Category Archives: Kundalini

Do You Have Faith In Yourself?

Magic Or Science

Magic Or Science?

When I was a kid, I thought it would be the coolest things to read minds.

I went to this theme park with my brother, and this guy was doing this animal show.

He would get the participant to whisper a specific item in the dog’s ear, and then the dog would come back with the item.

I didn’t believe it until I got called up to the stage, and sure enough, I whispered an item in the dog’s ear and he brought it to me.

I was flabbergasted until I got home and my brother explained how the trick worked.

All stage magic is like that. It looks really cool, until you figure out how to do the trick.

Funny thing is we KNOW that’s going to happen. Our curiosity gets the best of us. We want to know how the trick is done, even though it will ruin the magic.

Of course, this is just pretend magic, not real magic. 

What is real magic?

It depends on who you ask. Scientists tell us that magic is any kind of technology that is beyond the current level of human understanding.

But what about any kind of technology that will ALWAYS be beyond human understanding?

On the one hand, we kind of HAVE to live in a universe that’s got specific rules. Otherwise random stuff would just keep happening, and the physical laws which bind our own bodies together might stop working.

But on the other hand, I’ve no doubt that there are MANY things going on that humans will NEVER grasp, at least in this lifetime.

But that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. That they aren’t real.

Even if you’re not a religious person, there’s plenty to be said for having a strong faith.

Even when we try something that’s a little bit outside of our comfort zone, we are demonstrating faith in ourselves.

Anytime we do something when we’re not sure what’s going to happen, we’re demonstrating faith that we ARE smart enough and courageous enough to figure out what to do once we figure out what’s going on.

The more you faith you have in yourself, the more stuff you’ll be able to do.

Most people don’t like to hear this. Most people are looking for a guaranteed, step by step, sure fire, no risk system that will get them what they want.

That only happens on TV.

But real magic requires knowing that YOU are much more than YOU think you are.

And having the faith to take action, if only to find out who YOU truly are.

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Your Inner And Outer Light

Two Way Motivation

Two Way Motivation

It’s easy to “perform” when there are some strong incentives.

If you had a pretty good job, with pretty good money, and had to be there every morning at 7 AM, you wouldn’t have a problem waking up in the morning.

Having an external, negative incentive (you’d get fired if you showed up late too often) is one strong motivating factor.

Most of us are driven largely by negative incentives, or by pain. Meaning we are more motivated to move away from pain than we are to move toward pleasure.

For example, you’ll find no shortage of “diets” that famous people follow to lose weight in order to get those awesome looking bodies we see in the movies.

But here’s the thing. If YOU were going to get a few million dollars to be in a movie, but the ONLY way you would get it if you got yourself in really decent shape, you’d have NO PROBLEM doing so.

It’s not really the specific diet that gets them into shape, it’s the motivation.

Not only negative, but also positive. Meaning on the one hand, they’re terrified of losing out, and getting rejected by Hollywood. But they’re also thrilled at increasing their fame and social status.

This is what happens when you figure out how to be motivated not only by moving AWAY from pain, but TOWARD pleasure.

Most of us move away from pain just long enough so we can sit on the couch in front of the TV for a few hours.

Those that figure out to move toward pleasure, as well as away from pain, tend to do much, much better in life.

Of course, the first thing you need to do is establish your own personal pleasure you’re going after.

I’m not talking about short term pleasure, like that ice cream in your freezer. I’m talking about huge, long term pleasure out in the future.

A perfect relationship, a great career, a feeling of spiritual peace and connection.

Those things will simply not happen if you’re ONLY motivated away from pain.

The thing is that all of us, on a very deep and fundamental level, are hard wired to WANT those things. Those perfect relationships, careers that maximize our skills and intelligence while filling up our bank accounts.

But they don’t happen naturally. You’ve got to get up off the couch and get moving. Sometimes for a while before you figure out where you’re going.

Before you get on the path you KNOW is the right path for you, there will be some trial and error.

This is normal, natural, and part of the process. Otherwise, you wouldn’t feel that thrill of discovery when you DO discover the right path.

One way that can help considerably is to open up your higher self. Get in touch with the part of you that is waiting to be pulled toward the light, rather than merely away from the darkness.

Once you discover the light within, it will be much easier to find the light without.

Learn How:

Kundalini Activator

Unleash Your Relentless Self

Internal Peace Of Mind

Create A Quiet Place In Your Mind

I had this cool physics instructor once.

Super genius, but also super soft spoken.

He was once giving a lecture, and in his soft spoken voice, and he’d said that physics was like basketball. You can only get better if you practice.

He made the comparison to watching somebody teach how to execute some type of basketball move. It’s one thing to understand how it’s done, it’s something else completely to be able to do it yourself.

That only comes with practice.

There’s a lot of misconception in the world of NLP. It’s taught, and marketed as some kind of “once and done” system where all you have to do is sit there and soak up some knowledge from some “guru” and suddenly become an NLP genius.

When people say they’ve been “trained” in NLP, that’s what they usually mean. They’ve been to an intensive seminar. Maybe a couple weeks. They’ve done some one on one practice within the seminar (where everything usually works perfectly).

If you met somebody at a party, and they said they were a classically trained pianist, what would you imagine about their “training”?

That they’d gone to a two week intensive piano seminar, and practiced a couple of songs?

Not likely. Most people would imagine they’d spent YEARS studying under some taskmaster genius, who had them doing drill after drill, until they could play the classics beautifully, emotionally, and flawlessly.

Unless you’re doing something incredibly simple, like making toast, or buying a subway ticket, mastering ANY skill is going to take time.

And MOST skills are never “master-able.” Meaning you’ll NEVER get to a point where you can sit back and say, “Yep, I pretty much got THAT all figured out!”

Even professional athletes, who have been practicing their art since they were kids, strike out (or whatever the equivalent) plenty of time.

Life is much, much more than learning a couple of tricks, and then sitting pretty.

It’s about constantly learning, growing, risking, failing, trying again, succeeding, achieving fantastic breakthroughs after long spans of nothing.

All in completely random and unpredictable order.

There’s NO guaranteed step by step process, other than figuring out what you want, trying something, and seeing what happens.

Most people are terrified of this. Most are desperate to be told what to do, and then be able to blame somebody when anything goes wrong.

One thing that will help is having a rock solid faith in yourself. Not that you’ll succeed, but that no matter what happens, you’ll be able to figure out what to do next.

Fear is incredibly paralyzing. But once you take action, the fear will vanish. And so long as you keep forward momentum going, no matter how small, you will NEVER fail.

Having a quiet place to retreat to, to regroup and re-strengthen yourself, can help.

That way, you’ll ALWAYS come back stronger.

Learn More:

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Shine Your Light

Shine Your Light

Be An Example To Others

I saw this interesting question on some financial web site the other day.

It was one of those questions designed to seem simple, but with an unexpected answer. The idea being you’d click through to read more about their financial services.

The question was about interest rates, something people generally don’t know much about.

Some say this is on purpose, so bankers can take advantage of more people.

For example, one way to describe a loan is “renting money.” Meaning they give you money, then you give them the money back, plus interest. Since you’ve got to pay them every month, like you’d pay your rent, it’s basically the same concept.

Yet they don’t use this. I mean, if you borrow a pencil from your friend at school, you just give it back when you’re done. If you borrow a library book from the library, you give it back, there’s no cost.

Yet when we “borrow” money, we have to pay extra. Maybe those bankers from centuries ago did this on purpose!

I’m sure you’ve heard that expression that we aren’t physical beings having a spiritual experience, but we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.

We are eternal, but we are in our bodies for only a blip of a split second.


Maybe we’re “borrowing” our bodies, or the matter that makes them up, from the rest of the universe.

Are we here just to have fun? Or do we have a larger purpose?

Is it a free ride, or do we need to “pay rent?”

If so, to who?

Many different religions teach us that our higher purpose is to serve others.

Reminds me of the story of the talents, from the New Testament.

To those who are given much, much is expected.

But what does this mean? What is expected of us? How can we serve others the best?

Maybe by figuring out how to maximize our skills, so we can participate in society by helping to create something that will best serve the most people.

After all, you’ve got a great light within you. Are you going to keep it hidden, or shine it so all can see?

Not only shine it, but make it as bright as you can.

How will you do that?

Maybe that’s the purpose of life itself. To not only shine your light for all to see, but spend your precious little time here maximizing it’s brightness.

Of course, this can be frightening. Not everybody is interested in our light. The world’s got plenty of problems.

But then again, maybe it wouldn’t if everybody would simply shine their lights.

Why not set an example?

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Fear Killing Mind Tricks

Don't Constrain Yourself With Time

Detach From Time

Most of our fears never come true.

Of course, this nifty truism doesn’t keep those imaginary fears from keeping us stuck!

One thing that can help is some mental “timeline” tricks.

For example, it’s pretty easy to get stuck in the “here and now” when thinking about most stuff.

But as humans, (and not instinct-driven animals) it’s our job to use our brains to our highest capacity.

One way to do that is look at things from different viewpoints, from a time perspective.

For example, it can help to think beyond a time in the future when something particularly nerve wracking is coming up. If you’ve got an important meeting Friday afternoon, for example, you can lessen the anxiety by focusing on what kind of delicious meal you’ll be eating Saturday night.

If you don’t have enough juice left to do ten more sit-ups, you might imagine yourself a month or two in the future when all the sexy people are admiring your six pack.

If you just can’t study for one more second, imagining the good feeling when you ace your exams may give you the extra push you need.

Another way to lessen the effect of our “imaginary” fears is to simply embrace them. Close your eyes, and imagine the worst possible thing that you can imagine. Then fully accept it. Embrace it. Feel all those feelings that would happen, and the energy underneath them.

Then imagine what you’d do next, and then after that, and after that.

If you do this enough, you can lessen any inhibitions that the fear creates.

While this is pretty good for specific fears, like asking for a raise, or asking for a phone number, here’s a way to “go meta.”

Do this when you’ve got some alone time, to sit and contemplate.

Take a deep breath, and close your eyes.

Then imagine the most horrible thing you can, from the perspective of where you are in your life. Your boss fires you, you become homeless, your true love leaves you, whatever.

Don’t worry, this is just a quick mind experiment!

Then fully embrace that situation. 

Then take a step back, and instead of looking at things a couple years down the road, look at things from the perspective of your highest, most eternal self.

That self that exists beyond time, beyond space, beyond the physical body you’re currently occupying.

See this “horrible disaster” as one small speck of experience in a sea of infinite possibility. Of infinite expanding and knowing.

Kind of weird (and potentially scary) the first couple of times, but if you practice a few times a week, for only a couple minutes each time, you may notice some pretty cool changes in your life.

More peace, less fear, more emotional openness.

Give it a try.

This can help:

Kundalini Activator

The Ultimate Tool To Beat All Others


Maximize Your Brain

Last weekend I went out and my next door neighbor had this guy doing some work on his house.

He had all his tools out, leaning up against the house, his truck, pretty much everywhere.

I guess the guy was doing some kind of big renovation or something.

I saw this one tool that looked completely foreign. It was a combination of a couple of familiar tools, but as they were put together I couldn’t fathom what they were used for.

I couldn’t get my mind off that the rest of the day.

When you think of all the stuff you can do today, that you couldn’t do just a year or so ago, it’s actually pretty amazing.

Not just the things you can do, but the tools you can use. Humans use tools without even thinking about them. But pretty much any gadget that you can think of, any device that is used for any purpose is some kind of tool.

Most tools are simple in concept, but pretty complicated in design. Your car gets you from point A to point B, but if you had to explain every part in detail, most of us would come up pretty short.

This is kind of easy to understand, as all tools are really revisions of previous tools. Things that were added to give more functionality.

A car still gets us from point A to point B as its primary function, but the cars today are a kajillion times more complicated than the cars from the fifties.

And they tell us that within the next couple of years, we’ll have self driving cars in some U.S. cities.

But there’s one tool that is extremely complicated in function AND extremely complicated in design.

This tool is so complicated that it is continuously updating itself, year after year. Being able to do more things, learn more things, use more things.

This “tool,” of course is your brain. You. Your mind-body system that is capable of more.

No matter HOW MUCH you can do now, you can do more. No matter how much you know now, you can learn more. No matter how much you’ve already created, you can create more. (And if you come back and read that sentence ten years from now it’s still true.)

Remember the story of the two guys who had the tree chopping contest? They both started off chopping trees with their axes. One guy would stop every hour, for five minutes.

At first, this allowed his competition to get ahead. But after a few hours, the once-an-hour guy started to take the lead.

See, he stopped every hour not to rest, but to sharpen his axe. Keeping your tool in tip top shape is a sure way to blow away the competition.

Even if the competition is your present self vs. your future self.

How do you take care of your most valuable tool?

Here’s One Way:

Kundalini Activator

How To Become Familiar With The Unknown 

You That You've Always Got It No Matter What

Trust Yourself On A Deep Level

Once I was out driving around an unfamiliar part of town, in a city I’d been in only a few days.

I’d taken wrong turn, and wasn’t really paying attention to where I was going until I realized I didn’t really know where I was.

Then when I got back on track, I noticed something kind of interesting.

The “familiar” buildings and landmarks looked pretty much the same as the ones when I was lost.

(Obviously, lol).

I recalled a few days ago when I’d gotten into town, when those now familiar buildings and landmarks were strange.

Same external environment, completely different internal state.

This happens quite a bit. You walk into a party, and don’t know anybody. So you feel strange, withdrawn, a little nervous lately.

But if you walked into the same party, and saw maybe three or four familiar faces spread out amongst a crowd of strangers, you’d feel totally different. Excited. Happy. Outgoing.

Most of us think that we need to take time to “get used to” our environment. To wait until we get the lay of the land, so to speak, until we feel comfortable.

But what if you could feel comfortable right away, even in strange situations?

One of the hallmarks of charismatic and magnetic people is that they show up anywhere, any time, and feel totally comfortable and at home.

They walk into a party, and even though they don’t know ANYBODY, they have enough experience meeting and talking to strangers, AND a strong enough belief in themselves, that they KNOW that they are going to have a good time.

They KNOW they are going to meet some interesting people, find out some interesting stories and share some interesting experiences.

All within that first glance across a room filled with strangers.

What’s their secret?

Most of us feel comfortable with people that we know.

Charismatic folks feel comfortable because they know people.

So do you. 

We all have the same fears, anxieties, worries. We also share a lot of the same strengths, hopes, and desires.

We’re just waiting for somebody courageous enough to make that first connection.

Usually, we all sit around and wait for it to happen on its own. Which is pretty slowly.

But when you develop that unshakeable trust that comes from a deep inner knowledge of your true power, it will happen a lot more quickly.

People will notice something about you. You’ll notice something about people.

Something familiar, exciting and wonderful.

Just waiting to be discovered.

Get Started:

Kundalini Activator

Which Super Conscious Mind?

Kangaroos Know All About Hypnosis

What Do Kangaroos Know About Hypnosis?

One of the cool things about the Milton Model is ambiguity.

This is when you’ve got a few vague words, and you aren’t sure what they mean.

One of the specific patterns is called the “lack of referential index.”

Usually this involves the playful use of pronouns. A pronoun (he, she, they) is usually used after a proper noun is used (Bob, My Uncle, The Purple Kangaroo With a Penguin in his Pouch.)

For example, if I say, “The kangaroo looked at me and then he said, “dude!”

It’s clear that the “he” refers to the kangaroo.

But what if I said this:

“I was fishing with my brother, his friend, and this kangaroo. Then he looked at me and told me that learning hypnosis is pretty easy.”

In this case the, “he” is unclear. 

Is it my brother? His friend? The kangaroo?

But while you’re brain is trying to figure out which “he” said “learning hypnosis is easy” you keep focusing on the “learning hypnosis is easy.” Which means you’ll start to believe that it’s true.

This is how you can leverage an idea by using the “lack of referential index pattern.”

Here’s another way, but on a broader, more “meta” scale.

What is meant by the “super conscious brain?”

Is it the “collective unconscious” that Jung referred to, which is basically a whole bunch of different and unconnected unconscious minds, that are all very similar?

Or is it the Huna style, which is this one brain in the sky (or in some other dimension) that we are all plugged into?

Or is it really just one big brain that we aren’t just plugged into, but are all manifestations of?

Luckily, it doesn’t matter. Just like the “he said learning hypnosis is easy” sentence, the real “meat” of the sentence is not who the particular “he” is, but the idea that learning hypnosis is easy.

And your own personal belief on the exact nature of the Super Conscious (the three of the proposed definitions above or your own) doesn’t really matter.

What matters is that you realize that YOU are much more than YOU. Whether you believe that means your raw potential as a biological human entity, or your metaphysical and infinite “being-ness” as connected to the Super Conscious.

So long as you make it a point, an intention, a goal, a daily practice, of tapping into that Super Conscious, whatever and however you believe it to be.

How do you do that?

Well, it’s not on TV. It’s not on your iPhone. It’s not down at the mall. (Well it is, but access is kind of difficult!)

The easiest access, which you already know, is through your own inner mind. Deep within contemplation, waiting  between the thoughts you are always thinking.

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Unleash Your Super Powers

Embrace Your True Nature

Resonate With Your Nature

I’ve always been fascinated by resonance.

As a kid, I’d always like to slosh the water back in forth at the bathtub, at just the right frequency, to splash as much of it all over the floor as possible.

Later, me and my buddies applied this to street signs. If you pushed on them with just the right frequency, you could get them swinging back and forth in some pretty big arcs. Not bad for a metal pole stuck in concrete.

Even soldiers learned the hard way that they need to break cadence, how they march in time, when crossing a bridge.

Once a bunch of soldiers crossed a bridge, all marching in step. Unfortunately, the frequency of their gate was the same frequency that swung the bridge, and it collapsed.

If you take any system, and apply force in the same frequency that system naturally resonates at, you can get some pretty cool effects.

This is the reason why the sky is blue. Of all the colors in the spectrum, the ones that resonate the most in the molecules of the upper atmosphere, blue light does it the best. It’s the light that’s most naturally passed through.

Human stories are another example. Joseph Campbell showed us a long time ago that the same basic structure shows up in myths in cultures all over the world.

This “Hero’s Journey” is in Hollywood blockbusters like Star Wars, The Wizard of Oz, Spiderman, Harry Potter, and on and on.

To be sure, every story structure was likely thought up and told since the dawn of time. But the structure that resonated the most, the kind the seemed the truest to most listeners, was the Hero’s Journey.


Because it represents the structure of our lives. We are called to a journey much greater than the one we are currently on.

We are given a huge range of skills, learning abilities,and capabilities. Ones that are almost never put to use in a modern society.

If you do what most people do, which is do what you’re told, stay out of trouble, and make just enough to pay the bills, you’ll never come close to even scratching the surface of what you’re capable of.

But since you want more, you’re not content to simply follow orders like most people are. You aren’t satisfied to just “not get in trouble.”

You  know you’ve got many skills yet to discover, and many journeys to go on.

Get Started:

Kundalini Activator

How To Take A Daily Vacation

Daily Retreats Inside Your Mind

Sink Into Your Inner Self

What is meant by our “higher self?”

It can obviously mean a lot of things to a lot of people.

Whenever people say, “take the high road,” they mean to not give in to emotional reactions, and live or act according to higher principles.

It’s also been said that the true nature of an “enlightened” person is one who can disregard the instinctive programming we all share, and live according to our consciously chosen goals.

We choose to stop eating not because we’re full, but because we’re consciously choosing the shape of our body.

We choose to stop spending money not because our wallet’s are empty and our credit cards are maxed out, but because we are choosing to create a better financial future for ourselves.

We don’t punch that guy in the face that just blatantly insulted us in front of our peers, because we know that acting from pure rage is never a good idea.

Clearly, acting this way all the time isn’t easy. It sure isn’t automatic, otherwise we’d all be skinny, rich, and spouting peace and love wherever we go.

As a human here on Earth, surrounded by other humans who seem to be competing on an instinctive level, it is certainly hard not to join in the fray.

But as somebody who’s intending to create a much more enlightened life for yourself, your family, and those close to you, it’s something that’s likely on your mind a lot.

One way that can help is to set aside some quite, inner reflective time. A time to just sit, breathe slowly and feel your feelings, and let your deepest thoughts roll through you uninhibited.

This can be kind of hard to get into, (and pretty boring!) but once you see the peace it brings you, it will give you something to look forward to when peace and serenity are the furthest things from your mind.

A kind meditative vacation you can escape to on a daily basis. To regroup and strengthen your higher self, and better calm your instinctive, or irrational self.

Having some help can make it a lot easier. A special collection of sounds and frequencies backed by deep subliminals validating and strengthening your higher self.

You may find an hour a day, right before sleep, is the best way to create that daily, inner restorative vacation. That quiet inner solitude that can give life, and your place in it, whole new meaning.

Get Started:

Kundalini Activator