Category Archives: Learning

Can You Make This?

The Recipe For Success

If you wanted to make a cake, you’d need certain ingredients.

Sure, it depends on the cake.

Once I made a chocolate cheesecake. Pretty simple. Cream cheese, sugar, and some chocolate sauce. Mix it up and Bob’s your Uncle.

Other cakes require a lot of preparation, and often times a lot of practice. Since there aren’t that many steps in making a chocolate cheesecake, and the steps are so simple even a goof like me can do it, you don’t need to practice.

Just read the recipe, and you’re good.

But if you were going to make some super complicated upside down strawberry souffle (whatever THAT is, lol) you’d need a LOT of skills.

Basically the more variables are involved, the more skills you need, and the more practice you need.

Think about something as simple as balancing a plate or spinning a basketball on your finger.

Not a lot of variables, so you could learn how in a few minutes.

Now think of something much more complicated like juggling chainsaws.

MANY variables, so you’d need a LOT more practice.

And not just practice doing the WHOLE thing, (juggling the chainsaws) but every individual component would need work.

Juggling itself. Handling a chainsaw. Spinning ONE chainsaw around, etc.

Life is THE MOST complicated thing you’ll ever do.

Sure, you can sit around and hope for good things to happen.

Many people do that. And many people don’t get much.

Or you can TAKE CONTROL of your own life. Decide what you want, and make THAT your life’s purpose.

Naturally, you’ll need a lot of skills.

You will NEVER get to the point where you have ENOUGH skills.

You will ALWAYS need to keep learning.

Most people don’t like hearing this. They’d rather be TOLD what to do, only have to do it ONCE, and then somehow sit back while the money keeps rolling in.

People that continue to create greatness know that’s just a fairy tale.

What skills do you need?

One is being able to bounce back from setbacks.

Because they will ALWAYS happen. If you aren’t getting setbacks, you are doing something wrong.

Because embedded in EVERY SINGLE SETBACK is a valuable lesson.

What lesson?

That’s up for you to decide, based on where you’re going, and based on what the setback is.

NOBODY is going to tell you.

Again, most people don’t hearing this.

They want to be led by the hand to riches, prosperity, six pack abs, and great sex with beautiful people.

One thing that will make bouncing back from setbacks MUCH easier is how you DEFINE them.

If each setback “means” that you suck, it will be hard to keep going.

But if you REFRAME setbacks to mean “I just learned something valuable,” then you’ll keep charging ahead.

Whether the setbacks come conversationally, or in complicated life situations.

The setbacks don’t control you, you control the setbacks.

To learn how, check this out:

Frame Control

Copy What You Want To Do

Are You Copying The Right Things?

Little kids are cute. Very cute.

Especially when they copy adults. Now, a lot of us grownups think we’re all that.

And when we see a little kid copying, we imagine all kinds of wonderful things about ourselves.

Like that little kid is somehow seeing us for our “real self” or they have some kind of “special” connection to us.

Unfortunately, biology tells us something different. Little kids of all animals (humans, birds, etc) learn by modeling.

They are hard wired to copy those around them. Especially if the person that they are copying from is confident and enjoying themselves.

If you’ve ever wondered why it was hard to get your kids to eat that gross baby food while you were eating a burrito, now you know.

They CANNOT turn off their “copy mode,” it’s always on.

Which is why parents know they need to be very careful how they behave around their kids.

But for some reason, when we grow up, we seem to forget our natural learning mode.

Simply watching somebody doing what we want, and then copying them.

Of course, the more complicated the “thing” is, the harder it is to “copy.” Like if you wanted to copy a concert pianist, it would be hard if all you did was dress in a tuxedo and bang around on the keys.

You would have to copy how they read music. You would have to effectively copy how they reference their own memories of learning.

No matter WHAT you are learning, part of it should be imagining yourself performing it as if you were an expert.

To give your subconscious some kind of direction when you ARE doing the necessary boring stuff. Like playing the scales, or learning the more simple songs. Or building in the lighting quick response from seeing a note written on a page, and making that same sound come out of the piano.

No matter WHAT skill you are learning, there is one META-SKILL that will always be required:

A belief that it is possible.

Even if you practiced piano for three hours a day for the next ten years, if you BELIEVED that you’d always suck at the piano, you would always suck.

But if you BELIEVED you were destined for greatness, you’d get there a lot quicker.

Sure, you’d still have to do the work to get there, but the path would be a lot smoother, and a lot more enjoyable.

One of the biggest elements of a negative believe is fear. If you are afraid of success or failure, that will manifest as a belief that you CANNOT do what you want to do.

Which means if you get rid of that fear, you’ll also get rid of your negative beliefs.

Get Started:


Juggle Your Way To Greatness

Juggle Yourself to Riches

Practice Your Skills

​There are many different skills one can learn in life.

Some are portable, and can be taken wherever you go.

Some require tools, some require hands, some required specific knowledge.

If you know how to bake a cake, you can do so in any kitchen provided you have the right ingredients.

If you know how to juggle, you can do so with any objects of a certain size. Bean bags, eggs, shoes, wadded up pieces of paper.

Some skills are worth a lot of money, while other skills are a lot fun.

Some skills are considered “meta” skills. These are higher order skills that make other skills possible.

For example, if you had decent skills of learning (which EVERYBODY does) then you could learn any skill you wanted to, so long as you had enough time, motivation, and any required equipment.

One way to motivate yourself is if that skill in question would get you paid, or any kind of positive social recognition.

It’s been said that if you spend only one hour a day on any particular skill, and practice with intention, within a year you will be in the top 1% in the world.

Consider something like photoshop. A highly complicated piece of software. There are people who have been using photoshop for YEARS. But have they been learning for years, or did they get to a certain level, and stay there?

Continuous learning requires ALWAYS pushing your limits. For example, if you wanted to be a world class juggler, you would ALWAYS need to be pushing yourself.

You wouldn’t stop at three eggs. Or small objects. You would always PUSH YOURSELF beyond what you could do.

Next time you see some world class juggler on YouTube, ask yourself this question:

“How many balls did that guy drop in his lifetime to get to that level of skill?”

When you practice is also crucial. Just the other day I was at a stoplight. This guy, who was practicing his juggling skills, ran out into the middle of the intersection, put on a quick juggling show, and when the light changed, ran back to the sidewalk.

Was he perfect? Nope, he dropped plenty. But everybody honked and clapped when he was done.

Everybody had a smile on their face, including me.

I’d bet that in a year or so, that guy’s going to be a FANTASTIC juggler.

He’s not afraid to fail in front of others, while EVERYBODY is having a good time.

Another meta skill (That YOU have) is communication.

The better you can communicate with others, the more you can get. Whatever it is you want.

Will it always be perfect? Nope. Will you say foolish things that make people look at you funny? Yep.

Communication, like any other skill, will improve the more you practice.

And if you practice not just for a year, but for the rest of your life?

Amazing things will happen.

Learn More:

Rearrange Your Brain

Rearrange Your Brain

You Don’t Have To Keep The Default Settings

Some of the simplest things can have the greatest impact.

It’s easy to get into a rhythm. If you’ve ever gone on a diet or started an exercise program, you know what I mean.

Getting started is the hardest part. But once you’ve got enough momentum, it’s part of who you are.

Pretty soon the hour or so you spend at the gym is part of your daily routine. 

But the first week or so, it sucks.

On the other hand, when you get stuck into some kind of negative loop, it can be hard to get out of.

Even if it’s so bad in and of itself, it can be deceptively defeating. If you spend an hour or two in front of the TV, that’s not exactly considered self destructive behavior.

But think of the time you could be spending on other things. What if you took one hour per night, and learned an instrument? After a year or two, you’d have a skill most people don’t.

Even if you mindlessly change channels during the commercials, you’re eating up valuable time. Imagine if you were to spend just the time during commercial breaks learning something, or reading something, or doing some kind of mental exercise, like Image Streaming.

Every hour of TV has about 20 minutes of commercials. If you did image streaming, for example, for 20 minutes a day, you’d increase your IQ by a point or two a week!

Of course, humans aren’t hard wired to always be on the lookout for increases in efficiency.

We aren’t robots!

But the secret is not to be a robot all the time. It’s to simply “take inventory” of how you spend you day. Maybe once every few months.

Once you build in the habit of spending ten minutes per hour of TV time doing something productive, then you can go back to automatic human behavior. 

Only now, that automatic human behavior will be building up some skills or abilities, instead of just wasting time. (Or worse, having your brain programmed with more needless junk you don’t need to buy with money you don’t have!)

They say an unexamined life isn’t worth living. This doesn’t mean that you have to always be a super hyper meta thinker who’s questioning every single step through life.

Just take a look at your daily activities from time to time, and see where you can find room for improvement.

This is a great place to start:

Are You Afraid Of Broccoli Cake?

Delicious Cake!

Everything Requires Practice

If you want to get better at anything, you need to practice.

This seems obvious, but many times we misunderstand this.

For example, if you were to see some guy walking down the street that was absolutely ripped, with very little body fat, you’d make some assumptions.

One is that he spends a LOT of his time in the gym. Two is that he’s very careful about what he eats.

Sometimes though, when we see somebody that’s good at something, we assume they’ve always been good, or at least gifted.

When we see popular musicians, for example, we don’t automatically imagine all the time they spent learning their instruments, writing and rewriting their songs, and rehearsing them over and over.

Some of us assume they just picked up a guitar one day, and started jamming without effort.

One thing we almost never consider is something like interpersonal skills.

Meaning if we see somebody that’s really friendly and outgoing, a natural conversationalist, we assume they’ve always been like that.

Or if they weren’t they learned some hidden “secret” that suddenly flipped a switch in their brain, turning them from a shy introvert to a charismatic and persuasive extrovert.

Sure, there are people who were lucky enough to have a super supportive family life growing up, wonderful teachers, fantastic friends, and their whole lives the stars aligned in their favor to make them a super natural when they grew up.

But most of the time, they’ve got those skills simply because they decided, at one point, that they wanted them. Then they got busy getting them.

Which is both good news AND bad news at the same time.

It’s good news because you really CAN do anything you want, if only you want it enough.

It’s bad news because there really is only one way to get it. Practice. Effort. Time.

Three things most people treat like superman treats kryptonite.

But if you can identify what you want, and describe it clearly enough, you WILL get it.

If you want to bake a cake, it will take a little practice, effort and time.

But once you get started, the outcome is absolutely certain.

Every. Single. Time.

Nobody ever expects to put chocolate cake batter in the oven only to find a pile of broccoli thirty minutes later.

What do you want?

What skills would you like have? One year from now? Five years from now? Ten years from now?

If you are willing to do the work, you WILL get the results.

Super Sonic Skill Learning

How To Model Anything

How To Model Others

One powerful way to learn something is to reverse engineer somebody who’s already doing it.

Ever since the first caveman picked up a rock and threw it at a zebra, we’ve been copying each other, and improving on it ever since.

Somebody opens a cheeseburger restaurant and does well.

Somebody else opens up a bacon-cheeseburger restaurant and does better.

Then some crazy entrepreneur shows up and opens a bacon-cheeseburger-avocado restaurant and the town goes nuts!

No matter what you’d like to do, there’s probably plenty of people who are already doing it.

To take this reverse engineering skill to a completely new level, you can take certain aspects of what people are doing, and combine them into your own, unique super skill.

This is what happened when societies reached a “tipping point.” There were so many ideas swirling around that they finally started to take on a mind of their own, and innovation and technology took off.

But this skill is very powerful on a personal level. For example, let’s say you see somebody giving a speech about the importance of flossing after every meal. Now, you might think the content is boring, but they could be a really charismatic speaker. You could copy their delivery method, and come up with your own content.

Or in the cheeseburger examples above, you could copy the structure, ordering system, even layout of the place, but sell pies instead.

One powerful way to do this is when you are around somebody who is behaving the way you’d like to behave.

And as you’re watching them, simply copy their movements and gestures, in your mind. Imagine you are mirroring them exactly. This is easy if you are seated and they are standing. Really easy if you’re watching somebody give a speech, even on TV.

Then you imagine that you’re watching yourself up there, talking about something different, but using their same delivery style.

Many people do this unconsciously when watching movies or TV. It gives us that catharsis the Greeks talked about so much way back when.

By taking it up to the conscious level, you’ll go beyond mere entertainment, and start to use movies as learning tools.

What’s even better is that no matter WHAT you want to learn, you can find somebody doing it on YouTube. Watch them, copy them in your mind, or in person if you’re alone, and then watch them while imagining it’s you instead of them.

This technique works not only in learning new skills, but changing your own history as well.

For example, what would happen if you could rewrite your own history so you’ve ALWAYS been a natural speaker, or you’ve ALWAYS believed making money was easy?

The possibilities are endless.

Learn More:

Emotional Freedom

The Danger Of Seduction Gurus

Which Is More Important, Teacher Or Student?

Trial And Error Might Be Better

There’s a common idea in the realm of meeting and dating girls of following some kind of guru. Now, gurus certainly have their time and place. Certainly, if you were learning something that only a few people in the world knew how to do, then you would do well to learn from an expert in the field.

But even then, there’s a danger. See, there’re people who are really good at doing things. Then there are people who are really good at teaching things. Then there are people who are really good at learning things.

Now, if you were to learn from some guru, and learn well, you’d have to have a guy that could do what you wanted to learn, teach what you wanted to learn AND, most importantly, YOU’D be somebody who was willing or able to LEARN what you wanted to learn.

All three of these are rarely present. Which is the most important?

Well, consider each one on it’s own. Take a guy who was a GREAT teacher, who couldn’t do what he was teaching, trying to teach to a roomful of goofs who refused to learn. Nope.

How about a guy who was GREAT at doing, but horrible at teaching, and also teaching to a room full of lazy goofs. Nope again.

Now how about a roomful (or even one guy) who REALLY wanted to learn, but his teacher was an idiot who not only couldn’t do what he was teaching, but couldn’t teach his way out of a paper bag.

Now, if he were teaching some kind of specialized thing like building a computer from scratch, there’s be trouble. But even then, a REALLY motivated student could forget the class, look stuff up online, or buy a bunch of books form Amazon, and probably do pretty well.

In fact, some of the smartest guys on Earth are self-taught, largely because nobody’s smart enough to teach them.

Now, take some like seduction, or dating, or pickup. These are largely based on general social skills, which are hard wired into EVERYBODY.

So not only do you NOT NEED a guru, having one will hold you back. In fact most people spend tons of money and time with gurus precisely BECAUSE they don’t really want to do what needs to be done.

Which is to simply get out there, and practice.

Practice talking to people. All people. Anywhere. Everywhere.

The more people you talk to, the easier it will be, and the more fun it will be.

So when you DO see a girl that’s interesting, you won’t suddenly need to summon super human levels of courage and ninja levels of approach techniques.

You’ll just walk over and talk to her.

Get Started:

Girlfriend Generator

Awaken Your Natural Learner

Strengthen Your Roots

Your Inner Genius Is Waiting

Learning is something that humans are pretty much born to do.

According to evolutionary biologists, long, long ago, something interesting happened.

Our brains kept getting bigger and bigger. Pretty soon, they got so big (compared to our body) that it became impossible for humans to be born fully formed.

Otherwise, we would have lost our ability to walk, since female hips (which means men’s as well) would had to have been HUGE.

So Mother Nature decided to do something different, since walking was pretty important to us.

We were born WAY LESS than fully formed.

Compared to all other mammals, humans spend WAY MORE time as kids and adolescents.

All other mammals are born, and quickly become full adults.

All other mammals are born with all kinds of instincts. 

Humans, on the other hand are born with tons of instincts as well. But we also have INFINITE learning capacity.

Now, some people say learning shuts off when we get to a certain age, but that’s simply not true.

What DOES happen is we move outside of our family into a different environment. We go from a loving, supportive family where learning is our ONLY goal, to a group of people we’re not related to.

Then learning takes a back seat to discipline, obedience, not rocking the boat, etc.

But that natural learner is still within you. Your brain didn’t suddenly reorganize its structure when you turned seven.

You left a supportive, everything-taken-care-of environment, where learning was safe, natural and supported.

You entered an environment that was sometimes hostile to learning.

Problem is, that since that was officially labeled as a “learning” environment, that’s where we draw our experiences and feelings from whenever the topic of learning comes up.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can learn anything you want. All you need to do is re-create that supportive environment.

And as an adult, you can create it yourself.

How do you do that?

Relax, and release fear. Accept that you are OK. Accept that mistakes are natural and normal and NECESSARY for learning. Have fun. 

Get in touch with your higher self, the higher self that KNOWS everything is going to be OK.

You can do this when meditating on your Root Chakra.

When it’s closed off, the world can be a scary place. You feel fear, anxiety, worry. Money problems, shelter problems. The problems Napoleon Hill referred to in “Think and Grow Rich” as the big killers of wealth.

But when your Root Chakra is open, you’ll feel safe. Easy. Relaxed,

Back to your natural self. The part of you that wants to continue to explore the world, and learn.

This will help:

Kundalini Activator

Magical Mathematics

Grow Your Skills

The Powerful Exponential Function

Many things are what we call a “double edged sword.”

This is one of those expressions that some people throw around without really understanding.

A sword with two edges means it cuts both ways. If you can imagine being in battle, standing their pushing your sword against your enemy, if he pushes it back against you, you get cut by your own sword.

As a metaphor, it’s used to describe something that can be both extremely beneficial, if used correctly, or extremely dangerous, if used incorrectly.

One thing about humans is our brains aren’t really hard wired to understand anything intuitively more than basic math. Meaning if we want to understand higher order math, we’ve got to do some thinking.

That’s why one misunderstood aspect of mathematics is one of the most potent “double edged swords” around.

What I’m referring to is the exponential function. Nature certainly understands exponential growth.

Humans, on the other hand, don’t.

Exponential growth is anything that increases as a percent, rather than a fixed about.

For example, if you’ve got a pile of money, and every month you add $100 to it. It’s ONLY going to grow at $100 a month. In ten years, you’ll have added $12K.

On the other hand, if you’ve got a pile of money and it increases by ten PERCENT every month, you’ve got a whole different ball game.

If you start with only $100, in ten years you’ll have over 8 MILLION dollars.

That’s the positive aspect of exponential growth.

The negative aspect, of course, is debt. Since debt is based on percent, you can be in deep trouble if you let any amount of debt go too long. 

I once read this list of the richest fictional characters. The richest one was one of those vampire guys from the “Twilight” movies. And the only reason he was rich was because he was 300 years old. He’d put money in the bank and just let it sit there for a couple hundred years, and it grew into billions. All on its own.

There are MANY ways you can apply the exponential function.

One way is your skills.

Every time you learn, you get better at learning. Every skill you add to your vast collection of skills, it just makes it even easier to learn more skills.

And when you make those skills satisfy these two requirements, you’re living a pretty good life.

What two requirements?

1) You enjoy doing them.

2) They make you a lot of money.

This is the secret of lasting wealth, happiness, and prosperity. Find something you like doing, that makes you ANY amount of money, and simply keep get better at doing it.

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator

Have You Begun Your Masterpiece Yet?

Your Life Is Waiting

Fully Adult and Responsible

There are two main phases of life, with one crappy one in between.

When we’re younger, we don’t really have to do much. We ask, and it is given.


Then when we get older, we need to participate. We need to give in order to get.

For example, if you celebrate X-mas, there comes a time when you need to start giving gifts as well as receiving them (or for birthdays or whatever).

However, there are many people that get “stuck” in this lower level.

It’s certainly easy to do. Politicians, advertisers, religions, are all heavily invested in keeping us in this “childhood” model of the world.

So long as we are “dependent” on them, it works. 

For them. But not for us.

If you take a good hard look at all the people in history who have created wonderful things, inventions, devices, pieces of artwork, they didn’t do it by simply being a “receiver.”

They did by acting upon their world. And they certainly didn’t do it alone. Even inventors who DID largely create things on their own were the first to say they were standing on the shoulders of giants.

In order to REALLY get the good stuff in life, you’ve got to get out there and participate in the world. You’ve got build relationships, and practice the ever present “give and take” that is life.

Sounds easy, but it can (and usually is) THE most difficult thing to do in life.

It’s hard to give up that feeling of getting or expecting something for nothing.

To make things worse, in between the childhood model of the world, and this fully functioning, adult CONSCIOUS CREATOR model of the world is part that feels like crap.

It’s when you’re starting to leave the childhood part behind, yet you haven’t quite arrived at the adult part.

This is where the “red pill” theory comes in.

You feel as if you’ve been lied to, you feel as if the world has “deceived you” somehow.

Believe it or not, these are just mental growing pains.

The butterfly fighting his way out of the cocoon.

When you finally cast those false beliefs of limitation, lack and victim based thinking behind, a whole new world will open up.

 A world waiting for you to participate. To learn and express you true skills.

Skills that will deliver your true gifts to the world, and in exchange receive the wealth and prosperity that is your birthright.

Make no mistake, it’s out there. Waiting for you.

But in order to bring it to you, you’ve got to create something magnificent.

What will be YOUR masterpiece?

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator