Monthly Archives: October 2014

She Loves The Mysterious You

Be Mysterious For Mad Attraction

Right Action Creates Wonderful Attraction

The same skills you need to take action are the same traits that will make you attractive.

There’s this theory in quantum physics thought up by a guy named Schroedinger.

He says that all matter-energy states exist in a state of “limbo” and they only solidify when they are observed.

That Cat

The famous example is “Schroedinger’s Cat.” There’s a box, and there’s a cat inside. Is the cat alive, or dead? If the box is closed, it’s both alive AND dead. In that state of quantum limbo. Only when you open the box will you see if it’s alive or dead.

Creating attraction, if you’re a guy, works the same way. Girls are different. Guys feel attraction for girls based largely their looks. This isn’t PC, this is just the way it is.

Girls feel attraction for guys based on their behavior. Not PC, just the way it is.

So when you’re looking at her across the room, you already know she’s hot.

But she’s looking at you, and she’s not sure. Despite what all the gurus tell you about wearing all kinds of bling and colorful peacocked shirts, that will only give you a slight advantage.

Your Actions Tell Her Everything

As soon as you make a move, that advantage (if it was one) will quickly vanish, overshadowed by your behavior.

But here’s the thing.

The mindset that makes it easy to approach, is the SAME mindset that makes you ultra attractive.

The on that says, “Hey, she’s pretty cute, I wonder what her personality is like?”

Don’t Beg For Attention

Not the on that says, “Wow, she’s a Goddess! I hope she accepts me!”

The good news is that just like Schroedinger’s cat, nobody knows until you make a move. When she’s checking you it across the room, she really can’t know anything about you unless she sees you in action.

The first step is to walk across the room with confidence. This is easy when you haven’t pedestalized her. Just see her as a cute girl with an unknown personality. Maybe really sweet, maybe a nutjob lunatic.

Dig For Her Treasure

The second step is to talk to her with a playful and interesting way. Don’t worry by impressing her with your stats. Ask the right questions, and gently guide her to through the right emotions.

Do that and you’ll get any girl you want.

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Are You Terrified Of Success?

Fear of Success

Fear Of Failure Isn’t What’s Holding You Back

There’s two killers of any creative thought or productive action.

One is magical thinking. This is we somehow believe that we can get any kind of result or outcome without putting in any kind of effort or taking any kind of risk.

This is popular among folks who practice any kind of “Law of Attraction” type manifesting. If you sit in your room meditating, and wonder why stacks of money never magically show up, consider this.

Other People Are Key

Everything in the world comes from other people. Even raw materials like fruits and vegetables need to be grown, harvest and delivered. So when anybody is practicing any kind of “manifesting” what they’re really doing is HOPING that somebody, somewhere will somehow decide, spontaneously, to show up and just give them stuff without ever asking for anything in return.

Just imagine if EVERYBODY did that! We’d be back to the stone age!

On the flip side of the coin of magical thinking is “skeptical thinking.” These are the people who are so terrified of taking action and making a potential mistake that they need absolute and irrefutable PROOF before moving an INCH outside their comfort zone.

But EVERYTHING in the world that was created, was done so by taking UNCERTAIN action.

Proof Will Never Come

If you’re expecting to told EXACTLY what to do, and have a near certainty of a guaranteed result, you’d better look forward to working on an assembly line the rest of your life.

Now, I know that self-proclaimed “skeptics” like to stroke their chins and pretend they are really intelligent, and they see things nobody else sees, but they’re just scared.

Scared to try something and see what happens. Scared to look “foolish” in front of their friends.

Uncertainty Is Necessary

The secret to ANY creation, whether you’re making a cheese sandwich or building vast empire, is you’ve GOT to have a mix of action and openness.

Action because nothing’s going to happen otherwise.

Uncertainty because unless you’ve got some kind of crystal ball which can predict the future, nobody knows what’s going to happen an hour from now.

It’s easy to stay safely on both sides. It’s easy to believe in magic, and it’s easy to demand proof.

But there’s no fun in that! Only safety surrounded by pretend enlightenment.

If you want to charge your brain, and fire up your natural learner so you can operate on the world and create real results, check this out:

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The Trading Frame Of Seduction

Seduction Barter

How To You Approach Approaching?

The frame of mind you’ve got when you approach a girl is crucial.

Humans, especially females, are REALLY good at sniffing out your frame, even if it’s totally unconscious.

Meaning if you are worried about rejection, or nervous, or full of judgment or anger, she’s going to know, on some level.

She Can See Through The BS

You may have some pretty tight “surface structure” game, but if underneath you are just barely holding it together, you won’t seem very congruent.

Which means she’ll sense that something about you is “off.”

Now, this won’t make her run away screaming, and you may very well succeed, but she’s going to be a bit hesitant to “seal the deal,” since she can’t be congruent in her attraction for you unless you are congruent in your belief about you.

What’s the best frame to have?

I Like Myself

One of appreciation. Appreciation for yourself, and appreciation for her.

On a deep level, male-female interaction, including emotional and sexual interaction is the same structure as old school bartering.

Back in the old days, the guy who grew corn would have to walk around until he could trade what he had (the corn) for something he wanted (like eggs, for example).

Everybody’s GOT To Benefit

When he did, both people were happy. The guy who had eggs wanted corn more than the eggs. The guy who had the corn wanted the eggs more than the corn. They were happy to meet, happy to talk about what they had, and happy to make the exchange.

When you approach a girl with the same attitude, it works the same way. You like yourself, you’d like to exchange some of you for some of her.

I don’t mean this in a sexual or physical way, but more of an “energy” way. When you attention part of your intention, attention, and energy, and focus it on HER, she’ll reciprocate, and focus her attention, intention, and energy on YOU.

And if you both like what each other’s got, you’ll make the trade.

Metaphysical Love Barter

But the thing about male female exchange, in this way, is that unlike trading corn for eggs, where you go home after the deal, when you trade “energy” for “energy,” it just makes you want to trade more.

Because this is the stuff of all human interaction. You appreciate you, you appreciate her. You’d like to exchange some of your energy for hers, knowing it will make you BOTH feel better.

When you see the world through this frame, every interaction, conversation, and exchange, (even if it’s an old fashion sales call) becomes incredibly easy, invigorating, and very profitable, both from an emotional, sexual, AND financial standpoint.

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How To Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Learn Something New Every Day

Wisdom From Childhood

I had this girlfriend in high school whose favorite expressions was, “Learn something new every day!”

She used it as kind of a goofy, half true, half joking statement.

Like when we’d get lost, and then find out way, or find some different hole in the wall club to visit downtown.

All Sayings Hold Truth

The thing about “sayings” like that is they resonate with us on many levels, or else so many of us wouldn’t use them so often.

Learning is one of those things that when it happens subconsciously, we don’t pay it any attention, and just go on our merry way.

Only when we fit the beautiful and complicated process through our limited conscious minds do we run into trouble.

Learning Machine

The truth is that all of us do, in fact, “learn something new every day.”

But most of the time, it’s just our natural process of subconsciously picking up and using new information, ideas, technology, without even realizing it.

They say that kids learn quickly, but adults learn slowly. Another statement, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” is often used to justify this.

Now, it CAN be harder to learn as an adult, but is that because our brains are somehow different, or we’ve somehow “lost’ our learning ability, or has something else changed?

Alternative View

Consider this. When we were kids, are ONLY responsibility was to learn.

Even before schools were invented, it’s always been this way. Humans are unique in that we spend a LOT more time as kids than other mammals. Other animals go from childhood to adulthood relatively quickly, as a percentage of their lifespan.

Humans, on the other hand, spend a HUGE chunk of our lives as kids.

And as kids, our MAIN goal is to learn. Not to work, not to take care of our families, not to do anything except follow adults around and learn.

Now, imagine if you could do that as an adult. Imagine everything else was taken care of. Rent, food, even cooking. All you had to do was follow people around and learn as much as you could.

Think you could learn pretty quickly? I’m pretty sure you could.

Learn How To Learn

But here’s the thing. As an adult, you don’t need to learn the old way. There are plenty of quicker, easier and more effective ways of learning. Which means you CAN learn as quickly as a child, without making it a full time job.

Allowing YOU to get pretty much anything you want.

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How To Talk Your Way To Attraction

How To Create Attraction

Words Are All You Need

The secret of attraction is keeping her interested, and slightly unsure.

If she’s not interested, she’s just being polite until you leave her alone.

If she’s not unsure, meaning if she knows what you’re all about, there’s no mystery, and she can pretty much predict what you’re going to say next, then she may be interested, but most likely you’ll end up in the friend zone.

Do Both At Once

Luckily, there’s a great way to kill two birds with one stone. Keeping her interested AND on the edge of her seat.

That way, she will be paying full attention to what you’re saying, and she won’t want you to leave.

How do you do this?

Step By Step

First, think of some stories of things that happened to you. Real things. The content, or topic of the stories isn’t important. What IS important is the underlying emotions of the story. Choose three or four, and choose ones that have different emotional “themes.”

Excitement, surprise, discovery, sadness, etc.

When you tell them, make sure YOU are animated. Use wide ranging facial expressions, gestures, etc.

Again, it does not matter what the content of the story is. If you FEEL the emotions and EXPRESS the emotions while you’re telling the story, so will she.

Keep Her Guessing

The second piece is to always change stories, before you finish the one you’re talking about. DON’T tell stories in a linear fashion. Start a story, build up some tension, and then switch to another story like nothing happened.

This will spin her mind in all kinds of directions. She will be filled with swirling emotions, and since you’ll leave her hanging with each and every transition, she won’t be able to get her mind off you.

The great thing is this same technique works in person, on the phone, and even in texts.

Texting Secrets

In texts, you’ve got to make the “stories” much, much shorter, but the technique is the same. Half finished, emotionally charged ideas to leave her hanging and wondering.

And ANYTIME a girl is wondering about YOU when you’re not around, that spells MASSIVE ATTRACTION in her mind.

There’s a whole collection of language and covert hypnosis techniques you can use to send her desire for YOU through the roof.

Doesn’t matter who you are, what your experience, or how much money you’ve got.

Even if you don’t have a job, with these techniques, you can easily talk you way into almost any girls pants.

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What Is Your Most Precious Asset?

Increase Intelligence

Did You Get Lucky?

I had a pretty good job after I graduated from college, many, many moons ago.

But then my job was being moved halfway across the world, and I wasn’t invited.

But because of some deal, I was given $10K to “learn” another career. Something to do with NAFTA.

I was both pleased and terrified. Pleased because I thought it was pretty cool I could study something and have the government pay for it. But pretty terrified because I hadn’t really “learned” anything in a long time.

I was pretty much doing the same stuff over and over again at work, even if it was for a high tech R and D lab.

So before I dove in to my new field, I decided I wanted to learn how learn. And I found some pretty cool stuff.

Learn How To Learn

Stuff like being able to learn the basics of new language in just a few months.

Stuff like how to re-wire your brain so you can see things in a different, much more resourceful way.

Stuff like how you can actually INCREASE your intelligence slowly, and permanently over time. All this time I’d thought it was set in stone.

There Is No Limit

Flash forward a few years, and I’d developed a MASSIVE appetite for new information. Instead of wasting time in front of the TV I found myself reading all kinds of non-fiction books, at least 2-3 a month, on all kinds of subjects that either terrified or bored me in school.

Self Generated Is Best

And the more I learned, the more I wanted to learn. The perspective I have now is a billion times different that when I was “forced” to change my way of thinking.

The truth about your brain is incredible. Most people don’t even come close to scratching the surface of what they are capable of.

You’ve Got Money Hidden In Your Brain

And in today’s economic climate, your brain, and how well you use it, WILL be your most precious asset in the years to come.

If you get started how, you’ll be able to handle ANYTHING the world throws your way.

And end up better off in the process.

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Your Emotional Power For Consistent Attraction Generation

Moving Emotions Are The Fastest Way To Attraction

Moving Emotions Is Essential

No matter HOW you create attraction, being able to create emotions is absolutely necessary.

They can either be HER emotions, YOUR emotions (that she’ll naturally mirror) or the emotions of your location (which you’ll both naturally mirror), but emotions are absolutely necessary.

Now, emotions get a bad rap, especially among guys who are trying really hard to appear “alpha.”

Don’t Be James Bond

After all, the stereotypical “alpha” in the movies is the cold hearted tough guy who never shows any emotions, never lets his guard down, and never allows himself to get close.

It’s crucial to understand that all these “movie alpha’s” are characters dreamed up by writers. And if you’ve met a guy who writes for a living, these guys don’t have that much experience with picking up girls.

All THEY know is what they in the movies, or read in books. It’s more of a marketing thing than anything else.

Avoid Hollywood Alpha Stereotypes

Most guys aren’t alpha, so most guys are drawn to the tough, “beat ’em up” type guy in the movie, since it’s easy to imagine themselves in their place.

Imagine killing a whole army of enemies with a pocket knife is somehow easier to imagine being emotionally present which is absolutely necessary if you want to create REAL attraction.

Sure, you’ve got to be strong, have a dominant frame, but you still need to be a human, and be able to tell stories that make her laugh and get those funny feelings in her tummy.

Touchy Feely

The simplest way to do that is simply embrace your own emotions. Now, this may sound pretty lame, as the term “emo” is a derogatory term for guys who are too “in touch” with their emotions.

But in reality, guys that are stereotypically “emo” are only in touch with SOME of their emotions. Usually neediness, victimhood, and other “dark” emotions.

But when you fully embrace ALL your emotions, including FANTASTIC emotions like happiness, excitement, adventure, curiosity, leadership, connection (not just with her but with all people) then you will become INCREDIBLY attractive.

Storytelling With Emotions

Just learn to tell stories and talk about things that move through all these emotions, and she’ll willingly go along for the BEST ride of her life.

To make it even MORE powerful, learn to embed your emotional stories and conversations with powerfully persuasive language patterns, which will make you more charismatic and magnetic than EVER.

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The Magic Of Feedback For Consistent Improvement

Consistent Feedback

Embrace All Results

One of the most important things for success is feedback.

Only as we become adults, feedback turns into something we call “success” or “failure.”

Learning anything, based on how we are hard wired to learn, absolutely requires feedback.

For some things, this still makes sense, only we don’t really call it “feedback.” We’re more likely to call it something like “try, try and you don’t succeed, try, try again.”

Learning Is A Process

For example, let’s say you’re learning a new song on the piano. You can read music, and you can play other songs, but now you’ve got a new one that’s a little bit more “difficult” than the rest.

You try it the first time, and it sounds a little “off.” Did you succeed? Did you fail? Or do you recognize this as a required step on the path to ultimate mastery?

It’s easy to imagine that you are “learning” a new song, and as such, you don’t expect to be “perfect” the first time.

The feedback is the sounds coming from the piano. Based on the feedback, you adjust your actions, and keep moving forward.

Cut Off Feedback At Your Peril

Imagine trying to play that new song if you had headphones, and were listening to loud heavy metal or something. No feedback. You’d have NO idea if you were getting closer or not, and it would likely take you a lot longer to reach your goal.

Sadly, for many of us, we do the same thing. We purposely AVOID feedback, afraid to see anything short of success.

In many areas, we act as if we’ve ONLY got one chance, and if we “fail” we are doomed to live a life of poverty, lack and loneliness.

Embrace ALL Feedback

Luckily, life is NOT like that, even if we imagine it is.

No matter WHAT we try, the more you OPEN yourself to feedback, the more you ACCEPT and embrace feedback, the more quickly you’ll learn, and the more of the good stuff you’ll eventually get.

No matter WHAT that is for you.

If you want to turn on your inner learner, so you can more naturally learn anything, do anything, and get anything, check this out:

How To Easily Leverage Social Proof For Massive Attraction

Massive Social Proof

Want To Make It Easier To Approach?

Here’s one frame that can help approaching seem a lot easier.

One way to increase your attractiveness when talking to girls is to covertly refer to previous success with girls.

On the one hand, no girl really likes a hard core, pump-n-dump, “player,” but no girl really likes a guy who has ZERO experience.

For one thing, if a guy has ZERO experience, and he’s older than 13, there’s usually a reason. Kind of like people are kind of leery of going into a restaurant at dinner time when there are NO other customers.

We need a certain degree of social proof before we do anything.

So, how do you leverage whatever social proof you’ve got?

Use The Past

One way is to refer to previous conversations you’ve had with other girls.

But make sure do so in kind of a vague way, so she’ll have to fill in the blanks.

For example, if you say something like this:

“That’s funny. That reminds me of this girl I tried to pick up yesterday but totally shut me down, and before she shut me down she said she like spaghetti too!”

Obviously, this won’t work so well. But you can use this SAME conversation (the one where you got shut down) like this:

“That’s funny, Stacey said she likes spaghetti, too! What’s your favorite kind of sauce?”

See the difference?

Leave Them Guessing

The first example, everything’s laid out, and she knows EXACTLY what went down.

However, in the second example, she will have to imagine you and “Stacey” and she’ll usually imagine something a lot better than what really happened.

If she asks, “Who’s Stacey?”

Just say something equally vague:

“Oh, just this girl I know.”

Vague Truth Is The Best

Which is absolutely true, and she’ll be imagining all kinds of stuff between you and “Stacey,” giving you all kinds of social proof.

So next time you’re out and about, and you see some girl, no matter WHAT happens, so long as you get her name, you can use her to boost your social proof.

If you get more than her name, then that’s a bonus!

To learn more powerfully effective techniques from covert hypnosis to get all the girls you want, check this out:

Are You Fully Awake Yet?

Become Fully Awake

What Are You After?

Many people feel as if there is one more “thing” they need to accomplish.

Like there’s something just of reach, and as soon as we “get it,” everything in life will suddenly “click” and fall into place.

Doesn’t matter if this is a relationship, a 10% raise, another child, or just five more pounds, it seems that we’re always in a state of “almost there.”

Just one more thing, one more achievement, and we’ll FINALLY be done.

Well, here’s a secret most people don’t want to hear.

We’re NEVER done.

We Are Nomad

Humans are hard wired, on a very deep and ancient level, to ALWAYS feel as if we need just a little bit more.

It doesn’t matter how much you’ve already achieved, you will ALLWAYS want just a little bit more.

This is completely normal, natural and expected.

Now, you may think the ideal life is NOT having any desires, and being completely happy with what you have. But that is pretty boring. I mean REALLY boring.

If you’ve ever achieved a really, really big goal that you’ve been going after for a while, you know this.

When you finally achieve it, it feels pretty good.

OK, Now What?

But then the excitement starts to fade. Then you might feel that inevitable “let down” feeling. That energy and motivation that kept pushing and pulling you forward is now gone, and there’s nothing to fill the gap.

Pretty soon the let down turns to boredom, and if you’re like any other normal human, you soon set your sights on something BIGGER.

Only when you fully commit to going after THAT, do you feel alive again.

Back On Track!

This is what it means to “live on purpose.” This is what it means to be “awake.” This is what it means to live consciously, instead of sleepwalking through life.

The PURSUIT of goals is where it’s at, NOT in the achieving them.

Learning, growing, pursuing.

Live on purpose. Set your mind on fire. Fully utilize your skills.

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