How To Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Learn Something New Every Day

Wisdom From Childhood

I had this girlfriend in high school whose favorite expressions was, “Learn something new every day!”

She used it as kind of a goofy, half true, half joking statement.

Like when we’d get lost, and then find out way, or find some different hole in the wall club to visit downtown.

All Sayings Hold Truth

The thing about “sayings” like that is they resonate with us on many levels, or else so many of us wouldn’t use them so often.

Learning is one of those things that when it happens subconsciously, we don’t pay it any attention, and just go on our merry way.

Only when we fit the beautiful and complicated process through our limited conscious minds do we run into trouble.

Learning Machine

The truth is that all of us do, in fact, “learn something new every day.”

But most of the time, it’s just our natural process of subconsciously picking up and using new information, ideas, technology, without even realizing it.

They say that kids learn quickly, but adults learn slowly. Another statement, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” is often used to justify this.

Now, it CAN be harder to learn as an adult, but is that because our brains are somehow different, or we’ve somehow “lost’ our learning ability, or has something else changed?

Alternative View

Consider this. When we were kids, are ONLY responsibility was to learn.

Even before schools were invented, it’s always been this way. Humans are unique in that we spend a LOT more time as kids than other mammals. Other animals go from childhood to adulthood relatively quickly, as a percentage of their lifespan.

Humans, on the other hand, spend a HUGE chunk of our lives as kids.

And as kids, our MAIN goal is to learn. Not to work, not to take care of our families, not to do anything except follow adults around and learn.

Now, imagine if you could do that as an adult. Imagine everything else was taken care of. Rent, food, even cooking. All you had to do was follow people around and learn as much as you could.

Think you could learn pretty quickly? I’m pretty sure you could.

Learn How To Learn

But here’s the thing. As an adult, you don’t need to learn the old way. There are plenty of quicker, easier and more effective ways of learning. Which means you CAN learn as quickly as a child, without making it a full time job.

Allowing YOU to get pretty much anything you want.

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