Category Archives: Language

How To Guarantee Your Seduction Success

Get Them Attracted To You

Frontways Back?

Most guys get it backward when it comes to pick up.

That’s not entirely accurate. Most guys get only HALF the story, and that half of the story they get backwards.

For most guys, it works like this. They walk into a place and see a bunch of girls. Coffee shop, bookstore, nightclub, whatever.

They separate the girls by looks. This happens automatically, and subconsciously.

Then they look at the girls they’d like, and pick one to approach.

This Ain’t The Holodeck!

The problem they do this as if they were looking at a picture, or watching a movie. They don’t see themselves as part of the equation.

They sort twice. The first “sorting” is based on their subjective opinions. They second “sorting” is based on how easy it might be to “pick her up” based on her surroundings. If she’s with a guy, she’s out. If she’s with one or two girls, then maybe. If she’s alone, then it’s game on.

Notice that NONE of these “sorting” models involve him. He may as well be looking at some pictures taken from the security cameras.

On the other hand, here’s what a natural does. Again, this happens quickly, and unconsciously.

Where Do I Fit In?

He walks into the place, and reads the room. He quickly scans EVERYBODY’S body language, facial expressions, etc.

Then he sorts by girls that are already showing him slight IOI’s. Then he further sorts by girls who are giving him IOI’s and are “high probability targets.” Girls that are NOT with boyfriends.

Sure, it sounds super alpha to claim you picked up a girl who was with a guy, but in reality this often invites more problems than it’s worth. All kinds of drama to say the least. (Nobody wants a girl who’s openly flirting with other guys, while she’s with “her” guy.)

Double Qualified

Only then does he sort them by looks. He’s already classified them by THEIR interest in HIM. Then he’s sub classified them by the probability of success, based on their situation.

ONLY THEN does he sort them further by HIS level of attraction.

This way, he’s almost certain to be successful, AND the girl he chooses is hottest of the girls that are ALREADY interested in him.

Here’s what makes it so powerful. It’s very subtle.

When girls give a guy signals, most guys are clueless. But girls see it as obvious as if she’s holding up a big flashing bill board.

So when he sees five or ten girls, giving him signals, THEY ALL KNOW that he’s got five or ten girls giving him signals.

So when he approaches ONE of them, she’s going to feel like the WINNER.

Which means he’ll have to do VERY LITTLE work to create attraction, since it’s already there.

So, how do you develop such ultra laser targeted social intelligence, so YOU can pick and choose?

Here’s How:

The Power Of Story Spinning Seduction

Secret Seduction

Monkey See Monkey Do

If you do the same thing that everybody else does, you’ll get the same thing everybody else has.

If you go to a club, or other place to meet girls, and you’re dressed like everybody else, you use the same lines like everybody else, you’ll end up with the same results as everybody else.

Being different is a great way to stand out in her mind, but you’ve got to be careful. Don’t be different just for the sake of being different, otherwise this would backfire.

Leave The Costume At Home

If you walked into a club wearing a chicken suit, for example, you would certainly be different. But you may not have the best of luck withe ladies.

There’s all kinds of memorized openers that are designed to make you stand out. Like talking about two girls that are fighting outside, or using the “snack opener” or something she hopefully hasn’t heard yet.

But if it’s clear you’re using a line, she MIGHT give you points for originality, but she’ll also know you were being original on purpose, meaning it was part of “non-natural” communication to pick her up.

At best, this is simply a clever “pick up line.” At worst you’ll seem like a creepy stalker.

Your Authentic and Unique Self

The real trick is to be genuine AND different.

How can you do that? One powerful way is to use nested loops. This is when you start telling a story, being very generous with your facial expressions, and the shifting to various stories without really finishing any of them.

This is genuine if you are telling her REAL stories about your REAL life. Most guys get hung up on content, the actual stuff the story is about. But in reality it’s not so important. MUCH MORE important is how you tell it.

Keep Her Interested

AND when you keep changing stories, right when you’re about to get to the climax, she’ll be HOOKED on your every word.

See, most guys walk up and try to “impress her” with their income, jobs, etc. But it’s clear to her on one level that’s EXACTLY what they’re doing. Giving HER information that they hope SHE approves of.

But YOU, on the other hand, are telling her stories about how you woke up late, or found a frog in your bathroom, or put chocolate on your toast instead of peanut butter, AND you’re using really “in the moment” body language and facial expressions, AND you’re leaving her hanging, so she’ll won’t help but be TOTALLY focused on you.

At the end of the night, she’ll consciously be aware that all you did was tell her goofy kid stories, but somehow, she’s totally attracted to you. And THIS is the kind of thing girls DREAM ABOUT.

Of course, being able to remember and keep track of all those stories can be a bit tricky. But it’s well worth it.

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How To Become An Inventor Of Your Life

Invent Your Life

More People More Better

Archaeologists have known for years that if any society is both isolated and below a certain “threshold population,” they stagnate.

They sometimes even go backwards in time.

Since we live in a super connected, global economy, this is hard to see intuitively.

But if you’ve only a few thousand people, that are separated from everybody else in the world, eventually they will regress back to stone-age technology.

There seems to be some kind of “critical mass” for a society to take off, and start creating more ideas, better “stuff” and more ways to use the stuff.


If we can imagine only three or four guys on an island, it’s pretty easy. If they don’t have any tools, they won’t be able to make any.

One guy will spend all day weaving together leaves for a roof, another guy would collect firewood all day, one guy would collect coconuts, and the last guy would fish.

Since this would take most of their time, the height of this particular “civilization” would be four guys sitting under a woven roof, drinking coconut juice and eating barbecued fish.

The reason there’s so much stuff is there’s so many people.

Ideas Having Sex With Each Other

People see things, get ideas, try new things, and create new stuff.

The true measure of a society is how much they can share, collaborate and continually come up with new and interesting stuff.

Just compare that stuff we’ve got now, compared to only twenty or thirty years ago.

The amazing thing is that most “genius” inventions weren’t invented from scratch. They were merely slight improvements over what already existed.

Make It A Bit Better

When you look upon the world with curiosity, creativity and imagination, there’s no telling what YOU can come up with.

First, simply appreciate what you’ve got, and what’s available to you.

Then just let your mind wander. Ask yourself, “How could this be even better?”

Many people have gotten rich off the craziest inventions, that came during weird times in their lives.

What will YOU invent?

How will YOU change the world?

Get Your Brain Ready:

How To Stay On Top Of The Conversation

Conversational Magic Will Keep You From Ejecting

Can You Talk About Different Things?

Having conversational flexibility is a HUGE advantage when talking to girls.

A lot of guys have a great set of opening lines, but once those are gone, they are vulnerable to running out of stuff to say.

Even worse, if you’re lines are actually WORKING, she’s GOING to test you.

Why? If you’re creating attraction, that’s great. But because girls are naturally skeptical of guys for whom they’re feeling attraction for right away, they want to make sure it’s real.

The WORST thing that can happen to a girl is feel like she’s been played, emotionally and sexually.

Forget About The Fake KJ Nonsense

Sure, it might sound like some cool “alpha” bravado to talk about the famous “pump-n-dump” but to a girl, it’s a pretty horrible situation.

Which is why she tests you, to make sure you’re the real deal and not some smooth player.

And if you stumble and stop talking and seem at a loss when she DOES test you, then it’s game over.

So expecting and dealing with tests, as they come up, is crucial.

Most guys HATE being tested, but you should LOVE it.

It means that she’s into you, and furthermore, she WANTS to be MORE into you.

So when you “feel” like she’s testing you, be happy.

But what do you do?

Accept and Roll With It

Just keep talking. Accept whatever she says, and don’t lose the frame. Keep control of the conversation.

How do you do that?

Here’s a wicked trip that will help.

Take three or four of the conversational threads, and “peg them” to parts of her body.

Face, hair, ears, etc.

That way, you’ll quickly be able to come back to what you were talking about, after dealing with her tests.

Versatile Memory Tricks

Pegging is a pretty slick memory trick that allows you to take abstract ideas, thoughts, pieces of information, and literally set them aside, you so you can come back to them.

The cool thing is that with this technique, you’ll be able to handle several threads at once and stay on top of everything.

Learn More:

How To Never Stop Learning

Lifelong Learning

Can You Touch Your Toes?

In NLP, they say that whoever is more flexible will have an advantage.

For example, if you’ve got a couple of martial artists squaring off, and one guy’s got 500 moves and the other guy’s got only 50, the guy with more moves is going to win.

No matter what the scenario, he’s going to have ten times as many options as they other guy.

If all you’ve got is a plan A, and no backup plan, you’re in deep trouble if something happens.

No Backup Plan?

This is one HUGE problem that’s facing a lot of people today. They were taught to go to college (often times on borrowed money) and then get a job and call it good.

But because the economic landscape is changing so quickly, if you’ve only got ONE set of skills, you are going to get left behind.

Fifty years ago, it wasn’t like that. You didn’t even need a college degree. All you needed was a decent job, and normal levels of punctuality and a decent work ethic, and you got ahead.

Not any more.

Now, you’ve got to be mentally nimble. You’ve got to wear many hats, and keep reacting to change.

Luckily, this is EXACTLY what humans were built for.

Always Winning and Shifting

For the majority of our history, we’ve been chasing different prey over different landscapes and climates without second thought.

The very reason humans are the ruling animals is BECAUSE we are so flexible.

We can easily learn any skill, and adapt to any situation.

Sure, it might not be “brain dead simple” but it’s far from impossible.

All you’ve got to do is open up to your TRUE potential, and get busy.

Learn More:

How To Enjoy Any Conversation

Do You Use Robot Game?

Memorized lines can work wonders, but they can also set you up for massive failure.

There was a group back in the day called Milli Vanilli.

They became famous because they were totally fake. They had a couple of number one albums, but they embarrassingly exposed themselves as frauds.

They didn’t write OR perform any of their music. All they did was lip sync. And during one concert, it went horribly wrong. The track they were lip syncing to got stuck. It kept repeating the same part over and over.

It only took a couple of days before their whole careers went down in flames.

Don’t Be Milli Vanilli

This is kind of what happens if you rely too much on memorized lines and patterns.

Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s always good to have a couple of memorized openers, but that’s about it.

But how you respond to her and interact with her IN THE MOMENT will determine your level of success.

Which means you need to have a couple of things.

Think On Your Feet

One is conversational flexibility. Meaning if you’re in the middle of some story, and she blurts out something completely off the wall, you’ve got to deal with it.

The BEST way, is not to ignore her, or diss her, but to PACE what she said, and then simply fold it back into your story.

This is a great way to validate her AND keep the frame at the same time.

This can be tricky if you don’t have a lot of experience with social conversations.

Build Up Your Confidence

But when you start to work on your social confidence, AND your social intelligence, you’ll see going out in public, and just talking to random strangers (girls AND guys) in a whole new light.

You won’t see ANY conversation (girl or guy) as a Pass/Fail scenario, but just a fun conversation that can serve two purposes.

One, to have fun.

Two, to increase your skills.

And this will give you the relaxed, confident attitude that women LOVE.

To increase your social intelligence, check this out:

Learn How To Learn For Easy Genius


Most people know how to get in shape, physically.

You’d have to do some kind of activity. Change your eating habits.

You could also chart your progress, either in how much you could lift, or the size of your waist or your biceps.

Or if you were working on a particular sport, you could measure how well you play, either by time or by score.

Similarly, if you wanted to learn a specific subject, you could study certain books. Take certain classes. You’d measure your progress by test scores or how well you could discuss the subject.

A Meta Skill For All Meta Skills

But what if you wanted to learn how to learn?

Most people don’t even consider this is possible, let alone try and figure out how.

Luckily, learning is a skill just like any other skill. The more you practice, the better you’ll get.

So, how do you learn how to learn, and how do you measure your progress?

One way is by doing something called “cross crawling.”

Hook Up Your Brain

It’s pretty simple. You stand up and touch your left foot with your right hand, immediately followed by touching your right foot with your left hand. Then repeat with your knees and elbows.

This fires up the connections between both hemispheres, which will make soaking up new information more easily.

This IS a short term process.

It fires up existing trans-hemispherical connections, but doesn’t create new ones.

However, if you do this every ten or fifteen minutes while learning anything, or doing anything that requires some “whole brain” thinking, you’ll do much better.

What about long term results?

Long Term Brain Growth

There are also SEVERAL, proven methods to create NEW and PERMANENT connections between your hemispheres, so you’ll be more “whole brained” as your natural self.

Meaning things will seem easier, clearer, and more fun.

The results won’t be as obvious as putting on a pair of pants and feeling how loose they are.

They WILL be MUCH more subtle.

But they’ll also be much more powerful.

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What Do Rich People Have?

Do You Have Rich People Qualities?

How’d They Get There?

What’s the difference between the rich and the poor?

I mean besides a stack of money vs. a stack of bills?

An interesting study was done recently, in which they interviewed a bunch of rich people, and a bunch of poor people, to find any differences in their daily habits.

You Could See This Coming

The differences were clear, and what you would expect.

Rich people ate healthy food, poor people ate fast food or junk food.

Rich people watched less than an hour of TV day, while poor people watched 4 hours or more.

Rich people read at least two non-fiction books a month, poor people rarely read.

Rich people spent part of their income, AND part of their time on charitable activities, poor people didn’t.

Rich people spent a great deal of time doing and learning things that would improve themselves, while poor people didn’t.

Rich people took responsibility, poor people blamed others.

But My Situation Is Different!

Now, there’s plenty of poor people who are poor through absolutely NO fault of their own. Born into the wrong family, or the wrong part of the world, or under the wrong government or economic system would be enough to keep ANYBODY poor.

But even if you’re in a bad situation, taking responsibility is ALWAYS much more useful than blaming others, EVEN IF it’s THEIR FAULT.


You Are All You’ve Got!

Because NOBODY cares about YOU like YOU care about YOU. Meaning even IF you blame others, and it IS their fault, they won’t likely do much.

On the other hand, if you look at your own situation, and forget about trying to shun responsibility and give yourself a good, long, hard look in the mirror, and ask yourself, “Well, what am I going to do about this?”

You have a much, much better chance of succeeding than somebody who’s ALWAYS pointing fingers.

Continuous Improvement

One CRUCIAL part of that study (at least for me) was that wealthy folks KNOW they’ve ALWAYS got to improve themselves. Even after they’ve made their millions, (or billions, as the case may be) they KNOW it’s crucial to ALWAYS learn more.

Here’s another part of the study that struck me. Sixty Percent of millionaires and billionaires are SELF MADE.

Not From Daddy

They started broke, and through sheer willpower, and relentless forward momentum, they made themselves rich.

They can do it, YOU can do it.

Learn More:

Do You Own Your Brain Or Have You Given It Away?

What Happened to your Brain?

School Sucks

The great tragedy of learning is that we associate it with school.

Unfortunately, the setting and the topics we study in school aren’t necessarily the best for us.

For one reason, school was created around the beginning of the industrial revolution, when most people were destined to work in factories. So the kind of stuff they taught was for people who were going to be working on some kind of assembly line, or doing some kind of repetitive work.

Human Assembly Line

Another reason it’s not nearly as efficient is that it’s designed to teach a whole roomful of people the same thing, at the same time, at the same speed.

Needless to say, everybody learns at different rates, and different ways.

Now, some people learn great in that environment. But some people don’t. And those that don’t are sometimes much more creative and intuitive than others.

The very same kind of folks society depends on to come up with new inventions and ideas and concepts to help us move forward.

Stone Age School System

Ever wonder why medicine has progressed so much in the last hundred years, science has grown by leaps and bounds, and technology is doubling in power every few years, yet school is the same as it was a hundred years ago?

Sure, the tools may be a little improved, but the method is still the same.

Of course, this makes it all incredibly easy to “blame” the “system” for not having what we want, but in the end, WE are responsible for what WE’VE got.

Nobody else.

It’s On You To Learn

If you want to learn something that will help you succeed in life, that’s up to YOU.

Luckily, you ARE a natural learner. You have everything you need to unleash your creative genius and let loose that awesome ideas you’ve got inside you.

You CAN teach yourself to soak up all the information you need to become a super-achiever.

Own your brain. Take responsibility. Create the life you want.

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Free Mind Tools:

Free Mind Tools

One Skill To Rule Them All

Super Skills For Super Brains

Parachute Or Row Boat?

There’s lots of mind experiments where you are going to some imaginary place and you’ve got to choose from a collection of tools.

These are similar to those psychology questions, where you’re in a boat with a dog and your best friend, or some other combination, and you’ve got to decide who lives and who gets thrown overboard.

What Does That Really Mean?

Psychologists love these types of questions, because they supposedly give insight into your personality or something.

But in reality, those situations rarely present themselves. You never will find yourself in a life raft with the Pope and Einstein and only enough food for two people.

But you WILL find yourself in your day to day life, being faced with decisions and choices that are much more subtle, and potentially much more life-alterning than any philosophical discussion.

Like should I choose “this” job, or choose “that” job?

Should I keep trying this particular project, even though it hasn’t shown any progress, or should I ditch it and start something else?

Should I Stay Or Should I Go

Should I go over and talk to that person, who seems interesting for some reason, or should I stay here where it’s safe?

What makes these decisions potentially difficult is the only person who notices them is YOU.

Meaning nobody is standing there, clearly specifying everything and all the parameters.

All You Baby

In fact, most of the time, there ARE no parameters. There’s only YOU, your world around you, and YOUR decisions.

The truth is that how you operate within the world on a day to day basis will have a HUGE impact on the quality of your life.

Most people are TERRIFIED to admit this, as we humans are prone to point fingers at anybody except ourselves.

But once you accept this fact of life, you’ll gain an incredible amount of power.

Risk Is Safety

And you’ll realize that no matter what you’ve accomplished, no matter what you want to accomplish, you can get more, get better, and improve almost any aspect of your life.

Once you give up the false security of dependency, you can REALLY embrace your own power.

Of course, the most powerful resource you have is your brain. Your thinking, creativity, and perception, so you can look at the world around you, and see all of the opportunities that are just waiting for you to take advantage of them.

The more you can utilize your incredible brain, the more you’ll succeed.

The sooner you start, the more you’ll get.

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Free Mind Tools:

Free Mind Tools