Category Archives: Dating

Be Excellent – Be Gone

How To Get Girls

Make Yourself Scarce

If you’ve never seen a movie called, “The Tao Of Steve,” you should check it out. Not because it’s a well made movie or anything. The main character is this PUA named Steve, and while it does have a sappy, Hollywood ending, the character does convey some powerful points.

Namely, the secret of getting girls is to “Be excellent, be gone.”

Now, this can easily be misinterpreted, and like any vague truism, how you apply it makes all the different. Just saying it or reading about it won’t do squat.

Be Excellent

This simply means be the BEST you can be, at SOMETHING. You don’t have to be a renaissance man, or a jack of all trades. Just be really good, and really enjoy being really good, at something. Women are hard wired to love a guy who passionate about something.

This means you’ve got something going on in your life that drives you. Some mad goal way out in the future you are pursuing. Some skill that you want to be the best out, even if it kills you.

It also means being confident and socially outgoing. If you are the best piano player in the world, but pass out in fear every time a girl smiles at you, it won’t get you very far.

You’ve got to be comfortable enough talking about your passion in a way that inspires other, not for the skill itself, but how you describe it.

If you want a good character study of this, Paul  Newman’s character in “The Hustler” is perfect. He sucks in life, but he’s a pool master. And when he talks about how he loves pool, it makes his girl go crazy for him.

Be Gone

This means you aren’t dependent on any one person’s approval. You can bounce on a dime if the situation turns against you. While you enjoy her company, if she violates any of your spoken boundaries, you’re gone faster than a puff of smoke in a hurricane.

It also means you don’t hang around longer than you need to. Instead of hanging around on the first or second date hoping to eventually get lucky, you get in, you have fun, and you leave.

You are confident enough that if she doesn’t want to see you again, somebody else will. Most guys are terrified since they imagine this will lower her desire for you. Luckily, it has the opposite effect.

As Steve describes, “We want what we can’t have.” This, of course, invokes the Law of Scarcity. If you are excellent AND you are scarce, this will significantly increase her desire for you.

This is why too much texting, too much calling, too much fawning will KILL your chances with any one girl.

The take away from all this?

Choose some skills that you will pursue whether or not they get you laid.

Be comfortable talking about your passion about these skills as socially appropriate, and let your passion shine when appropriate.

Make yourself scarce.

Do this, and you’ll have your pick of dream girls to choose from.

The Biggest Killer Of Game

The Biggest Roadblock To Success

The Most Deadly Mind Trap

There’re a lot of things that can mess up your game with women. Many ways guys self sabotage themselves.

Looking at her boobs when you should be looking into her eyes. Not number closing when she’s most likely to comply. Waiting too long before you approach. Calling too many times between get-togethers. Texting too often, not often enough. This list can go on and on.

There is however, one “meta” self-sabotage that will absolutely destroy you. And this doesn’t only apply to game, it applies to life as well. It’s very insidious, as most guys who are guilty (which is a lot of guys) not only don’t realize they are guilty, but are rarely able to admit it if it’s pointed out.

What makes it even worse is that it’s sometimes true. But this doesn’t help.

What it is?

A simple idea. A simple thought that once you believe it, once you use it to justify your inability to get what you want, you’re done.

“It’s not my fault.”

Blaming people other than ourselves is one of the easiest things to do. Politicians have known this ever since democracy was invented. Once those smooth talkers found out that if all they did was tell people their problems weren’t their fault, they could win every single time.

And what makes it worse is sometimes it’s true. It really ISN’T your fault.

Say you approach a girl, and she turns you down. Not because your game was weak, but simply because you weren’t her type. Maybe you reminded her of her step-brother who molested her in third grade. Who knows.

This really ISN’T your fault. But guess what? Because something isn’t your fault DOES NOT MEAN it is somebody else’s fault. Often times it is NOBODY’S fault.

Many guys spend all times of time and energy blaming women, feminism, the current dating market, their background, and on and on.


Because once you accept that it’s somebody else’s fault, you don’t have to try anymore.

And believe it or not, as much as guys claim they’d do ANYTHING to get laid, they aren’t willing to do what it takes.

Given the option of approaching ten or twenty women a week, and NOT getting what they want, and approaching ZERO women but blaming somebody else, many guys would choose option two.

If you really ARE willing to do whatever it takes to find your dream girl, simply admit that most of the time, it’s nobody’s fault that she turned you down.

It’s not a rejection, it’s a mismatch. Her criteria and yours.

Now, this is very hard to see if you don’t HAVE any criteria, which is why getting some will make it easier.

That way, you’ll ditch the “please accept me” mindset, and take on the “are we right for each other mindset.”

Do this, and it will be a lot easier to find her.

Get Started:

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How To Engineer The Ideal Relationship

Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide Open

Why do relationships tend to go south? Sure, most of us want an ideal relationship with the ideal person. And many people DO feel they’ve got something, in the beginning.

But then after the thrill is gone, and reality rears it’s ugly head, it’s pretty much over. Why does this happen, and more importantly, how can you keep it from happening?

Everybody loves free stuff, especially when it’s unexpected. Even more especially when it’s sexually and emotionally charged.

This is why those early days feels so good. You’re pushing her buttons, which is making her push your buttons, which makes you push her buttons, and on and on.

Since this happens unconsciously and automatically, it feels like you’ve finally discovered the alchemy of love.

Unfortunately, this “magic” is short lived. Because a large part of the feel-good-button-pushing is based on a feeling of “newness.” Once you start to expect the button-pushing, it starts to lose it’s self-generative effect.

Pretty soon you expect her to push your buttons, and she expects you to push hers. But since you’re both expecting the other person to “go first,” nobody does, and you start to wish things were the way they were before.

The way to keep this from happening is to plan for it to happen, and pre-frame against it.

How do you do that?

Establish what those buttons are, and have a deep, open, non-emotional conversation. Go into a relationship like you would a business partnership, at least in part.

Make a pact to not only understand what each buttons are, but to continue pushing them after the thrill is gone.

That way, you can recreate that thrill-feeling at will.

For example, imagine how cool it feels to get an unexpected massage from your girlfriend. But if you start expecting them, she’ll stop giving them.

But if you have a discussion about what you like, and what she likes, and some kind of consciously chosen exchange, she’ll keep giving you what you want, so long as you keep giving her what she wants.

Since you’re the man, you’ve got to go first. You’ve got to generate this “exchange.” You’ve got to lead her into this discussion.

There is one crucial thing that HAS TO happen in order for this to work.

You’ve got to go in, eyes open, and create this from the very beginning. Which means you’ve got to actually like her as a person, BEYOND any feelings of sexual or emotional satisfaction.

Which means you’ve got to have some solid, non-physical criteria before you even walk up to her for the first time.

If you don’t have this kind of criteria, get some.

Now, you don’t have to tell her any of this. Give her the gift of it “just happening.” Let her experience that feeling of romance.

Leave it up to you to engineer the perfect relationship with the perfect woman.

She’ll be glad you did.

Get Started:

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The Best Woman Problem To Have

The Ideal Balance

The Perfect Balance

There’s a fantastic problem to have with women, and unfortunately, few guys will have it.

There’s a saying I’m sure you’ve heard: “Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.”

It’s also been said that there are two great tragedies in life.

Getting what you want, and not getting what you want.

If you spend your whole life chasing something, and never getting it, it sucks. Nothing feels worse than an unfulfilled dream.

Now, most guys don’t have this, although they think they do. Meaning they really, really wish they could get a hot girl, but they never really do anything to get her. To them, this is their “dream.” But it’s not really a dream any more than playing the lotto is a solid financial plan.

When they say not getting your dream is a tragedy, it assumes you’ve taken SERIOUS action toward getting it. When it comes to women, this doesn’t mean going to the club every Friday night and wishing really hard.

Nor does it mean sleeping with club girl after club girl and getting angry they don’t suddenly morph into your dream wife the next morning.

This means really living your life to the fullest, becoming and ultra alpha leader of men, meeting several high quality women, doing everything in your power to seduce them, and STILL coming up empty handed.

This, indeed, is a tragedy.

But it’s also highly unlikely.

But what about getting your dream? Why is that a tragedy?

Because once you get your dream, the chase ends. The self development ends. That positive expectation of an unfulfilled goal ends. The imagination of a better future ends.

This is why Alexander wept after he had no more lands to conquer. This is why many astronauts who walked on the moon has serious personal problems when they came back to Earth.

This is why when you meet your dream woman (or what you think is your dream woman at the time) TOO EARLY in life, it CAN present problems. Not always. 

To be sure, there are couples who met in high school, and realize that their relationship is VERY IMPORTANT, so they take the time to work on it. To BECOME each other’s dream partner.

But for most guys, they don’t really meet their dream girl (nor do many women meet their dream guy) that early in life. Sure, they tell themselves that. But in reality it’s their dream person AT THE TIME.

As they move through life and increase in social skills, earning skills, intra-personal skills, they realize that maybe, JUST MAYBE, they sold themselves short and develop a wandering eye.

Herein between the two tragedies of life lies the BEST PROBLEM to have.

When do you stop searching, and start finding?

After all, the more you search, the more skills you’ll develop, and the higher criteria you’ll demand, AND the more attractive you’ll be.

But there comes a point, when you must choose.

This, of course, is a very personal decision, and will differ from person to person.

But this is a VERY NICE “women problem” to have.

When Should You Not Isolate?

Are You Meeting Girls Or Hunting Zebras?

How To Not Get Played

Many guys and gurus will tell you that you should always isolate your target. Meaning if you are in some club or other public place where girls and guys are all hanging out secretly hoping to meet each other, you’ll need to separate her from her friends.

Now, on a basic level, this sounds pretty predatory. This sounds like something lions will do when hunting zebras. They find a weak zebra that’s kind of separated from the pack, making it easier to hunt. If they zoom in on some big fat zebra surrounded by big, tough looking zebras, the tough looking zebras will kick the crap out of the lion.

However, when you’re out meeting girls, you’re hopefully trying to build a relationship, even if it’s short term, based on a mutual desire. So the “separate from the pack” idea is kind of off base.

Sure, it’s a lot easier to “pick up” a girl if she doesn’t have her girlfriends hanging out. Certainly, even if she IS interested in you, her girlfriends will be jealous and would rather her NOT meet anybody, if only to make themselves feel better.

And there certainly ARE many girls who enjoy being chased, without necessarily liking the guy who’s chasing them enough to allow themselves to “be caught.”

In a sense, separating her from her pack of friends makes it easier for both of you, and it can serve as a valuable test. Meaning if she’s flirting with you and sending you very positive signals, including kino, but she absolutely refuses to be separated from her friends, then she may indeed be running some game on you just to get the attention.

This is what makes “nightclub game” so difficult. Many girls go to places like that for attention, and purposely NOT to hook up some guy.

How can you tell the difference? One way is to simply number close her in front of her friends. Don’t try isolate.

Just tell her you think she’s cute, you think that she’s got a decent personality, and you’d like to get to know her better, but you don’t want to ruin “girls night out.” This will force her to show, through her actions, whether she’s really into you or just playing you for your attention.

It will also demonstrate your confidence, as most guys would be terrified to close in any way in front of all her friends, who are watching you (and secretly hoping you go down in flames, as it will make them feel better).

Will this always work? You won’t usually get a number this way, but the numbers you DO get will generally be pretty solid.

You’ve shown a lot of confidence. She’s given you her number in front of her friends, so chances are she’s not blowing you off.

Of course, to make it easy, you really have to NOT CARE if she gives you her number or not. Which means it’s a good idea it always be talking to cute girls, whenever you have a chance.

How To Get Flake Proof Numbers

Get Flake Proof Numbers

Always Be Testing

One very crucial skill to have when meeting girls for potential relationships is to test their attraction. Most guys blaze full speed ahead, not really knowing one way or the other.

This tends to get a lot of false positives. Meaning he’s over there chatting her up, she’s not really interested, and he doesn’t really notice. So he number closes, and she gives him the number just to get rid of him. Then he thinks he’s succeeded, but in reality he’s got a very low probability candidate. He calls her, she blows him off, and he gets angry and vents online about how all women are flakes and not to be trusted.

Sound familiar?

All this can be avoided with some simple testing. That way, you KNOW she’s interested in you before you ask for the number. Now, some people say that asking for her number is the ultimate test, but this will get you a lot of false numbers. It’s WAY too easy to simply give a guy a number and then later blow him off, or string him along. 

Now, most guys don’t get this, but when a girl strings a guy along, she’s really just not assertive enough to say no. She’s hoping he’ll get the hint, but he thinks he’s still got a chance. This, of course, leads to further misunderstandings.

Anyhow, how do you test?

Many ways. Kino is one way. You simply touch her on an appropriate place, like the shoulder of forearm, and see how she responds. If she recoils in horror, or freezes, she’s not into you. If she opens up slightly, or even touches you back within a minute or so, that’s a pretty clear sign.

Another way is to close off rapport slightly, by switching from matching body language to mismatching body language. If she follows you, she’s into you. If she doesn’t, she’s not.

Another way is to take her to another location, within the same establishment. Like if she’s in a bookstore, take her over to show her your favorite photography book. If you’re in a club, take her to a different place. If she follows without hesitation, she’s into you. If she mentions her friends or anything, she’s probably not.

Now, if she’s not clearly into you, what you do next is up to you. You can back off and try to build more attraction, if you think you’re close. Or you can simply excuse yourself and go talk to somebody else.

But if you practice this, you’ll definitely start getting a much higher quality of phone numbers.

The Benefits Of Long Game

Short Term Game Is For Clowns

Stop Hustling For Short Term Action

Some of the most powerful people in the world operate behind the scenes.

They cause events to happen not because the initial outcome is what want. Nor the secondary or tertiary outcome. But because they know they are setting up the conditions for the outcome they REALLY want.

And it’s not some kind of once-off type of deal. It is a situation where they can continue to reap the benefits of their efforts for DECADES.

This is the power of the LONG CON. However, the word “con” is not the best word. The word “con” involves stealing, or law breaking, or some kind of trickery or manipulation.

However, when dealing with women, and personal relationships, the structure is the same. In this respect, the term long “game” is more appropriate, but even then it’s a misnomer. When you think of “gaming” somebody, it conjures up ideas of one person “winning” and the other person “losing.”

It can help to think in terms of sales. For example, think of an insurance salesman. Let’s say he goes door to door, and tries to sell people auto insurance. There’s basically two types of “game” he can employ.

Short game, or long game.

Short game is where he comes up with some super ninja language patterns, or really persuasive charisma that gets him really high closing rates. Like maybe two or three out of ten people. Considering it only takes him a couple three hours or burn through that many potential customers, and that each sales is worth a couple hundred, that’s pretty good money.

However, those customers aren’t likely going to be long term customers. His “short game” doesn’t allow for him to see if they are really a match for his product or not.

Which means most of them cancel after the first year. Which means he ALWAYS has to be out hustling new customers.

As soon as he stops hustling, his income stream wills top not long thereafter.

Now think of a guy who employs ultra “long game” strategy.

Maybe he talks to 100 or even 500 customers before he gets a sale. Maybe he only gets a sale every one or two weeks.

Sounds horrible at first glance.

But these customers are LIFE LONG customers. They renew EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Not only that, but guess who they call when they know somebody who needs insurance? Or when their kid’s old enough to drive? Or when they buy a new car, or even a new house?

That’s right, they call him.

How many of these customers do you think he needs for a really FAT and really PASSIVE INCOME?

Not a lot. Maybe a couple hundred.

Sure, he’s got to hustle a lot, and NOT GET PAID while he’s getting those customers. Most sales people don’t have that kind of long term vision, or patience.

But those that do get paid FOR LIFE.

Long term game, when it comes to women, is the same.

How does it apply?

You can use short term game. Do a lot of hustling to get a lot of low quality (unqualified) women in the sack. But when you stop hustling, so does the love. 

On the other hand, you can employ long game.  Find high quality candidates that don’t need to be gamed. They see the quality of your product (YOU) and are sold on their own.

How do you do that?

Take some time talking to her. Figure out if you REALLY ARE a match. Forget the short term, NON-SUSTAINTABLE relationships that all the other clowns are chasing.

Keep this up and before long, you’ll have a few HIGH QUALITY WOMEN that are totally into you. And they will be the ones trying to close you.

With little effort on your part.

How do you create this wonderful situation?

Here’s How:

Girlfriend Generator

How To Build Up Massive Attraction

Only One Way To Build Attraction

Experience Is Essential

What do women want? That’s kind of a trick question, since what we want is based on our conscious decision making. Like when the waitress takes your order, or when the barber asks what kind of hair style you’d like.

When it comes to attraction, both male and female, what we want isn’t really so important. It’s what we respond to.

Now for guys, this is pretty hard to understand instinctively. Sure it makes sense on intellectually, but most guys don’t ask as if they truly understand this crucial concept.

Guys respond to girls based on how they look. And when they look at many girls, they tend to respond the same way. Big boobs, slim waist, clear skin, healthy hair, etc. So when somebody asks, what’s our ideal of a perfect woman, we describe the way she looks.

Meaning we describe the girl we respond to most. Because we respond to the same type, over and over, either in real life or through media, it’s easy to consciously describe the type of girl we dream about.

But girls aren’t nearly as interested in looks as guys are. They are much more interested in character. And character takes a lot of time to flesh out. Which means they don’t have NEARLY as much data to go from, when asked to describe what they “want.”

Even movie characters are kind of hit and miss. Male movie characters that truly turn a woman on are NOT the same type of movie characters that sell movie tickets.

At least not in the way we think.

However, if you study the kind of movies and books that women tend to DEVOUR, you’ll see a pattern.

Romance novels, for example, are filled with the same types. And guess what? They are NOT beta providers, or the hippie sensitive type.

Nor are they the politically correct type.

Woman are drawn to guys who can lead. Guys who are confident. Guys who can handle any situation that comes up.

They want to feel protected, on a subconscious level. They want to FEEL IT, rather than hear you say it.

They want to see EVIDENCE that you can do it, not you telling them you can do it.

How do you show them?

One is to be confident, no matter what happens. This is precisely WHY girls test you.

They WANT to make sure you are REALLY confident, and not easy to shakeable.

They figure if you can pass HER TESTS, once she decides she is WITH YOU, you’ll be able to handle any tests the world throws at you.

She’s not going to feel very safe with you when you’re crumbling at the first sign of trouble!

This simply CANNOT be faked, despite how much money people pay for courses that teach otherwise.

The only way to demonstrate your ability to handle anything is to experience as much as you can.

Which means talking to girls rather than looking at them.

If you start doing this, you’ll build up some incredible skills.

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The Slow Path To Seduction

Step By Step Is Best

Conscious Skill Building

Most guys don’t like to approach girls because they think they are afraid of rejection.

In reality, this isn’t really the case. This is why simple sounding solutions like, “rejection is better than regret” don’t make it much easier.

The truth is that the whole process is uncomfortable. It’s not uncomfortable because you might get rejected. It’s uncomfortable because you don’t know what’s going to happen.

The human brain HATES uncertainty.

This is why guys that approach girls over and over aren’t really that nervous. They don’t get rejected any less, it’s just that they have a much more accurate idea of what’s going to happen.

Simply by getting rejected over and over, you’ll build up an experience in your mind of getting rejected. This way, it’s much easier to take a step back and see it as a pure numbers game.

Sure, it takes a few successes for this to work. Meaning if one of out every girl you talk to gives you a valid number,  it’s just a matter of talking to enough girls. If you talked to ten girls a day, you’d get one number a day.

After a while, the girls who rejected you would simply be girls you want to hurry up and get out of the way so you could find that one that didn’t reject you.

But if you don’t have a lot of experience, this can be tough to do.

Which is why it’s crucial to start slow. 

It’s funny how when learning any other skill we intuitively know this. We start playing the piano, and we don’t expect to play Moonlight Sonata after a week.

If we took up golf, we’d realize we’d have to play for a while before we got a good score.

But for some reason, when guys go out, they hope to get laid by the hottest girl in the club without going through the same learning curve.

Maybe our biology is programmed from evolution to think this way, and maybe this is the way it worked back in the caveman days.

But not any more.

Which is why going slow is the BEST thing you can do.

Actually write down a set of intermediary skills that you MUST MASTER before getting laid.

Eye contact, flirting, conversations, kino, number closing, etc.

If you took your time, maybe a few weeks, ONLY practicing these skills, you’d be surprised, and how easy it was.

I know, I know. You want to get laid NOW!

But take your time. If you take six months to really work on your game, you’ll be getting much more quality dates than all your buddies. Then you can pick and choose from THOSE GIRLS and find your DREAM GIRL.

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The Mistake That Kills Any Chance Of Love

The Truth About Love

How To Create Magic

How do people fall in love?

This may sound incredibly cynical, but it’s really not. Understanding how the world really works can only help you to operate within it to get what you want.

Love is based on self-hypnosis. You meet somebody. You go on a few dates. Then you start thinking about them. You start to look forward to seeing them. You plan what to do with them. You remember them after the date is over.

Most of the thinking about the other person is when they are not around. Based on your own ideas. This is why “one-itis” is such a hard thing to kick. It’s not based on an honest and realistic interpretation of what the other person is really like, but your own imagination of what they are really like.

You’ve got this idea of her, that’s based ONLY on your imagination. Finally when you talk to her, or if you’re like some guys, you express your deep and undying love for her, it’s going to sound creepy as hell.


Because you’re talking to her like you know her. Like you’ve been with her. And she maybe only knows you from one or two conversations.

However, when two people start feeling this way about each other, at the same rate, it’s pretty cool. So cool that there’s nothing else that even comes close, pleasure wise.

But remember those feelings are generated when you are apart. When you are thinking about each other.

Which means if you DON’T give her time to think about you, and crucially to WONDER about you, it’s simply NOT going to happen.

If she knows you’ll always be there for her, (at least in the early stages) she won’t dream about you.

Humans don’t dream or fantasize about things we KNOW we are going to get.

There HAS to be a bit of uncertainty.

So if you are trying to create those deep feelings, you HAVE to give her room.

DO NOT text her fifteen times a day. DO NOT chase her like desperate puppy.

Now, this is INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT if you are head over heels in love with her (or at least think you are) and are unsure of how she feels about you.

Which is why you should ALWAYS be in the habit of talking to cute girls wherever you go. Not to pick them up, or number close, or even flirt.

Just to be friendly. Just to keep yourself from going insane.

The BEST TIME to start doing this is BEFORE you meet “her” and start to feel those longings.

That way, it will already be part of who you are.

AND it will make it much more likely to find “her.”

Get Started:

Girlfriend Generator