Ghosts Are Everywhere

Wax On – Wax Off

A lot of things influence pop culture in unexpected ways.

Way back when Star Wars was being made, Alec Guinness (the guy who played Obi Won Kenobi) looked at the script and thought it was silly.

He said it was like Robin Hood in space or something.

I doubt anybody working on the movie thought that Darth Vader would become one of the most popular villains of all time.

Short lines from these movies also have a way of making into the common vernacular.

“Maybe the Force be with you,” from Star Wars.

“I’ll be back,” from pretty much any Arnold movie.

One movie that seemed to be pretty corny even when it came out was Karate Kid.

“Wax on, wax off,” was one of the more famous lines.

Keep doing something boring, over and over and over.

And then one day it will surprise you with its deadly effectiveness.

This is the heart of the Weaponized Hypnosis program.

A core set of writing exercises.

Just like, “wax on, wax off,” they are boring and repetitive.

And just like the kid from the Karate Kid, you won’t want to do them.

But those who DO will find them just as effective as the wax on wax off exercises in the movie.

These are linguistic exercises.

If you do them long enough, they’ll be built into your brain.

And one day something will throw a verbal “punch” at you.

A verbal punch they expect will land with considerable force.

But because you will have been doing the linguistic “wax on wax off” exercises, you’ll be able effortlessly block it.

And just like in the movie, the first couple of times you might surprise yourself.

But nearly as much as they’ll surprise your attacker.

Because he or she will have assumed you’re an easy target.

Otherwise they wouldn’t lob the insult at you.

What’s particularly insidious about verbal slams is they are done in front of others.

And they are carefully created so even if you just sit there, trying to ignore them, you’ll look weak.

If you try to defend them the WRONG way, it will be even worse.

But after doing these exercises, you won’t even need to think.

You’ll respond automatically.

And all the focus will be on your attacker.

Most of the time this will be enough to send them scurrying.

But if they keep coming at you, you can dig deeper.

And switch from defense blocks, to deadly attacks.

Attacks that will make NOBODY want to mess with you.

Learn How:

Weaponized Hypnosis

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