Tag Archives: Continuous Improvement

Which One Is The Millionaire?

Model The Millionaire Mind

I love the book “Freakonomics.”

I always like different ways of looking at things.

One very flexible mindset to have is “models of the world.”

Too often we get caught up in our own way of thinking, which is necessarily limited.

We all have unique experiences, beliefs, biases, etc.

One way to “think outside the box” either for fun, or to shake things loose in your life is to try on different “models of the world.”

If you’re a fan of the old TV show, “The X-Files,” they did this all the time.

Two FBI agents investigating paranormal stuff. One guy believed in aliens, the other believed science always had an explanation.

One of the reasons the show was so successful, and developed a HUGE cult following, was that BOTH angles (science and paranormal) were plausible. Either could be used to describe what had happened in that particular episode.

One of the presuppositions of NLP is that “all else equal, the person with the most flexibility will prevail.”

Meaning if you are looking at a problem, and you only have ONE way to solve it, once you get stuck, you’re done.

But if you can switch out different “models of the world” until you find a solution, even if it isn’t one that fits your favorite “model,” you’ll generally do better than the one-model-wonders of the world.

As I’m sure you know, life is nothing but problems to be solved along the way to your goals that will be achieved.

The more successfully you can overcome those INEVITABLE obstacles, the easier of a time you’ll have.

One of the things they looked at in “Freakonomics” was that people that made a lot of money tended to have a lot of books.

Even in the book, “The Millionaire Next Door,” one of the things that found out about your average run of the mill millionaire is that they got their money very SLOWLY.

Not by mumbling some magic words from the Law of Attraction. By getting into the world, every day, and getting it done.

And their preferred form of entertainment as not TV or movies, but books. And not just fiction, but non-fiction.

You can learn a lot of “models of the world” by reading Biographies of famous people. Or classic stories from literature.

People from different times, different political and economic systems, different religions and different ethnicity’s.

The more you learn how OTHER PEOPLE throughout time have successfully solved their problems, the more flexible you’ll be when you come up upon your own.

You can even be like Napoleon Hill, who created an IMAGINARY GROUP of people from history that he talked to on a regular basis.

Whatever works!

They say you should spend ten percent of your income, and ten percent of your time, on self-improvement.

Learning skills. Improving skills.

After all, this strategy made a lot of people a lot of money.

Why not you?

Get Started:

Mind Persuasion Ebooks

Life Is A Consistent Process

How To Build A Fantastic Future

I read an interesting article the other day about “happiness.”

Seems it’s a pretty interesting topic, since it’s obviously something everybody wants.

So it’s pretty easy to get grant money, funding, etc., to do studies.

Unfortunately, it’s hard to study, because it’s hard to measure.

In fact, just asking the question, “What makes you feel happy?” Will require you to THINK about those things that make you happy.

And as I’m sure you know, happiness can be pretty fleeting. It generally doesn’t last, if the situation stays the same.

If you’re sore at the end of the day, the first few minutes you slip into a hot bath may make you feel incredibly happy.

You think of all you’ve accomplished, you relax knowing you’ve put in a good day’s work. You can look forward to a decent dinner and maybe your favorite TV show, or book or whatever.

But how long will that “feeling” last? If you sit in that tub long enough, the hot water will turn cold.

Because humans are always in some kind of PROCESS, rather than some static blob of chemicals, happiness may well be a process also.

Not a destination, but a side effect of forward momentum.

Most people feel pretty good when they are on the path of achieving something worthwhile.

Think of the last time you were preparing for a party. A part you would enjoy hosting or attending.

While you were preparing whatever it was (be it shopping for clothes or baking a cake) you probably felt pretty good.

You were CREATING something that was important to you, and LOOKING FORWARD into the future when something good was going to happen.

On the other hand, think of a time when you were just sitting there, doing nothing, with NOTHING to look forward to.

Quite a different experience!

It seems an easy conclusion that so long as you are in the process of changing something towards a better future, one that is largely in your control, happiness is a natural by product.

The good news is that ANYTHING will work. So long as you are taking some kind of action every single day, that isn’t just a pastime in and of itself, but something toward a goal YOU have chosen, you’ll be much more likely to be happy.

One thing can do is some mental exercises.

Since your brain, and the quality of your thoughts, is a PRIME INGREDIENT in anything you’ll be building in this life, working on your noggin seems to be a good choice.

Some daily practice will give you that feeling of forward momentum, enough so that when you look a year or two into your future, you’ll have a deep and real feeling that it WILL be awesome.

Get Started:

Intelligence Accelerator