Why You Should Be Restless And Not Ever Satisfied

You Are A Hunter - Start Hunting!

You Are Hunter

Among ancient humans, nomads were the most successful.

This was way back in the days when humans had to hunt, and hadn’t discovered agriculture.

As such, they were always on the move.

Meaning they were never satisfied with what they had. Sure, they got big kills once in a while. But they knew it wouldn’t last. They were always ready to pack up and move on.

It wasn’t long before that desire to explore the unknown grew greater than their complacency and their comfort.

Back in those days, being too comfortable or too safe could kill you. If you waited to long, all the food would have migrated away.

That deep desire is STILL within all of us.

Some people have an idea that we suffer from some kind of “consumerism” or “materialism” or something. That it’s some sort of “defect” to not be able to simply accept what we’ve got without ever wanting anything more, or anything better.


That restless nomad is still within you. No, you don’t have to cancel your rent, pack your bags and start wandering the Earth.

But you can look out over your life, metaphorically, and see the accomplishments of the past, and all the things you’ll accomplish in the future.

Instead of hunting game, you’ll be hunting bigger and better successes.

Humans weren’t meant to simply “take what we can get” and be happy.

Your Purpose Is To Keep Getting More

Always Seek More

Your very nature is to be ALWAYS seeking improvements. Even the position you’re sitting in now, as you read this. You won’t hold it for long before you automatically shift.


Your subconscious is ALWAYS looking out into the future, and looking for ways to improve your “state.”

Sometimes that means just a more comfortable position. Sometimes that means a better relationship, or a better job, or better health, or more money.

The sad truth is that most of us are too terrified to listen to our instincts. That’s our subconscious telling us to go over the next hill, just to see what’s there. Sure, sometimes there’s nothing.  But sometimes there’s treasure.

You’ll never know if you are too scared to check.

What about you? What would you like to achieve?

Learn More:

Mind Persuasion

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