s a HUGE amount of overlap.

The true MAGIC in life comes when you’re “winging” something that USED TO BE step by step difficult.

Musicians, athletes, performers, all do this. Once upon a time, they had to learn every single note on the piano. It was frustrating, boring, and difficult. But they got to a level where they could translate vague emotional feelings DIRECTLY into beautiful music, ON THE SPOT, and generate those same vague emotional feelings in others.

The secret of life is to learn to wing it AND use step by step procedure to keep pushing forward. Keep increasing your skills. Keep creating better and more valuable things for you and others to enjoy.

When you’re in the ZONE of life, when you are operating at full capacity, buoyed by the ever present feedback loop.

THAT is when magic happens.

Make YOURS happen:

Mind Persuasion

How To Start A Conversation With A Girl And Get Her Interested In You

How To Start Conversations With Girls

Starting Conversations With Girls is Easier Than You Think

So you want to talk to girls, do you? Well, it’s easy. Walk up and start talking! Just kidding. Some guys would LOVE to walk up to ten or twenty cuties every single day, but are petrified to even say hi. This post will not only help you blast away that anxiety for good, but be a smooth operator so she’s glad you came over.

Now, before we get into the nuts and bolts, there’s two types of conversations with girls. Those where you just show up, and those when you’re invited over. We’ll be focusing on the ones where you get invited over.


For one, you’re getting many, many more invitations than you realize (more on that later). Two is just that it’s so much easier, and less  nerve wracking, when you’ve got a warm lead, and a cold lead. Borrowing some sales language, warm leads are people who are already interested in your product or service. Cold leads are people who don’t even know your product or service exists.

For example, if you worked in a cell phone store, people that came walking in would be considered warm leads, and would be much more interested in buying a phone. Selling vacuum cleaners door to door, on the other hand, would be hard as hell, because most people don’t sit around at home wishing for a new vacuum cleaner.

Talking to girls is the same way. When you get an invite, it’s just so much easier. Once you get the hang of this, and see how easy it really is, you can start walking up to all those gorgeous girls you see on the street everyday and work your magic.

Wait For Eye Contact Before You Approach

Wait For IOI

An IO What? This is pickup lingo for “Indicators of Interest.” The name of the game is this. Girls send out indicators of interest. Guys pick up on them, and go over and talk to them. At least most of the time. There are some girls who are brave enough or self confident enough to start chatting up guys, but those girls are few and far between.

So to begin with, you’re going to have to learn to notice those indicators of interest. Luckily, though, they are EVERYWHERE!

Girls are Always Checking You Out

Clear and Obvious IOI’s

Any time she makes eye contact with you, that’s good. That means she knows you exist. If she makes eye contact with you and doesn’t break if off right way, or doesn’t puke on her shoes, that’s even better. Even better if she looks at you, and then actually holds eye contact for a bit.

To  make double sure she’s interested and she’d be open for a conversation, give her a brief smile, or slightly raise your eyebrows really quickly. Think of this as the initial “ping” that submarines do. If she pings you back, that’s fantastic. You’re ready to go.

A great way to practice this is to just make it a point to smile at every girl who makes eye contact with you. At first it will seem supers scary, but it gets pretty easy pretty quickly.

Think of it as working out at the gym. Eye contact, smile. Eye contact, smile. Go to the mall or anywhere that people are moving around, and just hit ten or twenty girls in about thirty minutes or so.

If she’s stationery, and kind of far away, you can tell if she’s game if she’s “pointing” her body at you, but facing somewhere else. Just make an excuse to move closer to her, and give her some eye contact, and a quick smile, and see what she does. If she smiles back, make a move son!

They're Waiting for You to Approach!

Start Off Easy

Most guys make this WAY too complicated. They try and think of the most witty, impressive one liners. The truth is that she’s just as nervous as you. If you make the opener too complicated, she’ll actually feel put “on the spot,” as if she’s supposed to respond in a certain way. 

Just be open, honest, and simple. Just basically start off by mentioning what just happened. Then mention what’s happening. Something like this is perfect:

“Hi, I’m George (except use your OWN name!), I noticed you from over there and you seemed interesting, so I thought I’d come and introduce myself. What’s up?”

Now, the cold harsh truth is that some girls will change their minds after they hear you talk.  Maybe you’re too nervous, and you’re making her nervous. Maybe she imagined you were a certain way, and you come across the total opposite. Don’t worry. 

How will you know? She’ll suddenly turn from friendly to cold. It doesn’t mean she’s mean, or a bitch, or trying to hurt your feelings. It just means her feelings changed for some reason.  Not your fault. Not her fault. Just accept it gracefully and move on. 

But most of the time, she’ll be open enough to get the ball rolling. She’ll respond with something about the same as you. She’ll tell you what’s up, and expect you to carry the conversation, since you were the one that made the first move. 

Don’t worry, it’s easy.

Talk About Anything!

The Magic Of Pacing Statements

To begin with, you want to get the ball rolling with “pacing statements.” These are just statements that are objectively true. The music is loud. The lights are purple. It’s snowing outside. The Mets just won the World Series. Whatever. The purpose of these are NOT to impress her. They are ONLY give her easy things to deal with, and to get her thinking “yes…yes…yes…” in her mind.

While you are doing this, you want to match her body language, but not too much. If she’s sitting with her legs crossed, you cross your legs, but not exactly in the same way. If she’s leaning slightly to the side, you do the same.

This is called “rapport” what it does is create a deep feeling of similarity between you two. It just makes it easier. Don’t invade her space, and don’t overwhelm her with all kinds of magic tricks or super complicated openers. At this stage, your just showing her how easy and normal it is to talk to you. 

Once you’ve done this for a few minutes, it’s time to move on to the next level.

Let Her Know Who You Are

Always Reveal First

Whenever moving the conversation in new directions, avoid putting her on the spot. It’s a good idea to answer any questions ahead of time, before you ask her. 

Instead of firing off questions like you’re interrogating her, simply make a few statements about your own interests, and then ask her how she feels on the subject.

For example, if you happen to be in a club and there’s  band playing classic rock, and you like banjo music, tell her that you like banjo music, and tell her a few songs that you like. Then ask her what kind of music she likes. She’ll be much more willing to open up if you open up first.

Get Her Interested In You

Follow Up On Her Trance Words

Whenever she starts talking, pay close attention to how she says certain words. It’s pretty easy to get an idea of the things she’s really interested in. Once you find a few of these, ask some follow up questions that are open ended.

Just keep asking questions, based on her own ideas and stories, to help you dig further into her mind.

Whenever possible, get her talking about her ideal future. Now, don’t start out by asking her what her ideal future is, that sounds too corny.

But if she’s talking about school, and she mentions she wants to be a nurse, then say something like this:

“OK, imagine you go to nursing school, and everything works out perfectly. What kind of job do you have in five years from now?”

If you can get her talking about something she wants, that’s out in the future, she’ll unconsciously connect it to you on a deep level. This is pretty good!

She's Waiting For You To Make A Move!

Find Any Similarities

All during this whole process, you want to find as many similarities as you can. But be careful you don’t overly agree with everything she says. Just look for important things that she likes, and you also like. If you’re honest, this will go a long way.

Also, don’t be afraid to disagree. Many guys are terrified that they’ll turn her off if they disagree with anything she says. Just accept that she likes cats, and you like dogs, or whatever.


Summary and Conclusion

Relax, look around, and find signs of interest. Go and introduce yourself. Start talking about anything that’s true. Reveal your interests. Ask her interests. Go slow. Enjoy yourself. Keep this up, and you’ll soon have more girls than you know what to do with!

If you’re worried about approach anxiety, I’ve got just the thing. I’ve made a few special hypnosis sessions that are PERFECT for blowing any kind of approach anxiety out of the water, so you can easily and fearlessly talk to any girl, any where, any time.

Best of all, these are completely FREE. To download your free charisma tool set today, click on the link below:

What Stage Of Life Are You?

Lost In The Crowd?

Graduate To Level Three

There’s three stages of life.

But unfortunately, most of us get stuck in stage two.

Stage One is when we’re kids. Little kids. We don’t care about much except what we’ve got our eye on. We want something, we don’t stop until we get it.

The concept of “failure” doesn’t exist. We just keep doing stuff until we get what we want.

Stage Two is when we start to become aware that others will judge us based on our actions. Some of our actions get us good attention, which we like. Some of our actions get us negative attention, which we fear.

Suddenly we lose sight of what we want, and start focusing instead on the attention our actions will bring us, rather than the outcome.

This lasts through childhood, and for most people, their entire adult lives. School, work, social life, everything.

But there is a third state. Where we shrug off that worry about what others think. When we’ve got strong goals that are important to US, not important to THEM.

So we start to measure our results not based on what THEY think, but whether or not our actions get us closer to what WE want.

Making this transition isn’t easy. Most people don’t like it when you do. Most people are terrified of living in a world where their results are based ONLY on their actions.

Don't Be Afraid Of Success

People Are Envious Of You

Which is why when people see you behaving like this, they’ll try and pull you back. Not consciously of course, but because your actions make them uncomfortable. Maybe you want to try something new, just for the fun of it.

And they say something like, “Yea, but what if somebody sees us? What will people think?”

And since we’re only start to rediscover ourselves, it’s hard to argue with this logic.

But if you want to achieve a life of greatness, you’ve got to. You’ve got to break free from the safety and comfort of Stage Two, and move onto Stage Three.

Most people are too terrified to even think about this.

What about you?

In the Mental Alchemy course, you’ll find all kinds of mental exercises, inside information, and powerfully effective hypnosis sessions that will make it easy.

Because once you get to Stage Three, anything’s possible. You’ll be combining childlike curiosity with adult skills, power, and resources.

What will YOU accomplish?